The Inheritance Trilogy RPG:

Helena figeted in her seat. Dinner was almost over but still, she longed to go outside and feel the warm air on her cheeks.

"Mother, may I be excused?" Helena asked.

"No. We aren't finished yet," said her father, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"But I'm finished," Helena whined.

Her mother sighed. "Helena, when will the day come when you will start acting your age?" she asked gently.

Helena was quiet after that and spent the rest of dinner time scowling.
Thanks SG!!!

ic: She picked it up and turned it over many times. What was it? Well, it WAS pretty, so she decide to take it home.

At home, she sat on her bed, just looking at it. SUDDENLY-
*Princess Rose* said:
Thanks SG!!!

ic: She picked it up and turned it over many times. What was it? Well, it WAS pretty, so she decide to take it home.

At home, she sat on her bed, just looking at it. SUDDENLY-
Oh hurry up and finish im on the edge of my seat Abby!!! You just like torchruing us! Dont you! Very good so hurry up! :D
Finally, after dinner was over, Helena jumped up from her seat and asked, "Now may I go???"

"Of course," her mother said, but at the same time her father said sternly, "Absoloutley not!".
Eragon and the Butcher:

Afterwards Eragon took the blue stone and put it in his sack. He then headed to town where he stopped at butcher. The butcher greeted Eragon and said "You see this, it's th king strip, the fat sinks right into the meat". Eragon looked at it and said "How much?". "How much, how much, to much for a poor farmboy" said the butcher. "I have something to trade" said Eragon pulling the blue stone out. Eragon put it on the table and the butcher examined it. "What is it?" asked the butcher. "Some kind of stone" said Eragon. "How did you get it?" asked the butcher. "I found it" replied Eragon. "Stole it more likely" said the butcher. "I found it, while I was hunting in the Spine" said Eragon. The Butcher looked up at Eragon with fearful look and said "Put it back"-"It's the king's". "Tell no one you have it"-"Now get out of here"-"I don't need that kind of trouble" said the Butcher. Eragon left putting the blue stone in his sack.
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Tamuril sat in the forest watching from the trees to make sure no one was coming.She wanted to go back to the city.She had felt something the night before....soemthing important...very important...but she didnt know what.She wanted to go back to see if the rest had felt it too.
Home Sweet home

After leaving town, Eragon headed home. He arrived an was greeted by his Uncle and Roran. "Eragon the hunter returns, with his invisible catch" said Roran patting Eragon on the back. As they headed inside Rroan said "did the deer scare you when is growled?". Eragon smiled and then pushed Roran. "Do you never learn?" said Rroan coming at eragon fiercly. The two then sparred with wooden sticks, striking each other several times. Afterwards Eragon opened his sack and looked at the blue stone. He then put his fist against it knocking it several times. Eragon then covered it and headed for bed.
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~*Shiloh*~ said:
This is a great idea SG......hmm....Arya is taken...can I be Nasuada and Angela?(Is it ok to be two?)Ok I feel really bad having 3 characters...but Im not really doing anything you mind?


That's fine you can have 3 characters.
Roran Leaves:

The Next day Eragon and Roran where tilling the fields. Roran stopped and looked at Eragon "Eragon I'm leaving". Eragon looked up and asked "Where are you going?". "I don't know exactly, but I won't join the army" replied Roran. "I must leave before the come looknig for me here" said Roran. "What about..." said Eragon. "He already knows" replied Roran. Eragon's uncle then called Eragon and Roran in.

At night fall, Eragon and his uncle where brushing one of the horses. "He told you then" said Eragon's Uncle. "Yes" replid Eragon as he brused the horse's mane. "You time will come too"-"When you'll decided the life you wish to live" said Eragon's Uncle. "But I love it here" said Eragon. Eragon's Uncle smiled and said "Sometimes what a man wants is right underneath his nose, other times the unknown is to tempting".

The Next day Eragon stood next to Roran who was all packed and ready to go. Roran's father (Eragon's Uncle) then approached Roran and gave him two coins. Roran looked at his father in the eyes with a smile, "I've been saving them for you" said Roran's father. Roran replied "Your blessing is all I need". Roran and his father hugged. Afterwards Eragon and Roran headed into town where they said there fair wells. Roran said "you work on that aim"-"You shall make a fine hunter yet". Eragon and Roran the hugged and parted.
a baby dragon! She was lavender. Reeny was in shock.

... but then she recoverd.
Saphira Hatchs!

After sunset Eragon returned home. He laded down to sleep, when he heard a cracking noise. Eragon got up and walked over to the blue stone. It began cracking and something was pushing outward. Suddenly it shattered and standing in the shells was little blue dragon hatchling. "It's an egg!" said Eragon as he leaned closer. The baby dragon rolled unto it's feet and looked at Eragon with big round soft blue eyes. "what are you?"-"Your not a bird or a dog" said Eragon. Eragon the moved his hand over her head and suddenly a blue flash hit his hand. Across Alagesia a great shockwave awoke Brom, Galbatorix and Arya. Arya laying on a stone tablet, was approached by the Sorcerer Durza. "Where is it?" asked Durza with a sharp tone. "Too late, it's hatched" replied Arya. Durza them oved his hand foward towards Arya causing her to scream.

Eragon woke up and looked at his torso, where Saphira was sleeping. As eragon moved Saphira awoke starring at him. From outside Eragon's uncle shouted "get up Eragon and do yuor chores". Saphira then jumped up and began growling. Eragon then stood up and looked at Saphira, "Are you hungry?". Saphira jumped up and down as Eragon got some milk. But when he encouraged her to drink it, Saphira just looked at him with confused look. She the leapt and tore the sack, causing the milk to splatter on the floor. "That's all I have" said Eragon holding the ripped sack. Suddenly the sound rodent echoed, and Saphira turned around sniffing. She then leapt over a sack of hay and attacked the rat. As Eragon leaned over the sack, he saw Saphira swallowing the rat whole, "So much for are rat problem".
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Lady Narnia said:
Ooooh! Can I join? What are the rules and the plot so far??

Sure you can join, the rules are just to obey what the Admin says and to keep to the story. We are right now doing book I Eragon, however I've leaned a little more towards the movie. You can pick wahtever character you like from the Inheritance Trilogy or create your own. Note: If you pick a dragon rider you get there dragon too.
Helana's parents looked at eachother. Helena pleaded for permission to go outside, and in the end her father agreed.

Helena sat on the hill near her house. The air was warm, but she still wore a cloak in case it got chilly. The sun was slowly disappearing.

Just then she saw a figure before her. It was a person in a black cloak that covered everything but the face, which was still impossible to see because the cloak cast a dark shadow over it. It slowly approached Helena, who was afraid and began to back away.
The_Lost_Pevensie said:
Helana's parents looked at eachother. Helena pleaded for permission to go outside, and in the end her father agreed.

Helena sat on the hill near her house. The air was warm, but she still wore a cloak in case it got chilly. The sun was slowly disappearing.

Just then she saw a figure before her. It was a person in a black cloak that covered everything but the face, which was still impossible to see because the cloak cast a dark shadow over it. It slowly approached Helena, who was afraid and began to back away.

I liked your post Lost Pevensie, keep up the good work :) .