The Jedi Order:

Hi sis I thought somthing was going on in the room and I sensed some sith coming close but when I got here it was gone Wish to spar a bit sis or maybe duel me I have learned some new powers from Master Si and eager to try them out.

Kara came at her with her green lighsaber blazing

I have posted you ranks on page 1. Here are all the ranks:


Level 0 -Initiate / Jedi Youngling
The lowest Jedi Rank, assigned
when someone first joins the

Level 1 -Jedi Padawan / Apprentice
Rank given when a person is
chosen by a Knight for training
beyond the Jedi Temple.

Level 2 -Jedi Healer
This rank implies that the person
is no longer a Padawan, but has
not yet reached Knighthood.

Level 3 -Jedi Knight
A person with this rank has full
access to the Jedi Library and
may choose a Padawan to train.

Level 4 -Jedi Guardian
A person this rank has
shown great skill, and is more
powerful than a normal Knight,
but has not yet reached Master.

Level 5 -Jedi Master
A person with this rank has full
authority as a Jedi and can
usually see the future.

Level 6 -Senior Advisor/ Jedi Grand Master
One who has gone off to study
the Force, but returned to share
what he or she has learned.

Level 7 -Chosen One (Reserved)
One who will finally bring balance
to the Force....

Level 8 -Ascended Jedi
The Ultimate Jedi rank, reserved only
for those Jedi who have exited
this plane of existance and
become one with the Force. With
this comes more power than
anyone can possibly imagine.

Council Member Ranks:

Council Memeber
This is a rank given only to a
member of the Jedi Council, of
which there may only be 8 at any
given time.

Senior Council Member
People with this rank are
permanent members of the Jedi
Council. Jedi Master Yoda is an

Council Mentor
A rank given to a person that has
served the Jedi Council, but is no
longer a Council member.

Special Ranks:

-Jedi Outcast
Given to a Jedi who is either
exiled or has left the Order.

-Dark Jedi
Given to a Jedi who has fallen
to the Dark Side of the Force. This
rank symbolfies alligance to the Sith.
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I have posted you ranks on page 1. Here are all the ranks:

Level 0 -Initiate / Jedi Youngling
The lowest Jedi Rank, assigned
when someone first joins the

Level 1 -Jedi Padawan / Apprentice
Rank given when a person is
chosen by a Knight for training
beyond the Jedi Temple.

Level 2 -Jedi Healer
This rank implies that the person
is no longer a Padawan, but has
not yet reached Knighthood.

Level 3 -Jedi Knight
A person with this rank has full
access to the Jedi Library and
may choose a Padawan to train.

Level 4 -Jedi Guardian
A person this rank has
shown great skill, and is more
powerful than a normal Knight,
but has not yet reached Master.

Level 5 -Jedi Master
A person with this rank has full
authority as a Jedi and can
usually see the future.

Level 6 -Senior Advisor/ Jedi Grand Master
One who has gone off to study
the Force, but returned to share
what he or she has learned.

Level 7 -Chosen One (Reserved)
One who will finally bring balance
to the Force....

Level 8 -Ascended Jedi
The Ultimate Jedi rank, reserved only
for those Jedi who have exited
this plane of existance and
become one with the Force. With
this comes more power than
anyone can possibly imagine.

Council Member Ranks:
Council Memeber
This is a rank given only to a
member of the Jedi Council, of
which there may only be 8 at any
given time.

Senior Council Member
People with this rank are
permanent members of the Jedi
Council. Jedi Master Yoda is an

Council Mentor
A rank given to a person that has
served the Jedi Council, but is no
longer a Council member.

Special Ranks:-Jedi Outcast
Given to a Jedi who is either
exiled or has left the Order.

-Dark Jedi
Given to a Jedi who has fallen
to the Dark Side of the Force. This
rank symbolfies alligance to the Sith.

OOHOOH!! Jedi should be able to chose their own "Career" within their rank-like healer, librarian, warrior,diplomat, etc.:D