The Inheritance Trilogy RPG:

Argo's heart sank as he watched them bolt away in the distance, "Faster Demaji, faster!". Demaji folded his backward and took off like a beam of white light. As Argo gripped to hang on, demaji increased speed. Finally the saw sight of Skyla and Persifany. 'Dang she's fast' thought Argo. Argo then saw another way through the mountains. "Demaji, head for that thin gap" said Argo. I'm not sure we can make it through said Demaji with consern. "Trust me Demaji, will make it". Alright... said Demaji as he bolted for the gap. Once they reached it Demaji slowed down and procceded through it. After dodging several sharp rocks and conners, they made it through coming out at the other end of the forest. Demaji then swooped up right in front of Skyla and Persifany. "Hello girls" said Argo with cocky smile. "See you at the finish line".

Demaji then took of like a bright bolt of lightning towards the mountians. Argo looked behind, "Ha.., they are way behind". Argo then looked foward and encouraged Demaji to go faster.
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Skyla looked behind them and no sign of Argo and Demenji

"They went another direction skyla" Persifney said matter of fact

"Man and no rules were set either so we cannot do anythign about it" Skyla said suddenly angrey

"Come on Skyla lets show them" Persifeny flew quickley and darted left and right and took off Flying faster and came around the mountain and Skyla and her strenthened there link Skyla was able to see them

"Go around the otehr side and cut them off Skyla thought but they were linked so Persifney was already ahead of her and passed and flew above them "okay wise guy you thought taking a differnt path will make you get ahead now we are" Skyla thought to Argo and Demenji Persifeny growled as she moved a neck lenth ahead of Demenji

Skyla looked at Argo maybe you should rephrase that "We will See you guys at the finish line."
Persipheny took a little bit of a jump ahead of the guys.

( I am leaving now Good night and have a great new year ride strong Skyla and Persifiney out)
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Demaji in Danger!

Argo smiled "not bad girls, I'm impressed". argo then through telepathy told demaji to do something rather unwise. I can't do that... said Demaji. "Just do it, so we can win this" said Argo. No it's not right..I won't... said Demaji. "Fine.., then just get past them" said Argo. Demaji increased his speed and creeping up on Skyla and Persifany. As they flew paralel, Argo saw opprtunity to pass them. He encouraged Demaji foward, and in a fantastic manuver Demaji sped ahead of them by a tail's length. Argo then said "Well ladies, looks like where ahead again".

As he taunted them, they came up on the second cave. Demaji tried to get Argo's attetion, but Argo wouldn't listen. As Argo turned foward he ducked his head, just missing the sharp rocks at the entance of the cave. Argo's heart was racing. "That was close...". "Why didn't you warn me?" asked Argo. I did warn you, but you where so busy taunting them to notice said Demaji. Demaji then procceded deeper into the dark cave. It was hard to see, making turning diffcult. At one point Demaji hit his side on one of the sharp rocks, knocking Argo out of his sattle. Argo hanged on and crawled back on Demaji's back. "Demaji are you alright?" asked Argo. I think so... replied Demaji. Suddenly in the blackness, several sharp rocks hung in front of them. And before they could dodge, Demaji smashed into them.

Argo flew off landing on a moist rocky ground. Demaji spiraled downward into sharp rocks. Demaji roared in pain as he landed on them. Hearing his roar Argo ran shouting "Demaji!". Finally Argo heard his faint voice, and with a keen mind he found Demaji. "Demaji, are you alright?" asked Argo as he ran up to him. I'm not sure, I can't feel anything... replied Demaji. Argo moved foward to Demaji's chest. He saw the large rock sticking into his under belly. Argo tried moving it, but it was to heavy. Argo began to dispare, "You're pinned on the rocks" said Argo. Demaji turnedh is head and said You must go and get some help. Argo nodded as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I'll be back soon I promise".

Argo then ran through the pitch dark tunnel. Finally he reached the opening, where he serached for Skyla and Persifany. But they where no ware in sight. Argo then began shouting for help, but all he heard was the echoes of his voice bounce throughout the valley. Argo then turned back around and ran back into the dark cave. Inside he reached Demaji. "I couldn't find anyone". At this point Demaji's heart beat had dropped and his breathing was slow. "There has to be someone who can help us" said Argo overwhelmed with sorrow. There isn't, we are going to have to do this alone said Demaji faintly. Did Master Skulblacka teach you any magic? asked Demaji softly. "Only a few spells, but I can't remember them" said Argo in a panic tone.

Calm yourself, now think, try to remember the words said Demaji. Argo cleared his mind and tried to remember. Finally it popped into his head, He lifted his hand towards the rock and said "reisa!". The Rock began to shake causing small rocks to fall. Argo tried to pull it out, but he stopped and began breathing heavly. "I can't..., I can't do it". "It's to heavy". Only in your mind, we must use are strength as one. Now try again... said demaji. Argo lifted his hand towards the rock in Demaji's belly and shouted "reisa!". The rock shook rapidly, and began coming out. Slowly it came out, causing demaji to growl in pain. Finally it was out and Argo lowered his hand. Argo then fell to the ground. His version blurred and his body became numb. Next to him laded Demaji weak and exhasted.
The Eldest

Skulblaka scryed the two young riders as they engaged in their game; he smiled slightly, knowing that their fun will only last so long and their compettetive spirits will have to be put aside. Well Glaedr, those two will have to learn quite a bit about themselves if they're to survive this war... Skulblaka then felt Argo's pressense drop out of consciencness. "Jierda! I'm going after him; let's go." He lept onto Glaedr, pulling his silky white cloak over his head and grabbing his hand and a half sword. "I can still see them; they haven't gotten too far." The two rescuers headed toward the cave where Argo and Demaji lay trapped and unconscious.

The sun began to set as the massive, golden dragon and his pure white rider rose over the mountain. Glaedr gripped the side of the mountain with his claws; he towered over the top of the mountain, because he was so old and therefore so massive. The rider looked down at his two pupils and commanded, "Reisa!" Both the dragon and its rider lifted into the air, with Demaji in Glaedr's talons and Argo on his back, with Skulblaka. "You did well, Argo, but you let your compettetive spirit get the best of you. You two will fine now." Glaedr then began to flap his enormous wings; Skulblaka looked to the east and saw the other rider and her dragon and shook his head.
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The only thing that kept Laurel conscious was the rythmic blows and cuts that attacked her senses every moment. A cry was heard that caused a momentary lapse in the men's attacks. Zaknir had transformed and stood before the men, the drow elf that he was. He soaked up the fear eminating from those around him, allowing the horror to creep into every heart. Once satisfied, he attacked.

He thrust his spear forward to keep the panther back. He could hear the cries of the elf behind him, and smiled at the thought of what he would do when it was his turn to have at her. Another loud cry of agony, and the panther, her companion, jolted forward growling. He again pushed the animal back, watching as the creature walked back and forth trapped between him, his soldier friend, and a tree. It was intently watching the woman, his eyes glowing golden in the firelight. Again a cry was heard, this time, less agonizing, and more of a moan. He looked over his shoulder to see her; she was lolling, nearly unconscious, at the tree to which she was leaning up against. The two men that tortured her smiled and laughed at her pain. He too smiled, but it soon faded when the man beside him let out a cry of his own. His eyes readjusted to the darkness, what he had thought to be a shadow, turned into his worst nightmare.
He could not help but let out a scream at what stood before him, for where what had been a panther had been only a moment ago, now stood a drow. Drow; the dark elves, evil creatures beyond all imaginable. Killing for fun, raping, pillaging and destroying. This was the least that could be said of the Drow race. They were normally killed on sight, but the shock had stalled the two soldiers that guarded him a moment to long. He watched unable to move as the drow removed his blade and easily slid through the defenses of his fellow soldier, cutting a smile into his throat. His companion dropped his weapon, clutching his throat as the gurgling sound told them all that he was doomed. He found himself unable to move his sword in defense as he felt the drow's blade cut his stomach open, spilling it's contents onto the ground.
He fell onto his knees, watching his blood pooling below him on the ground. He remained conscious long enough to witness the drow overtake the third soldier, cutting his arms off before killing him, in three graceful, unmatched moves.

Laurel saw the flickers as the blade danced in the moonlight, but heard nothing of the cries for help, nor did she sense the fear that surrounded the camp. She never felt herself being dragged to her feet and held as a human sheild, against Zaknir, by the cowardice of the last remaining soldier.

Zaknir had finished off all the soldiers, save for one, with such an amount of ecstacy that he almost completely forgot who he was. He saw the blood driping off his sword, it's slow steady beat making him want to slaughter every living thing. He lovingly took a finger and wiped blood from the sword on to it, licking it off with a memorable pleasure. The metallic taste, made him hunger for more, and he searched for his next victim
The last soldier held Laurel in front of him, a knife threateningly placed at the nape of her neck. She was barely conscious, and a small moan escaped her lips as the man readjusted her to better suit him as his shield. "Not going to come after me, Drow?" the man chuckled though not in happiness, more out of fear. For a moment Zaknir smiled and began forward, but stopped when the man jerked his hand, cutting into Laurel's pale flesh. She gasped, and moved, her eyes fluttering.
His anger flickered, and his rage died down. Laurel... Zaknir's rage soon returned, and he wanted to tear the man limb from limb, but he knew Laurel would be dead before he ever got close enough.
It took all he had in him to remain calm, and think things out. He looked into the man's eyes, as he nervously adjusted her, careful to keep the knife to her neck. Zaknir saw the opening.
"Rot in the underdark, human!" Zaknir yelled in drow, heaving his sword through the air into the man's startled and confuzed face. "A swift death," Zaknir growled as he watched. For a moment the last soldier stood there, looking at the sword implanted in his forhead, suddenly collapsing as the blow killed him. Zaknir caught Laurel as she fell, growling tenderly. He carried her over the fire, doing a quick run over of her bory to learn the extent of her wounds. She had taken many a blow; bruises, and welts appearing all over her body, blood stained the grouned from wounds he had yet to discover. His eyes flashed murderously when he found that her blouse had been torn practically off.
They had to leave. He collected their stuff, kicking the bodies as he saw fit, before taking Laurel in his arms. He felt the warmth of the blood against his skin as he walked through the rest of the night, stopping only when it was almost time for the moon to set. Using what time he had left, he cleansed and bandaged her wounds, checking her over once more before wrapping her in his cloak. He sat beside her, watching over her as the moon finally set. He expected to transform, though he didn't want to. He wanted to stay in this form until she woke up.
He touched her cheek,one more time, expecting the transformation to come. Minutes passed and nothing happened. He looked up, the moon had long since set, why hadn't he returned to his panther form? Zaknir had become so accoustomed to being like this, that he was shocked and concerned when he didn't return to Lalo's form. It wasn't that he didn't like his drow form, he prefered it to being creaturelike, but it was natural for him now. The sun rose, until it was high in the sky, yet Zaknir remained in this form, watching Laurel as she slept.
Skulblaka scryed the female rider and her dragon further, as he and Glaedr took Demaji and Argo back to their camp. Glaedr soared trough the air, looking like a second sun as the sun finally set behind the mountain tops, leaving the sky dark with the exception of the golden glow that eminated from the massive gold dragon's scales. Skulblaka sent a messege to the female dragon through a metal wave; Young dragoness, keep an eye on your rider and pay more attention to those who are your friends and future allies. Keep that in mind... he closed the link just as Glaedr began to land on the Du Vollar Eldrvarya, the Burning Plains. Glaedr set Demaji down before setting his feet down on the plain. Skulblaka lept off his back, carrying Argo on his back.

Skulblaka laid Argo on the ground and knelt beside him, commanding, "Waise heill!" Argo's bruises and injuries faded immediately, and Skulblaka stood up, taking a few steps back. "Rest Argo; we resume training as soon as you're awakened." He turned to Demaji and laid a palm on his muzzle, "Waise heill!" All of the injuries that Demaji had suffered, vanished in an instant. Skulblaka turned to Glaedr and sighed with relif.
Skulblaka scryed the female rider and her dragon further, as he and Glaedr took Demaji and Argo back to their camp. Glaedr soared trough the air, looking like a second sun as the sun finally set behind the mountain tops, leaving the sky dark with the exception of the golden glow that eminated from the massive gold dragon's scales. Skulblaka sent a messege to the female dragon through a metal wave; Young dragoness, keep an eye on your rider and pay more attention to those who are your friends and future allies. Keep that in mind... he closed the link just as Glaedr began to land on the Du Vollar Eldrvarya, the Burning Plains. Glaedr set Demaji down before setting his feet down on the plain. Skulblaka lept off his back, carrying Argo on his back.

Skulblaka laid Argo on the ground and knelt beside him, commanding, "Waise heill!" Argo's bruises and injuries faded immediately, and Skulblaka stood up, taking a few steps back. "Rest Argo; we resume training as soon as you're awakened." He turned to Demaji and laid a palm on his muzzle, "Waise heill!" All of the injuries that Demaji had suffered, vanished in an instant. Skulblaka turned to Glaedr and sighed with relif.

Skyla was wondering about Argo her freind she could not find him Persifeny suddenly looked in blank stare

"Skyla We need to watch after Argo and Demenji more while we were being competive I think Argo and Demenji were injured if they are going to help us Skyla we need to do better"

Skyla was upset with herself but on the edge of her concinious she sensed her brother's fear Persifeny we need to get back to the Cabin Glorfindel is in danger again. First we should try to find Argo and Demenji and double check on them."Persifney go where you sensed the mental call from I heard it to.

"Let us go to the burning planes and check on them" Persifney offered Skyla wanted to go check on her twin but persifney was right Skyla leaned right to direct persifney back towar's her homeplace.

"Let us go back home and get my weapons then we will head to the Burning plains.
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Glorfindel sees his sister and Goodbyes

Glorfindel looked up in the sky and saw Persiphney's shining amythest scales and Skyla looking grave as she walke in the door.

"What is wrong sis? The ride did not go well

"The ride went to well Argo and I raced and I am not sure who even won the race but that is not importent.Him and his dragon got injured and Persifney received a message from a Dragon Master saying that I need to watch over my friends and allies if I want to survive my destiny and it came from the desert plains so I am going to go see if I can help Argo and Demenji I will need my armor and my sword and bow Glorfin and I do not know when I will be back so go ahead with the Varden and hopefully Persifney and I will see you there This is somthng i need to do Glorfin"

" I know sis and I know persifney will take good care of you and whoever this dragon master is he will as well Ride strong sis and may your sword stay sharp and your shields not splinter May the valor protect you in your path under the sky Namerie and this will always be our home here sis hopefully no one will bother it" Glorfindel embraced his twin and took off on his horse Spirit to the west and left Skyla's horse in the barn Starfire

Skyla felt a deep hole in her heart wondering if she will ever see her brother again and wondering if Argo and Demenji were alright she went into the house took her sword and bow and Armor and her shield that she used in the last battle before she left silverwood and choked back a sob as she put on her shining armor that fit like it was made for her and clinged to her as she rode on Persifney looking at her house behind her and wondering when she will see it again if she ever will her destiny lies in the sky with the legacy she was to pick up the mantle for as one of the new dragon riders.
Argo Awakes:

In the blackness of his mind, Argo could hear voices. They sounded familar yet faded. Laying in the darkness Argo saw a vision. He saw several riders, many who he didn't recongnize, fighting over burning flames. Among them was man clothed in darkness. He was attacking all the riders on a black dragon. Many of the riders fell to there deaths, leaving only four remaning. The last of the riders; one with a Blue dragon that looked like sapphires, another with a red dragon that looked like rubies, another with a purple dragon that looked like amythiest, and the final rider and it's dragon that looked like dimaonds.

Suddenly Argo awoke, raising his head up and looking around. He then raised to his feet and looked for demaji. Argo looked around the plains and found him no ware. Argo began to fall into dispair, when he heard the soft rush of wind above him. Argo looked up and shining in the sky, was Demaji swooping towards him. Demaji landed with a thump next to Argo. Argo walked over to Demaji and said "you're alright!". Yes I have been mended, thanks to Master Skulblacka. Argo came closer and said "I am so glad your alright..". Demaji lowered his head and nudged Argo on the forehead. I am glad you are alright too. Argo and Demaji then headed back to the camp, where they met Skulblacka.
Skyla climebed on Persifney's back and hung her head down

"Skyla what is wrong you seem heavier and you look sad what is wrong"

"I am leaving home Persifeny its time for me to do it I have my sword and armor and shield and bow this is a chance I am taking its time for me to accept my destiny I was bought her for a reason and I had a vision Persiphney when I was gathering up my stuff"

"Really what was that vision"

" I saw myself flying thru the air with other riders behind me I was leading them along with one other person I am not sure who it is yet that part was not clear to me it was a Aerial battle and I was fighting with you as a seaoned Rider I was able to stand on your back and slash my sword and use very much magic without getting tired and I could heal people Persifney and I was a leader imagine that Persifney me a leader of the Dragon Riders"

"Well you were a queen before Skyla you and your brother ruled fairly and sternly your and his reign was the golden age So leading is in yoru blood Skyla that is why other look up to you and have I not told you before A Dragon chooses there rider for there heart"
It was nearly dark when she finally roused. She awoke with a moan, trying to sit up. "Zaknir?" she called, her vision still blurred.
"I'm here," he called to her, helping her sit up all the way
"How- how long have I been asleep?" she asked. He offered her water and she took it willingly. She sounded terribly tired and raspy. It made him worry. He had heard someone speak like this before. It had been directly before they died.
"Nearly a day," he replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face.
"What?" she stuttered, shocked.
He shrugged, "drink," he instructed. She concented, but waited for him to explain. "I don't understand it either," he sighed to her unrelenting, questioning stare.
She seemed to except it, without argument, but, a moment later, she stopped, slowly lowering the water-skin. "Did you kill them?" She asked it so quietly, he had to strain his ears to hear her.
"Yes," he responded, his voice containing no feeling, or regret.
Laurel jerked away involentarily, a gasp escaping her lips as she felt tears streaking down her cheeks.
"What?! Would you rather me let the torture you like that? Let them take-" he stopped ubruptly, she noticed the fire in his eyes. "What if they took it from you? What if they took your innocence?"
He didn't need to explain any farther, she understood. She turned away, keeping her eyes from his. His anger, it hurt her, it scared her. How could he be so gentle with her? But with no one else?
He sensed it, but had to know. Reaching out he took her chin and turned her so she faced him. It was true. Disappointment.
He growled, roughly letting go of her. Standing he walked a little distance away before turning and looking back at Laurel sitting on the ground. She wasn't looking at him, she seemed to wait, knowing well his anger and explosive rage. He cursed at her in drow, "Woman! What is wrong with you?! You would have rather have me let them do that to you, than for me to have killed them! What makes you so forgiving?!" He yelled at her. She took it in silence, wincing only when he reitterated he had killed them.
He didn't know why, but her silence angered him more than if she had answered him. He crossed the clearing, forcing her onto her feet. He held her at eye level, locking her eyes with his. She didn't even attempt to look away, she let him have everything she was thinking, just allowed him to see it as much as she felt it and heard it.
She didn't even expect the blow when it came. She pities me?! How dare she! his thoughts rang, fanning the flames of anger. Zaknir had never even thought of striking Laurel before, but that was the last thing on his mind. It took her a moment to recover from the blow. When she had, she turned back to him. Her eyes held no anger, or disdain. He dropped her back to the ground and walked away, disappearing into the darkness, leaving Laurel to wonder if he would ever return.

Zaknir didn't go far; he went far enough away to give himself time, and distance, to cool off, but not far enough to not be back in time if Laurel needed him. He couldn't believe that he had managed thoughts of killing her. He looked at his hands as the inner turmoil inside tore him in two. The drow part, the part that he had lived with for nearly a hundred years; it bid him to kill her. Told him that he was being weak, and stupid. That he should have laughed and watched as the men slowly tortured her, ruining her bit by bit. To watch her purity, and innocence be stolen from her. It loved the killing, it loved to sense the fear that the humans had at the sight of him.
Then this other part, the part that had come to light the first day he had seen Laurel, back when she was nine, the day he had first seen true innocence. He sighed, resting his head in his hands.
She is my weakness, she awakens this part in me.This part that tries to stop me from killing, this part that wills me to defend her. He sighed again. It's almost like I'm part of her, like I have her in me. The thought took a while to sink it. It was as true as it could be. That part pitied him after he had killed them, it wasn't angry, but it pitied, while his drow side growled that he hadn't killed the girl, the men slowly. He leaned back against a tree allowing himself to see these parts in full. To my drow half, I tell myself that the only reason that I save her is so that I may be the one to destroy her innocence. I want to be the one to torment her, to kill her. He stopped, listening to himself. He forced his Drow part to take over, subduing the other, kinder, part. He listened, and felt. Old cravings for her death, the ones he had had when he first met her, when he had watched her that day in the feilds, resurfaced. He seemed to physically want to walk back to the clearing and tear her heart out with his bare hands, and his fingers flexed with anticipation, but before he could know more, he supressed it, allowing the kinder part to take over. This was different, he felt like he was being tormented by all the kills he had done, by all that he had done to the humans, and to Laurel. He thought on getting up and returning to Laurel, the first thoughts he had ever had of apologizing ever, to ask for her forgivness. He craved to have people see him by this side the way that Laurel saw him, not the color of his skin, like the world did. Laurel never looked on him as a Drow, but as a companion, a friend on their journey, and this was how he treated her? He sighed, and sat forward again, his head buried in his hands. What is wrong with me? Why am I so torn? He allowed his two parts to find equillebrium relaxing into his seat.
Thunder cracked, and startled him, bringing him to the sudden realization that he was soaking wet. It had been raining since just after he left, but being so wrapped in his own thoughts he had not noticed. He forced himself up, to return to the camp in the dark. The lightning kept throwing his off his nightvision eyes so he reverted to his old useful infared vision. Most creatures of the underdark had this ability, and with the light flashes less disturbing when only spots of heat in the distance, he thought it would be better. As he entered the clearing that he had left before, he stopped. He saw, and realized that Laurel hadn't made a fire or even dressed to keep warm. She was laying right where he had dropped her, wearing only the tattered remaints of the undergarment that she had worn the night before; the undergarment that the soldiers had barely left her with. His cloak had fallen off during the argument and lay nearby on the ground.
She lay there, heat slowly slipping from her small form, her hair sticking in damp tendrils to her face and back. For a moment he was too shocked to react, but then he started forward.
"Laurel!" he called, falling to the ground beside her. Her eyes flew open when she heard his voice, her green eyes were not as bright and vibrant as they normally were and her face was an unnatural wan pallor, appeared almost ghostly. She tried to move, to sit up, but was only able to manage half of her arm extension before they buckled beneath her. He caught her, the chill of her skin, sent shivers through him. He cursed in drow, grabbing his cloak, which too was soaking wet. Looking around the clearing, he didn't have to touch anything to know that they were wet. How long have I been away?! he growled aloud.
He cursed again when he scooped her up and, ignoring her wince of pain, carried her into the shelter of a nearby tree. He didn't know that lightning could strike trees and thankfully, this time, none struck the tree they were under. He sat, holding her close, sharing as much heat as he could offer. Nothing was dry enough to make a fire, so he just sat.
For a long time, she just lay curled up in his arms, awake but with her eyes closed. It wasn't long until she fell asleep, leaving him to his thoughts, only disturbing him with the occasional shiver that ran down her spine.
It was a long night, and the sun rose in the morning, just as the remaints of the storm disappeared into the distance, he sat with her in his arms. He was tired, it had been more than two days since he had last slept, but he felt the need to wait for her to wake up. Just when he started to fall asleep, a moan brought him back to his senses. Laurel shifted in his arms, her eyes opening. They met with his. At first they held so many different emotions, he barely was able descipher them. The few that he could; tenderness, love, and concern, they sent shivers down his spine.
Laurel had a natural ability to displayed her emotions visilby, without fear, but at times like this, such a surge of emotion gave her no balance, and confuzed him. She continued to look at him, both unsure of what to do, so they sat there in silence for several minutes before the whistling of a bird, made them self-conscious once again. A tender blush found her cheeks as she realized that she was only dressed in her chemise.
This RPG is based on the popular books Eragon and Eldest, it also covers book 3 and the film.

The rules of this RPG are simple, obey the Adminstator's instructions and keep your story true to the books and the film. You may either choose a character from the books or create your very own. Note: If you choose a dragon rider you also get there dragon.

The timeline that the events of this RPG will take place will be during book I Eragon. However you may make your own character's story and fallow it instead. (Note: That you my play as any of you favorite character regardless of the timeline).

I have chosen Eragon & Saphira to be my characters.


Sir Godfrey -Eragon, Saphira, Argo, Demaji, and Galbatorix

Skylasue -Skyla, Glorfindel, and Persifiney

Lady Chole -Laura Alimn and Zaknir Orai

Link The Hero of Time -Murtagh and Thorn

oxford girl -Arya and Marlenna

Shiloh -Tamuril, Nasuada, and Angela

Princess Rose -Areenaiussa (call me Reeny)

The_Lost_Pevensie -Helena

Doggon eit! ARya is taken o well.

Name:pyralis [fire girl]
Age:young but old
Looks:Brown orange-streaked hair browneyes,skinny tall.
The Master

Skulblaka was smiling when Argo and Demaji returned to camp; he rose to his feet and turned to them in greeting. "I'm glad to see you both awake and well. I'll personally see to it that an incident such as that, will never happen again." He then closed his eyes in though for a moment and spoke to Demaji. How was your wake-up ride with Glaedr? He then faced Argo sternly. "It would appear that I must teach you in a way that won't get you or Demaji into trouble. I will teach you more magic and soon, swordplay."
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Glorfindel's Journey

Glorfindel was riding along when his warrior senses told him somthing was wrong he stopped and disomounted there was a hissing noise Glorfindel's horse bolted spooked.

I know that sound its Raz'zacs Glorfidnel thought no use contacting Skyla she is to far away. Glorfindel hid behind a tree when one came on him Glorfindel felt his hot smelly breath on his face Glorfidnel flipped up and over to another a tree and drew his sword slashing at the Raz'zac slashing and knocked the one off of him with shear muscle. and he waved his hand to move some of his hair out of his face and two of the Raz'zac flew aginst a rock "whoa when did I get telkinesis my powers are all inacative Glorfindel thought he heard his sister in his mind "Glorifndel you always had it you just never used it you said magic was not for you rememeber" Glorifindel rolled his eyes he hated when Skyla was right.

"Where are you sis can you help me"

"I am in the canyons up in the woods I cannot come to you you will discover more of your powers now Glorfindel that you are on your own its the way of magics[/I]

Glorfindel severed his sister and his mental connection he did not need her taunting him right now.

Glorfindel came down out of the tree and whistled for Spirit and he came beside him He thought about what he heard from his sister could it be true does he have some of the same powers his sister does cause of there bond Glorfindel dismissed the thought it seemed so impossible he ducked in some bushes the fighting and battling always makes him ravenuoly hungery he shot his bow sure enough he did nto miss the arrow hit its target a deer. He ran over and skinned the deer and cooked some on a campfire and ate and rested he thought he would reast for about 6 hours then make his way to Farthen Dur he found a quicker way thanks to some maps and a mysterious guide he met that was tall and had short dark hair.
They were traveling again, the sun beating down upon them. Zaknir, being a Drow, and not being accoustomed to sunlight, walked with his cowl pullled low over his head, blocking most of the sunshine. He hated the sun, and despised the day. He prefered the night, when he could see properly, and when he was more in control of his senses. Laurel however walked in just her gown, her cloak thrown in her bag. She loved the sun and tread lightly along the route cut by Zaknir. He found himself slightly jealous of her young, innocent, and carefree ways. She danced and sang merrily through the trees, the shifting lights, between golden and green, making her appear only as a forest faery.
The path that they carved through the forest eventually led to a large meadow. Zaknir, thinking nothing of it, continued to cut his way, but the moment that Laurel caught sight of it, a cry was heard.
The drow spun, removing his blade, searching for what was wrong, but only managed to be peeved when he saw Laurel bending to scoop up flowers. He sighed, unable to be angry at her. Placing his blade back into its sheath he watched her as she skipped back and forth among the tall grasses, each time carrying more wild flowers. Finally, content that she had collected enough, Laurel sat on the ground nearby, singing as she created a ring of golden blossoms.
Zaknir was thrown back to the first time he had layed eyes on her all those years ago, nearly half her lifetime. She had been so small then, such an easy kill. With all the training he had given her, most humans would pause and consider her abilities. He'd have to see how easy a kill she would be now.
He turned, and began removing his knife from it's sheath, but stopped abruptly, stunned to see Laurel standing on her tippy toes, giggling beside him. He immediatly noticed the ring of yellow flowers that decorated her hair, and for a moment, was too shocked to realize that he, too, now wore a wreath of wild flowers.
He didn't even try and comment, he merely shook his head and turned away to hide his smile. He had to admit, that was one way to stop his attack. It was ironic that she treated him so fairly, and yet he would turn around and attempt to kill her just on a wim.
A sudden realization hit him; had she been the one attempting an attack, she could have easily killed him; he had let his guard down. He concentrated more on his surroundings, not because he thought she would attack him, but because he knew he had been careless for too long.
Slowly they continued on their way, Zaknir leading, Laurel following. To an outsider, it would have appeared as though a demon was being chased by an angelic figure... Or maybe it was her melodic laughter that was chasing him.

After training for several months under Skulblacka, Argo took Demaji for a evening ride. As they soared into the sky, Demaji's scales lite up like dimaonds, creating a spectacular rainbow in the sky. As they swooped down below the clouds, Argo saw smoke rising from a village. Argo trying to get a better look commanded "Demaji fly lower". Demaji swooped down, a,lowing Argo to see. The sight was to terrible for words. Fires burned the vilalge and in the streets countless corsps laded in piles. Argo and Demaji landed softly on the outskirts and approached with caution. As they walked through the vilalge, Argo's hear sank with sadness and disguest. Men, wemon, and even children laided with black arrows pirecing there flesh. As Argo gazed at the countless faces, he began to feel light headed. His stomech turned to wrought and his face became pale. Who could have done this? he thought.

As Argo searched for survivors, Demaji cautioned "These tracks are fresh, and there is foul scent in the air, argo be careful". Argo nodded and continued looking through the damaged houses for survviors. After searching for many hours, argo found a young child barried underneath wreckage. trying to get him out, argo duggi nto the debris. Finally he reached the young child andp ulled him out. Argo laded him on the ruff wooden floor, checking him for life signs. He felt a heart beat, but it was faint. Argo then took his grantlet off and held his shinning palm over the child. As argo palced it on his chest, he muttered "Waíse heill". A bright red glow emitted from his hand, surging throught the child's body. shortly after the child's eyes opened and it looked at Argo's pale face. at first the child seemed frightened by his appearnce. "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you". Argo's soft gentle words calmed the child.

Argo then lifted the young boy into his arms and carried him out of the wreckage. As the child looked around, it began to shiver. The terrible flames and images of the corspes reflected in the child's eyes. As they reached Demaji, the child turned to face the white dragon. At first the child began to shake and grasp Argo tightly.He was frightened by Demaji's appreance. Trying to calm the child, Demaji moved his head foward and nudged him softly. The child then became less frightend and gave Demaji a big stare. Argo still grasping the child, mounted Demaji and said "Come Demaji, we should leave". Demaji extended his wings and soared into the sky. Large gusts of wind pressed against the child's face. It just stare blankly, looking at the clouds and the bueatiful sky.

After flying for several hours, they landed in a patch of woods. Where Argo preapred to make a fire. After gather some wood, Argo raised his hands over the wood and said "brisingr". The wood imedatly ignited, feeding a small flame. Argo then turned to the child. "You must be hungry". argo reached for hsi pack and pulled out some freash bread. He began breaking it into small pieces feeding the child. Afterwards he gave him some water to drink and wrapped him in a warm cloth. The child swiftly drifted off to sleep. Argo huddled near the fire, trying to keep warm. Seeing his discomfert, Demaji crawled over behind argo and wrapped his wings around him. What are you going to do with him wondered Demaji. "I don't know, prehapes I can find him a family at a near village". "I'll figure something out, until then he's my resposibility". Demaji smiled and watched over them as they slept.

The Next morning, Argo awoke and cooked breakfast. The child awoke, rubbed his eyes and yawned. Argo smiled and said "good morning.., time for some breakfast". Argo feed the child and doused the fire. Argo then took the child and palced him on Demaji. argo mounted and gripped the child tightly. "Alright Demaji, lutes go". Demaji flapped his wings and soared into the sky.
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Persifney nudged Skyla's mind "Skyla are you okay you just kinda passed out after you climbed on my back you did not tell me where we are going"

"fly towards the burniign plains hopefully we will find Argo and Demnji there I really want to check on them to see if they were okay cause I have not heard out of him in a couple of days and he is one of our allies so we need to find him and I think him and I could become friends I had fun racing with him."

"Your the rider so be it plus you almost got him killed So you should check on him " Persiphney thought in her head.

"Persipheny what do you mean I did not almost get him killed we were just being competive"

Persipheny ignored the comment "you and your brother had contact didn't you that is why you passed out you were talking to him" "That I was now fly Persipheny."

Persihpney flew up into the sky and started flying gracefully across the sky. Skyla looked back at her home wondering when she would ever see it again or if she would ever be back now that her destiny as a rider is before her and her brother is starting his own life and his and her life are going differnt directions they need to see the signs clearly they will both be heros but in differnt ways.


Glorfindel made quick time across the mountains now he was coming to the desert and the sand was hot on his feet he dismounted the horse so he would not tire his horse out and make him want more water.

He found shade under a rock and pulled out a map and he saw a clerer and quicker path acorss the desert him and horse traveled under the cover of darkness cause elves eysight can be very clear and pricise in the dark.

Then he came to the mountains again they found a spring and drank hertiality from it. He suddenly realized by looking at the map that he was no longer in the empire under Galbatorix. He found his way to the lake Kostha-merna and followed the Beartooth River and he saw and waterfall and a Rock he sensed people in there but he did not know how to get in so he rested in the cool shades of the trees and felt the waterfall spray water on him and he felt refreshed and he went back by the stream and rested with his horse he will find his way in. In the morning
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A Promise to Keep:

Soaring in the sky, argo and the child headed for the small village of Solin. There Argo handed the child to a elderly women named Dutchess. she promised she would take care of him. As Argo smiled and turned to leave, the child cried. It began struggleing to get free of Dutchess arms. "shhhh, It's ok" said Dutchess. The Child only cried harder screaming at the top of his lungs. argo stopped in hsi tracks and turned back towards the house. Argo appraoched Dutchess and the child. "Hey.. hey, take it easy". "I'll return soon, I promise". The child fixated it's eyes on Argo and reached out with it's hand. Argo took it and shook it with a smile. argo then rose up and headed back into the woods. as his figure disspeared into the thick trees, the Child stared not blinking, awaiting his return.

In the wood argo appraoched Demaji. "Well that's taken care of". Do you plan to return asked Demaji. Argo mounted and said "Yes, soon". Argo pulled on the reigns and Demaji flapped his wings soaring into the air.
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