The Gone, Away, and Returned Thread II

This is my last post for a while. Tomorrow I am having cancer surgery so I will be out this week but hopefully it will not be too long till I can get back online while I am recuperating. The Lord be with you all.
In His Indescribable Peace

You are in my prayers, Benisse! May the Lord be with you and protect you.
er. back?


Yay! Hello!:D

Ta da! I'm (sort of) back! Because I know just how much everyone was wondering. :) Haha, actually I'm fairly sure there are so many new people that I was hardly even missed, and most of you probably don't know me in any case. Anyway, I graduated from college about eight months ago, and I was "pedal-to-the-metal" with crazy life after that. Things have slowed down now, and I'm hoping to try to be not quite so absent. Maybe. But as we all know, I've been a TDL flake for the past four or five years, so I guess we'll see. :p I'd like to get to know people these days...things have changed quite a bit!

I don't really know you, but you look familiar. Welcome back!

This is my last post for a while. Tomorrow I am having cancer surgery so I will be out this week but hopefully it will not be too long till I can get back online while I am recuperating. The Lord be with you all.
In His Indescribable Peace

I'm praying for you! *Hugs*
Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. I'm back home now and am being unabashedly spoiled by family and friends while I recuperate for the next 6+ weeks.
You'll do a great job Vanessa! The Zeldadungeon fans have just got themselves a true treasure -- Drop by when you can.
I'm sorta back (not that I've been gone for long; I just haven't been posting that much recently.) I do check new threads, and I am still praying for everyone's prayer requests.:) And reading over some old posts. (Oh dear, the ridiculously embarrassing posts I've made here on TDL, especially the 2009 ones...*hides*:o)
I haven't seen you about for a bit, so welcome back!

(And you ought to see some of the posts I made back in 2006. We all grow older and wiser as the years pass. ;))