The Inheritance Trilogy RPG:

Eragon & Saphira in the Fields:

The Next day Eragon was in the fields, and after a hard days work he sat down to rest. As he sat there, Saphira came sniffing the crops walked over to Eragon and laided on him. "Where's you mom?"-"Did she leave in a great hurry?" said Eragon. Saphira then came closer to Erago with her cute face. Eragon then stroked her head and smiled as the sun went down.
Sir Godfrey said:
I liked your post Lost Pevensie, keep up the good work :) .

ooc: Thanks. :)

ic: "Don't be afraid, young one," the strange person said. "I have a gift for you." Then person's voice was very odd, it was raspy and cold and unpleasant. But Helena could tell that he (or she, or it) was a kind person, and stopped backing away. The figure still came toward her at a very slow pace, and when it came to her, it pulled out a very large something from under its cloak. Whatever the object was, it was a very beautiful shade of green. "Take it, take it," the person said. Helena took it.
Brom Speaks of the Past:

Later that might Eragon headed to a village, where he oveheard men talking of there sons. Eragon listened as one man spoke of his grief. One of the men around the table said "shhh, the guards will hear you". "What does it matter if we speak or don't" said Brom. "Quite brom, you have nothing to loss" said one of the elderly men. "No argument there" replied Brom. "Don't mind me said Brom as Eragon listend. Brom then looked at the fire and said "But it wasn't always like this, there was time when are lands flurished, a time of dragons and dagon riders". "Those times are over Brom" said an elderly man. "No one could stop them, until of course they where betrayed by man named Galbatorix, who wanted all the power for himself" said Brom. As brom said this one of the gaurds came up to him and knokced him, "Shut your mouth or ge hanged". "Nooo!" said Eragon. The guard turned looking at Eragon with a hateful look, "Lute him finish his story" said Eragon. Brom the concluded with "And the King's darkness will soon be destroyed and the time of the dragon riders will come again". The guards then shoved Brom telling him to leave.
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New Characters:

I'm creating my own characters in addition to Eragon and Saphira.

Name: Argo
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark blond
Affiltations: None (Subject to change)
Equipment: Steel sword, bow, and rope
Argo is the son of a black smith. He's
spend most of his life learning the trade
of steel and forging. Argo's mother was
was killed by the King's men when he was
eight. Argo has swore to one day avenge
his mother's death.

Name: Demaji
Species: Dragon
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Skin color: white
Affilations: Argo (His rider).
Demaji was one of the dragon eggs
the king was collecting. However a freedom
fighter stole it and hide it in the woods.
Argo during his travels discoveres Demaji's
egg and becomes his rider.
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My Charecter

Long reddish brown hair
Blue eyes
Age 1900
Siblings Twin Brother Glorfindel
Weapons magical bow that rarely misses magical sword magic
Girl Dragon Purple Persifiney

Blue eyes
Reddish brown hair
Age 1900
Siblings Twin sister Skyla
Weapons Sword and Bow
occupation warrior

Skyla was walking thru the woods when she found somehting very curious she stopped it was a shiny rock that was a very bright purple her brother was behind her she picked it up

"Sky be careful you do not know what that is"

"Glorfin what could it be how much harm could come to me cause of this its just a pretty rock"

"It might be somthing else that you might not even know about you are always so curious and it will get you in trouble somday. Well maybe it might but us some food there is nothing to hunt out here"

"Oh Glorfin will you stop being fatherly at least it keeps me from being bored

"Yeah and it also gets you in trouble Sky."

Skyla rolls her eyes and puts the rock in her bag

They finally find some game to eat Skyla pulls her bow off her shoulder and shoots a bear and a squiarll for them to eat Glorifindel cleans the skin and meat off and Skyla walks off looking at the stars clutching the rock in her bag.
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Argo Finds a White Stone:

After helping his father bend and burn steel all day, Argo went out with his friend Korin. They always hiked up the mountians when ever they got a chance, and today was good weather. As they traveled up the trails, Argo stopped to fill his flask at a pound. As he filled it, he noticed a shining stone in the water. Argo put his flask down and reached into the pound. He grapsed the stone and pulled it out. Argo held it up closing looking at it rather curiously. Korin wondering what was taking Argo so long, walked over too him. "Argo what's taking so long?" asked Korin. "I've found something" replied Argo looking at the stone. Korin looked over Argo's shoulder and asked "What is it?". Argo responded "I think it's some kind of stone". "It shines like a diamond" said Korin. "Yes indeed, I think I'll keep it"-"It could be valuable" said Argo. "Alright then, lutes get moving" said Korin heading back unto the trail. Argo then wiped the water off the stone and put it into his sack. The two then hiked on further into the mountains...
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Skyla's discovery

Skyla walked away she knew what a horrid mess skinning and cleaning animals can be that is why she let her brother do it.

She pulled out the stone and ran her hands over it she knew instintively that it was not a ordinary Rock it was a egg a dragons egg. Her magic told her so she looked at it. She panicked I am not a dragon rider I cannot be none of my family were they come from a legacy of warriors and magic.

Glorfindel heard his sisters thoughts as clearly as his own he yelled at her "Skyla will you calm down over there I am trying to clean these animals and we might have company someone is near us my warrior sense is telling me."

"Its just your imagnation Glorfin nothing is out there no one is in these mountains for miles."
Hold posting until return:

I have to leave for a while, we can resume once I've returned. If you wish to join the RPG go ahead and post. If you wish to continue you character's story, go ahead.
Saphira's First Flight:

The next day Eragon took Saphira to the hills where he began trying to teach her to fly. Eragon holding her up encouraging her to flap her wings as he said "and Brom said the time of the dragon riders would come again"-"But first we need to get you flying". After several pushes, Saphira took off flapping her wings in the air. She then started to glide into the air and Eragon smiled as he raised his hand over his eyes to watch. But as Saphira flapped, she gained altitude and shored higher into the sky. Suddenly she was gone, Eragon's smile turned to frown as he said "she's gone". But at that moment, in the sky Saphira flew towards the sun and something magical happened. As she flew she caught on fire and her shape grew, until she was full grown. Saphira then flew down and roared as she landed in front of Eragon. Eragon smiled in amazement and in his head he thought 'how can this be'. Saphira then spoke through mental telepathy "Brom was right, the time of the dragon riders has come again". Eragon's eyes went wide as he responded "you can hear my thoughts?". "I have waited a thousands years to hear your thoughts and now you can hear mine"-"My name is Saphira"-"And you are my rider" said Saphira. "Rider?" said Eragon as he stood awestruck...
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Skyla relizes her destiny

Glorfindel was finsihing up cleaning the animals and starting a fire to cook with when he could not find his twin

"Skyla where did you run off to dinner is almost ready" he called to her

"I will be there in a sec Glorfin" she answered

"Okay sis hurry up I do wish you would stop worrying about that rock its just a amythest Rock sis

"Its more then that Glorfin I know it" She looked at her hand and saw a swirling symbol on her hand she suddnly realized the truth She was a Rider.
Then she thought to herself this rock must be a dragon egg.

occ: This is still skyla sue but I had to change my name cause it would not let me back in.
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Eragon Meets with Brom:

Later that night Eragon headed into the village, where he entered a small hut. Inside he saw many books, but as he looked around he saw one covered by a cloth. Eragon pulled the cloth off and opened the book. As he flipped through the pages, he saw images of dragons. But before he could finish, Brom raised his head out of the darkness and said "Get out!". "Is it true, you know about dragons?" asked Eragon. Brom stood up and said "Didn't you hear me, get out!". "I want to learn more about dragons" said Eragon fallowing Brom as he latched the door. "Did anyone fallow you?" asked Brom. "How long tell a dragon can breath fire"-" and when..." said Eragon. "Shhh keep your voice down" said Brom. "You mocked the King infont of his soldiers" said Eragon. Brom smiled and said "I say it's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for premession". Before Eragon spoke another word Brom said "Go home and teld your fields". "I beleive you story" said Eragon as he left abruptly. Brom then stood still looking rather depressed, he then wlaked over to a wooden shleve and grabbed a large cloth. Brom then unravled it to reavel a sword in it's sheath. brom then pulled the sword out of the sheath, revealing a ruby red blade.
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Skyla reveals herself to her brother

Skyla walked over to her twin he looked at her somthing was differnt about her

"Sis are you okay"

"Glorfindel I have somthing to tell you I am going to be a dragon rider that rock we found was not a Rock at all it was a egg and she is growing inside I can tell"

"Sky come off of it that cannot be true Dragons have not exitsted for quite a few years" suddenly his acute hearing and her hearing heard the egg cracking and a purple dragon come over to Skyla and starts chirping at her

"What is it girl you hungry"

Skyla took of a peice of meat and the dragon came over and ate it.

"My your a pretty dragon with those big green eyes and your shiny purple skin I think I will call you Persifiney"

She chirped and blinked at Skyla "Then you like it then"

"I cannot belief this sis i Never imagined my twin sister would be a Dragon Rider now come over and eat before Persifiney eats it all."

Name: Laurel Alimn
Age: 17
Race: Half-elf
History: Found by a Human, abandoned in the cold. Grew up living in a small village, living solitary life, ever watchful over the villagers. Was on a walk one day when she was attacked by a man. She remembers little of that day, except that she saw Zaknir for the first time, as he killed the human to protect her. Zaknir was her silent, panther companion for a long time before she realized that he was a were. She had never really noticed the subtle changes after their first meeting; she seemed to be able to connect with all sorts of creatures, Zaknir most often. When she turned 16, someone from the village caught her talking with Zaknir while he was in his drow form, and attempted to kill him (Drow's have a terrible reputation for being bad), nearly killing Laura in the process. Zaknir took her from that town and she never saw it again. To this day, they have traveled along the old forgotten paths.
Description: Auburn hair, blue eyes.


Name: Zaknir Orai
Age: 103
Race: Drow (Dark Elf)/ WerePanther
History: Grew up in the underdark (underworld), until he came to the surface planning to slaughter a village of humans, where he was bitten and became a werepanther. Living on the surface world in his panther form, Zaknir traveled until he came across a small human village that had a young half-elven girl. They would never realize what they came to lose.
Drow form: Dark skinned, lavender eyes, long white hair.
Panther form: Do I need to give an description?

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