The golden years of Narnia

Lucy nodded, with his hand clasped gently in his, she walked beside him down the hall to Aslan's room. She stopped when they arrived outside the door of the lion's bedroom. "Do you think he's alseep?" she asked in a whisper, looking up at Peter.
Before she had time to ansher she heard a deep voice filled with gentleness urrupt form the other side of the door. She looked at Peter as if in amazement before using her free hand to open the door for the two to walk in.
"Ye-Yes.." she stammered amazed of his knowledge (sp?). "I've been having dreams that the Witch... in each of the dreams she returns to Narnia and..then she captured us and every single night I'm forced to watch her kill Peter in the darkest room of her castle!" she finally blurted out, fresh tears began spilling down her cheeks once more though it felt good to tell someone the details of her nightmare.
Lucy looked up at him brushing a few stray bangs out of her face. "But then why do I keep having the dream over and over again? Aslan I don't want to go to sleep every single night knowing I'm going to have the same nightmare... it's been this way for over a week..."
"its not just you, i think everyoe is having them" peter said not really sure
aslan stood up and walked over to the window "i am not sure what is happening here" he said looking towars the ice castle
"Does it mean that the Witch is still alive?" she asked shakily, but right at that moment Susan came bolting into the room and practicly nocked Peter to the ground from her tight embrace. "OH Peter! Aslan, Lucy thank goodness your all alright!" she turned to Lucy and did the same then to Aslan, burrying her face within his mane, she gave him a kiss on the head.