The Grand Hotel

Josh was about to reply when the handymen came in-between him and Vivian with a mop in his hand.
He glanced at Vivian, seeing her smile at the mop-holding handyman.

ooc: i've said it before, and I'll say it again. He's so cocky!!!

ic: Vivian looked at Josh, seeing him look at her. "what?"
Jenny came out of her room and into the lobby.
She saw Josh and Vivian.
She came by and said"I'm really bored...does anyone want to go to the club with me?"
In her room, of course, was a basket of flowers, with a note that read,

Though I see you every day
And you've seen me plenty of times
I can never talk to you before your whisked away
So instead, I'll talk to you in rhymes.
~Your secret admirer​
In her room, of course, was a basket of flowers, with a note that read,

Though I see you every day
And you've seen me plenty of times
I can never talk to you before your whisked away
So instead, I'll talk to you in rhymes.
~Your secret admirer​

Vivian smiled, reading the card. She quickly changed, getting ready to go to the club. She tucked the note into a pocket and smelled one of the flowers.
Then she went back downstairs to meet Jenny.
Kyle, mopping the floors, watched her maybe a little more than he should have as she came down, but then got back to work.
"Wait let me change!"Jenny said running to the elevator.
She quickly changed into this:

Jenny ran back stairs almost falling and said"I'm ready."