The Elements

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She rolled her eyes " He didn't do anything to you he fall in love," she told him, hooking her hands in his " He still your friend Alex," she told him.
(ooc its unofficial that Leila and Aasen are together yet. lol)
"With her?!!" he asked, shocked. Leila seemed to uptight for him. Aasen had always like easy going-do anything kinda girls. Leila seemed the exact opposite.
She rubbed his back " I don't know I'm just guessing," she told him, she sighed then looked out of the widow " Alex if you are the one...," she pused what she was about to say.
She nodded " I know it's silly but Alex if your are the one from my dream I think it trying to tell us that we post to be together," she told him, looking back at him with a red face.
She got up " No it wasn't only a dream Alex I have dreams like this all the time and they come true and if you had the same one it most be," she told him, then she pulling his closer to her " Alex I don't think you don't want to beleave it but it is we post to be together," she told him, then she kiss him.
Letting himself enjoy the kiss, he kissed back fervantly (and not like a gentleman mind you) and wrapped his arms around her. He had only met her twenty minuets ago, but as he kissed her he felt sparks. And for once it wasn't from his power.
She place her head on his shouder " Good to know I'm Miss Lournzà but don't call me that if you don't want to," she told him, closing her eyes " I don't want this to end," she told him.
" All right when you do just let me know," she told him, hooking her fingers with his " Now I know all little bit about you I'm not scared of you," she told him, snuggled up to him.
He laughed nervously, "I'm not scary, just...a theif." he let her cuddle with him. "Does everyone here have a power? Besides Aasen. Why is everyone here? How many are there?"
" I have the power of water and I'm not sure I don't talk to anyone but her like I said I don't have that many friends but her," she told him, with yawn " I'm sorry I'm so tired but I don't want to move," she told him.
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