The Inheritance Trilogy RPG:

The Sun

Skulblaka sat beside a tree in the dark of night, listening to the sounds of the darkness. He Called to Glaedr through their mental bond. I'm not so sure about the new generation of riders, Glaedr; I've only seen one that's any promising and using his head.

Yes, Skulblaka...they are a bit irrational, but they are going to mature eventully and learn when to act and when not to. It will take time, my young friend; give them a little room for error.

Would Oromis give them a lot?

No, no he would not, but you should. You are not completely Oromis, and they are not you at all. So we, should allow them to learn differently than you did. At least they have yet to abuse what power we have given them, true?

Yes, you're right my friend. And they won't be allowed to abuse their power as long as we're around to keep our eyes on them.

Skulblaka turned his head to the night sky, glistening with stars overhead.
He closed his eyes and muttered a few inaudible words in the ancient language. He then saw, in his mind, the images of all the riders of this new generation; he smiled ever so slightly and shook his head as he stood up and stretched.
"This," he said with a wry grin, "could get interesting."

The black sky lit up as Glaedr flew into view and landed with a quake on the ground. Skulblaka Lept onto his back, saying, "Let's ride, Glaedr; I think it's time that we met another young rider." And with one beat of his massive wings, Glaedr soared into the sky, leaving a trail of light in his wake as though they werea commet in the sky.

As they burnt through the sky, Skulblaka thouched Demaji with his mind from far off.
Follow the trail of a commet and you will find us; make haste young one. And tell your rider that he has done well.
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As Skyla was flying alone with her thoughts. Two sights she saw thru Persifney's eyes a spectacular comet flew a little bit away from them but then suddenly came there direction

Persifney go there is a comet or somthing in our path go under it quick and fast and low but still towards the direction of the burning planes

PErsifeny already saw it and was flying lower and that was when Skyla saw the other site a hooded figure and a young half elf judging by the way she seemed at home in the woods and how she was playing with flowers and making necklaces and headbands.It looked the hooded figure was chasing the elf Skyla reconized it movements a drow what is doing chasing her

You want me to fly towards them or not I see you looking at them Do you think she needs help

No she looks perfectly at ease I would hate to disturb her and scare her by landing there persifney stay on course we need to check on Argo and Demnji

Glorfindel was resting under the trees and a waterfall when he sensed someone near him
He woke with a start and grabbed his sword a tall dark skinned man saw him there and was looking at him.
"State your buisness stranger who are you you look like your fairfolk or elves as you are called"
I am Glorfindel of Palancar Valley I am here to offer my assitence and warrior prowess for your army sir" Glorfindel debated if this was the leader of the varden if he should tell him about his sister the rider.

"Very well you may enter anyone else with you? Come with me"

"No just me and my horse sir."

"Follow me Sir Glorfindel"

"You know of me ?"

"I know of you I heard of your escape from when the Raz'zac's attacked you. You wer able to use magic are you a rider?"

"No but my sister is"
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The Commet

Skulblaka turned his head and saw the young female rider and her dragon, flying towards the burning plains, where he had just left.

Glaedr, turn around, that's the one I want to see next. We'll have to get too the Burning Plains first so no more floating along on the air currents, flap your wings for this now.

Not a problem; I had a feeling that you wanted to see the female next, but is it for the dragon, or her rider?

The dragon, obviously, Glaedr; a female dragon is almost as rare as I am. There are only two female dragons left in Alageasia. This one is tasked with training all of the next generation of riders, and I will.

With that, the commet trail veered around and headed back to the Burning Plains, then Glaedr beat his wings thrice and then they seemed to vanish as they rocketed to the plains they had come from in the blink of an eye.
When they reached the plains, Skulblaka motioned for Glaedr to head to the mountain range behind him, as he pulled his shimmering, white cloak over his head and turned his golden gaze to the sky.

Soaring through the clear blue sky, Demaji and Argo headed towards the mountains. As they descended downward towards the forest, demaji heard Skulblacka speak to his mind. Argo Skulblacka wishs us to meet up with him. "Very well, but first lutes have a rest". Demaji desecend into the forest landing softly on the plains. Argo dismounted and walked towards a stream. As he cuffed his hands to sip some water, he heard a twig snap. Instantly Argo froze, raising to his feet slowly. As Argo stood silent he heard the soft sound of bushes waving in the wind, and faintly he heard a gasping breath. Argo reached for his blade and in his sub concious he warned Demaji. Someone is here, there watching us. Demaji sniffed and looked through the thick trees with his sapphire blue eyes. I see nothing, but there is a faint scent in the air. "Fallow it, I'll keep his eyes fixated on me".

Demaji slowly crept away, diseapering into the wood. As Argo's eyes panned through the forest, he saw a fiant shadow. It moved slowly from tree to tree, trying to aviod Argo's sight. Argo called Demaji through his mind "Do you have him?". Almost, keep him busy a while longer. Argo began moving towards the shadow's postion. Suddenly Argo heard a roar and a loud shout. Soaring into the sky Demaji held someone in his talons. Demaji decended to Argo's postion and droped the stranger. Argo unsheathed his sword and approached the stranger with caution. The stranger was young man, about Argo's age. His hair was black and his eyes where a emerald green. The stranger laughed with glee as he laded looking at Demaji. Argo extending his blade towards him ask "Who are you, and why have you been fallowing us?".

The stranger arose and replied "I am Daret, and I was merly curious". "It's not everyday you meet a dragon or a dragon rider". Argo paused and asked "What is your business in these parts?". "Nothing in paticular, I tend to come through these parts looknig for adventure". "And It seems I've found it" said Daret. Argo smiled and then looked at Daret sternly. "What is you postion in these lands?". "If you mean do I serve the King, the answer is no". Argo consolted with demaji and confiirmed his words where true. Argo then sheathed his sword and extended his hand saying "It's good to meet you, my name is Argo". Daret took Argo's hand and shook it firmly. "It's nice to meet you, dragon rider".

Argo and Daret then sat down telling each other stories of there past. When it came to Daret's he said "I was opraphned when I was young, I never trully knew my real parents". "Since then I've lived with a man who I could call my father". "He has taught me all I know". Argo stayed silent as he listened, Daret's life seems so much like his own. It also seemed like he was looking into a mirror. As Daret continued, the sun setted and the moon rose laong with all the stars in the sky. Argo realized the time and said "Well I better be going". "It was pleasure to meet you Daret". "No dragon rider, the plasure was mine". "Tell we meet again". Argo nodded and bid him fair well. He then mounted Demaji and soared into the moonlite sky. daret watched as the moon shone on demaji lighting him up like a star. "Until we meet again, dragon rider"...
Skyla and persiphony landed right outside of the planes to take a rest Skyla felt like she had been riding for days and days and was wondering if they even knew where they were going.

"Persipheny why are we going to the planes what exactly did this dragon master tell you about Argo " Skyla's blue eyes flashed with fire at her dragon

"Easy Skyla you need rest and somthing to eat you must be hungrey"

"Don't change the subject Persipheny tell me"

He said Young dragoness, keep an eye on your rider and pay more attention to those who are your friends and future allies. Keep that in mind...

"Persiphny I can take care of myself my brother and took care of ourselves for years and years before you even knew me so Argo is a allie as well as a friend maybe that who was beside me in my vision" Skyla dismissed the thought.

"It could be now i am goign to go hunt for somthing for me to eat I suggest you do the same we will rest here for the night" Persiphny said As she was flying away her scales sparking like amthest in the sunset and Skyla walked around trusting her eyes to not fail her as she saw somthing walk by her she fired her arrow and she heard a thunk as the arrow hit Skyla followed the trail of her arrow and saw a deer falling to the ground she closed her eyes and skinned it and started a fire and cooked the meat and drank some water from the stream that was near where she was. Persiphony glided down beside her and started eating and skyla leaned up aginst her dragons soft belly and Persiphny folded her wings around Skyla and they rested.
New Characters:

Name: Daret
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Affiliations: None
Daret was abanddoned when he was very
young. He was raised by a farmer and
taught how to hunt. he later becomes
a dragon rider. Daret is also Argo's brother,
however neither he or Argo knows.

Name: Charz'zar
Species: Dragon
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Orange
Skin color: Obsidian Grey
Affiliations: Daret (His rider).
Charz'zar is another dragon egg that
the King is not aware exists. Charz'zar
is hidden in the mountians where Daret
discovers him. Charz'zar later grows up
to be a dragon of attitude and he has
an amazing power to change like chamelon
to hide himself against anything he touchs.
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In the Darkness of the Burning Plains

It was dark still and the plains gave off a feint orange-red glow. Skulblaka stood up, knowing that it was time; he donned his shimmering white cloak and briskly yet silently walked through the forest edge, adjacent to the plains.

I'll handle this on my own, but I'll let you know when to invervene, Glaedr.
Understood, I shall stay in the shadow of the mountain for the time being then.

Skulblaka then wispered three words in the ancient language and walked into a small clearing where he saw exactly as he had expected, a young girl nestled closely to her dragon. He stood there for several moments as the two slept, and then he turned to the small fire that had died out.
Brisingr He said in his thoughts, and instantly a comfortable fire began to blaze before him. Skulblaka stood, motionless with his arms crossed over his chest, in front of the flame; he didn't bother awakening the female pair asleep before him, he just stood silently and waited, the flames flickering in his golden eyes.
Persiphiny listens to skyla breathe and relax and rest she did not realize that her rider was so tired.

Persiphony suddeny stirs as she sees someone in the clearing beside them and she sees the fire light back up she looks she thinks its Skyla's friend argo only a rider or a Shade or a elf would knkow the ancient toungue she let out a low growl

She extends her neck over to the form Who are you do not harm her or me only my voice is gentle
The RPG is Closed:

The RPG is Closed tell I reopen it. It shouldn't be clsoed for too long. Sincerly S.G.
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Skulblaka grinned and took a step forward, unflichingly, and reached out, touching the young dragon's muzzle with his hand. Worry not, young dragoness; he said through a mental connection; I bring no intent of harm to you or you slumbering rider.
His voice was soothing yet mysterious; it was a wisper that somehow seemed to touch everything around it. He lifted his head from from its lowered position, the flickering camp fire changing the light so that his face was not decernable behind the shadow of his shimmering white cloak; he locked his burning golden eyes with the dragon.
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The RPG:

Sorry the RPG has been closed for so long, I've been busy and struggling to figure out how to continue. It might be closed for a long time.....
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