THE club

"Um... J-Jen? Can I ask you... A Personal question?"

"sure..." she said, grabbing a water and handing it to someone.

ooc: thought I'd include this... cause P! atd ROCKS!!!
ooc: *coughobbsessedcough*

ic: Lane continues to dance, though she's hot and tired and thirsty. I guess I would be considered a classic mosher if I wasn't wearing a cocktail dress and I was in my real concert clothes, she thought laughing at herself.
"I think I've embarrassed myself for one night... I'll leave." He said quickly, still red.

".. Okay... If you're sure..." she said, looking back at him.

ooc: shut up. Just because I love them... and I have posters... and know all their songs by heart... and ... okay... I do obsess... but they're SO AMAZING!!!
".. Okay... If you're sure..." she said, looking back at him.

ooc: shut up. Just because I love them... and I have posters... and know all their songs by heart... and ... okay... I do obsess... but they're SO AMAZING!!!

He bit his lip, and stared at her too long again. He caught himself, and turned away to leave.
ooc: *wistles* someone has a major crush... considering they read books in clubs... you kinda scare me sometimes, Tsukyomi. LOL...

ic: Lane headed back to the bar to grab a water bottle, "Hey, sorry to bug you again, but can I get another water bottle. Moshing's hard work." Lane grinned.