The best of Dufferland

Hey! You must not make fun of Derny: Not of Duffers. I mean: who would want to make fun of Derny: Not of Duffers? After all, Derny: NOT of Duffers is the most honorable non-Duffer of all :D

I know! Isn't it great! :D
Hm, I don't know...note that Lieke's post was last edited by HER. I think that implies that MY quote was of the unadulterated post. :D Doesn't that make sense?
Lossy has been influenced by badly behaving friends, has become a thief...cannibalism is probably next....
Bad friends, thievery, cannibalism (which is murder, which the Queen of Duffers says Duffers don't do, even though they do it anyway). *climbs out of Lossy's stomach*
For the love of Saint Pete, don't you think it was unpleasant to be eaten?! Duffers these days. *hops off muttering to self*