The Inheritance Trilogy RPG:

Demaji Hatches:

Korrin replied "We are friends". "We where traveling in the mountains, when it got dark"-"We came here seeking shealter" said Korrin. Glorfindel looked at both of them and asked "Does your friend not speak much". Before Korrin could respond, Argo said "I speak, I just prefer to be silent". "Very well, we haven't much room to spare, you'll have t sleep in the stables" said Glorfindel. "That's fine" said Korrin. Glorfindel then invited Argo and Korrin inside. After having some fresh water and bread, Argo and Korrin headed into the stables. As they prepared for bed, Argo took the white stone out of his sack. He placed it on a cloth and laided down. Korrin fell fast asleep, but Argo was wide awake. He was thinking about the journey home and who he would sell the stone to.

Suddenly Argo heard a cracking noise, it was coming from where he left the stone. Argo got up and walked over to where the stone was. As Argo leaned closer to it, the stone shattered revealing a white dragon hatchling. Argo stood in amazment as he said "it's an egg!". Argo then leaned towards it and said "Well you arn't a bat or a dog". Argo then held out his hand to pet the baby dragon, when suddenly a blue flash struck his hand. A great shockwave shook all of Alagesia waking all dragons and there riders. Argo then starred at the scar on his palm, "look what you've done". The dragon hatchling crawled up unto Argo's lap and snuggled tightly. Argo smiled and began strocking the back of it's head with his hand.

The next morning Argo awoke and found the baby hatchling laying on his torso. Argo smiled as the hatchling awoke and yawned. Argo then stood up and looked at Korrin still asleep. The dragon hatchling then tugged at Argo's pant leg and looked up at Argo with a funny look. "Oh you must be hungry" said Argo. The hatchling jumped up and down as Argo got some milk and poured it in a bowl. Argo then sat it down infront of the hatchling. The Hatcling starred at it with confused look and then knocked it over. "Hey, that's all I've got" said Argo. But just then a mouse squeaked and the dragon hatchling turned around and leapt towards it's position. Argo heard a crunch sound as he walked over towards the hatchling. Argo then saw the hatchling swallowing the tail and turning towards him with a smile, "Well we won't have anymore rat problems" said Argo with smile.

Just as Argo began petting the hatchling, Korrin awoke and rubbed his eyes. he then looked at Argo and saw the hatchling. Korrin jumped up and shouted, "What is that thing?". Argo replied "I don't know, it hatched from that white stone". Korrin backing away said "well don't just stand there, get rid of it". "Oh stopping worrying Korrin, he's gentle"-"I promise, just trust me" said Argo. The hatchling then walked slowly over to Korrin looking at him with it's bright blue sapphire eyes. Korrin began shaking as Argo said "now hold out your hand". Korrin replied "are you crazy?, it'll bite me". "No he won't, just trust me" said Argo. Korrin then lowered his shaking hand towards the hatchling. The drago hatchling then rubbed it's head against his hand and Korrin began stroking it. "See, now that wasn't that bad, was it?" asked Argo. "Your right he is gentle"-"but what it he?" asked Korrin. "I wish I knew" replied Argo. As Korrin stroked the hatchlings head, he looked up and saw argo's hand. "what is that?" asked Korrin. "Oh this, something he did to me when he hatched"-"I don't know what it means" replied Argo.

Afterwards Argo and Korrin headed to the house, where Glorfindel preapred them a wonderful breakfast. While they ate, Glorfindel spoke "So you too are headed back into the mountains". "That's the plan" replied Korrin. The entire time Korrin and Glorfindel talked, Argo starred at the scar on his palm. He kept wondering waht it meant and if he would ever know what it was.
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Fanning Flames (Part One)

As they lay there in silence, a new sound was heard, footsteps. That of several men. Zaknir hear it first, sitting up he growled awakening Laurel from her sleeplike state. "Wha-? What's goi-" Laurel began only to be silenced by Lalo's thought sharing abilities.
Quiet! he cried.
What is it?
Listen and you'll find out!
So Laurel listened, being half-elf she heard them approaching.
Humans, Zaknir growled.
Don't be a sour puss, they may have just seen the fire and come to investigate.
And what if that's not their reason?
Then we'll find out the reason,
she replied. She removed her sword just to be safe. On the nights when Zaknir transformed, he had taken some time to teach her how to fight. It was useful most of the time, but Laurel didn't like the thought of running someone through with it. Zaknir thought her to be weak, yet internally, he also knew that the weakness was also her greatest attribute, and hopefully would be her legacy.
Well... We'll soon find out if Zaknir's training has had any effect, Laurel commented softly to herself.
Remember to let it be an extension of your arm! Don't forget that! Zaknir's words echoed through her mind.
She nodded. Zaknir stood beside her facing the direction of the oncoming troop.
The firelight soon reflected off the faces of five soldiers, armored and ready.
"Halt!" a soldier called out. The silence the night was broken by the sound of hundreds of fluttering birds as they all flew, startled by the noise.
Laurel sighed in anger, she had enjoyed having the birds around. Every once in a while a nightengale would call, and get a response from yet another. The beautiful calls had brought peace to her soul, but now these men thought they could just waltz in here and reck her evening. It was irritating. "Good evening," said Laurel, her voice calm as ever. "Can I help you gentlemen?"
"Good evening, and yes you may. I need you to empty your packs," the main soldier explained.
"Why?" Laurel asked, she had no intention of showing these men her clothing and personal items. It was none of their buisness what was in her baggage. Subconsciously, her hand tensed on her sword.
"Now now," the soldier cooed, his hand resting on the hilt of his own sword. Two more soldiers did the same, the remaining two, tensed, but did not reach for their weapons. "Were only looking for a stolen item."
"I have nothing that has been stolen," Laurel declared. Zaknir growled beside her moving a paw slightly, Laurel knew she had to defuse this situation before Lalo had the chance to explode into action.
"Well I'm sorry Miss, but we've been ordered by Galbatorix, the King himself to search these roads for travelers, and search their belongings for the stolen item."
"Maybe if you tell me what you gentlemen are missing, I might be able to tell you whether I have it or not."
Zaknir moved forward again and automatically, Laurel threw down her hand to prevent him going any farther. It wasn't meant as a threat but it was taken as one by the soldier on her right who swung his shield, which Laurel somehow expected, getting out of the way in time to prevent herself damage.
Zaknir was set off, pouncing on the man with the sheild immediatly. Two soldiers went after him, leaving Laurel to fend off the remaining two. They were well trained, and Laurel had a hard time fighting them back, but using her elven abilities managed to wound one. Diving out of the way of a blade swipe, she was caught by another soldier. Dragged to her feet by her hair, she let out a cry of pain. Zaknir turned to try and help her but his way was blocked by two soldiers. "Idiotic halfbreed," the main soldier said walking up to Laurel. He struck her across the face, the other man dropped her and unable to break her fall she hit a stone on the ground. Though accoustomed to beatings, Laurel was still shocked by the brutality she face. She hadn't expected cold steel against her cheek, nor the stone on the ground. She thought for a moment that she would black out, but one of the men dragged her to her feet again. Tying her up, they tortured her. Zaknir, stuck behind two soldiers who jabbed at him occasionally, growled threateningly everytime she cried out in pain. She was too near unconsciousness to reply to any of his calls.
Slowly along the horizon a promise rose; the white, ghastly crescent called out for destruction. Zaknir prepared to transform, fire reflecting in his golden orbs.
Galbatorix and Durza:

Note: This took place prior to the current events in the story.

After torturing Arya, Durza headed into the King's throne room. "The egg has hatched as you feared my lord, but only to farm boy" said Durza. "It is of no matter, if my enemies learn that the prophecy is real, they will challenge me"-"and I am not interested in being challenged" said Galbatorix. "There is no one left for you to fear, my king" said Durza with grin. Galbatorix then raised his hand to a map and said "beyond these boarders are remnants of the resistance, elves, ....., and the Varden". Galbatorix then walked towards Durza and said "do not lute them reach the Varden". "I will kill the boy before he becomes a man" said Durza.
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The Son of a Foresworn...

I'm Murtagh and Thorn as well as a character I've created named Skulblaka and his dragon is Glaedr (the enormous gold dragon in the second book for those who don't know.)

-a shadowy figure moved briskly through the halls of an immense castle whose spires stretched into the clouds above. He rounded a corner and pulled back his hood on his long dark cloak, revealing a face of fair skin and deep, decerning eyes.-
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Son of the forsworn: cont.

-Mutagh looked around and sighed, he seemed anxious about something. He wished that he hadn't been born; ever since his mother disapeared, his father's abuse had only increased and never gave him anything except a large scar across his back from slashing him with his sword. He was almost happy to learn of his death.- "There must be somewhere else I can go to...."
Eragon and Brom:

Shortly after Saphira left, Eragon leaned over his uncle mourning his death. As Eragon leaned, he heard noise behind him. Eragon turned and saw Brom standing in the door way. Brom came closer and saw the mark on Eragon's hand "You!"-"Your the next dragon rider". "Where is your dragon?" asked Brom. "She's gone" said Eragon. "What do you mean gone!?" asked Brom. "I sent her away" said Eragon. "Well then we will have to find her" said Brom. "No, not until I bury him" said Eragon. Brom then looked down and grabbed a torch, he then dropped it next to Eragon's uncle. "What are you doing?" asked Eragon. "There a funeral fit for a king"-"now come on" said Brom. Brom then dragged Eragon outside and prepared his horse. "Now get on" said Brom. "I won't leave" said Eragon. "Hurry and get on, if you don't we will both be dead" said Brom. "Those assassins came looking for you, and they will soon return" said Brom. Eragon then mounted the horse and Brom shouted "ride!". Both Brom and Eragon took off at great pace up the trail. As it began raining, Eragon looked back watching his home and past burn away...
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The Winged Sun

Skulblaka winced as he stepped into the sun, feeling the morning dew upon his face. He took several steps forward and felt the cool grass between his toes. He sat down after a few moments and began to strap on his boots and ready himself for the dya to follow. Seeing the sun was still rising, he turned his golden eyes to the sun and smiled. He began to dream of fighting against the empire, just like in all of his dreams. He wished that there was something he could do to aid the Varden in their fight against Galbatorix. He remembered the words that Oromis had told him, "One day...when I am no longer able to fight, I will send you a gift as bright as the sun." He wondered what the warrior had meant, but it didn't matter right now; he hadn't heard from Oromis in months. Oromis had found him as an infant and had raised him, teaching him all that he knew in the ways of hunting, swordsmanship, and even more of the ancient language than the wicked king himself. "I really hope that Oromis is alright....I'm not quite comfortable with the idea of no contact from him for so long..." He caught the sight of a figure running towards him at a very fast pace and turned to greet them as a beautiful elf stopped before him. She had shimmering hair like ras from the morning sun, and her body was slim yet he could tell that she was a fighter. She wore elven armor, forged from precious metals; the breastplate was made of pure gold and adorned with engravings in the ancient language; he read Wyrda aiedail fate of the morning star. Embarrassed from realizing how improper he must have seemed, reading the writings on her breastplate, Skulblaka looked up and was taken aback by the young woman's eyes; he shook his head to regain his senses and apologized.- "I'm very sorry miss; forgive me, I had no intention of seeming rude, especially to one as important as yourself."
The elf then flipped the violet sash she was wearing, over her shoulder. "It's quite alright," she said. "I knew your intentions to be pure of heart. I'd expect nothing less from the apprentice of Oromis. I'm sorry to brng you this news however; Oromis has been severely wounded in battle and is being attended to by healers in Ellesmera. He charged me with giving you this." -She handed Skulblaka a piece of parchment, reading The time has come for you to recieve your inheritance, my young friend; for I will be unfit and unable to ride to war for some time. My best wishes and all of my blessings, I give to you. You have always had the heart of a warrior and now you have your chance to do something for you world. Go, and bring peace to Alagaesia.
Skulblaka's hands were shaking, he didn't understand why this task had been set upon him, but he would do whatever he must to restore the world to it's former glory. "I must go...and find a way to aid the Varden and the elves. Will you help me"?
The elf looked at him with sadness; she knew that the war may very well destroy the young man's character and possibly his life. She looked into his golden eyes and saw in him the determination and will that most soldiers needed in this war. The elf understood now why she had been chosen to deliver this messege to Skulblaka; she removed her gleeming gauntlet and silk glove from her right arm and gently ran her fair hand through his golden, sun bleached hair. "Yes, I will help you...I believe now that's why I was sent to you. My name is Isidar." "I am Skulblaka; I'm very greatful for your willingness to help me. I suppose we should be leaving soon, but would you enjoy a small meal first"? Isidar smiled ammousingly at him and politely bowed.
After they had finished eating their meal, Skulblaka and Isidar began to walk to the path leadinng out of the gorge, but they stopped suddenly, both of them sensing the unwelcome pressence of a small group of Urgals. Isidar motioned to Skulblaka and he began to climb up a nearby tree which she hid behind. Both were dead silent as the band of beasts trecked past them, wielding rusted blades and one Uragl in front had a large hammer on his back. Isidar gave the signal and swiftly she removed the dagger from the belt around her upper thigh and thrust it through the neck of one of th Urgals. Skulblaka then brandished his sword from its sheathe and slashed the back of another. After several moments, all but the leader were slain on the ground. Skulblaka winced from taking a hammer blow to his right shoulder and Isidar craddled her right leg from being stabbed in her thigh. Isidar closed her eyes and then, raising her hand to the Urgal leader, wispered a word in the ancient language, "Brisingr"! the Urgal then burst into flame and fell to the ground, lifeless.
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Eragon, Brom, and Saphira

After traveling a while on horse back, Eragon and Brom stopped in some woods. When Eragon got off his horse he said "why hear?". "Because I said here" replied Brom. "Now call your dragon" said Brom. Eragon looked at Brom with glare and said "because of her my uncle died". "She was only trying to protect you" said Brom. "I could have defeated them" said Eragon with proud tone. "Ha, you defeat the Ra’zac"-"a boy like you who's only what fifteen or sixteen" said Brom. "Seventeen!" said Eragon sternly. "Oh seventeen forgive me"-"regardless a boy like you would last maybe a few minutes against Durza assassins" said Brom. "Well then I'll find Durza and kill him" said Eragon. Brom turned to face Eragon and said "Durza is a shade, a sorcerer possessed by demonic spirits"-"find Durza and you'll be no better off then your uncle" said Brom. "Now call your dragon" said Brom. Eragon hesitated and said "she's probably too far away".

Brom turned and look Eragon in eye and said "Shall we make promise not to lie to each other, I know she can hear your thoughts" said Brom. Eragon then looked to the sky and thought 'Saphira do you think I you can find us?'. "I never left you" replied Saphira. Out of the sky Saphira swooped down to the ground and landed in the wood. As Saphira walked towards Eragon she saw Brom and said "and who is this?". "He's Brom, he knows about dragons" replied Eragon. "He knows about dragons, I'll be the judge of that said Saphira with roar. Brom jumped and Eragon said "It's ok he's a friend". Brom then began to circle Saphira examining her traits. "Prefect posture, claws well curved, hips a little thin" said Brom. "Only my voice is gentle old man" said Saphira to Eragon. "Scales are in line and wings in good shape"-"overall she's fine young dragon" said Brom. "Well perhaps he does know a bit about dragons" said Saphira walking further into the wood. "However she's not strong enough to ride" said Brom.

Brom then began packing his horse, "We need to move, Durza will most likely send his Urgles"-"Tell Saphira to scout ahead for Urgles, and tell her to meet us only at night" said Brom. Eragon then turned to Saphira and said 'Do as he says, and remember be careful'. As Saphira took off into the sky she said "You be careful". Eragon and Brom then headed onward through the woods and beyond...
Please Everyone:

Save your posts tell I return, I don't want to fall behind. I shall be on after my gym session. So please be patient and wait tell I return. If you have ideas you wish to post, create a new Doc and write them and save them until I return. Thank you all for understanding, Sincerly Sir Godfrey.

Sorry everyone I have to go Christmas shopping, so please if you can be patient a little longer it would be greatly be appreciated. I'll open up the RPG once I return, until then chow...
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Skyla meets Argo

Skyla calls off her magic she senses her brother trusted the strangers enough to let them in there cabin.

Persifney stay close I might need you

Skyla dismounts and sees two stranger leaving the house she walks up to one

"Hello I am Skyla your palm let me see it I have the same mark I am a elf so I understand this kinda thing its called the gedwey ignesia the shining palm its the mark of a dragon rider"
Argo and Skyla:

Argo stopped as he heard Skyla's words. "A dragon rider?" said Argo with a deep gasp. behind Argo Korrin tried to keep the hatchling covered, but it was no use. The young hatchling leapt out of Korrin's arms and ran towards Argo and Skyla. The Hatchling then jumped up at Argo trying to get his attention. Argo looked down and bent over to pick him up. The hatchling the crawled up Argo's shoulder and perched there wrapping his tail around Argo's neck. "A dragon rider, me?"-"You must be mistaken, I don't even know what a dragon is" said Argo.
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"No need to hide the hatchling I am a rider as well a dragon is a noble beast mine is full grown"

"Persifiney come here" Persifiney glided down and stood beside her rider

"Yes Skyla"

"we have a new rider in our midst his name is Argo and he has a hatchling dragon he just hatched"

"Then the day of the riders has come again " Persifiney said

"He has choosen you Argo you shall feel honered I was not even sure I was scared when I first started and Persifiney first hatched How could she choose me A dragon rider is a high honor and you are linked to your dragon in differnt ways and strongest when you and your dragon are together.

Glorfindel jsut stood at the door of the house watching his sister and the others he still did not belive any of it
Argo and Korrin head home:

Argo stood awestruck are hearing all that Skyla said. He then looked at his dragon hatchling and said "So I am your rider?". the hatchling looked Argo in the eye and rubbed it's head across his neck. Argo then turned towards Skyla and said "I am most greatful for what you've shared"-"but I must be going, my father must be worried sick". Argo then signaled Korrin and they moved on. As they walked by Persifany, the hatchling looked up at her and growled softly.

Argo and Korrin then began there hike up the steep mountian. As they headed deepr into the wood, they saw smoke rising from the eastern cliffs. Argo and Korrin pressed on, resting on once. Finally after many hours of climbing and walking they reached the last cliff. Above the cliff a large cloud of dark smoke arose. And as they procceed to go up it, the hatcling growled and tugged at Argo, hindering his hike. After failing to stop the hatcling, Argo and Korrin took a rest. "What's gotten into you?" asked Argo looking at the dragon hatchling with mean look. The dragon hatchling then crawled over toward Argo with it's head lowered. Argo then stroked it's head and said "It's ok, I just don't understand what you want".
"Farewell Argo and thanks for stopping by hope what I said helped you a little bit Ride strong and Be Careful both of you and you Korrin hope we meet again soon"

Skyla watched them leave then turned to Persifney

"I guess I am not the only rider out there I am glad of that at least we will have help if its needed out there an knowing I am not alone in this endevor"

Persifeny nudged her rider and touched her nose to the sword that was on Skyla's hip The stone on the hilt turned purple and the sword glowed for a minute.

"Why did you do that Persifney"

"You will find out in time"

Glorfindel walked over to her very upset

"Skyla I don't like this one bit you ran off left me alone here with those two that I was not sure were friendly or not and you left me at risk we do not know the enemise of this land and your the stronger of the both of us.

Glorfindel stopped when persifney growled at him and thy walked into the cabin

"Let us go in now Glorfindel its getting to be where we need to hunt again and I want to explore these hills more.I want to be safe inside and you could be stronger to Glorfindel if you embraced the magic that is part of heritage given to us by our mother a warrior is good but somtimes it takes more"

"Skyla you scared me before with your magic and now your scaring me even more with this Dragon Rider buisness and Persifney what would Father and Mother think of this."

"They would approve its cause I am special Glorfindel and you will find your destiny around here as well."

Persifney stayed on the Rock right outside of Skyla's window and kept watch for her rider and her brother she did not like how Glorfindel talks to her rider and there was somthing about the White dragon hatchling that made her wonder about Argo and him.
Tamuril sat in the tree still watching their gate.Finally another guard came to take her place.She knew that a new Rider had come.She smiled at the thought.Once again the dragons would be born into a new generation.She looked down on her way back to the city.She wouldnt let anyone see the tears she cried.She had let everything pass and she would be glad for a new Rider..not sad.
Argo's Destiny:

After resting a while, Argo and Korrin head up the mounitan. When they reached the other side, there faces where filled with horror. They saw there village in flames. Argo and Korrin ran down them mountain at great speed, cutting themselves on branches. When Argo and Korrin reached the buring village they sperated heading to there houses. Argo ran as fast as he could to reach the blacksmith shop. When he reached it, he stood in horror, the front half of the shop was gone and there was rubble everywhere. Argo then slowly walked through the rubble. As Argo moved further into the shop, he heard gasp near the back door.

Argo moved quickly towards the area, and when he reached it, Argo saw his Elmar laying there pinned by a beam. Argo quickly grabbed the beam and tried to lift it. But it was no use, he wasn't strong enough. Argo then grabbed smaller beam and tried to lever it off his Elmar. And with strong shove, the beam rolled off and Argo leaned over Elmar. "Father, father!" said Argo as his eyes filled with tears. Elmar then opened his eyes and said "Argo..., is that you?". Argo kissing Elmar's hand said ""yes it's me father". "You shouldn't have come hear, your in danger" said Elmar. "Those soldiers where looking for you" said Elmar. "You must go...". "No, I won't leave you father" said Argo. "You must, you have a great destiny, I knew it when you mother gave you to me" said Elmar. "You must know the truth..."-"Your mother was a dragon riderrr..." said Elmar with gasp. Argo looked at his Elmar and said "That can't be, she was farmer". "No.., she gave you to me.., to protect you.., I am not you father..." said Elmar. Argo looking rather confused said "how can that be?". Elmar then looked at Argo and said his last words "go and become what you destined to be...". Elmar's head then rested upon the ground and his eyes dilated. Argo then rested his head on Elmar's chest and weept bitterly.

Afterwards argo met up with Korrin. They then both headed back into the mountains. Argo looked back at his home and watched as it burned. Inisde he felt pain and anger. Argo, Korrin and the dragon hatchling headed back through the mountains towards Skyla and Glorfindel house...
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