The Elements

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Arcturus saw that the Queen was serious and thought:
"Uh? That is a mouthful," but he said. "Ok Royal Rexina. By the way, if you don't mind, what does Rexina stand for?"

"The highest honor of the court, the, oh how do you say it? God like ugh....Holiness basically. Her Royal Holiness."
"Do you think the King of Alistair will be pleased that a lady calling herself Holly has come to his Kingdom and Capital city, and not even deign to visit the Royal palace. People who over hear us calling you that will definitely bring this tale to the King."
Sienna slowly realized that Terran was still asleep and walked over to Boleyn. She opened her bag and took out an apple for her horse and an orange for her. She thought long and hard, and decided that she should head in to the city. "Are you ready Boleyn, its going to be a very odd ride!" Sienna said giggling, knowing she was going to get lost.
She whipped out her map and hopped on to Boleyn.
She started off and took a few stops along the way.
Her head was still behind the map.
As Arcturus walked over in the direction that Queen Leila had pointed, he remembered that he had left marks on the road. They were little water puddle in the shape of arrows pointing in the direction he and Acela had gone."

OOC: ;)
Sienna then looked up from her map and saw these little arrows in the ground. "Well they must be leading to somewhere important." Boleyns ears perked up. "I hear them too," Sienna slowly brought Boleyn around the corner. Her eyes went huge when she found she was in the right place. "Arcturus! Acela!" She cried as she jumped off Boleyn. She wasnt sure who the woman they were with was, she looked important.
"I am sorry, I forgot my manners." He said looking in the direction of Queen Leila, "this lady here is Her Royal Highness Queen Leila, from the Southern Desert."
"Queen Leila, this is Her Royal Highness, Princess Sienna, from West Kingdom," he said bowing to both royals. Then added. "Princess Sienna prefers that people would leave her title out. Sienna will do."
"Do you think the King of Alistair will be pleased that a lady calling herself Holly has come to his Kingdom and Capital city, and not even deign to visit the Royal palace. People who over hear us calling you that will definitely bring this tale to the King."

"Than just call me Rexina, you northern barbarians have no idea what it means anyways."
Sienna curtsied to the Queen. "Wow, she seems...interesting" Sienna thought in her head. "Its a pleasure to meet you your majesty." She smiled at the Queen. "And yes, I do just like to be called Sienna. You know...keep it a little quieter in a new town and all." She smiled to her two friends.
"A little feisty," thought Arcturus with a smile.

"Fine, Rexina, and now that you have met Sienna, it is high time that we get something to eat. I have had a long morning already. Now, where is that food?"

OOC: If someone wants to make a scene where the rowdy "locals" give us trouble as we get the food, we can start using our powers;);)
Arcturus and Sienna were the first ones to walk into the place. It was called a "Kitchen" which was what restaurants were called in Alastair (they had seen a few since entering the Kingdom). But this "Kitchen" was more like a dumpster, with unwashed walls and chairs, used utensils were still on many tables and there were hardly any clean or empty tables in there."
"I does not look good," Arcturus said, while at the same time, smelling eggs frying on the stove, which made his stomach growl.
He also noticed that some patrons were eying them with suspicious, almost belligerent looks. They seemed ready to start anything.
Arcturus felt uneasy but he noticed that Sienna walked in with a very confident stride.
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Sienna walked in with her head high (but not to high to be seen as arrogant) but just enough to make the people in there know that she wasnt matter how frightening. There was a waiter at the counter and didnt look like a friendly fellow at all. "Arcturus, Do you think it will be ok? I mean what if they say something?"
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"I am getting some food, whatever any of these patrons say." Responded Arcturus, and walked with with Sienna towards the counter. Suddenly, a foot extended in front of him so as to trip him, while at the same time he noticed that two big figures stood up on each side of Sienna.
Sienna stood still. "May I help either of you?" She said trying to get rid of the fright in her voice. She darted her eyes around trying to see if Arcturus' accused tripper was still around. "Its not polite to stand beside a girl unknown to you and it is definitly not polite to trip an unknown person." Her voice began to be a little stronger.
Arcturus looked around and saw plenty of pitchers, cups, and pots with enough water to use if needed. Some even had boiling water in them.
"Now that's better," he thought as he saw this boiling water. However, he paused when he noticed that Sienna was holding her own. He would be ready to help in case someone else tried to surprise the Princess.
"And who are you to tell us what is polite and what isnt?" Said the dark haired man to Sienna. They came closer to her, Sienna wasnt sure what to do...she didnt want to say who she was, it might spark something...her father wasnt supposed to know..."I...I..." she stammered. She inhaled and hoped that this would work. She swung her arm hard, a gust came, but a gust from the large man beside her. She ended up swinging into his stomach. She was done for. "Well THAT didnt seem to polite now did it Miss. Know it all?" The dark haired man said to her, he didnt look very happy. "I didnt mean to I, I-I-I" She was lost for words.
At that moment, Arcturus saw another burly man get up from his chair behind Sienna. Arcturus knew that this man would get Sienna before she had time to react. Arcturus quickly made a gesture with his hand, and the glass of water in the man's table tipped, the water ran on the floor, as if commanded by an invisible force and the man slipped on it and fell on his back on the hard floor. He was winded. Then Arcturus looked at Sienna, who had already taken care of one of the men."
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