The Chronicles of Narnia: The Restored Kingdom

Fateful Meeting:

Caspius lead his troops foward further into the halls. After traversing a while he ordered the regments to hault. Stepping back into the crowd of the army Caspius took one of the Captian's aside. "I want you to take a small unit from your regment and check out the end of the hall.." The Captian looked at Caspius with apprehension to speak. "But.. your mjesty.. wouldn't it be better if we just checked it in full force?" Caspius shook his head and said with flaring temper "No.. if the brunt of the remainng army is their they could bottle us up and slaughter us like cattle.." "We need to move in waves.. captian and I'm nominating you to be the first wave.." At this the Captian swolled his words he was about to say and just bowed slightly and said "As you wish.. my king"

Caspius whipped his brow and shook his head. The Captian gather some of his best men and beasts to form a unit. Then with a grim look he ordered his men to fallow him down the hall. With each step the Captain seemed to shake worse and worse. He knew better than anyone that they were marching to their deaths. Caspius leaned against the wall and began to cough a litle. Hsi throat was dry from so much shouting. Suddenly he heard a voice. IT was faint yet beauitful. It echoed through the hall proclaimnig Caspian's name. Caspius turned to fellow soldier and asked "Did you hear that?" The Soldier said "Yes.. my king.." Point to a side corrdior the Soldier said "I think it came from her.."

Caspius turned and saw standing a beauitful young lady clothed in light armor. Her face had some scruff of dirt and blood tainted her outfit. But nonetheless she was gorgious. Caspius felt his heart begin to change again. The fire of hatred in his eyes faded. Caspius walked towards her and said "Avalon.. were have thou been?" He looked at her blood stained outfit and asked with consern "Are you alright?" "Have you been harmed?" He took her hand gently and looking deep into her radiant eyes.. he awaited her answer.
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Inward debate

Avalon smiled as he approached her, "Hi." she said nervously. Avalon looked down at her bloodstained clothes, realizing that yes she must have looked a mess. Her hair was matted with dried blood almost the same color as her hair, "Oh no I'm fine." she said deeply moved that he showed genuine concern toward her well being. Avalon blushed a little as he took hold of her hand but didn't object to it, "Not a scratch one me, surprisingly enough. Well perhaps one or two. The sad and scary thing is I can't tell what is my blood and what's not." her voice quivered a little. She cleared her throat and starred at Caspius. A debate raged in Avalon's mind, Just ask him! No, I believe he is Caspian. You'll never know! He's not lying! Your father and Lenia could be right! she shook her head clear, "I've been trying to find you, I was worried that you had found the impostor already." she paused for a second, "You didn't did you?"
Ill Fate and Thorns:

Caspian was startled by Starstorm's news. He stood silent for a moment rubbing his chin with his fingers. Then he began to pace for a moment. In truth Caspian wasn't prepared to fight two more regments. He thought as most did that the battle was almsot over. This news made his mood turn very grim until alas the look of hope seemed to fade fro mhis face. The sound of footsteps and jingling of armor came nearer. Caspian tried with all he coudl to regain his composure. But he was overcome with despair. Caspian finally did something that at the time seemed right. He retreated t othe throne room as Drinian had suggested to think and overcome his dispair.

Drinian was left in charge. He moved to the front ranks and took his position. The sound of the jingling of armor and footsteps now could be heard just a few feet away. Emerging out of the darkness a Captain and dozen soldiers stepped foward. The look on the Captain's face was sheer horror. He looked at the Company's numbers and with panicing tone he ordered his men to attack. Drinian ordered the Company to remain close together. They formed with shileds a wall. The Captian and his dozen men crashed upon the wall of shields. Many of them were pierced by spears or fell upon pikes. The Captain was slain by Drinian with swift stroke across the chest. The remaining three began to retreat.

Drinian ordered them to be shot. Several arrows soared and stucking the three retreating soldiers. One of them with only two in his back continued to run down the hall and escaped the secodn volley. Meanwhile Caspius held Avalon's hand tightly and listened as she spoke with the sweetness of her voice. He began to whip the blood of her brow with piece of tunic he tore off. Then leaning close to her, he felt his heart beat wildly. He leaned in to kiss her when suddenly the wouded soldiers came running spouting nonsense. Caspius pulled away and turned to the wounded soldier. Speaking to the soldier softely Caspius said "Calm down.. take a deep breath.." The Soldier then muttered "The entire army lies ahead!" "They slaughtered my Captian and the rest of unit without mercy.. like as you said cattle!"

A Fire of anger grew in Caspius' eyes. "And worse.. the Impsoter has retreated.. he was not leading them.." Capsius arose to his feet. A shadow overcame his face. His heart turned to wrot and his mind focused on his goal. Caspius ignored Avalon and moved to the front of the regment. He drew his sword and said "They have butchered your comrades.. and now the Impsoter flees to safety!" "It is time to end this war!" "It is time to spill their treacherious blood and lute it flood these halls!" "It is time to kill the usuper and take back the throne!" "To arms!" Suddenly Caspius ran widly foward into the darkness. The Regements fallowed in a uproar. Caspius had forgotten Avalon, all that dwelt in his mind was revenge. He was almost as if possesed by it. His entire appearance had changed.

One moment he had looked sound, kind, and even expressed loving feelings. The next his heart blackened, his eyes flared like fire and he rushed foward seeking to shed blood. Though in the back of his mind, he felt something wasn't right. The rage that burned in him wasn't just his own. IT was too strong to be his own. It was that rage that actually made Caspius afraid the most. When it came on him he felt like he could hardly control it or stop it. And now he seemed to have lost all control of it. What would happen if he finally did meet Caspian? Would Caspain be able to combat it? Would Caspius be able to stop himself from slaying his own cousin?
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Glenstorm and Starstorm Fight

Starstorm Sire i will get back with the archers She walked back out of the door she came and went back up to the archers she nodded at her father and her friend Sumnus.

How close are they now Sumnus.

"About 30 miles hence. within bow range Starstorm."

"Archers Ready you bows and fire at will" Starstorm stung her own bow and launched the first stream of arrows.

Glenstorm I will go back down with the rest of them Starstorm we might need you sense you can weild a sword help with the onslaught of the new regemients coming.

"Dad I would rather stay up here with the Archers i am better with the bow anyways."

To tell the truth even though her father taugher her how to wield and use a sword. Her weapon of choice was always the bow and arrows The up close drawing of blood with a sword was not to good for Startorm.

Suit yourself my dear daughter Glenstorm said.
The Long Awaited Duel:

Caspius and regment rushed the remaining Company. The clag of steel echoed through the halls, as the two armies collided. Caspius cutted through many soldiers, brutally hacking and slashing. One Faun he completely decapitated. Caspius standing over a pile of bodies saw light gleaming from the end of the hall. Caspius sliced another faun across the belly fixating his gaze on shmmering light. He made his way past the brunt of Caspian's troops and headed to the end of the hall. There he turned slightly and stopped before two large wooden doors. They were partly opened and a light streamed through the slit opening. Caspius pushed the doors opened and stepped into the throne room.

Standing near a window Caspian stood with his back to the doors. The sound of them opening caught his attention and he turned around to see the Imposter standing with draw sword near the doors. Blood dripped from the tip of Caspius' sword as he glared and moved slowly in circling movment. Caspian stepped away from the window and fixed his gaze upon Caspius, He kept his right hand free while the other rested firmly upon the hilt of his sword. A profound silence filled the room as both combatants circled each other. Finally the silence was broken by Caspian. "You have caused me much grief.. Imposter.." "You've decieved my people and caused Civil War.." Caspian paused and then said "There is only one question that comes to mind.. why?" "Why are you doing this?"

Caspius retorted as he paced like tiger. "I don't owe you any explanation.." "All I will say is that.. I shall at last have my revenge.." Caspian looked at Caspius oddly and replied "Revenge?" "For what?" Caspius roared in anger and said "Don't play dumb with me.." "I know what you did.. I know what you are.." "You took the life of the true king.." "You are the one who hath slain my father!" "And for that you shall suffer!" Caspius leapt foward wildy swinging his diamond like blade. Caspian unsheathed his sword just in time to block. The White stained blade crossed with the cold grey steel of Rhindron. The two blades chimed and rang like a bell from the clash. The two held in a lock up. Caspian using all of his strength held Caspius back and said "I don't know what you speak of?" "Who are you?" Caspius roared and broke from the lock up and then engaged Caspian a new.

Their blades danced and rang with each contact. Caspian held a defensive stance, trying to conserve his strength. But Caspius laid blows upon Caspian that felt like a hammer hitting an anvil. Caspian used swift manuvers and footwork to keep up with move the Imposter. Several times Caspian had the chance to land a blow, but he didn't. In truth Caspian had become weary. Caspius' blows began sapp a lot of energy out of him. Blocking them was almost no better than being hit by them. At last Caspian called for a respite. Caspius stopped himself in a striking stance and haulted. He then began pacing on the other side of the room, awaiting for Caspian to recover. Caspius too was weary, but he could not feel so. He was so fired by his rage, that he felt nothing.. no pain and no fatigue.

Caspian finaly taking the oppurtunity before him asked with heavy breaths. "Who was your father?" Caspius scoffed and replied "Like you don't know.." Caspian took another deep breath and replied "I may very well remember your father.. if you would but tell me his name.." Caspius eyed Caspian with a very unconvinced look and said "Miraz.. my father was King Miraz!" Caspian's face turned pale and his eye lids did not blink. Caspius looked at Caspian and said "So you do remember.. how you murdered him to take the throne.. don't deny it!" Caspian took a deep breath and said "Yes.. I knew your father.." "He was my uncle.." Caspius looked at Caspian with a perplexed yet vicious look. Caspian looked Caspius directlyin the eye and said "That would make you.. my cousin" In a furious tone Caspius said "You lie!" "We are only enemies!" Caspian replied "No.. we are cousins and wish to fight you no more.." Caspian lowered his blade.

Caspius shouted as he rsuhed Caspian "Fool! You shall be slain hence!" Caspian blocked the blow and was knocked back against the wall. Caspius swung with great might cutting through the stone and grazing Caspian's face and hair. Caspian retreated back towards the throne and held his hands high up. "Stop.. don't do this.." "We are family!" Caspius rushed Caspian and swung a deathly blow. Caspian blocked it and fell against the throne. Caspius grabbed Caspian and tossed him down the steps. Caspian rolled and then laided upon the stony floor. Caspius walked slowly towards Caspian holding his sword by his side. He walked like death itself.. his face pale and his eyes overshadowed. "Now at last.. I shall avenge my father and take back what is rightfully mine.." Caspian held his hands in surrender and said "What are you talking about?" "Your father tried to take the throne from me!"

Caspian whipped the sweat from his brow. "He was betrayed by his own generals.." "They slayed him.. not I!" Caspius hissed and retorted "Enough of your lies!" "I know you killed him!" Caspian pleaded and said "Your father was the Lord Protector and like a father to me.." "But he wanted my throne and attempted to murder me in my sleep.." Caspius shouted aloud like thunder "Enough of your poisenious lies!" Caspian continued. "Your father was never meant to be king.. he stole the throne and paid for it with his life.." Caspius lunged foward in bitter rage. Caspian rolled and grabbed his sword again. Caspian rose to his feet and rushed Caspius. The two blades resounded with a loud clatter and a ringing as both combatants exhanged blows.

Caspian parrayed Caspius' attacks and even wounded Caspius slightly. He swung his blade in cross like motion, then he swung fron underneath cutting Caspius' face. Caspius withdrew backward putting his hand over his face. When he removed his hand you could see red as a rose a cut that krept fro mhis lower eye lid to his cheek. Caspius' eyes falred like fire once again and he thrusted foward with newfound rage. Caspian was this time unable to hodl him back and invitably fell again to the floor. Caspius stuck several times downward, causing hjis blade to pierce the stone floor. Caspian dodged and tolled out of the way. But furious Caspius caught up with him and struck him. The blade passed through a weak point in Caspian's leath on his side. The leather was torn and his skin pierced. Caspian grasped it in pain.

Caspius then put his foot on Caspian' chest and held is sword holding his sword in preperation to stike. "Now.. at last.. I shall avenge you.. father!" Caspius grpped his sword by the pummel and pointed the blad at Caspian's throat. He then thrusted his sword down upon Caspian when suddenly a bright light flashed and blinded him. Caspian was silent, it was unkown if he had been stuck by the blade or not.
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The Return of Aslan and the Truth Revealed:

THe bright light that blinded Caspius faded and standing before him was giant lion. His mane glittered light gold and his eyes burned like two suns. Caspius cowarded back as he beheld the Great Lion. All his rage and hate was instantly gone. Now all that remained was a profound fear and a trembling. The Great Lion took several steps towards Caspius and then turned to look at Caspian. Caspian laided flate on his back, with the white sword stabbed in stone right by his neck. It had onyl grazzed him and left only a minor scare. Aslan looked at Caspian with loving eyes and said "Arise.. King of Narnia" Caspian quickly rose to his feet, but then bowed before the great lion.

Caspius inched backwards some more as he gazed upon Aslan. His face look both awestruck and terrfied. He hoped that the Lion would not take notice of him. Alas it was not so. Aslan turned and fixed his golden eyes on Caspius. The two sun like eyes pierced Caspius' heart. He quickly sank to his kees in grief. For the feelnig was nto that of hate or judgement, but love.. Caspius didn't understand. He felt terrfied but also surroudned by a feeling of genuine love. Aslan then took several steps towards him. Hsi paws were soundless upon the stony floor. Then drawing close to his face Aslan licked Caspius' forehead and asked "Why do you prescute me.. Son of Adam?" Caspius looked up into Aslan's eyes trembling. "I do not know what you mean.. great one.." Aslan roared but not harshly.. it was morel ike a growl.

Caspius suddered and then looking into Aslan's eyes he became overwhelmed with many feelings. Aslan thne comforted him with soft nudge of the forehead. He spoke softly "What you itended for evil.. I shall turn and use for good.." Tears rolled down Caspius' face as he felt the resound love pour out on him. Aslan then stirred again "But first.. you must repent for the ill you have done and to those you have wronged.." "However for this to be accomplished you msut know the truth.." "Caspian spoke to you a part of the truth.. I shall now recite all of it to you.."

Aslan now began to tell the account of what really happened and what kind of man Miraz was. Aslan told him how Caspian was the rightful heir to the throne and how Miraz had murdered his father Caspian IX in his sleep. He spoke of Caspius' birth and the assassination attempt on Caspian shortly after. He spoke of the Kings and Queens of old who had been summoned to help Caspian retake his rightful place on the throne. He spoke of how Miraz dueled the High King Peter and how he was murdered by his Litentute Sopispian and betrayed by General Glozzele. He even mentioned the mercy Caspian showed Miraz before his untimely death.

Caspius became overwhelmed by the Lion's words. He bursted into tears and said "Woe have I been wrong and wronged.." "Please of Great Lion Forgive me.. for I did not see.. nor wished to see" Aslan smiled and said with softness "You have already been forgiven.. but you must ask for the forgivenss of another.." Aslan turned looking at Caspian. Caspius turned his gaze to Caspian and rose to his feet. He took several steps towards him until he was right within reach and then fell to his knees weeping and saying "Could you ever forgive me.. cousin?" "For all the harm and ill I have caused you and your kingdom?" Caspian placed his hand on Caspius shoulder and with firm grip his rose Capsius to his feet and said loking him in the eye "I forgive you cousin.. for you were blind and decieved before now.." "But now you see.. for the cloud of darkness has fleed"

Caspius nodded and said "Yes I do indeed at last see.. clearly" Then after long pause Caspius said "I see that I do not belong here.. and that I must leave" Aslan looknig with his gentle eyes said "You are quite right.. son of Adam.." "However.. your time spent here was not all in vain.. but for a purpose" Caspius looked at Aslan with perplex espression. Aslan then seeming to read his thoughts said "You have alas learned the truth.. and that is more important and precious than anything." Aslan then spent some time talking with both Caspian and Caspius. But alas it was time for him to depart. Talking alone with Aslan Caspian asked "What do you think I have learned Aslan?" Aslan smiling replied "You already know the answer to that question.." "However I shall induldge you with an answer.." "You have learned to become a good king.. I should think" Caspian remained silent as Aslan continued.

"Think of all that has happend and all that you have done.." How you made the right decision even when they were hard. For this was not only learning experiance for your cousin.. but also for you. For you are now confident and ready to rule as King of Narnia." Caspian was speechless for a moment, captiavted by Aslan's words. At last he mustered out the words "I don't know what to say.." Aslan replied with his gentle tone "Then say nothing.. and bask in all you've learned and apply it to the days that have yet to come." Caspian smiled and kneeled once more. Aslan put his paw on his shoulder and nestled his head against Caspian's. Then he said "Be strong Caspian and know that I am always with you… I will be always be watching.. I will alwasy be hear" As Aslan said this he put his paw on his Caspian's chest. Then he vanished.
Starstorms interuption

Starstorm drew her sword and headed down the stairwell.

Sumnus looked at her "My Lady where are you going?"

To check on Caspian and to see if that brute Caspious the impostor attacked him and killed him I swore a Oath to protect him and i have been doing a poor job of it."

Sumnus: no you havn't Starstorm you were helping his armies fight. You have been doing a great job. You can't be in two places at once you helped defend the castle of the true king."

Starstorm nodded at Sumnus and headed down the steps.

She walked thru now which way was the other throne room. She saw a bright light that guided her to the throne room. She walked in and saw Caspious picking up his sword and Caspian alright.

"Caspious you put that sowrd back don't touch King Caspain. You can't lay a hand on him. If you do you will have my sword to reckon with."

But for a odd reason she couldnt' explain Caspian looked at peace and Caspious was looking like he saw a ghost or somthimg. She wondered by the peacful look on Capian Face if he saw him. The lion the son of the emperor over the see as her father calls him.

"My King are you alright did you see him A bright light Guided me here to you."
All That Happened After:

After staring as if in a dream Caspian turned to Caspius. Caspius looked at peace but he also had the look of somoene who had great deal on his mind. At once he said "Well.. I suppose it is time for me to leave as well.." "I don't imagine anyone will react the same way you did.. when they realize who I really am.." Caspian smiled and said "You'll never know if you leave now.. and besides I would fancy you stay a little longer.." "At least have supper with me.." Caspius nodded and said "Yes.. I will stay for supper and more.." "Even though I wish to aviod it.. I msut explain myself.." "I must be held accountable for what I have done.." Caspian smiled and came to Caspius' side and put his arm on his shoulder. "Your a good man.. your character becomes you well."

Caspius smiled and replied "You are great king.. I see now why your people love you so." Caspian and Caspius talked a while longer. When they had finished they retrieved their swords. Caspius was reaching for his when the duel doors bursted open and female centaur came rushing towards him. She stopped only a few feet and held her sword pointing at Caspius as she spoke. She warned Caspius and asked Caspian if he had been harmed. Caspian responded "I am well Starstorm.." "Do not harm Caspius.. he is no longer a threat.." Caspius slowly picked up his sword eying Starstorm with an uneasiness. She still seemed to have look of distrust. Caspian then answered Starstorm's last question. "Yes I.. we both saw him.." Caspian then began to tell Starstorm all that had happened.

He told her of his relation to Caspius that they were cousins. At this Starstorm seemed to grow a little pale. Caspain then shared what Aslan had told both of them. However they left out some parts. When Caspian had finished he lead Caspius and Starstorm out of the throne room hastily. Caspian rushed into the hall and ran towards the fighitng armies. Caspius fallowed him at brisk pace. They both met in the middle of armies and ordered both to withdraw fro mthe fight. Then began the long explanation of the truth. by the end of it many Narnians and Telmarines were either overcome with grief or anger. Many cried for Caspius' death. Caspian tried to calm the crowd. Caspius lowered his eyes and his countence became grim.

The crowd finally calmed, but many still showed contempt and ill feelings towards Caspius. Caspius returned no reply to any insults or accusations. For he agreed with them all and his heart became heavy as he looked upon the fallen Narnians both men and best alike. He nearly colapsed when he saw what lookedl ike river of blood flowing from the bodies. Suddenly he began to weep and he before a fallen Telmarine. Hel ooked at the face and saw it was only young man his age. His tears rained on the corpse. Some of The crowd of Narnians and Telmarines were moved by this. Seeing that he was genuinely sorry for what he had done. Others payed no attention.

At last Caspian ordered that the bodies be taken for burial. The rest of the Narnians he invited for supper at banquet. Caspius greived helped those who remained behiend to carry the bodies out. He said with solmn tone "I lead them to the slaughter.. It's only fair that I carry them out to their final resting place.."
starstorms reaction

Starstorm shetheed her sword still a little uneasy. You two are cousins and you forced brothers and freinds to fight each other for the throne" She looked at Caspious

"Starstorm of the Beruna wood and guardien for the King.So you both saw Aslan and I am glad he changed you Caspious now you can live with the others of us in peace. Now after dinner i must speak to my father Glenstorm and tell him your not a threat any more Caspious.

Glenstorm saw the fighting stop around him and looked up towards the archers he didn't see Starstorm. He wondered if she died in the fight. His poor fair haired daughter killed in a bloodshed he helped create and lead inncent Fauns and dwarves and now his daughter in death.
The Truth, The Counsel, and The Realization

Avalon smiled back at Caspius, but as his hand slipped from hers she was brought back to reality and realized once more there was a battle to deal with. Watching Caspius run off to battle there was something in him that she didn’t recognize, a kind of anger that Avalon hadn’t seen before even though they had only known each other for less than a month. She hesitated to go after him and in the end ignored the strange inkling and charged at the opposing army.

She fought against the remaining mixture of Telmarine’s and Narnians, it was almost too hard to tell who was on whose side. For several longs minutes she cut her way through soldiers down the hall. During a short break Avalon looked up to see where Caspius had gone, but saw not sign of him, she did notice however, the doors at the end of the hall pushed open slightly. Taking a deep breath she began to make her way through the crowd, she didn’t want to kill anymore and avoided contact with the enemy if possible. When she reached the doors Avalon could hear raised voices coming from within, even amongst the sounds of battle behind her. She pushed them open a little further and stepped inside the door.

And who should be standing across the room before her, none other than the two Caspians, one real one impostor. From the distance Avalon couldn’t tell one from the other, it was almost a mirror image. Avalon’s initial instinct was to go forward but her better judgment held her back to remain in the shadows, that and the conversation between the two was too intriguing for Avalon to want to break up. It didn’t take too long for Avalon to figure out who the impostor was; he was the one shouting about revenge. But as she stood there and listened with hatred for the impostor there was a strange familiarity about him. The outfit he wore was that to Caspius’s, and he was more bloodstained than the other. Something in Avalon wouldn’t allow this to register in her mind at first. Daring to take a few steps closer Avalon’s worse fears were realized it was Caspian, or the person she believed was Caspian this entire time. Her heart sank deeply into her gut as it broke to pieces. She gasped and silently watched at the rest of the scene played out. When the battle between the two Caspian’s drew to a close Avalon could no longer contain herself, “Caspian!” she shrieked, the only name of the two that she knew and inside she feared that her dream would come true after all.

As she called out the name Avalon closed her eyes but when she opened them she what she saw was a wondrous sight. Aslan stood before them all at the other end of the room. She had seen him once before when he opened the door in the air not too long ago. Avalon stood there as an audience to the scene for some time but the fear inside her caused her to recoil and flee the room even before Aslan had begun to finish what he was saying to Caspius.

The battle in the corridors had ended but Avalon did not stay around to see which side had won. She ran through the castle letting her feet take her wherever, and in the end she found herself in the stables. “Lenia!” she cried, “Lenia!”

The white horse poked it’s head over the gate of it’s box. “Avalon?”

Avalon turned to the direction Lenia was and ran toward the gate, she quickly opened it and ran in and wrapped her arms around the long neck of her friend. “You were right, you were right all along!” she sobbed.

Lenia blinked and backed away a little to get a better look at Avalon, “What’s happened to you?” she said noticing the blood stained all over her. Avalon ignored the question and continued on in sobs and gasps.

“He wasn’t really Caspian, it wasn’t really him! He lied to me the entire time it was the impostor and I was stupid enough to believe him!”

“Avalon calm down.”

“I’m sorry Lenia, all the things I said to you. You were right, and so was father. I was so stupid.” Avalon sank to the hay-covered floor of the stable box. Lenia lay down beside her and nudged her a little with her nose.

“Why don’t you tell me what happened. It seems I’ve missed a lot.” she joked a little, “I mean, if you want to tell me.”

Avalon looked teary eyed at Lenia and smiled gratefully at her and began to recount the past events, the campfire, the dream, the battle, and the reveal of the true impostor. When she finished Lenia was quiet for several long moments, with sad eyes she looked down at Avalon who was simply crushed by everything.
“I’m sorry you found out the way you did. I mean, it would have hurt in any form but the fact that he wasn’t the one to tell you.”
“You’re not mad at me? Why aren’t you saying I told you so or laughing at me. Lord knows I deserve it about now.” Avalon said trying to contain her tears.

“You really think I’d do that?” Lenia asked, “I don’t think you deserve that, it’s the last thing you deserve. You weren’t thinking with your head Avalon, but with your heart. And sometimes that can lead us to do foolish things. But I have to admit I was very angry with you at first.”

“So was I. I don’t know why I was so eager to believe it at first.” she said taking a deep breath, “I guess there was always a part of me that knew he wasn’t the real Caspian after all, but every time I had those doubts something else would fight it aside and I’d turn a blind eye.”

Lenia nodded and a smile formed on her face, “That’s what some would call love.”

Avalon blinked and looked taken aback, she blushed “No. I mean,” she paused and thought for a second. “Why would he lie to me. Well I know why he would lie, but he used me didn’t he?”

“Did he?” Lenia asked with a hidden smile, “Or did he just try to appeal to you cause there was something else there that he felt. The same something else that kept you from fully doubting his identity.”

Avalon sighed and rested her head against the wall of the stable box to think on the matter a bit. She swallowed and tried to keep herself from crying again when she thought about Caspius. At first she thought bitterly toward him and hated him, but she couldn’t bring herself to completely hate him or hate him at all. As much as Avalon thought she could never face him again, or want to face him again there was that voice in her head saying to forgive him.

“Lenia, it doesn’t change the fact that he lied to me. How can I forgive him?”

“I cannot tell you right or wrong here. It’s you who must choose if everything he has done stands forgiven in your eyes.”
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The Graveyard and The Stable:

The clouds in the night sky cleared and the light of moon fell upon the castle, maknig it glisten like silver. Caspius along with some strong Narnians carried out the corpses of the fallen. They took them outside the castle walls and picknig a barren spot in open near the river they began to dig. The dwarves were best choice, for they not only were great diggers, but they loved digging itself. Caspius joined in, grabbing spade and stabbing it into the ground. He heaved and tossed a cloud of dirt into the air. Next to him he could see his fellow Narnians sweating and digging in the tourch light. He turned his eyes back to his hole and began digging once again.

When he had made a big enough hole, he grabbed one of the bodies he had carried out of the castle. Looking at it's pale face, Caspius mind waundered. He began to think on all he had done. On how he was the cause of so many deaths. Barring the body of Telmarine he began to weep bitterly. His tears rolled down his face as he cuffed his hands around his eyes. Hsi brow was trickled with sweat and his hair was wetted. The other grave diggers kept busy, barring their comrades. Very few of them looked over at Caspius, for many of them still held resentment in their hearts towards him. Some however took notice of Caspius' sorrow.

As the night drew on Caspius and the others had barried dozens upon dozens of bodies. Approaching from the the castle's walls four stout Telmarines carried a wooden palet with body laying ont top of it. Caspius stopped digging and took notice of this spectical. The four Telmarines were singing song of fair well that is well known umong their kin. Caspius noticed at once as they drew into the light that the body was that of the Lord Valorim. Caspius dropped his spade and got out of deep hole. He then rushed to the four Telmarines carrying the Lord and said "Please.. may thee allow me to bare his body into it's final resting place?" The Four Telmarines looked at Caspius with glaring eye, but one of them responded "It is are duty to barry are captain.. why doth thee believe thoust shalt have the honor of baring a Lord of the court?"

Caspius lowered his eyes and said "Because it was I that hast slain him.." The Four Telmarines lowered Valorim on the palet. Three of them held their hand ready to draw their swords, but one stepped forth. Caspius looked at Telmarine Captain and said "I find it only fair that I who hath slain thy lord to also bare him to his final resting place.." "It cannot make up for taking his life.. but it is the only token of recompense I can give.." The Captain starred hard at Caspius. He saw as Caspius looked up, that there was genuine repentance and sorrow in his eyes. The Captain then with swift move of his hand, orfered his men at ease. He then staring at Caspius said "Very.. well he that hath slain my Lord shall take him to his final resting place.." "However by doing this you do not earn my forgivness.. nor the forgiveness of my men.."

Caspius nodded and replied "I understand.." The Captain then turned and marched back to the castle walls, his men fallowing closely behiend. Caspius now alone.. took the Lord Valorim upon his shoulder and carried him to the mount of hill just above the graveyard. There barried him under rocks and sat tourchs all around. He then knelt as he prepared to lay the last stone. Sighing he said "Fair well Lord Valorim.. skilled swordsman and noblest among all Telmarine lords." Laying the last stone Caspius then rose to his feet and looked upon the monument. Then he turned too look upon the graveyard, The tourchs flames swayed in the wind and the barren ground now looked pale and dark. It looked as if cloud hung over that place, unflintching and never breaking to lute sun cast it's light on the land.

The feeling there was of both sorrow and great depression. It remain that way until the final days of Narnia. Caspius walked down the mound and took his spade upon his shoulder. He then headed back to the castle walls, onyl turning to look back once. As he re-entered the castle courtyard he heard from a faint distance the sound discussion. Drawn by curiosity he fallowed the sound of voices to a stable. There he could hear the voices clearly. One was unkown to him.. but the other he knew all too well as Avalon. He listened as they talked. His heart felt more sorrowful and overwhelmed with pain as he listened to Avalon speak of him. He didn't like hearing her ill words towards him, but he knew they were derserved. Several quiet tears rolled down his cheeks as he listened to the pain he had caused her.

When the voices seemed to die down and the discussion seemed over, Caspius was faced with choice. He could either approach her now and apologize confessing his true feelings or walk way. In his heart he knew the second choice wasn't an option for he loved her and he knew she loved him. However the thoughts of condemnation clouded his head and he began to think he was no worthy of second chance.. that she deserved better. Pressing through the battle in his mind, he finally with all boldness and courage he could muster entered the stable, were he found Avalon and Lenia who had been the other voice he had heard. The look on Caspius face was plae and full of sorrow. He walked slowly towards them. There eyes were now upon him. He stopped nearly furlong away and stood silent and motionless.

He raised his head up and looked Avalon in the eye. He began to shake as he said "Hello.. Avalon.." "I have come.. to explain myself.. not to justfy what I have done.." "I am sure you are very angry with me.. and I wouldn't blame you for hating me and never forgiving me.." "But I must tell you the truth.." "You may decide what to do with it.." Caspius paused and said "What you've heard abotu me is all true.. I have decieved.. lied and even taken innocent lives.." "I have tried to take Caspian the true king's life.." Caspius face lowered and became overshadowed by darkness. "I have tried to take revenge.. over a lie.." "I have tried to take a throne that wasn't mine.." "I have done all of these things.. but none of them hurt or burn me like what I have done to you.."

"I cannot forgive myself for the pain I've caused you.." "I would gladly give you my life to take.. if you wished it" "But know this.. the feelings we shared.. the love we felt.. that was all real.." "I wanted to tell you every day who I really was.." "I felt my lips burn as I held my tounge.." "I felt trapped.. cause I couldn't be my complete true self with you.. and that tormented me.. to were I thought death would be more comforting.." Caspius paused as he drew closer to Avalon and said "You are all that I care about anymore.. and I would never want to cause you any further pain.." "So if you wish it I shall disspear from you sight forever.." "Or if you can find it within your heart to forgive a wretch like me.. I would ask of you to give me a second chance.. to learn who I really am.." At this Caspius knelt before Avalon, keeping his head bowed. He waited patiently for he response.
All that's done's forgiven

Avalon was startled to find that Caspius had been listening to them. She quickly scrambled to her feet and wiped the tears from her eyes. Lenia stood up but stood back from the two to give them space. She and Avalon shared a look before Avalon turned her attention to Caspius.

Midway through listening to Caspius speak, Avalon wanted to burst out and say something to yell at him but she bit her tongue and continued to listen in silence. At the very sight of him made Avalon angry and want to run away or say something very rude but as he went on Avalon could see that he was being genuine. Everything he was saying he meant, and she knew that and knew that he was truly sorry for hurting her. When Caspius finished his apology Avalon stood there unmoving on the spot glancing down at him. It was her chance to say something, to yell and let it all out but at the moment she found she couldn't speak at all. So, for several long moments she was silent until she drew in a breath and spoke at first in a near whisper.

"You're absolutely right. I am very angry, everything you said to me was a lie. From the start every word out of your mouth was a lie, and those that weren't I have no proof that they were real. You lead soldiers to a battle that didn't have to happen, you killed--I killed innocent people all for your attempt at personal gain. You nearly killed the real King, and I have every right to not want to see you ever again." she paused, "But it doesn't mean I don't want to." she tried her best to hold back tears from escaping, "I can't say that I am perfect. In the last month I cursed the Narnians in my mind, blamed Aslan for everything wrong in my life, I stole a horse, betrayed a friend, fought in a war that shouldn't have been, disowned the word of my own father, and in the end--" she held her breath for a second before continuing. "found that I haven't been most happy than when I'm with you."

Slowly a smile began to find it's way across her face, "And even when I look back at everything you did no matter how angry it makes me, I can't stay that way. After I found out the truth, I wondered if it I fell in love because I thought you were Caspian. But standing here now I have to say that Caspian is the furthest from my mind when it comes to these feelings. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you're not the only one at fault, on some degree I suppose I knew you weren't Caspian but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I forgive you. And I think we both deserve a second chance, so, I'm Avalon." she said extending her hand with smile, "I do not believe that I caught your name."
The First Kiss:

Caspius looked up at Avalon after she shared her feelings. He looked at her out stretched hand and took ahold of itwith his. Raising to his feet he looked her in the eyes and said "My name is Caspius.." Touching her hand, he felt the paleness in his face fade and his hand grew warm. His heart pumped wildly as he suddenly began to lean in closer to Avalon. As he did he noticed Avalon leaning towards him. Then with a firm embrace they kissed. Caspius took ahold of Avalon in his arms and continued to kiss her passionately. At last he was able to display his affection for her, at last he could be completely himself. No more lies, no more shadows to keep them apart.

As they continued in their drawn out kiss, the sound of a horse niegihng could be heard in the background. Caspius removed his lips from Avalon's and looked at her with such a joyful smile. He then turned to see Lenia neighing as he kept his arm around Avalon's shoulder. Suddenly a voice was heard from the enterance of the stable. A Centaur stood there. With ruff tone he said "Exuse me.. I hope I'm not interupting anything.. but your lordship is wanted at the King's banquet." Caspius laughed and replied "Oh yes.. I nearly forgot.. I suppose to attend a banquet" He then turned to look at Avalon and then back to the centaur "May I bring a quest?" The Centaur nodded and replied "Of course.. you may bring thy lady.. but withh haste.. you are already late" Caspius taking Avalon's hand began to bolt out of the stable.

But the neighing in background brought them to hault. Caspius holding Avalon's hand firmly turned and saw Lenia in her stable. He then turned back to the Centaur "Make that.. three.. me.. my lady.. and her faithful steed."
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Father Daugheter Reunion

Glenstorm Walked around the field of Battle looking for his daughter he saw a fallen female centaur and walked over.

He picked her up and buried her but it really did look like her so he walked over to the graveyard and was weeping as he buried the female Centaur.

It was not his wife he knew that and he hoped it was not Starstorm. He looked at the rest of the graves of fallen Fellow Narnians he was glad Caspious turned around but how long will it be until another tyrant worse then Miraz or him would rise up something tells him its not over yet.

Suddenly he heard a whinny and the light patter of hooves coming towards him. He turned to see it was his daughter Oh Joy she was alive he ran over as fast as he could go. He hugged her as much as you could hug a centaur. She returned his embrace they were both wiping tears away.

"Dad what are you crying about i was right here the whole time. I was thinking you were dead.

"Starstrom I am glad your safe. I was thinking the same thing about you. Thank Aslan that we are both still alive I was just mourning our comrades my dear. How is your friend Sumnus"

"Sir I will make i am right here. Its good that your alive my lady Sir"

"Aslan showed up in the nick of time like he always does Father" They walked back to the woods together.

Sumnus looked at them "Don't' you want to come to the feast Here the heralds. I think there is one going on it might have already started."

Starstorm and Glenstorm perked there ears up sure enough they heard them.

"Dad we were not invited are you sure we should come."

"Sumnus said something about it so lets go My dear daugher he took her one arm. The other he took his wife's arm. They walked to the feast. Sumnus was behind them.
The King's Banquet:

Deep within the halls of the castle a loud comotion could be heard. Within one of massive rooms cald with stone floors and many tables gathered a crowd. The crowd was mix of Telmarines and Narnians alike. They were all holding a cup of fine wine and chatting on into the night. At the head of the longest and largest table sat the King. Caspian was leaning over and carrying on conversation with Drinian. At last many servants entered the room baring a variety of meats, fruits, vegatables, and grains on silver laded plates. THe food was layed upon the long stone table. Then as the servants exited the room, a group of Narnian musicians entered baring flutes, harpes and other musical instuments. They began to play soft melody as everyone waiting for the rest of the food to be served.

Just then Caspius holding Avalon's hand entered the room. The vocies of the crowd imediately died down and their gaze was fixed upon them. The Musicians continued playing a soft melody as Caspius holding Avalon's hand walked to main table and bowed. Caspain rose to his feet with smile and welcomed both Caspius and Avalon. "Welcome Cousin.. and welcome Avalon.. to my banquet.." "Please take seat at my table" said Caspian as he ussured his hand to the chairs infront of them. Caspius politely pulled the wooden chair back for Avalon so that she may be seated. Caspius then took a seat facing opposite of Caspian. After some casual conversation Caspian stood up for toast. He raised his golden goblet and said "I thank you all for attending this banquet tonight.." "I know you all have endured great hardship.. and that you have sufffered great losses" "But I ask you now to put aside you grief and enjoy this feast and festivities"

"There will be time to mourn your loved ones later.. but for now lute us enjoy each others company and this lovely banquet." The room resouned with cheers and everyone hodling cup took a drink. Caspian took his seat and began talking with his quests, The food was laid out and everyone eat to their hearts content. As Caspius ate he couldn't help but notice glares and ill looks from some of the Narnians. He didn't however lute this bother him, instead he would just turn to look upon Avalon and all his ill feelings would pass way. At last when the supper was finished, the Musicans began playing an elobeerate song. Many Fauns got up and began dancing. Dryads and Nyads joined them. Caspius rose to his feet as did many other and look at Avalon he assured his hand and asked "Would you like to dance?"

A bright smile came from Avalon as she took his hand. Caspius then lead her to dancing floor. They danced several folk and rather ruff dances in which they would get seperated and would join in a circle holding hands. At last there was soft and slow song that allowed groups to break into twos. Caspius walked over to Avalon and putting one arm around her waist and the other gripping her lift hand stared deep into her eyes. The Melody was soft and beutiful.. a combination of flute and harp working togeter in complete harmony and rhtymn. Caspius pulled Avalon in closer and as he looked in her star like eyes he leaned in and kissed her. There eyes were completely closed and the room seemed to disspear. It felt like to Caspius that they were the only two people in the whole world. It felt like a dream.. one that you never wanted to wake from...
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The Feast

STarstorm walked into the great hall They took the lower placed at the table and bowed to Caspain and Casipus and made there way to the seats.Glenstorm and Sumnus bowed amd walked to there seats.

Starstorm looked around seeing faces of enemies she faught and freinds that are now all totghetr in one feast. How Aslan bought them all back to a unified Narnia. Will still amaze her she helped herself to some food and watched around.

Sumnus stood up and took a flute and played a merry tune. The fauns danced and made merry.

Glenstorm watched the fauns Dance but he couldon't help wondering if this is far to soon to celebrate a victory.

Starstorm looked at her father As she sipped her wine " Dad what is wrong?"

"Just thinking STarstorm that we are not out of the woods yet so to speak my daughter There is uneasiness in thet stars didn't you see it when we were walking up."

Dad lets not focus on the negative lets just focus on the victory caspian and caspious did. We have plenty of time of peace.
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Ever Ever After.

Avalon smiled back at Caspius...Caspius, she knew he true name. In that moment everything seemed right, like every event that had happened up until now was planned. It was was all leading to this moment. She leaned in toward him and their lips met.

Lenia watched the two with a small smile, but quickly turned her head away at the kiss. She smiled broadly turned away from them, it felt awkward just standing there. After a minute Lenia glanced back, they had parted and she felt it was safe to turn fully around.

Avalon's head was swimming, her face was a deep shade of red. She realized that Lenia was still standing there. Lenia eyed her, Avalon blushed further (if that was possible). "What?" Avalon asked innocently. Lenia shook her head a little smiling. Avalon turned her attention back to Caspius, he grabbed her hand tighter and the next thing she knew they were running.

"Wait!" Lenia called to them.

They stopped, and Capsius addressed her. "Not steed." Avalon said, "Friend, she's a friend."

Entering the hall Avalon felt completely out of place. She didn't feel that she was dressed properly, and she wasn't prepared. Although she didn't exactly know what she had to be prepared for, she just felt un prepared. Looking over to Caspius with a small hint of fear on her face, she took a deep breath and it all melted away. Avalon bowed her head to King Caspian and took her seat next to Caspius. As Caspian spoke to the entire hall Avalon couldn't help but feel nervous, eyes kept drifting her way, they were judging her she just knew it. Or maybe she was paranoid. But why wouldn't they judge her, I mean who was this young girl to be sitting at the head table with the King and the man who almost brought down a kingdom, and she helped. "Would you like to dance?" Caspius's voice broke through her thoughts. She snapped back to reality, or this surreal reality and took his hand with a great smile. On their walk over to the floor, Avalon kept glancing at those who remained starring. Paranoid about what their thoughts of her. But when Caspius held her close, for the second time everything around her seemed to melt away. Nothing mattered anymore, or at least for this moment in time. It was like the ending of one of the stories her mother used to tell her at night. Avalon smiled, she couldn't be happier.
A Request:

When the flute playing and the dacing ended Caspius looked into Avalon's eyes. He took both her hands.

Caspius: I wish this night would never end.. that we could dance together forever.

Caspius then *sighed*

Caspius: But I'm afraid this cannot be.. I have done to much damage.. caused too much pain.. I'm afraid I must leave this place.. forever. Im ust return to my home.. to Telmar.

Caspius *looked deep into Avalon's eyes*

Caspius: But I cannot bear the thought be apart from you.. so I find myself only able to ask you.. to ask you to come with me. Will you Avalon.. my love come with me? To my home? To stay?

The sound of music began to stir again, but Caspius could not hear it. IT was as if the room had faded away, as if tiem had frozen. He stood there looking into Avalon's eyes.. waiting for her reply.