Gentle Voice
Active member
Elizabeth screamed " Someone help!,"She yelled out.
Starstrom and Jill fired there Arrows at the enemy as he walked away
Okay, Im going to be the villain of the story.
Here is my bio
Age: 2,000
Looks: 9 feet tall. Body completly covered with black scales. Dressed in rags. Has glowing red eyes, and two antler like horns on his head. Also has dragon like wings.
about: He is the Calormen god of death and torment. He is the brother of Tash. His goal is to kill every good person he comes in contact with. He is creating an army to takeover the world.
Back to the game:
Before anyone could say anything, the sky grew dark. Hormon flew down and landed on the ground. He the shouted "I am Hormon, God of death and Torment. Feel my fire!" Fire came out of his mouth and a circle of fire surrounded the kids. For Hormon did not want to kill them instantly. He wanted to trap them and eat them one by one.
Okay I will explain what has happend. The Pevensies' children Andrew, Steven, Elizabeth, and Ruby go through the wardrobe in the proffesser's house during Susan's wedding. In Narnia they meet a girl called Jill and a Centaur called Starstorm. Then Hormon, the God of Death and Torment(who is the brother of Tash), attacks the kids. With his breath, Hormon traps the kids in a Ring of Fire. A girl called Adalia, comes to the area and tries to help the kids. But Hormon kidnaps her and Elizabeth and flies away(he has bat like wings on his back) to his castle, leaving the other kids to be killed by the spreading forest fire. Centaurs from below shoot Hormon with arrows. In the fight, Hormon accidentally drops Elizabeth into a lake. But he does manage to keep Adalia. He flies Adalia to his castle and logs her in the dungeon. Then a man in his twenties called Kaoden sneaks into the Castle of Hormon.
Meanwhile Elizabeth manages to swim out of the lake. The remaining Pevensies(and Jill and Starstorm) are trying to stamp out the fire, and escape the burning forest.
Does that help?
Steven swung around and looked at the flames that were engulfing the Narnian woods. He turned to Ruby. " STAY BY MY SIDE " He yelled. He looked towards Andrew and then turned to Jill and starstorm. " Where do we go ? " he said loudly trying to be heard over the falling trees.