The Inheritance Trilogy RPG:

OOC: Thanks! I hope I do too! :) I'll post a little more background on them today, yesterday was just too tiring and I didn't have the mental capacity to write, but today... **Has hair in a bun** run for cover :D
Laurel's Story:

Laurel; born and named, Ireth Mithrandir, was found late one Autumn day by a man journeying home from the village to his farm a couple of miles away. It was a miracle that he could hear the small cry through the wind and rain that evening. Taking her back to his family, and his wife who had just bore their second child, they took her in as their own. Laurel Alimn: Laurel, for their first child who had died only a month after her birth, and Alimn, meaning forgotten. By the time she was two, they discovered the truth, she was a half-elf.
Laurel grew up surrounded by brothers and sisters, knowing she wasn't normal. She looked nothing like her brothers and sister. The all had black hair and brown eyes, tan skin, and none had pointy ears. She on the other hand was born with curling auburn hair and sky blue eyes.
On her 12th birthday when a drunkered stumbled upon her mother in his drunken rage. She would never forget that day. He killed her mother who had been returning without her from the village, because Laurel had been invited to stay with one of her many friends. From that day on things changed, her father so caught up in the loss of his wife didn't notice, or didn't care, the reaction her siblings were having. They began to hate Laurel, saying it was her fault that their mother had died, though she had known nothing of the attack until her return home the next day. Laurel didn't fight back against the blows, she spent most of her days in absolute silence, ruminating over the loss of her mother, the only mother she had ever known.
A couple of years past and she was nearly 15 now, still tacitly going about her buisness, the wounds inflicted by her family slowly corroding away at her soul. Strangly, Laurel always felt like she was being looked after, though not by her family, but by some unseen creature, vigilant over her every move.
It was dark when it happened and she had no defense against it. The same man, though she didn't know this, that had killed her mother, came after her. He was stronger and larger than her and she couldn't escape. She couldn't even manage to scream as he grabbed her, but she didn't even have to, to alert the creature in the dark. It was the first time she had ever seen a panther before, but it held no place in her mind at that moment. She thought had her adversary, a formidable foe, almost invincible, but the cat took him down, killing him in mere seconds.
Laurel was unconscious by the time it was over, and had only a fleeting memory of the saving form of the panther from the previous night. Save for a bruise on her jaw, when she awoke in a clearing the next morning, she had no real evidence to support what seemed, to her, only like a dream. The panther however kept his watch, allowing himself to be seen only for a second as she woke.
Laurel carried about her life as usual, stunned as everyone else that a man had been found slaughtered by some ravenous creature. A snaking suspicion ran through Laurel's mind but it disappeared soon afterwards. She noticed that she had this strange feeling of protection whenever she felt alone, even when she wasn't. Animals seemed to like her more, and she somehow managed to walk right up to a deer without it being startled away.
It was a couple of weeks later when her silent guardian showed himself again. Laurel, who was working alone in the fields at the time, thought that the cat was going to kill her, but he only sat there on the edge of the clearing, eyes locked with hers.
From then on, her and the cat, whom she lovingly named Lalo, meaning guard, saw more of one another. Slowly, though it took time, they began to be closer than just the guard and the guarded, the became friends.
Things began to get harder as time passed at home, food becoming scarce and hatred brewing among the family. Laurel became the target of most undirected rage, and took it acquiescingly, never once throwing up a defensive hand to stop the blows, or a retort when struck with an harsh word. It was obvious that Laurel could no longer live at home when Lalo nearly attacked her father when he came after her one night. She only just managed to stop him, and knew that the next time, she might not be so lucky.
She continued with her duties at home, but lived with Lalo in a cave nearby. She began to notice that once a lunar month, that Lalo would disappear, and though she knew he was in the vacinity, she never saw him on those nights. They shared a strong bond, but she understood that even panther's had their secrecy.
One of Lalo's nights, the nights when he disappeared, Laurel slept fitfully on the ground of the cave, when soft foot treds aroused her attention. Sleepily, she called out to Lalo, knowing that he was closer than he had been, but not knowing where. Looking around she saw nothing, then she noticed movement in her periphrial vision. A drow, a dark elf, stood in the center of the clearing, only feet away. Once again, Laurel found herself unable to cry out in fear, for she had heard many a rumor about dark elves and their evil ways. Murder, death, destruction, was all she had heard of the drow race. She backed up until unable to any farther, excepting her fate. She closed her eyes, waiting, as the moments passed, for the deadly strike that never came.
When she finally forced herself to look she found herself sitting directly across from him, the drow. He sat with his arms crossed looking at her with lavender eyes, that looked familiar, like out of a dream. She didn't know what to do, nor did she understand his intent. Was he toying with her? Playing with her like cat and mouse?
They sat in silence for a while until Laurel could no longer take the suspense. "Are you going to kill me?" she asked, scared of the response. She didn't know if drow understood human language or not, but when he shook his head, she knew he had understood.
He placed a hand on his chest and said, "Zaknir." His voice was raspy, as though it hadn't been used in a long time.
"Drow?" Laurel asked. She misunderstood him, thinking he was trying to tell her that he was a drow. He shook his head.
"Zaknir Orai," he said tapping his chest with his hand. She understood. Zaknir, his name.
"Zaknir Orai," she repeated. Taking her own hand to her chest she tapped it saying, "Laurel Ali-"
"Laurel," he said, the name seemed familiar to him. He tapped his chest again, "Lalo."
Once again, Laurel misunderstood. "Lalo? My panther?" she asked, tapping her chest.
He repeated himself and it dawned on Laurel. "Oh by God! You're a were!" she cried scooting back a little farther, shock taking control of her system. She didn't want to believe that she had lived with a drow for several months, much less to come to terms with the fact that a drow had been protecting her. She didn't want to think about it at all. A were-drow-panther? it echoed in her mind though she didn't want it too.
Yes, Lalo's familiar voice was heard in her mind.
Why? Why me? Why did he protect me? What do I have that he could possibly- fear filled her and she wrapped her arms around herself defensively, Oh no... Oh God please no!
Seeing her thoughts, Zaknir reached out and pulled her face to see his. They locked eyes, her blue ones meeting his own lavender eyes sharing a moment of calmness.
"No," he said shaking his head. Relief flooded through her entire body, for a moment she thought she would fly up off the ground. He seemed to search for the word, "Cou-zin," he said.
"I don't under-" she began looking at him.
"Cou-zin," he repeated, this time pointing from himself to her.
"Cousin?" she asked recognizing the word. "Kin?" she asked. "We're cousins?"
He shook his head, exhasperated. Thinking again, he seemed to come up with and idea. He touched his skin, ebony and dark, "Drow?" he asked as though wanting to make sure that he had the proper word.
"Drow, or Dark Elf," Laurel nodded.
"Drow," he repeated then he leaned forward and touched her arm. Looking at her questioningly as if waiting for her to come up with a response.
"Elf?" she asked.
He nodded as if happy that she had helped him out. She gasped, "oh! You mean that we are cousin races. Elves and dark elves?"
He nodded again. "But why me?" she asked.
He didn't seem to understand fully what she was asking, so she made herself clearer. "Why did you protect me?"
He shrugged, seemingly as confused by his actions as she was.
She sighed, leaning back against a wall, it was too much to take in. To realize that her only friend had been a drow... it was like excepting her fate all over again.
Silence was all they shared as the sun slowly rose into the sky changing the drow back into her familiar companion, Lalo.
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Continuation of Laurel's Story and Zaknir's Story

It had been several more months since the discovery of Lalo, or Zaknir's, curse, and every time he returned to his Drow form, Laurel found that she had a harder time being scared of him. She still called him Lalo, switching back and forth between his old name and his new one. They both new that inevitably, someone would figure it out, but both of them were scared to admit it, and neither expected it to happen so soon.
A villager, by the name of Marn Koriw had been returning from a neighboring settlement when darkness came upon him. He knew that Laurel, the half-elf lived out in the forest nearby and he and his son, Lane, came into the forest hoping for shelter for the night. It was too dangerous to be walking in the dark, even if they were well armored, and carried weapons.
Laurel and Zaknir had been sitting and talking for a long time, and neither felt worried. This was their forest, they didn't have anything to fear, but from the darkness, Marn and Lane saw the drow, and unable to stop themselves, naturally reached for their weapons. The first arrow, shot by Lane, barely missed Zaknir's head as it flew past, reacting immediatly both he and Laurel were on their feet. Zaknir, more accoustomed to the dark saw them first and managed to get Laurel out of the way of a renegade arrow that came streaking in. After dancing out of the way of several more shooting arrows, Zaknir was angry, and it could not be quelled. Marn and Lane, having tossed their bows aside, came charging into the clearing, Lane armed with a short sword, and Marn with a heavy war axe. Being of elven heritage, Zaknir easily managed to stay out of the way of their weapons, landing blows where there were gaps in their defense. In union, though it seemed on accident, both Marn and Lane swung their weapons inward in an attack that was nearly impossible to defeat. Laurel saw it coming and couldn't allow herself to let it happen. Diving forward she knocked Zaknir to the ground, managing to spin out of the way of Marn's oncoming axe, but not swiftly enough to manage Lane's sword. Her scream peirced the night, shattering the silence. Lane was fast enough to realize who was now in his line of fire and having been Laurel's friend for a time, pulled back, thankful that the sword wasn't going full speed when it hit her waist. The pain that ran from the spot of infliction made Laurel collapse. Zaknir was up taking on Marn, his rage glowing in his eyes. Lane however had dropped to Laurel's side.
"Laurel?" he cried touching her face.
"Lane," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. "Get out of here, go!"
"I'm not leaving you here to be killed by this drow," he growled, reaching forward to pick her up, but she slipped from his arms, crumpling to the ground again. "Take your father and go!" she cried. "There is no time, I'll try and hold him off. Just go!"
Lane nodded helping Laurel to her feet. She called to Zaknir but he barely heard her. She tried again. "Let him go, Zaknir!" she cried using the little drow she had learned while they had been friends, and coming forward a step. Zaknir looked back at her and saw her injuries. It seemed to take him a moment to decide, but with a swift movement, he disarmed Marn and kicked him back several feet.
Lane ran to his father, helping him up and taking him back to their horses. Zaknir stood with clenched fists watching them go. He turned, cursing in drow, noticing Laurel on the ground.
She couldn't see straight, the pain blurred her vision, or maybe it was the tears. She knew it had come down to decision time. She could either stay here, and except the fact that either Zaknir would be killed, or he would have to leave. Or she could go with him. She didn't really belong here anyway. She had no family, no friends, none except Zaknir, and she was almost of age anyway. She would either be married off, or she would be considered an old maid.
"Laurel?" a voice called to her from outside the thoughts. A hand touched her arm, the only thing that kept her from the ground. "Laurel?" the concern in it's voice making her worried. She felt herself falling into slender arms, and being cradled gently there for a moment. Strange words it spoke, and slowly the pain subsided.
"Zaknir?" she whispered.
He kept chanting coming to a sudden crescendo, pain racked her again causing her to cry out. She felt like she was on fire and though she had her eyes shut, a strange purple light could be seen through. Suddenly the pain and Zaknir's voice died away, and the only sound left in the forest were Laurel's whimpers.

Zaknir's Story:

Zaknir: born into a noble house in the Drow City of Mezzoborean, he was raised to be a warrior. (Drow men are not as important as women, who are normally priestesses) He went to the university and excelled in martial, and sorcery arts.
He was taught from early childhood that the creatures of the surface world were horrible. Surface elves definatly were the most hated. Though they were said to be cousins, they were despised among the drow.
All surface creatures were said to be stupid and idiotic, living under a bright orb that burned them alive. His life revolved around his studies and pleasing his mother, the Patron mother of the house.
He was nearly 40 when he was sent off on an expedition to the surface to destroy a town of human's, one of the most despicable creatures. This was to be his big moment, the best way to please his mother. To slaughter them all. Arriving on the surface, he felt something between absolute disgust, and utter amazement. The moon was a quarter full that night, it and the stars lit the ground, and to the drow, that was like walking in broad daylight. The troop headed forward, beseiging the town in the night. Zaknir killed over 30 men, women and children before receiving the bite that would change his life forever, and he thought nothing of it as he slaughtered the creature. The masacre was complete when the rays of the early sun peaked over the horizon. It was then that he began to be feverish, and collapsed somewhere in the town, transforming into the same creature he had killed. He was left, believed to be dead, and by the time he aroused and realized the truth of his predicament, they were long gone. Not that they would have excepted him in his present form. So he was left to rot on the surface.
He traveled alone, eating and resting as he needed. Within the lunar month, he retransformed into his drow form, and he realized how stupid he had been. He thought it had only been an ailment and had begun to travel back, but the rising of the sun set him into his panther form. He was confused but began to understand what it was that he was suffering. He had heard of a were-creature. A intellegent creature, forced into an animal until the one day of the month were they could transform. He became lethargic, wanting to give up his life then live like this.
He lived alone, as a creature killing for fun when the chance came upon him, for many years. Time seemed to pass slowly, and by the time he had reached his 95th year, he had become glib about murder. But there came a day when he was looking for someone to kill, and he saw a small girl. She had long auburn hair, and sky blue eyes. Such innocence in the way she looked, it almost pained him to see her. He watched her as she gracefully played with her friends. He tried to impel himself after her, to kill her, to taste her blood, but he couldn't even move his legs. She was young, maybe only 9 years of age. So carefree... He had never seen anyone like her before. She turned, the wind blowing back her hair revealing, to his shock, that she had pointy ears. Much like that of the descriptions he had heard of his surface cousins, she shared everything with that description, save for the evilness described. He had to admit his attraction to the girl, and as he watched he felt the attatchment grow. Soon she and her friends departed, going their seperate ways as the sun set. He followed her in the late evening darkness, as she skipped along the well worn path. Collecting flowers as she went, creating a string of them. A house appeared in the distance and the elf child picked up her speed.
Now or never! he told himself trying desperatly to force himself to attack her, but, again, was unable. He watched her disappear into the house watching from a distance as her and her family spent time together. He could tell that there was something different about her...
Argo and Korrin head home: (Still editing)

After travleing through the mountains for several hours, Korrin said "Well it's getting late, we should head back". Argo nodded and said "Alright, but first lutes rest". Argo and Korrin then sat on the rocky earth and rested. Argo opened his sack and passed his flask of water to Korrin. Argo then reached deep into his sack and pulled the white stone out. As Argo heald it to his it up, the sun's rays hit it causing it to glow bright white. Argo awestruck said "Korrin come look at this!". Korrin turned and fixed his eyes on the stone. He stood up in amazment and said "What's happening to it?". "I don't know, all I did was pull it out" replied Argo. As they both starred at it, the sun set and the moon rose into the sky. The glow around the stone began to fade until it looked just like an ordinary stone again. Korrin looked up at the sky and said "It's dark now, we'll never make it back in time". Argo then put th stone back in his sack and said "Well we haven't much choice". "Right, well we better get going if we want to reach home before morning" said Korrin. Argo arose and they both headed down the mountian. After going down steep slopes and through hordes of trees. Argo saw smok rising just beyond one of the peaks. Argo and Korrin both agreed to head towards the smoke, since both where exausted. After climbing up the steep peak, they saw small house just below the tree line. Argo and Korrin then procceded down the mountain.
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After Helena took the object the figure vanished. Helena stood there looking at the green stone-like object for a few moments, then wondered what to do with it. After several minutes of thinking, she decided then best place would be the barn. She hid it in a dark corner, hoping no one would notice it until she could find a better place.
ooc. here is my other charater

name: Marlenna (Mar)
age: 18
race: elf
looks: long black hair, percing blue eyes
boi: her family was killed be the king, she has been helping the Varden for the past three years, Arya is her only friend
Background on Skyla and Glorfindel

They are children of the Great King and queen of the elves they are both very strong warriors and inate in there magical abilties. Skyla embraced hers. But Glorfindel did not he choose to remain a warrior and a skeptic. and they are both skilled in varous kinds of weapons mostly the sword and bow They have ruled there Kingdom but tehre Kingdom has been taken over and ravaged by war. So they are Forced to flee to the Spine to find shelter cause there parentes were killed and they have been Forced to take care of each other and raise one another. Neither relaized that the other was choosen for a Dragon Rider a great honor Skyla's dragon chose her cause of her pure heart and pure magical power and her loving way and adventours ways. They have a special bond with each other thru being twins Skyla is two minutes older then her brother. But her brother takes the role of protecing his sister the free spirit. But he will soon have to learn to let go and let her sister embrace her destiny and will have to find his way in the varden as a warrior trusting his sister to be a valient and powrful Dragon Rider.
Argo's Mother:

Many years ago, during the times of peace. A young women named Elise found a strange stone in the Spine. She took it and kept is safe in her room. One night the stone began to crack. Elise walked over to it, and is shattered revealing a young dragon hatchling. Elise took care of the baby dragon until it could fly. Years later when the dragon was old enough, it spoke to her through mental thought telling her that she was the next dragon rider. Elise was awestruck, she shortly after sough out other dragon riders. Elise was the first female dragon rider and she became one of the greatest riders in all of Alagaesia. Many years later Elise fought in the battle against the traitor Galbatorix. After failing to defeat Galbatorix Elise fled and sought refuge in the mountains. There she meet the rebel force known as the Varden. She joined them and fought countless battles against Galbatorix's forces. Elise later met Gloin a Varden captain, whom she later married. Several months after there marriage Elise became pregnant. Fearing for there child Elise and Gloin fled the mountains and settled in small village. Unfortunately Galbatorix’s men raided the village looking for Elise. Elise and Gloin fled further east, where they stayed in secluded farm stead. There Elise gave birth to a son and they named him Argo. Shortly after Galbatorix’s men found them, Gloin stayed behind to fight them, while Elsie road off on her dragon carrying her new born son. Elise found a small village not yet tainted by Galbatorix’s evil. She gave her baby to a black smith and fled. Elise and her dragon later died fighting a shade in the Battle of Elismar. Elise is still remembered to this day as the greatest female dragon rider.
It had been nearly 6 months since Laurel and Zaknir had left the little village where Laurel had grown up. Mostly they stuck to the old forgotten paths, and through the forests, other times they had to travel to villages to pick up supplies, and such. Tonight, they sat in silence before a fire that Laurel had created, Laurel lay with her head agaist Lalo's purring, fluffy chest, the sound nearly putting Laurel to sleep.
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Persifiney Takes Flight

After the twins were done eating Skyla went out to play with Persifiney while Glorifindel cleaned up there dinner he set some aside in case they would need somore to eat. His warrior sense was telling him two people were coming he unshethed his sword and crouched behind a Rock waiting to see who would be coming.

Persifiney and Skyla were running and playing down the hill. Skyla suddeny wondered where Persifiney went Her baby dragon started to fly away her wings to big for her small body Skyla tried not to laugh she felt sorry for her

"Persifiney where did you go" Skyla saw a flash of purple light and Persifiney started flying towards her full grown

Skyla I am right here my rider I did not go far

"Persifney you can read my thought it seems so impossible"

"Has your magic taught you nothing Skyla everyhing is possible if you believe a dragon and her rider are linked together i choose you Skyla cause you are very brave and wise and have wonderful magical powers and a pure heart that no one can match A dragon chooses the Rider for her heart Now be careful jump on me I will show you this world from the sky. Now hang on"

"Persifiney put me down I do not know how to fly"

"You will learn just how you learned how to ride a horse now grip your legs tight around me and trust me you can do this"

Skyla jumped up on Persifiney and took off "When you first learn how to ride a dragon can read your thoughts once they are full grown and your powers will unite with there now try this out
Skyla s eyes turned emerlad green to match persifineys and she saw her brother down on the ground crouched behind a Rock sword drawn

easy he is not in danger he is just keepiing alert
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Ra'zac and Eragon's first ride:

After leaving Brom's Eragon walked through the village. He heard camotion nearby, he listened as he heard strange noise. Eragon walked over to one the houses and he heard a someone say "Eragon, he lives over in the farm land"-"please that's all I know". Eragon then heard the man grunt and the strange beig leapt unto the top of the house and took off. Eragon then ran as fast s he could through the village into the woods. As Eragon ran through the woods and out into thep lains Saphira swooped down and said "Eragon, it's you they want". Saphira then grabbed Eragon and took him into the sky. "Put me down!" shouted Eragon. "No the'll kill you" replied Saphira. Eragon then got unto Saphira's bacl and leaned. "put me down now!" shouted Eragon. "Stupid boy" shouted Saphira as she swooped above the trees. Eragon the slipped off and Saphira caught him saying "Your ridiculos, hang on". Eragon then grabbed unto the tail hanging on for dear life, "lute me down now". Saphira flew over stack of hay and said "Your giving me no choice". Saphira then flung Eragon into the hay stack. Eragon quickly got out of the hay and ran inside the hut. Inside Eragon found his uncle lying dead. Eragon leaned over him in tears. Saphira landed and struck her head inside, "Eragon". Eragon got up and turned towards Saphira, "You should have been here, you could have saved him" said Eragon with an angry tone. "If you had been here you too would have met the same fate" said Saphira. "Go away and don't come back!" shouted Eragon. Saphira looked at Eragon with a frown and took off into the sky.

Occ: Forgive me if I'm not exactly accurate, I'm trying to quote the movie as best as I can.
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Glorfindel realizes Skyla is missing

Glorfindel moved from the rock and shethed his sword and went back into the tent he could not find his twin anywhere he saw her sword laying were she was setting and her bow.

I hope she does not get herself into any trouble she has no weapons on her except her magic and that dragon but the dragon cannot protect her it is to young yet he reached out thru there twin bond and sensed Skyla right above him

:Skyla how are you flying Persifney is not grown yet:
Persifiney growled "Your brother why can he not just believe like you do with you to being twins you would think you would be simler"

"We are not at all Persifney he is my total opposite but he protects me and takes good care of me"

"hold you back is more like it"

I know Persifiney he thinks I cannot take care of myself I am as good with weapons as him and mine are magically enhanced
Argo and Korrin Meet Glorfindel:

After climbing down the steep peaks and passing several trees. Argo and Korrin reached the house. They then approached a young man.
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Glorfindel meets Argo and Korrin

Glorfindel walks out of the house he is glad his twin is fine but he still could not believe that Persifney went from a baby dragon to a full grown dragon in a matter of three days and then he sees someone coming towards his house. He opens the door hand on his sword.

"Hello I am Glorfindel who are you are you friend or foe"


Persifney sees two strangers approching her rider's house.

Skyla you have company your brother does not look happy

Persifney go down now

Skyla and Persifney glide down towards the house Skyla readies a spell cause she does not have her bow on her. Persipheny lets her rider down and perches up on a rock keeping her eye on her rider.

:Skyla be careful both of you if you die I die: