*goes and spys on the blue zebra*
teehee *likes hugs* *loves amy gratutous amounts* *puppy licks*awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles the dacshund puppy ferny* you're like...my ideal dog...hahhahahahahaha. xD I luffles youuu!!!! *huggles again*.......
I cut myself today. I injure easily. *sigh* lol, but now I know how to julienne a potato! oh yeah! and "dice" an onion and a lot of other things...yep..yayyyyyy...
and i didnt even notice!!!! *passes cake around*wooooow post #1111! carneval!!!
I LOVE PUPPIES AND DOGGIES AND KITTENS AND KITTIES WHO ARE LIKE DOGGIES! lol.....*huggles alll.....huggles lonny too* it's the lonny pet! they're so special, there's only one in the whoooolllleeee world...AND I HUGGED IT!!! yayyyyy!!! *squee* I'm sooooo writting this down in my diary!...er....jouuuurrrnnaaallll......>.>...yeeeeaaahhh.....*nods slowly and walks away*
b-b-b-but...there's still only one of you!!!! *huggles the only lonny in the world again* HAHAHAHAH! I did it. I did it. I did it! *huggles lonny* ^_^