The Duffer Encyclopedia

Yes, cliffs could be considered Duffer objects. :D As could cacti.

MF, Iambic Hexameter is a type of poetic rhythm. I'm not quite exactly clear on what it means, but it sounds cool. :D

i recognized the hexameters, but "lambic" sounded like an insult, so i was a bit sceptical... ^^

Olorin said:
They can't drive the first post off topic, and that's the important part.

the mods could... MODS!!
if there weren't any mods, who would we annoy? who would they annoy? (not relevant because they would not be existent) we wouldn't even know how much we'd miss annoying the mods...

no, there is a strange dependance between the two...


Strange yet strangely powerful beings in possession of The Ban Button, cookies and many more dangerous items. Mods have ever opressed Dufferland with their iron rule and their love of order. Thus many battles have been fought between the Mods and the Non-Mods wih the results that fun was made of both sides, see Making Fun of the Non-Mods by holyboy.
The Mods have over time revealed that they have a Mod Lounge in which there is a fridge, cookies and a petz called DLF. It is suspected that the Mods have countless other secrets that are yet to be revealed.

submitted by Miss Freckles

I would like to point out that my own love of order started well before my modship, as evidenced by my membership (in good standing) in the TDL spelling police. That and the fact that I categorize my books by genre and then alphabetize them; but then again, doesn't everyone do that?

*considers, just for a fraction of a nanosecond, loaning Olorin her ban button just to see what would happen, then re-hides it in undisclosed, top-security location*

That's alright, I stole Monkeh's. Since he's gone, he won't notice. See?

That's alright, I stole Monkeh's. Since he's gone, he won't notice. See?


Yes, but on the other hand mine actually works ;). We have ways of disabling ban buttons if they fall into the wrong hands :D.

Speaking of which, shouldn't there be a definition of "Ban Button"?
I would like to point out that my own love of order started well before my modship, as evidenced by my membership (in good standing) in the TDL spelling police. That and the fact that I categorize my books by genre and then alphabetize them; but then again, doesn't everyone do that?
Alphabetically by author or by title? :D

Ban Button, the

Defined as: Evil weapon of the mods.
Is used to: threaten innocent spammers, to make them stop. But as always the Duffers have their victory. Mainly because we've managed to get some of us to them (them being the mods).
Of course, the ban button can be used for good stuff too, stuff like banning evil people who really deserve it. And Duffers are very gratefull that the mods ban those members.
Who has it: we are not exactly sure, all the mods claim to have it (though according to a certain member, Monkeh doesn't have one anymore...), and so does Specter, who might actually have it. Some members claim to have it too, but we don't believe them.
Conclusion: The Ban button is good to have around (wherever that may be), but beware not to spam in any other section than Duffers :eek:


~Submitted by the owner:D

the place where Ferny the plant/dog, who got turned into a deer, resides in order to escape slp's watering can


BEEP, you just got redirected to Dernhelm

~Submitted by an anonymous person, since Derny is going to kill her if she finds out:D
Zebra, Industrialist

Quite different from the regular Zebra, Industrialist Zebras are evil creatures who took over Narnia while our backs were turned. They built railroad tracks all over Narnia, and ran down all the Fauns with trains because (as they said) the Fauns didn't know what the flashing light and the "Ding, ding ding" sound meant.

~Submitted by Olorin the Wise
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GKoN's Clone Machine

GKoN made a Clone Machine which enabled him to make perfect clones of himself. While attempting to use it in Can Land, someone (I think it may actually been a combination of lieke, ~Lava~, and Olorin) stole it from him and forced it to serve the Can. Now it has made quite a few clones of itself and has made innumerable clones of the Can (though never perfectly shiny). Dernie reportedly stowed it behind the fridge in the Mod Lounge and there it resides, cloning itself, the Can, and lieke's cookie (so that the thing does not attack it).

Submitted by ~Lava~
Wow, did i miss something!! When did that happen? And should that be included in Zebra, maybe it's better on its own, as Industrialised Zebra?
Cookie, the

Defined as: yummie!
Belongs to: Lieke :D
Motto: Touch me and you will be pushed of that cliff.
Current status: somewhere in the mod lounge a clone of the cookie is being cloned multiple times. Half of the cookie was given by Lieke to MF, who unfortunately was turned into a statue, and it fell on the ground while she was trying to crush a girl, and a boy saw half the cookie falling to the ground. What happened after that is still unknown.
When does one get a cookie: if they join the dark side :D

~submitted by Lieke