The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians

I always noticed that Narnia didn't seem to have any clergy.
Narnia doesn't even have any churches or temples. So there's no pastor or priest.
Given this absence, I would suggest that King Tirian conduct a wedding.
Interesting thought. Maybe Poggin could do some of the reading.. Then what could Eustace and Jill do? Maybe Eustace could be a groomsman and Jill a bridesmaid? Then who should provide the music?

I wonder how a wedding in Narnia is different than a wedding in our world.🤔
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Bet your last fire-flower that marriages in the Narnian world enjoy MORE CONSISTENT FAITHFULNESS than here.
I haven't thought of that.

Maybe Poggin could also be in charge of the food, and Eustace and Jill could help out. Jill would probably make the salad and Eustace would probably make the appetizers, and Poggin, with help from Eustace and Jill do the main course.
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Chapter Six

Emeth decided to meet with Coriakin and talk with him about him marrying Marietta.

"Oh, so you're getting married", said Coriakin.

"Well, in secret that is", said Emeth, "Though we're waiting a while.'

"I understand. But what do you want me for?"

"Well, Coriakin, we'd like for you to officiate."

"You mean perform the ceremony?"

"Yes, that it's. Do you think you could do it?"

"Well, I suppose I could do it. I've got time to write down what I'm going to say at the ceremony. Do you have anyone in your wedding party? I mean, groomsmen or bridesmaids?"

"Well, I've selected Chlamash as my best man. And I think Rhonda is going to be the maid of honor. As for the rest of the wedding party, we don't know."

"I think I will also have Tirian and Poggin do some reading."

"The King of Narnia?"

"Well, the former king, that is."

"Oh, right."

"Well, Emeth, thank you for seeing me."

"I am grateful for you doing this for us."

Emeth went to see Marietta, who was sitting underneath a chestnut tree. He sat down next to her.

"Where you've been?", asked Marietta.

"I spoke with Coriakin", said Emeth, "He said that he would perform the ceremony."

"And is Chlamash your best man?"

"Why yes he is. And Rhonda is the maid of honor?"

"Yes. We should figure out the rest of the wedding party. Do we really need that many?"

"Perhaps not. There's Eustace and Jill. Maybe that's plenty."

"I think you're right."

"Oh yes. And I love you both!"

Marietta blushed a little, and Emeth kissed her on the cheek.

Tirian and Poggin were writing things down to give some ideas for a reading for a wedding ceremony. Eustace and Jill went to see what was happening.

"What are you doing?", asked Eustace.

"Coriakin is going to perform the wedding ceremony for Emeth and Marietta", said Tirian, "Poggin and I have been asked to do some reading as well."

"I'll also be planning the wedding feast", said Poggin.

"Whose going to help with that?", asked Jill.

"I think we better do it, Jill", said Eustace, "We don't want to make it look cheap."

"Alright then", said Poggin, "Jill, you will make the salad, Eustace, you will prepare side dish, and you two can help me prepare the main course and desert."

"What are you thinking?"

"Well, we've got time to figure out that."

"What a wedding this is going to be", said Jill, "I wonder if half of the guests will be eating out of plates and bowls and the other half will be eating out of dog and cat dishes."

"And another half will be grazing on the grass", said Eustace, "I wonder if it will be outside or inside."

"It would probably depend on weather", said Tirian.

"If it's raining, it will most likely be inside", said Poggin, "If it is a nice day, it will most likely be outside."

"Anything else we could help with?", asked Eustace, "I know, Chlamash and I could build an arch and decorate it with flowers for Emeth and Marietta to stand underneath during the ceremony. Jill, I think you and Rhonda could make Marietta's wedding dress."

"Oh, alright", said Jill.

[Well, it sounds like Coriakin will be conducting the wedding ceremony and Tirian and Poggin will be doing some reading. Poggin will also be planning the wedding feast, with help from Eustace and Jill. Chlamash and Eustace will certainly be building an archway and decorate it with flowers. Rhonda and Jill will be sewing Marietta's wedding dress. Now it raises the questions: Should the ceremony be inside or outside? what should be served at the wedding feast: what should be in the salad, what should be the main course and side dish? How about dessert? What should Tirian and Poggin be reading during the ceremony? Who should give the bride away? And who should provide the music?)
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[I'm sure you've been wondering what the bad guys are up to. Well, you're about to find out]

Chapter Seven

Rishda was at his palace, and held a meeting with Shift and Ginger.

"So what's the next step?", asked Shift.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out", said Rishda, "We've had the temples and palaces built in Narnia and even in Archenland."

"Right", said Ginger, "And have you heard anything about the tavern maid?"

"I haven't heard anything about her. Perhaps something is up... since she's been spending all her time with Emeth, one of my soldiers."

"Is there something going on between them?", asked Shift.

"I knew he had feelings for her", said Rishda, "A rash boy and a naive girl..."

"Maybe you should find out more", said Ginger, "Maybe there is something up."

Marietta went outside for a moment. She had been extra careful for the last few months, and soon enough, she was going to marry Emeth. She could not have been more excited. However, Rishda came approached her.

"Well, well", said Rishda.

"Rishda", said Marietta.

"Who thought that I would run into a naive girl and... Marietta, how..", Rishda now just noticed Marietta, "Emeth is..."

"How long did you take you to figure that out?"

"So this is how a rash boy and a naive girl act and think.... he acts rash and she doesn't think things through!"

"Is that what you think?"

"Oh, I knew you were a foolish maid!"

Chlamash and Rhonda had come over to see Emeth at his place. They came to see how he was doing.

"So you're doing some wedding planning?", asked Chlamash.

"That's right", said Emeth, "Later than I would have like to.. but, well you know..."

"Right", said Rhonda, "Oh, where is Marietta?"

"She went out the other day. She hasn't come back... doesn't sound like her.

"You don't think something happened, do you?", asked Chlamash.

"That's what I'm going to find out", said Emeth.

"I'll go with you", said Rhonda.

"Thanks, Rhonda."

Emeth and Rhonda went to look around. Soon, they arrived at Rishda's palace. They decided to go in and check out. It appeared he wasn't home.

"Do you think she'd be here?", asked Rhonda.

"No, though it would seem like that Rishda would've taken her", said Emeth.

Next thing, they heard crying. It was coming from behind a door. It was Marietta. Rhonda tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Rishda must have locked her in there!", said Rhonda, "Do you have a key?"

"No", said Emeth, "But we could try to break it down. Then on second thought...."

"Maybe there's a window outside. We could get in that way.."

"Hey, I just find this secret passage way. Maybe it goes into that room."

They went through the secret passage way, and it lead to the different rooms. Then they found the one that Marietta was in. She was in shock and in tears.

"Rishda did this, didn't he?", asked Rhonda.

"How did you get in here?", asked Marietta.

"I've found a secret passage way", said Emeth, "I guess Rishda had no idea he set one up."

"Perhaps the construction builders built one without him knowing", said Rhonda.

"I thought he locked me up in here", said Marietta.

"Marietta, we'll get you out of her. Emeth, you lead the way through the secret passageway."

"I'll see if there is one that leads the way out", said Emeth.

Emeth lead the way, and Rhonda helped Marietta through the secret passage. They went through passageway that lead to the foyer. They went out front and they closed the door.

"Perhaps we should go around back before Rishda sees us", said Rhonda.

"Good idea", said Emeth, "Then we'll go back to my place."

Sometime later, during a snowy day in November, Tirian, Poggin, Eustace and Jill had stopped by Emeth's palace for a visit. Amara was also there. They wanted to see how Marietta was doing.

"So how long before the wedding?", asked Jill.

"Well, we haven't officially set a date", said Marietta. Then she felt some sharp pain.

"Marietta, are you?", asked Eustace.

"What's happening?", asked Rhonda.

"I think...", said Marietta, "Wait, I still have a month!"

"I think I know", said Amara, "Marietta, I'll get you a room and get you to lie down. Rhonda, Jill, I need you to help me out."

"What can we do?", asked Jill.

"I need you to do what I tell you. Just help me get Marietta comfortable."

Amara, Rhonda, and Jill helped Marietta to a room, and helped her get comfortable in bed.

Tirian, Emeth, Chlamash, Poggin, and Eustace waited outside for a an hour or so. There wasn't any sound except for Marietta's cries. Then after awhile, there was a sound of a cry of a baby.

They rushed upstairs to see what it was.

"Is it a boy or a girl?", asked Emeth, who was the first to rush in, seeing Marietta cradling the newborn in her arms.

"A girl", said Amara, "And I must say, she's healthy for a pre-mature."

"Congrats, Emeth", said Chlamash.

Emeth went over to Marietta, putting a hand on her shoulder, gently and carefully, keeping in mind she had just been through a lot.

"Emeth...", said Marietta, gazing down at the little one.

"She's beautiful", said Emeth, and she handed her for him to hold.

Emeth was nestling the little one close to him. Then Amara sent everyone out except for Emeth so that Marietta could get some rest.

"So how long before the wedding?", asked Marietta.

"Well, I think we should wait until you've rested up", said Emeth.

"You're right. Do you know any Calormene names?"

"Oh, Calormene names? Well, I'll have to think on that. What about Narnian or Archenlander names?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Maybe her first name will be Calormene and her middle name will be Archenlander. I know, Adinah."

"Alright. Let's see... Lilyn."

"Adinah Lilyn. I like it. You get your rest, Marietta."

Marietta went into a blissful sleep as Emeth nestled the little one, Adinah. He kissed the top of her head gently as he gazed down upon her.

[Well, now the secret's out and now you know what the bad guys have been up to. As for the baby, "Adinah" is a Hebrew name for "Gentle, delicate". Lilyn sounded like it could be an Archenlander name.]
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You clearly are imagining the apocalyptic period on the Narnian quasi-planet as going on for a longer time than Mister Lewis gave it in Volume Seven. But this doesn't mean that YOU have to keep US waiting longer for your next installment.
You clearly are imagining the apocalyptic period on the Narnian quasi-planet as going on for a longer time than Mister Lewis gave it in Volume Seven. But this doesn't mean that YOU have to keep US waiting longer for your next installment.
Sorry about that. I've been busy and I haven't had any internet access for a few days (we had some freezing weather).
[My apologies for not getting around to this any sooner. I’ve been busy though. Here it is]

Chapter Eight

Marietta had been resting most of the next day since Adinah had been born. During that time, Emeth had been bonding with her, except for when Marietta fed her. Later the next day, after Marietta nursed Adinah, Eustace and Jill had come over to see how Emeth and Marietta were doing.

“How’s Marietta?”, asked Eustace.

“She just got done nursing Adinah”, answered Emeth, holding Adinah.

“Well, I’d volunteer to babysit”, said Jill.

“Would you, Jill? We appreciate it. Perhaps you like to hold her.”

Emeth handed Adinah to Jill. She let her wrapped her little hand around her finger. Jill felt overwhelmed with holding the child.

“Can I hold her?”, asked Eustace.

“Why, yes of course”, answered Emeth as Jill handed Adinah to Eustace, “You just be sure to hold her head, okay?”

Eustace gazed down at Adinah as he was holding her. He even let her trace her little finger on his hand. Sometime later, Poggin had come over.

“I’ve heard the news”, said Poggin, “Congratulations!”

“Thank you, Poggin”, said Emeth.

“Perhaps you like to hold Adinah”, said Eustace.

“Oh, it’s been a long time since I’ve held a child”, stated Poggin, “I would be gladly to.”

Then Eustace handed Adinah to Poggin. He gazed down at her and even let her stroke his beard.

“Oh, Poggin, what about wedding planning?”, asked Eustace, “I mean, we’re still planning the wedding dinner, right?”

“I think so”, answered Poggin, “Though I think we should wait until Marietta has fully rested.”

“Good idea”, stated Emeth, “We better let Adinah sleep.”

Poggin nodded and handed Adinah back to Emeth. He kissed the top of her head and placed her in her cradle.

Some days have passed and Marietta had fully rested. She stood outside with Emeth, holding Adinah.

“So who are we inviting?”, asked Marietta.

“Well, of course Chlamash, Rhonda, Tirian, Poggin, Jewel, Puzzle, Eustace, and Jill”, answered Emeth, “Then Lord Digory, Lady Polly, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.”

“You mean the Friends of Narnia?”

“That’s right.”

Jewel had come by to see them. Emeth stroked him as he greeted him. Then Jewel gazed down at Adinah.

“She’s beautiful”, said Jewel, “She could be another Swanwhite.”

“You must mean the Queen of Narnia”, said Marietta.

“Yes, known for her great beauty.”

Emeth smiled. Adinah was a beautiful child. If Jewel was right, perhaps her beauty could reflect in the forest pools.

[Well, there you have it. The upcoming chapters will be about wedding preparations]
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Chapter Nine

Poggin made a list for the wedding dinner. He and Eustace would make the side dishes, Jill would make the salad, and they would made the main course and dessert. He had met with Eustace and Jill on brainstorming some ideas.

"So should I make the salad with nuts or without?", asked Jill.

"Well, perhaps we should keep the nuts separate so guests could add them if they want to", answered Poggin.

"In case of nut allergies", said Eustace, "Though I don't know if it's a thing in the world of Narnia. Poggin, what should you and I do for side dishes?"

"Well, in Narnian wedding, there's quite a few."

"Boiled potatoes might be good."

"That might be something to consider. Perhaps steamed veggies."

"What about the main course?", asked Jill, "We're all doing that together, right?"

"Yes. Perhaps a peacock or a pheasant", said Poggin.

They continued to brainstorm through the wedding dinner. They even came up with different ideas for dessert: chocolate hazelnuts, ices, spiced cake.

Marietta had gone out with Rhonda, so Emeth spent the whole day with Adinah. Jill had come over to help out. When she arrived, she saw Emeth nestling Adinah close to his chest.

"Isn't she the most beautiful baby girl in Narnia?", asked Emeth.

"She's beautiful", said Jill, gazing down at her, "She has your eyes, Emeth."

"And beautiful like her mother. I really appreciate for you coming over to help out, Jill. Marietta had go out with Rhonda for the day."


Emeth gazed down, and could tell that Adniah was getting tired. He kissed the top of her little head, and gently placed her in her cradle to sleep.

"So Emeth, it will be a small wedding, right?", asked Jill.

"That's what we plan", said Emeth, "Also kind of hoping it will convince Rishda to think twice about wanting to marry Marietta."

Jill winced at the thought. Though Rishda would have to think twice about wanting to marry Marietta. During the day, Jill helped around with Adinah. Then later at night, Marietta came home, and she saw that Emeth was nestling Adinah close to his chest.

"Mommy's home, little one", said Emeth.

"Hi there", said Marietta to Emeth, then she turned to gaze at Adinah, "You had a fun day with Daddy?"

"Jill was a great help."

Emeth handed Adinah to Marietta for her to feed. Jill said farewell to them, and Emeth thanked her for helping out. She soon left, and headed back to the base camp.

Soon, Rishda heard the news of Emeth and Marietta's child. He still wanted to marry Marietta, but what could he do?

"Perhaps I'll report Emeth to one of my superiors", said Rishda, "Perhaps to the Tisroc (may he live forever)!"

"But what wrong has the young man done?", asked Shift.

"Perhaps for harassing a young woman... assault. That will do it!"

Rishda and Shift talked things over. Rishda planned to speak with one of his superiors, and report Emeth to him, and have him arrested. If Emeth was in custody, Rishda would marry Marietta.

[Now you can see what the bad guys are up to]
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Chapter Ten

Rishda, Shift, and Ginger had gone to speak with one of Rishda's superiors who had arrived from Calormen. They began to talk things through.

"So what is you want, Rishda?", asked his superior.

"I demand you put one of my soldiers in custody!", stated Rishda.

"Who would that be?"

"Emeth... he's a rash boy."

"Emeth? One of your loyal soldiers? What are the charges?"

"For assaulting a young woman... a tavern maid."

The superior couldn't believe what he just heard. He went over the thought. Emeth assaulting Marietta? Surely, he wouldn't do such a thing.

"There must be some mistake", said the superior, "I can't imagine Emeth doing such a thing to Marietta. I haven't met her personally, though during my visits to Narnia, I've seen those two together. They seemed to be happy and content. This news shocks me!"

"But he's not what we think he is!"

"Shift, Ginger, do either of you believe this?"

"I try not to", said Shift, "But it's true...

"This Emeth assaulted a tavern maid, Marietta", said Ginger.

"So his rashness had caused him to commit the crime", said Rishda.

"Well, can she testify?", asked the superior.

"I think she's in too much shock to do so. Oh, she had a child with him!"

"You don't expect..."


The superior explained he had a job to do. Now he was feeling conflicted. He knew Emeth was innocent and wouldn't do such a thing to Marietta. But what could he do? He decided to give in, thinking that there was a way to clear Emeth's name and let him go.

Tirian, Poggin, Chlamash, Rhonda and Jill had gone to see Marietta and Adinah while Emeth and Eustace went out to the market place. Tirian was holding Adinah, delighted to meet the little one.

"Jewel told me that Adniah could be another Swanwhite", said Tirian, "She is beautiful."

"The best thing that has ever happened to Emeth and me", said Marietta.

Soon, Tirian gave Chlamash a turn holding Adinah. He gazed down at her, and even let her wrapped her little hand around his finger. Soon after, he handed her back to Marietta. She kissed the top of her little head.

"A beautiful child", said Chlamash, "Do you suppose you and Emeth will have any more children?"

"I don't believe we have talked about that", answered Marietta, "I was an only child... Emeth has six older brothers."

"So six uncles", said Jill, "Maybe you'll meet them one day."

"Perhaps so."

However, Eustace came running, with sweat trickling down his forehead. He appeared to be out of breath! Marietta could sense that was something was wrong!

"They've taken Emeth away!", Eustace gasped.

"What?", asked Marietta.

"Rishda spoke with his superior and had Emeth taken away on the charge of assault! I've tried to help, but they wouldn't let me!"

Marietta was in shock! She knew Emeth wouldn't do such a thing to her! Chlamash was horrified, knowing that his best friend was innocent and didn't commit the crime! He had to think of something to have Emeth's name cleared and let him out of custody.

[Now Rishda has framed Emeth for a crime he didn't commit]
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Chapter Eleven

Marietta was in tears. Emeth had been taken away for a crime he didn’t commit. When Eustace stated that Rishda had spoken with his superior who happened to be visiting Narnia from Calormen and had Emeth taken, she could bear it no longer! She was determined to get to Rishda, and demand him to let Emeth go! She went over to Rishda's palace, with Rhonda following behind.

"Let him out!", Marietta cried out, pounding at the door, and letting herself in. Rhonda tried to hold Marietta back.

"I'm sure there has explanation to this", said Ginger, "Young lady, would you mind telling us what happened?"

"Rishda had one of his soldiers arrested!"

"Come on, my dear", said Rishda, "Justice had to be served!"

"But Emeth would never do anything to hurt me!"

"Well, now Emeth is in custody, you will marry me!"

"I'll never do that!", Marietta hissed.

"Rishda, please", said Rhonda, stepping in.




"Rishda, if I may-", said Rhonda.

"Were you in this, too?", asked Rishda, turning to Rhonda.

"I knew Emeth and Marietta were somehow getting close... and well... what was I supposed to do?"


"I'm not leaving Marietta!"

"OUT!", and Rishda pushed Rhonda outside and closed the door, "Now then, radiant one, you and I will be married as soon as possible!"

"No", said Marietta.

Rhonda decided to head back where Emeth and Marietta had been staying. She knew that Jill was looking after Adinah, along with Poggin, Tirian, Chlamash, and Eustace.

"Rhonda, where have you been?", asked Eustace.

"I went with Marietta", said Rhonda, "Well, as we suspected, Rishda still wants to marry Marietta. I fear he's forcing her to marry him."

"So that must be why he falsely accused Emeth of assault", said Poggin, "No good will come of that."

"But what can we do?", asked Eustace.

"How about Marietta and I go see Emeth tonight", said Chlamash, "I would like to see my best friend. Then tomorrow morning, I'll speak with the superior and explain the situation, how Rishda, my own captain, has lied to him."

"I'll look after Adinah tonight", said Rhonda, who went to pick her up from her cradle.

"Thank you, Rhonda. I'm sure Marietta will appreciate it."

Later that night, after Tirian, Poggin, Eustace and Jill had gone back to the base camp, Chlamash headed on to Rishda's palace. He knocked on the door, and was let in by a servant. He met with Marietta there, who was in shock.

"Did Rishda forced you to marry him?", asked Chlamash.

"No, but I think he's going to", said Marietta.

"I know well that Emeth didn't commit the crime. My best friend would never do such a thing to you! I like you to come with me!"

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to the locks to see Emeth! I would like to see my best friend, and I'm sure you do, too."

"What about Adinah?"

"Rhonda is looking after her!"

Marietta hugged Chlamash and thanked him. She was glad to here that her best friend Rhonda was looking after baby Adinah while she and Chlamash went to see Emeth.

[It sounds like Chlamash and Marietta will go see Emeth. Will Chlamash be able to talk to the superior about clearing Emeth's name and letting him go?]
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[Here is another chapter.]

Chapter Twelve

Rhonda was cradling Adinah. As she did, Coriakin had come over.

“She’s beautiful”, said Coriakin, looking into the bundle, “May I?”

“Yes, of course”, said Rhonda, handing Adinah to Coriakin.

He gazed down at her, letting her little hands stroke his beard.

“So how are Emeth and Marietta?”, asked Coriakin.

“Oh, you haven’t heard?”

“What’s that?”

“Emeth’s been arrested for assaulting Marietta.”

“Oh my. But he’s innocent. I know well he wouldn’t do such a terrible thing.”

“I know. Rishda has obviously framed Emeth.”

“Ah. Rishda is a powerful man. He would do such a thing.”

“Chlamash and Marietta have gone to see him. Chlamash will see about speaking with Rishda’s superior and ask him to clear Emeth’s and let him go tomorrow morning.”

“And that Rishda has lied to him.”

Chlamash and Marietta went on their way to the locks. Marietta was hoping that Emeth wasn’t being tortured.

“How do Calormene jails operate?”, asked Marietta.

“You don’t want to know”, answered Chlamash.

They arrived at the locks. Chlamash told the guard that they came to see Emeth. The guard led them to Emeth’s cell. Marietta tried not to think about what Emeth was going through. As they were passing by other cells, they heard cracks of beating. When they arrived at Emeth’s cell, the guard unlocked the door.

“Be quick!”, said the guard.

Chlamash and Marietta went in. When they Emeth, he looked as he had been beaten some. Marietta was in tears to see him like that.

“Emeth”, said Chlamash.

“Chlamash”, said Emeth, “My dear friend.”

“Emeth”, said Marietta, “How could they…”

“Marietta, my love.”

“I love you too. So does Adinah.”

“Where is she?”

“Rhonda’s looking after her”, said Chlamash, “Emeth, I will speak with the superior and see about having your name cleared.”

“Will you?”

“I’m going to get you out.”

“Thank you, Chlamash. I can’t wait to see little Adinah.”

Marietta smiled. Soon, Emeth and Marietta shared a kiss.

Then the guard called out, “Time’s up.”

Marietta and Emeth pulled away. He thanked both her and Chlamash to come and see him. They left the cell and the guard locked the door. Chlamash and Marietta soon left the locks. The next day, Chlamash was going to speak with the superior.

[Such a touching moment]
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Chapter Thirteen

Rhonda stayed the night with Marietta and Adinah. Marietta was grateful that her friend kept her company for the night.

“So once Chlamash speaks with the superior about letting Emeth go”, said Marietta as she was cradling sleeping Adinah, “What will we do? The Calormenes now control Narnia and Archenland. I know Emeth is a Calormene…”

“Yes, but I know he loves you and you love him”, stated Rhonda.

“Yes. I never knew what it felt like until then.”

“Emeth has been nice to you. He’s a wonderful father to Adinah.”

Marietta smiled down at Adinah and kissed her little head. Soon after, she placed her in her cradle. Rhonda and Marietta went to sleep for the night.

The next morning, Chlamash had gone to see the superior. He began to wonder that once Emeth’s name was cleared and set free, what would Emeth and Marietta do? Chlamash had to think of something. Soon, he met with the superior.

“Chlamash, isn’t it?”, asked the superior.

“Yes, Sir”, said Chlamash.

“What can I do to help you?”

“I like to speak with you about clearing Emeth’s name and setting him free.”

“How’s that?”

“Rishda Tarkasn, the ape, and the cat have lied to you. I know Emeth is innocent. He would never have assaulted Marietta.”

“I actually knew he was innocent.”

“How’s that?”

“When Rishda told me that Emeth assaulted Marietta, I was shocked to hear such things. During my visits to Narnia, I’ve seen Emeth and Marietta taking strolls and doing stuff together. They’ve looked so happy and content.”

“So you’ll clear his name?”

“Yes, I will and set him free. Though I’m afraid I can’t lock Rishda up. He has seized control of Narnia. Though I do have an idea.”

The superior and Chlamash went to the locks. The superior told the guard to set Emeth free at once and that he was innocent. The guard nodded and let Emeth out. Emeth hugged Chlamash for helping him out.

“Come on, Emeth”, said Chlamash, “You’ve got a young woman and a child waiting for you.”

Chlamash and Emeth thanked the superior and walked towards home.

"Oh, I think it would be best for you and Marietta to move to the base camp that Tirian and his comrades have set up", said Chlamash.

"I am the son of a high class Tarkaan", said Emeth, "Though we have to..."

When they’ve reached home, Marietta ran out to greet them. She was so happy to see Emeth set free. Emeth and Marietta shared a kiss, then they went inside. Emeth went to pick up little Adinah and nestled her close to his chest.

“Daddy’s here”, he said to her, kissing her little head.

Soon, it was going to be back to wedding preparations. Now Marietta was wondering who would be giving her away. She knew Coriakin was officiating and that Tirian and Poggin would be doing some reading. Sometime later, Chlamash started working on his best man speech. What day it was going to be.

[Yay! Emeth has been set free! Now who do you think should give Marietta away? What should Chlamash say in his best man speech?]
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Chapter Fourteen

A few days have passed. Emeth and Marietta, along with Adinah, decided to move in to the base camp, and stay with Tirian and the rest. He showed them the tower that his great-great grandfather had built.

"So it's like a safe house", said Eustace, "A term we have in our world..."

"And I understand Chlamash will be joining us as well", said Tirian.

"Yes, he will", said Emeth.

"I just received word from the High King Peter. He, Queen Susan, King Edmund, and Queen Lucy, and the Lord Digory and Lady Polly will be arriving tomorrow."

"And they're coming here?", asked Marietta.

"Yes, they will."

They soon got settled in at different rooms. Later that day, Chlamash joined them, along with Rhonda. Eustace began to wonder if the tower was going to be big enough for all of them to hide out. Well, they would split up if they had to.

The next day, the Friends of Narnia arrived. Eustace went to greet his four cousins, and Digory and Polly. He began to show them around the tower and the base camp. He introduced the others as well.

"So this must be the happy couple", said Peter.

"Emeth, Marietta", said Eustace, "May I introduce my cousin, the High King Peter."

"Your majesty", said Emeth, kneeling to kiss Peter's hand.

"And you two have my blessings", said Peter.

"Thank you", said Marietta, who was holding Adniah.

Then Lucy looked into the bundle and gazed at the sleeping Adinah. Susan did the same as well.

"She is beautiful", said Susan.

"May I?", asked Lucy.

"Yes, of course", said Marietta, handing Adinah for Lucy to hold.

Lucy was holding Adinah. Then she passed her to Susan. Then Susan passed her to Edmund. Then Edmund passed her to Peter.

"I don't believe I ever seen a beautiful baby as her", said Peter, "A little blessing she is."

"It's been a long time", said Polly, "I never married, though I have helped with a baby."

Peter handed Adinah to Polly.

"It's been a long time for me as well", said Digory, "I would be gladly to."

Then Polly handed her to Digory. After each turn, Digory handed Adinah back to Marietta, who kissed her little head.

"So the big day will be soon", said Peter.

"Yes", said Emeth, "And Coriakin is going to officiate."

"Really?", asked Edmund, "Lucy, Eustace and I met him before."

"I have no idea whose going to give me away", said Marietta.

"Does the bride have to be given away?", asked Jill.

"They usually are", said Digory, "But I suppose there could be an exception."

Soon, the would make preparations and rehearse the wedding march.

[Things are getting exciting]
Notice I didn't throw in a love triangle with Emeth, Tirian, and Marietta or even with Emeth, Chlamash, and Marietta or with Tirian, Eustace, and Jill. It has been become almost too cliche, as it has been popular about ten years ago. I'm not sure if it is still, though. But still didn't want to put something in there.