The Gone, Away, and Returned Thread II

Ta da! I'm (sort of) back! Because I know just how much everyone was wondering. :) Haha, actually I'm fairly sure there are so many new people that I was hardly even missed, and most of you probably don't know me in any case. Anyway, I graduated from college about eight months ago, and I was "pedal-to-the-metal" with crazy life after that. Things have slowed down now, and I'm hoping to try to be not quite so absent. Maybe. But as we all know, I've been a TDL flake for the past four or five years, so I guess we'll see. :p I'd like to get to know people these days...things have changed quite a bit!
Ta da! I'm (sort of) back! Because I know just how much everyone was wondering. :) Haha, actually I'm fairly sure there are so many new people that I was hardly even missed, and most of you probably don't know me in any case. Anyway, I graduated from college about eight months ago, and I was "pedal-to-the-metal" with crazy life after that. Things have slowed down now, and I'm hoping to try to be not quite so absent. Maybe. But as we all know, I've been a TDL flake for the past four or five years, so I guess we'll see. :p I'd like to get to know people these days...things have changed quite a bit!
Welcome back! :D You probably don't remember me, but we talked some a long time ago, when you were on to update your prayer request thread.
I don't think we've talked, but I am *ahem* kind of familiar with you, thanks to obsessively reading old Duffer threads. In any case, it's wonderful to have an old Duffer back (and if you can entice/ice Olorin into being on more often, I shall give you a sheep).
I don't think we've talked, but I am *ahem* kind of familiar with you, thanks to obsessively reading old Duffer threads. In any case, it's wonderful to have an old Duffer back (and if you can entice/ice Olorin into being on more often, I shall give you a sheep).
Haha! You do actually seem kind of familiar to me. Thanks for welcome back! I'm flattered that you, ah, know me by my old "works." I actually remember the same thing happening to me...back when I first joined... I came right after the first Golden Age of the Duffers, and I used to peruse the oldest Duffer threads desperately, and wish I had joined a year or so earlier. I don't remember everything I have done, however, so I hope you are only familiar with... *good* things about me. :p As for Olorin...I would dearly love to "ice" him regardless of whether or not it turned out to be useful at all, but I'm afraid he is several thousand miles away from me. A silly move or a wise one? You tell me! I do understand why he has "fallen off the wagon," though, having gone through the same college experience so recently myself. But I would love the sheep no matter what, please and thank you.

Welcome back!!

(Glen, can I have a sheep too? Pretty please?)

Thank you! And Lossy, if you get a sheep too, we could start a sheep farm. And we could exercise creative advertising and call it an Insomnia Clinic.
I'm the forum oddity--college has made me be on TDL more, not less. But considering that I don't have internet at home, perhaps that isn't so odd. In any case, TDL helps me keep my sanity, and insanity, at the same time--which is difficult at college under any circumstances. In regards to Oly--just ice him when you can, and I shall give you a sheep in advance. *gives sheep*

These sheep are strange...they just started populating my brain this week. Anyway, Lossillion, I just emailed you back, and I think I gave you cheese and sheep in the salutation. But I shall give you another sheep for good measure. His name is Harry. *gives sheep*
Hmm...Lossilition isn't always on, so sometimes I duffer in threads that aren't technically Duffer threads (e.g. the "Write a Note" thread). Sopespian, the resident Telmarine, has been slowly and painfully developing into a Duffer (having a mad buffalo as a pet helped the process along, I think), and his "Ask a Telmarine" thread has some Duffering in it. Duffering kind of happens in spurts, mostly in the older threads, depending largely on whether Lossilarion is on for the weekend (or mafia game :D). Last week D (MissReepicheep), Sopes, Lossiful, and I were on at the same time, and had a blast. The really neglected threads are Corrupt a Wish and the Glorious Food threads, which makes me sad. Lossatchewan doesn't do much there for some reason.... *sigh*
Dear me. Numbers and old standby...s... (ah, pluralization) have dwindled disastrously. I shall endeavor to investigate these venues...but it certainly doesn't sound as easy as it once was.
*Eats LoL* I suggest just joining in any Duffer threads that have been posted on recently. I live on TDL by using the "New Posts" button, I recommend the same for you. ;)
*Eats LoL* I suggest just joining in any Duffer threads that have been posted on recently. I live on TDL by using the "New Posts" button, I recommend the same for you. ;)

Eh heh. Hello to you too. Eating me is generally considered painful, for reasons which I guard quite jealously. But that probably wouldn't daunt you anyway. Thank you for your suggestions, nevertheless. :)
GG ate my brain! *is mad* Be careful around her, LoL but, for the record, if she eats something you care about, donate indigestion to her "Kitchen."
GG ate my brain! *is mad* Be careful around her, LoL but, for the record, if she eats something you care about, donate indigestion to her "Kitchen."

Hey now, I can't always help it. I've only ever refused to eat like three things, I have to keep my record mostly clear.
Hey now, I can't always help it. I've only ever refused to eat like three things, I have to keep my record mostly clear.

Don't worry. I understand. In real life I have quite the reputation for always wanting food. Speaking of which... *wanders off*

All right. I will cease spamming the gone, away and returned thread. I was gone. And I was away. And now I have returned. Veni vidi vici. Or something like that.
This is my last post for a while. Tomorrow I am having cancer surgery so I will be out this week but hopefully it will not be too long till I can get back online while I am recuperating. The Lord be with you all.
In His Indescribable Peace
This is my last post for a while. Tomorrow I am having cancer surgery so I will be out this week but hopefully it will not be too long till I can get back online while I am recuperating. The Lord be with you all.
In His Indescribable Peace
I've been in prayer for you and will continue to pray for you. I'll miss you!