The golden years of Narnia

" i dont know" peter shouted to lucy but he soon found out

ooc: lmfo yayness

ooc: :D *dances around in a little circle* Rotlf!

They soon came upon a strange familiar place which gave everyone a certain feeling that they couldn't ignore, Lucy was the first to spot a bueatiful old lampost rapped in green tree vines. "Look!" she exclaimed, a longing look deloped upon her face as if she were remembering something.
peter camr to a holt"what is it Lu?" he obviously did not remember

The young Queen did not ansher in words but gestured to the lamp post. "It's like something I've seen in a dream..." she whispered, stdying it over carefully.
"Or a dream of a dream.." Susan vinished, comming to a halt alongside her brother. Ed was soon to follow and he too gazed on at the strange old lampost.
"Hey! Susan your on my foot!" Edmund exclaimed stubling through the bushes. "I am not!" she retorted, giving a lighthearted chuckle.
"Hey..What are coats doing out here?" Lucy asked, showing her olding brother the sleeve of a fur coat she had found.
Susan looked around and suddenly a panicky feeling ran throughout her at the all to familiar site of the Spare Room inside the Professers mansion, memeories flooded back to her and for a moment she thought she would burst into tears when she looked back and could see a glimpse of the back of the wardrobe instead of the snowy forest that was once their so long ago. "What happend? Why are we back here?" she asked bewildered.