The golden years of Narnia

ooc: Hehe, actually it's Su. :p

"But I don't understand!" Susan exclaimed, trying her best to surpess the anger bubbling up inside her.
"Maybe we're needed here now..." Lucy said, though even she had tears already welling in her eyes.
"But it's not fair that he would just rip it all away like this!" Susan ran back into the wardrobe, pressing her way to the vary end, she beat upon wooden wall, her eyes burned with hot tears.

Edmund gave Peter a look, gesturing for him to try and calm Susan while he took care of Lucy. "Come on Lu Why don't we go see how the Professors doing.." Taking her hand he led her out of the room, giving once last fleeing glance behind him.
ooc: oh sorry lol

Peter slapped susan, "get a grip woman" lmfo kidding

peter grabbed susan and held her close"susan its no use" he said gently comforting and trying to calm his sister
ooc: tis ok, ^_^ ROTFL!!

Then Susan, glaring at Peter returned the smack, "You just don't understand because your not a girl and have no feelings!" lol. :p kidding...

"But Peter... What are we going to do now? How can Aslan exspect us to just get used to living in a black and white world again?" Sobbed Susan, trembling in his arms, she held onto her brother tightly, burrying her face within his shoulder.
peter punched susan in the fac"take it like a man" lol

"there must be something here for us top fix, im sure aslan knows what he is doing, we will go back, someday" he assured
Then Susan turned around and punched her brother in the stomack as hard as she could. "How about you take that like a man!" she screamed. lol.

Taking a deep breath Susan rested her head softly upon Peter's shoulder, closing her eyes tightly, unable to bear the horrid site of the back of the wardrobe which once led to the world that had taught her the true meaning of joy. "But how can he exspect us to adapt after ripping us away from the thing we love the most? Peter, here were not some great rulers who have the power to change whole lands, were just kids, we can't change the world, we can't change anything! Were helpless...and forced to grow up a second time. Look at us! were just kids again, Peter, kids trapped in an adults body!" she exclained feriouse, bighting her lip to attempt to stop the tears threatening to stream down her face in sheets.
from the punch peter threw up in susans face lmfo!!

"susan, just because we are not kings or queens anymore doesnt mean we cant make a difference, i promise, now lets go find the others, you need to be here for lucy, she needs to know that everything is going to be okay from her controlling i mean" peter joked"older sister"
from the punch peter threw up in susans face lmfo!!

"susan, just because we are not kings or queens anymore doesnt mean we cant make a difference, i promise, now lets go find the others, you need to be here for lucy, she needs to know that everything is going to be okay from her controlling i mean" peter joked"older sister"

"Ew! Guy's are so disscusting!" Susan exclained, hitting him before running out of the room to take a shower to wash off all the puke. Rotfl!

Susan nodded, letting her brothers words slowly sink into her heart. Then the familar playful glint hit her eyes once more at his last comment. "Hey!" she exclaimed, hitting him 'lightly' on the arm. "Well I'm not the only one who's controlling." standing to her feet, she shot him a look.
"come back susan i still have last nights dinner to come" peter said running after her

"yeah edmund is pretty controlling too" peter joked getting up" come on" he said walking towards the door
" Ew! NO! Stay away from me you grosshead!" sqealed Susan, running into the bathroom and shutting the door quickly behind her.

Susan chuckled a little at the comment then followed at his side to the door. "Well you know he get's it from you.." she smirked humourousely.
Susan clutched onto the wall to prevent from falling down, "Fine then I'll make you!" She called after him through fits of laughter, then bolted off down the hall, whipping the coner just in time to catch the vary edge of her brothers shirt.
Edmund grinned. "Message my dirty feet every day for the rest of this year. He then grabbed ahold of his borther and shoved him under the bed. "Nope..not their" Then in the shower. "Nope..that won't do.." He finally found the perfect place.. under the covers. jk! ROTFL! :p

"You don't tell Susan about my secret stash of candy.." He said, then quickly grabbed ahold of Peter's shirt and shoved him in the clostet.
ooc: ROTFL!

Edmund stood outside the wardrobe door, grinning innocently as Susan rushed in the door heartbeats later. "Edmund! Where is Peter..." She exclaimed, yeing him carefully, for a moment or so he shuddered remembering when the Witch had said something similar only using the word Aslan instead.
He gulped. "How should I know? I'm not my brother's keeper!"
Susan was about to say somthing but stopped herself and shrugged, simply turning and walking out of the room.
"Whew..that was easy enough." Edmund said wiping away a simple anami sweat drop.:p