The Inheritance Trilogy RPG:

100th Post!

Well we've made it to the 100th post, good job all of you. I hope you all continue to enjoy the RPG and I can't wait to see what's next...

Please wait for me to return before posting, until then the RPG is paused...
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The Winged Sun .cont.

"Nicely done my lady; well, I believe that we should press on without delay." Skulblaka was quite impressed with Isidar's skill and cunning as a fighter. "I agree; let's be moving on to Ellesmera." Skulblaka admired her beauty and inteligence as they walked together. The pair walked deep into the forest of Du Weldenvarden, as they passed several trees which seemed to have a different spark of life than the rest. Gradually, these trees became more comon and, after a day's hike, they reached the northern entrance into Ellesmera, the royal elven city. Isidar led Skulblaka up a winding staircase and into a large tower which seemed to touch the tops of the enormous trees of Du Weldenvarden. When he stepped through the thresshhold of the tower, he saw a sight he did not expect; there, standing before him, in the high tower of Ellesmera, was Oromis.
"I-I was told that you were dead!" exclaimed Skulblaka in astonishment.
Oromis coughed and laughed at the same time. "No, I'm not dead yet, but I am dying. I'll last maybe another week. First, however, I must give you the gift that I promised you long ago; do you remember that?"
"Yes, I do; you said that you would give me the ability to fufill my dreams...I never understood what was meant by that."
"You will now; do you believe the stories I've told you, the stories of dragons and dragon riders?"
Skulblaka thought for a moment, recalling all of the ancient tales he had been told. He nodded his head slightly, as though not fully comperhending the situation; so much was happening all at once.
"Good, then you must finally know the truth; I am a Dragon Rider" Oromis removed his right gauntlet and revealed a golded marking on his palm, but it was slowly fading and lossing its shining luster. "This", said Oromis, holding his palm to Skulblaka,"is the mark of a dragon rider, the Gedwey Ignasia, or, the shining palm, and mine has begun to fade away because of the bond I share with my dragon..." Oromis' voice turned solem and his face turned grim with sadness. "When...a rider or a dragon is wounded, the other shares the pain of the one who recieved the blow. Likewise...when a rider dies, his dragon does also, however the reverse is not true in that case..." Oromis looked at Skulblaka straight in his eyes; he saw his young apprentice's look of worry and sorrow, but also dertermination and an unmatched courage and yearning for understanding.
"I am dying, Skulblaka...and when I die, my dragon will as well, and I won't let that happen. Come closer to me, my young friend." Oromis held out his palm and thrust it to Skulblaka's heart. Immediately, Skulblaka felt a strange pressence entering his mind, yet it felt familiar; then he realized that it was Oromis; he looked at his teacher with a worried expression and saw the gedwey ignasia vanish from Oromis' palm, watching in wonder and awe as it began to materialize on his own palm, shining a fierce gold. Suddenly, images of a far off isle appeared in his mind; he saw brightly colored stones in, a nest! They weren't stones at all, they were dragon eggs, he realized. He saw a golden egg, laying away from the rest, beginning to hatch, then he saw a flash, and now images of betrayal and death swarmed his thoughts, and in moments he had seen and now knew the entire history of the dragons and riders and even Alagaesia itself. He panted, in shock from all he had seen and an even stronger hatred for the false king, Galbatorix; Skulblaka looked up at Oromis, who was smiling in contentment at his former apprentice's, now, golden amber eyes. His breathing began to slow as e spoke his last words to Skulblaka.
" all I can give you, you who have been like the son I never had; I give you my essence, my bond, and all my knowledge that I have gained and known through all of my years in this world. Recieve it now! Recieve...your Inheritance!
Suddenly, Oromis flung open the doors to the outside, a glowing sunset painted the western sky, as Skulblaka suddenly felt the earth shake and looked up. His eyes widened as he saw the most magnificant sight he had ever laid eyes upon; an enormous, gold dragon, bright as a flaming sun, hung before him, lightly beating its massive wings.
" your...inheritance, Glaedr, who has been my friend through many dangers; use it wisely, for my time is now up. The last thing I must tell you, is that Glaedr and I found a nest of eggs some three months ago; I used my power to send them to whomever will be their riders; Galbatorix knows nothing of these eggs, nor does he know that Glaedr still exists. I need you to raise the next generation of riders for me; I have already prepared one for his destiny and you may meet him someday, but he too, will need your help; he is up against more than he can handle...My time on this earth"
Oromis drew in his last breath and collapsed as his pupils dilalated and his heart ceased beating. Skulblaka fell to his knees as the blow of his master, and father's death, encircled his mind and he wept.
Then, a voice rumbled and shook through Skulblaka's mind, like the growl of a mountain avalanche. It was calming, yet had the authority to make the very earth do its bidding.
Young rider, I am Glaedr; do not mourn and do not weep for may have known him your entire life, but so have I, and I have been around much longer. I do not weep because I know that he now lives on in you!
Skulblaka rose and looked at Glaedr; he picked up Oromis's sword and shimmering white cloak, donning it and then mentally spoke with his new dragon. I will do my best to fufill what Oromis wanted, but I will need your help in all I do. Come, Skulblaka spoke now with a new authority, his knowledge and power, running through his veins. we must find these new riders; let us hunt for the white one first.
Then he pulled the hood of his white cloak over his head and belted his sword and strapped his bow and quiver; then, leaping from the balcony onto Glaedr's saddle, flew off over the top of the Du Weldenvarden, in search of the new riders.
The Ambush

Argo and Korrin finally reached Glorfindel's house. At them omnet Glorfindel wad working outside on the house. He stopped as he heard foot steps and turned around. "Back so soon?" said Glorfindel with sigh. "Where sorry to intrude again, but we have no ware else to go" said Korrin. "please if you would be so kind, may we stay the night" asked Korrin. Glorfindel sighed and said "Yes, but only for one night". "Agreed" said Korrin. Glorfindel then invited them inside. After a wonderful dinner, Argo and Korrin headed into the stables to sleep. Korrin laided down and fell fast asleep. Argo however was wide awake, and resting on his lap was his dragon hatchling.

The Next morning Argo and Korrin packed there things. They thanked Glorfindel for his kindness and headed back into the mountains. As they traveled through the endless wood and steep peaks, they heard a strange noise. "Korrin do you hear that?" asked Argo. "Hear what?" asked Korrin. "That strange buzzing noise" replied Argo. Korrin stopped and consitrated. "Yeah I can hear it" said Korrin. "It's coming closer" said Argo looking tense. "I think your right..." replied Korrin. Both Argo and Korrin unsheathed there swords and listened. The loud buzzing sound grew louder with each foot step they made. Argo and Korrin postioned themselves back to back facing both directions. As they held there footing, the buzzing sound stopped. Argo and Korrin looked in all direction, tuning there ears to the sightest sound of movment. And as they waited, the loud buzzing soud returned, but this time it was coming from many directions. Suddenly three figures leapt out of the wood attacking Argo and Korrin.

Argo and Korrin blocked most of the blows, and began there attack. Argo thrusted at the figure closest to him. But it was blocked and the being went into furious chain of attacks wounding Argo in the shoulder. Korrin was faced with the task of fight two of the beings. He spent a great deal of his time blocking and parrying. Finally Korrin struck one of the beings with cleaver unothidox move. But before he could rejoice, the other being slashed him across the face, leaving a terrible scar. Meanwhile Argo was fighting the other creature. Argo using simple jabs and thrusts knocked the creature unto its back. Argo then leapt unto it and stabbed it in the chest. At the moment Korrin was on defense, he could barely focus with his damaged eye. The being struck him in the torso causing him to fall backward unto the shoft earth. The creature leapt unto him and prepared for a final strike. But before he could, Argo stabbed the creature in the back and Korrin lifted his blade striking it in the chest, turning it into dust.

"Are you alright Korrin?" asked Argo. "I think so.." replied Korrin get up from the ground. "However I can't see out of my left eye" said Korrin. Argo then took a look at it and said "I don't think there is much we can do for it, I'm sorry". "I'll be alright" said Korrin. As they unpacking there things Korrin asked "What where those things?". "I can't be sure, but I beleive they where Raz'ac's" said Argo. "Raz'ac's huh, lutes just hope we don't run into anymore of them" said Korrin. Argo nodded and began gathering wood for a fire.
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Marlenna sat in her room, sharpening her sword. She was worred about Arya, they should have heard from her by now. Marlenna stood up, she walked out of her room. She looked around, every one was wispering about something. Marlenna walked over to one of her friends, "what's going on," she asked. "Haven't you heard, there is rumers of a rider, I have to go." As she walked away Marlenna wondered is this was why Arya was late.
Skyla sees the Raz'acs

Skyla and Persifeney were flying over just exploring the hills Skyla saw thru persifineys eyes "Raz'ac's Persifeney muttered killers murders"

"Persifeny what are Raz'acs forgive me but remember Glorfin and I are not from around here we do not know about these enemies"

"They are the ones that are the enemies of these parts Skyla thay are servents of the King or even the shade and they already have ramsacked a few other places you and your brother might have to leave if you know what is good for both of you if he knows of your existence as a Rider he will attack you and your twin next." Persifney said. Skyla sensed her Dragon's concern.

Fly down I need to check on Glorfindel and who is the shade is that Durza I heard of him but i dismissed him as just a legend."

"Don't underestamiate your enemy SKyla has your brother not told you that. as a Rider you need to be smarter then the enemy and stronger.
Argo's Vision:

After starting a small fire, Argo took his dragon hatchling out of his sack. The hatchling crawled out and laded in font of the fire. "We sure have had are share of adventure" said Argo to the hatchling. "I can only wonder what will happen next" muttered Argo as he stroked the hatchlings head. Argo then fell asleep and had a dream. In the dream he saw a rider on giant golden dragon. He couldn't see the face of the rider, all he could hear was words in some ancient language. Argo then woke up and began to ponder his dream, 'what did it mean?' he thought. Afterwards Argo got up to fetch some more wood. Joining him the little hatchling fallowed, trying to pick up little twigs.
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The Cabin almost attacked

Glorfindel was watching the others go his keen hearing picked up the buzzing sound from where the were Glorfindel jumped high upon the Rock that Persifeney usually perches on and sees a few odd looking not really men but some sort of monsters or creatures of the night. He sends a urgent message to Skyla :skyla I need you come here quickley you and your dragon please:

Persifney nodded she heard her riders twin cry as well "Good call Skyla your brother needs us."

"Persifney how did you here him the same time I did " I am linked to you and your linked to your twin so we are all linked Skyla Its not impossable its magic Persifeny finished for her rider "there Raz'zac alright fly low understood"

Skyla eyes turned green as she became one with her dragon she unshehted her sword and Persifiney swooped down and Skyla took out two with her sword now glowing brightly red and Purple and she saw one of the raz'zac go towards her twin she shethed her sword and called her bow to her she notched a arrow to her bow and said Brilosc and purple fire shot out with the arrow and took out the Raz'ac that ambushed her brother. The others scattered as Skyla and Persifney landed. Skyla dismounted and ran over to her brother

"Glorfindel are you alright"

"Yeah sis you and Persifeny showed up just in time and what was all of that that you did"

"Magic brother my magic and my dragon's magic saved us"

"Thanks sis I will never doubt you or your magic again"

"That was close Skyla but you reacted quite well and your coming to your own as a Rider I am proud of you and I knew you could do it Skyla" Persifeny said

"You saved us all Skyla and now let us go get some lunch your probaly tired and hungrey by now." Glorfindel put out the fire by there door and the tree that Skyla's arrow hit and they walked into the cabin.
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The Winged Sun .cont.

Skulblkaka had left Glaedr so that he would be able to travel through the forest more easily. He traveled a while, checking the tracks of various beasts, humans, Urgals, and the occasional elven track. After traveling through the night he spotted the feint glow of a small campfire. Glaedr, I've got a feeling that this is the first one we're looking for; I'm going to check this out. He came to the place where the fire was; he saw his target, a young man and a small dragon hatchling no larger than a wolf. Skulblaka stepped forward out of the trees and into the small clearing where the pair was, with another young man asleep by the fire. The small flame gleemed off of Skulblaka's shimmering white cloak, he still had his hood over his head and had his head tilted forward slightly so as to conceal his face.
The Visitor:

Argo having just fetched some wood, saw the cloaked figure. Normally he would have been skeptical, but for some reason he felt this person, who ever they where wasn't a threat. Argo laded the wood down next to the fire and approached the white cloaked figure. "Hello there" said Argo looking rather calm. Next to Argo stood his dragon hatchling who seemed rather at peace in the presence of this stranger.
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The Winged Sun .cont.

Skulblaka nodded to the young man. "Hello to you as well." He turned his attention upon the dragon hatchling, padding it gently in its muzzle and began to contact it throught the mental link. And hello to you, young dragon; have you taken care of your partner here? Skulblaka
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The Visitor Cont...

The dragon hatchling responded through telepathic thought "yes I have". "Welcome stranger, please join us" said Argo. Argo then sat down next to the fire and began feeding the flames with fresh wood from the forest. The dragon hatchling walked over to Argo and sat by his side. Argo stroked the hatchling's head as he threw the last piece of wood into the fire. Argo then turned his attention to the visitor.
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The Sun is the trainer of Riders

Skulblaka turned his attention back to the young man and nodded again. "Thank you; I shall." He stood there a moment before speaking again. "You have a good strong-spirited dragon with you. You two will develope a tight bond that can never be broken." -he looked at the small fire and frowned slightly. He knelt down beside the pathetic flame and wispered. "Brisingr!" Imediately the flame grew immensely in size and heat. "There, that's better." Skulblaka rose and removed his hood, revealing his golden amber eyes and long golden hair; he brushed back a long strand of his hair revealing his pointed ears.
Argo and Skulblaka

As Argo listened to the words of the stranger, as he looked at his dragon. Argo had grown very close to his dragon hatchling, however Argo had no idea how close they would soon become. Argo then paid attention to Skulblaka as he utter some ancient word that made the flames of the fire grow. Argo recognized the langauge from his dream. As Skulblacka removed his hood, Argo saw his pointed ears and said "Your an elf".
The Sun is the trainer of Riders

"In truth, you are right; but more on that later. You realized that you a part of the next generation of dragon riders, do you not?" Skulblaka chose his words carefully as he spoke to the new rider.
Argo and Skulblaka Cont...

Argo looked Skulblaka in the eyes and said "Yes I do"-"however I don't know why I've been chosen". Argo then lowered his eyes as he said "I haven't even given him a name yet". As Argo looked at the fire, the hatchling crawled unto his lap and snuggled tightly.
The Sun is the trainer of Riders

"You've yet to give him a name?" Skulblaka asked in amazement. "Without a name, your bond will never grow. We can't have that." He looked carefully at the hatchling and smiled. "Well, his scales resemble diamonds and the word in the ancient language for diamond is Demaji; I think that would suit him well, but you must give it to him, for you are the rider."
Argo's Inheritance:

Argo looked at the hatchling and said "Demaji". The hatchling leapt up and faced Argo. Argo repeated it "Demaji". Then through his mind Argo heard "Argo". Argo stood up in amazment "You can hear my thoughts" said Argo through telepathy. "I have waited a long time to hear your thoughts and now you can hear mine" replied Demaji through mental telepathy. "Tell me Demaji, why did you choose me?" asked Argo. Demaji smiled and replied "because of your heart". "But my heart is not without fear" replied Argo. "without fear there is no Courage" said Demaji through mental telepathy. Argo smiled and turned to Skulblaka, "Can you teach me, to be a rider?".
The Sun is the trainer of Riders

Skulblaka grinned and said proudly, "Yes, yes I can, and I shall. I will teach you everything you will need and more; I will teach you to fight, to ride properly, and, how to use magic in the ancient language."
The Sun is a dragon rider:

Argo then bowed and said "thank you". "Just one question, how do you know so much?" said Argo as he grabbed Skulblaka's wrist. He then removed the gauntlet to reveal the Gedwey Ignasia. "Your a dragon rider!" said Argo with joyful tone.
The Sun is the trainer of Riders

Skulblaka smiled a bit as the young rider made his discovery. "You're right, I am a dragon rider, and you are going to be trained by the eldest dragon alive. Come Glaedr, it is time that this youngling grow to a cappable size. Skulblaka led them to a grassy plain on top of a large cliff, as the ground began to quake and from behind the cliff rose a great massive golden dragon who shone like the blazing sun. "This," yelled Skulblaka over the sound of the monstrosity's beating wings and the trembling earth, "this is my dragon, Glaedr!" The dragon mentally spoke to Argo, it's voice housing the authority of thunder and an avalanche. Greetings, young Argo; I am Glaedr; my rider and I have much knowledge to pass unto you, but first your dragon must grow.
Skulblaka turned to Argo. "Remove a scale from your dragon's tail."