The Insane Asylum

i would love to hear it. but be sure to whisper cuz the walls have ears. you just happen to be talking to a hobbit that has escaped this joint on many occasions:D
Fernie, you only think you escaped it many times. Physcos who think the walls talk, what is this world coming to. At least back in the old days, they had dual personalities or had voices in their head.

(If you can't tell, I am a therapist.)
so......the walls can hear? can as well? *trys to look normal*

and....*digs in purse for eyeliner* i'll WRITE the plan!

if you escaped so many times...why are you still here?
because i have!!!!! ask gkon and beren, they were both there!
hey! i think it was you who first put me in here that day we stole the can and paintballed it!:eek:
You are a nice doorknob.

<Thank you. And you're a nice person.>

Am I really? I never thought so. My sister keeps telling me how terrible I am.

<No, you really are nice.>

I don't believe that, I think you're trying to brainwash me.

<Why would I try to brainwash you, after all, you said I was nice.>

Well, I don't know. I suppose you don't like me listening to the walls.

<You are nice. And don't listen to the walls, they're trying to draw you into their evil plan of taking over the universe.>

No. They never even talk. They are pretty walls, don't you think?

<No. And stop listening to them.>

I'm not listening to them. I'm just hearing them breath and grow.

<You are crazy.>

I am not.

<You are too.>

Am not!

<No sane person would be able to hear the walls breath and grow.>

Why not?

<they're sane. Unlike you.>

I told you I'm not crazy!

<Sure, and I'm not a doorknob.>


I'm not talking to you anymore. :mad:

sheesh! i think they locked me in here with a bunch of looneys! *rings for nurse* yes, i'm not crazy, can i please lea-hang on the wall just said something.....anyway, i'm NOT crazy!