The Lord of the Rings: The Fourth Age

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Sir Godfrey

Pelegrin Crucis
Long after the depature of the elves and the rule of King Elessar, a new shadow has arisen from the land of Mordor. It threatens to overshadow all of the kingdoms of Middleearth. Without the elves aid can Man defend against this new evil? Will the dwarves come to their aid? Will Men be strong enough to withstand this new darkness? None know, not even the wisest can see all ends. However in this bleak future their is hope, for the heir of Elessar is returning to Gondor to comfort his sick and dieing father and to assume his rightful place on the throne of Gondor...


The Rules of this Game is we write in story form with attention to Detail and long Posts. We like to be very thorough and set the scenes. As well as be very descriptive and describe from each other’s point of view. From a different Vantage point.

If you need help feel free to ask. If you get stuck, we are a team of writers here.
But we won't write your character for you.
We do interactions. But it’s Hard when its different time zones so if you’re going to be gone or leave for a while let one of the Mods Know either me or Sir Godfrey.

Cast of Characters:

Arathorn III Son of Eldarion, Eru Aulin Son of Illuvatar, Haldir of Lothlorian, Eowa Shield Maiden of Rohan, and Morgoth/Ulaire Attea The Shadow-Sir Godfrey

Queen Skyla of Mirkwood, Rune Captian of the Rohiriim, and Legolas of the Wooldand Realm -KathrenJanewayChakotay


Note: You may either pick any of the characters below or make your own.

Gimli Son of Gloin

Bilbo Gamgee

Frodo Gamgee

Rabagast The Brown

*More shall be added soon
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Character Bio:

Name: Arathorn III
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Half Elf
Allegiance: Dunedan and Free Peoples of Middleearth
Birth Place: Gondor; Minas Tierith
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black with silver lining.
Great Ancestor: Elindel, Great Grand Father Arathorn II,
Grand Father Elessar (Aragorn II), Grand mother: Arwen,
Father Eldarion, Mother Morawen, Sisters Idriana and Arlinda.

Favorite Weapon: Esindel (Elven Sword), later Anduril Flame of the West.
Minor magic, swordsmanship, archery, tracking, keen sight, keen hearing,
keen smell, horse riding, tactics, wisdom, foresight, and etc.

Bio: Arathorn is the grandson of King Elessar who reunited the Kingdoms of Middleearth. Like his grandfather Arathorn has been a wanderer aiding the Dunedan in the fight against bands of orcs and fouler things. His has hown his skills as a ranger and now having heen summoned by his father, has begun his journey back to Gondor were he shall be coronated as King. Arathorn is a tad reluctant to assume the role of king, for he wished to spend many more years fighting on the boarders against the enemy. However regardless of his personal feelings, he has agreed to fufill his destiny as the next King of Gondor. Arathorn was named after his great grandfather Arathorn II. He is half man and half elf like his father.
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My name is kath some of you know me as mj but i am going to be Sir Godfrey's co mod on this any questions or comments feel free to pm me or Sir Godfrey this is meant to be fun no god modding. Have fun keep to the rules and the Disclaimer posted above. Let yourself go have fun with it. Feel free to expound but if you use a canon charecter keep to the charecter if you want to create one that is fair too.

I will take Legolas and my made up character is

Queen Skyla of the East
Hair: Dark Blond
Eyes Blue Green
Height 5.6
Weight 119
Age looks 29 but is in eleven years 529
Weapons Twin Swords Silven and a bow that rarely misses

Magic : woodcraft and has control over the elements Earth fire Wind and Water She also has the gift of Healing she is a quick healer herself As well as foresight.

You don't want to make her mad she has some connections with Dark Elves. She could go either way. She has a feisty personality and is strong but Sweet and is in love with a tortured knight that she has had a past connection with. She is tortured by his love for her. Cause he is human and a Mage and Skyla is a Pure blood elf that is immortal.

She is a descendant of Legolas of the Woodland realm of the original fellowship. She became queen when her mother died. She was the heir to the throne her mother was the sister of Legolas Father. She has the keen sight and strength of the elves. She has a lovely singing voice and is a warrior as well as a lover and Queen. She abhors Violence but she knows some has to happen in War. She is also very wise. She did not go to the undying lands with the rest of her kin. She choose to stay like her cousin Legolas did. In hope that she might find her Knight somewhere and help if Gondor calls for it. She is determined to help his heir get to the rightful throne that is his by blood. She saw a vision of him returning the throne one day.
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Heir of Elessar:

Deep within the Eregion woodland on the boarders of the Shire a figure stood clad in a dark green lodgings with a hood. He was still and silent. His shadow casted against the thick Willow trees. In his hand he held a bow and on it's sting was an arrow made ready. He stepped quietly and softly on the mossy ground and began moving amongst the trees. A few furlongs away there was creature. It's shape was like that of wolf, only bigger. It seemed to be prowling along the trails seeking a meal. The hooded figure apporached behiend it stopping at wide tree. He peered around it and saw that beast was facing the opposite direction. Then gripping the sting he pulled it back and situtated the arrow pperfectly upon his thump and index finger. Then peering back around the tree's base he saw that the beast had vanished.

The Hooded figure looked in all the general directions, but saw no trace of the beast. Suddenly from behiend he could her the snapping of twigs and stong breathing. He turned slowly to see the beast looking right at him. It's head was abnormally large and it mouth was full of razor sharp teeth. Slim dripped down from it's golden stained teeth as it growled and began moving slowly towards him. The back hairs of the beast were in the fashion of horses' mane and as it moved it's forepaws the back mane moved like the slither of serpant. THe Hooded figure slowly lowered his bow and with gentle release he dropped it to the ground. Then with his right hand he reached for hsi blade. The beast gowled louder at this, as if sensing his next move.

The Ranger laid his hand softly on his sword's hilt and held it there. Then he did something very irregular. He turned his back to the beast. THe creature hissed and gowled. It drew closer with each passing second. Green leaves of willows fell as it drew to only furlong away. Then stopping it grew silent and rustling it's hind legs it lute out bellowing howl. It leaped into the air falling upon the ranger. It looked like bird swooping down upon it's prey. Suddenly with quick motion the Ranger unsheathed his blade and with swift stroke he slashed the beast across the face. The blad sunk into it's brow and dug in as the Ranger moved in downward motion. Blood sprayed and stained the Ranger's cloak. The Howl of beast could be heard echoing as it fell to his feet with the edge of the blade into it's forehead.

THe Ranger removed his blade swiftly and then checking the beast to make sure it was dead, cut the pelt off. He then began the tedious and rather long process of getting rid of the body. Once he had done this, he went to neaby river were he cleaned his sword and hands. From a glance this ranger would seem like any other ranger, however there was something about him that was distinctly different. Prehapes it was the manner in which he carried himself, or the speed in which he could fly, or maybe it was the glint in his eyes that seemed to reveal more than just a mere ranger. However I think it was prehapes his ears that gave that betrayed him. For they were pointed, like an elves ears. But his statue and figure was not slender like an elves. And his strength was more like a dwarf than a man. Infact he was neither elf nor man. He was a half breed or half-elf as they are called.

A Race that exhbits the skills of the elves such as; keen sight, hearing, smell and even the talent for magic. However he also being half man, shared in the weaknesses of men. He was prone like all men to folly and lust for power. But he was not doomed, for he came from ancient and royal line filled with men who triumphed over folly and men who fell prey to folly. He was capable of becoming a great warrior who would be remebered for his great deeds, whom in song all races woudl praise in there own tounge or he could become a reproach and be remebered as those who caused pain and suffering in there days. tHe potenial for both was within him, but his heart forever would be lead by the bright Morning Star. His heart desired to do good.
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Skyla Queen of the Eastern Woods

Queen Skyla

In a castle in Mirkwood Skyla woke and waved her hand to light a torch she walked thru the Castle.

Skyla awoke from a restless sleep she dreamed of him again. Rune her knight that was suppose to find her. She is so haunted by his love that she drems of him at night could she willingly give up her immortel slender Queen body. Her Magic? Her heritage? How Lady Arwan could give up for Elesser she would never understand She will never know either cause his grandson is still around. But they aren't. She combed her long blond Hair with a brush.

She often thought she would but was not sure. But she wanted to stay and continue her mom's line When elves are all but extinct She was the last of her kind.

I am sure I will serve some sort of purpose being here she looked at her long slender fingers. The ring that she found that was given to her a Red ruby with diamonds on each side. That symbolized her and Runes love. She placed it on her finger. It sparkled in the candlelight.

This heir will come forth she is sure that she saw in her vision. She will see if this ruler will rule how it should be. If she might have to take matters into her own hands. If gondor sends to help she will help. But if she feels this Heir can't cut it she will take matters the way she wants it to be.

She changed out of her nightdress and walked thru the castle in a cape and a dress that swished aginst the floor. She opened the door to greet the day.It was still slightly before dawn.

The servents around the Castle nodded at her as they went about therer business. She blew out her candle and set it on the Entrace door. She walked thru the flower gardens and the vegtable gardens. She walked up the steps to the rooftop garden.

The rooftop Garden was her favorite it was where Rune first declared his love for her. Before he went off to War. She felt the breeze tousle her hair as she looked out. Across the woods.

She shut her eyes feeling the power course thru her as she stood on the Rooftop. She tried to summon a vision of where this heir might be but her vision was darkened at the moment.
The New Shadow:

At the borders of Mordor in a stretch of woods were Ithilien road passes through a dark mist fell. It was like black blanket over the forest, causing all light to fade or be snuffed out. Within it there could be seen a figure or a shadow moving. It's shape was hard to determin for it blended in with it's surroundings. But as it walked quietly in the wood the echoes of a loud shriek could be heard. Birds flew away from the mist in panic and all beasts in the wood fled in terror. The Figure stopped motionless by a pool of water. It's reflection was cast upon the silver like mirrior of the water's surface. It appeared to be a figure clad all in black. It's face was consealed by a hood and it hands were jaggid grauntlets of steel. It crossed it's arms and looked upon the water. Suddenly another shadow emerged beside it. It's shape was similar almost in everyway, save that it was shorter in hieght.

The Shadow turned to it's companion and hissed. "Your late..." said the Taller Wraith. The Other bowed a little and said "Forgive me.. my lord.. I was detained." "The Assembling of the broken foreces, was not an easy task.. even with six of us.." "Also I regretably report that we have been spotted during are errand.." The Taller Wraith hissed and shrieked a little. "Also.. we have found the artifact you seek or lest we know it's dwelling place.." The Taller Wraith simmered down and replied in whisper "Good.. make sure it is recovered and brought to the runes of Balad-dur" The Shorter Wraith replied witgh bow "It shall be done.." "In the meantime I shall return to Minas Morgul and await your return.." The shorter wraith then departed int othe darkness. Meanwhile the Taller Wraith stood by the pool for a while, he peered out of the forest and gazed upon the White City of Minas Tereith.

With a shriek he uttered "Soon your white city will be tainted with the blood of your people.. and soon the Shadow of the Past will be unleashed to conquer and riegn over the future.."
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Queen Skyla's resolve

Skyla walked down from the rooftop garden and gathered her skirts as she walked down the steps to the throne room and draped off her elven cloak and handed it to one of her handmaids and her dear freind Neista. Who informed her of news. She bowed to Queen Skyla and Queen Skyla met her eyes Queen Skyla could tell the news was not good

"What of our scouts Neista what is your bad news i can read it in your eyes?

"My lady our scouts have returned. There was two wraiths spotted on the edges of the wood towards the ruins of Mines Tirith."

Skyla set down on her throne with a Heavy heart "So the ancient shadows have returned. Battle we might have to go for Neiesta Even though I hoped there would be no more vioalnce." She looked at her bow and quiver and twin blades by the side of her throne.

"MY Queen but the elves are small most of us have moved on to the undying lands my lady. i Don't even think there is any of our kind left maybe Prince Legolas of the woodland realm he stayed to answer the call of the sea."

"He went to the Glittering caves and never returned that i know of Neista he went there with Gimli Son of Gloin and back to the sea. I don't even think we could rally him to our aide if we wanted to. My powers are great but not that great to summon him back to our aid if he doesn't wish to.I don't have the power to call back our people from the Undying lands either Neista I might be the silver warrior amoung our people but I am not a one woman army"

She looked at her bow and Quiver and her twin silven blades that were
made for her when she became Queen of the Quinlin Elves.

"IF these shadows want war they might get it my powers can withstand them for awhile Neista but if there is even six or seven of them. We might need to find our cousin and see if we can rally any troops from anwhere else in middle Earth to our aide. I will not let Middle Earth collapse into water and fire and fog Neista. Not why I am queen of the woodland elves."

Along edge of Misty Mountains near Eregion a resounding thunder could be heard. At first it sounded like a hammer hitting an anvil, but as it drew past the the sound grew clearer. It was the sound of several regments marching marching towards the Gap of Rohan. Arathorn peeking out of the treeline saw at least twelve dozen men clad in thick armor. Their helms were pointed like sharp spears and there brest plates shined golden like the sun. each held in there hands long pikes with jagged edges and as they passed the treeline there gruff voices could be heard chanting. They were Easterlings, wicked men of the east known for their service to the dark lords Morgoth and Sauron. They were dark skinned, short and muscular.

Arathorn watched them march on until they disppeared into the distance. He turned back to the woodland and for moment sat in silence. He was pondering what the men of the East were doing marching for Rohan. Drawn by curiosity Arathorn fled the Woods of Eregion and fallowed the tracks of Easterlnigs. As he glided upon the ground lightly he could feel it still shaking a little under his feet. Arathorn did his best to stay at a great distance behiend. He fallowed them through Dunland and then onto the Gap of Rohan. As they passed Isengard the light in the sky began to dim. The Sun began to set and the Easterlings broke from their route and headed towards Fangorn Forest.

Arathorn fallowed keeping still at great distance and hiding behiend rock and stone. Perring around he saw they were preparing to make camp at the forest's edge. Obviously ignorant of the danger of the forest they took some axes and began chopping the trees for firewood. As the Sun setted over the open plains to the west, the fires of Easterling camp roared. Arathorn using his stealth and hunting skills made his way closer to the camp unseen. He finally reached the tree-line. There he listened as two gaurds sat awake talking. "How many more furlongs is it to Ruaros River.. Iriad?" asked one of the gaurd leaning his back to a tree. "About thirteen. maybe fifteen" replied Iriad. "And from there to Minas Morgul?" Iriad paused for a moment pondering and then said "About twenty miles or fifty furlongs."

The Other Gaurd sunk his head and sighed. "However we must take a detour to by pass Minas Tirith." said the Iriad. "That will take much longer.. since we must cross the Nindalf and climb many peaks.." The Other Gaurd sighed again and said "I sure wish I knew why the Shadow has summoned us and why he insists we march ot Minas Morgul.." "It is not are place to question him.. he is are new Master.." said Iriad. "I liked it better when we served the Great Eye.. and are numbers were larger.." Iriad nodded and replied "So do I.. however we must accept this change of leadership.." "Afterall he has promised us Minas Tirith and other grand kingdoms for are services." The Other Gaurd drew in a deep breath and said "Do you really think he will deliever such a promise?" "What power does he wield that can assure us that he can even overthrown such Kingdoms of Men?"

Iriad looking around brielfy leaned towards the other Gaurd and whispered something in his ear. Arathorn could not hear what he shared, only that he could see the other Gaurd looked pleased and that discussion came to a end. Arathorn moved in closer behiend the trees. He made his way behiend a tent and peered around it to make sure no gaurds were there. He then made his way around several other tents. They were crude tents indeed, more liek raggid blankets and sheets than tents. Arathorn keep his right hand on the hlt of his sword as he made his way to the tent at the end of the line. It was the futhest from the treeline. Apparently it was Cheif Easterling's qaurters. You see he had heard the many tales of Fangorn and he feared that which dwelt in the forest, so he had his men plant his tent as far away from the forest as possible.

Arathron entered the tent quietly. He found a middle aged dark skinned man sleeping with white blanket untop of him. Next to him was a golden sheathed scrimtar that he laid one hand firmly upon. A little distance from him was crude book. Arathorn quietly took ahold of it and opened it. As he turned the pages he read an account of the Easterling's journey and there orders. He read some personal escripts of which he found unimportant. Putting the book back down he prepared to exit the tent. As he did he could hear the Chieftan stir and with swift movment he exited the tent and fled. The Easterling Chieftan awoke a little groggy and holding a curved dagger. Seeing nothing he fell quickly back to sleep. Arathorn retreated deeper into Fangorn. There he took several breaths and began to ponder what he should do. Attacking them at twilight wasn't a bad idea, for he would have element of surprise. However there numbers would quickly overwhelm him.

Fleeing to Gondor to warn his people wasn't a bad plan either, however it was long trip to Minas Tirith and besides he was curious to learn the plote of The Shadow. It was obvious whoever the Shadow was, he had gained the Easterlings alliance, which would leave one to wonder what other races he had rallied to his cause. Arathorn finally choose his other option, to fallow them into Mordor to Minas Morgul. Thsi choice however was not chosen litely for Arathorn not only knew the danger but also did not wish to tred through the black lands period. When Twilight faded and the sun rose in the sky, the Easterlings awoke and prepared to march on. Once they had gotten underway, Arathorn peered out of the forest and then began fallwoing their trail. He used his ranger skills and kept still a distance behiend them.
Legolas son of King Thranduil

Legolas Was on the edge of the sea looking out at it remembering the rhyme that was spoken over him

"Legolas Greenleaf long under tree: In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea! If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.

He returned back to the forest against that though to help restore the trees and the other woods to there glorious forms the way they were before they were destroyed during The War of the Ring.

He came here from the sea Where he went after King Elessers Death He has a place on the sea near water. He heard about his cousin Skyla that lived in the Eastern woods that was strong and torutured by her love for a mortel Man. A good sorceress but was hestint to give her alleignece to anyone. But he wanted to see her again the only tie to his people. He heard she had perfect bowmanship that rarley missed and was handy with blades to. She sounds like she is warrior sorceress.

He also herd that Elessers Grandson was on the move. As loyalty to Elesser he is going to help him come to the throne. But first he has to find this Ranger that was Aragorn's son.

He also heard about the Easterners and two of the Black riders were still there the Shadows that coudl bring about middle Earth's Demise. He heard the foul voices in the air and the darkness that seem to follow them.

He was deciding where to go first should he try to find his cousin or track Elesser's Grandson Arathorn.
Mordor Where the Shadows Lie...

Arathorn tracked the Easterlings to Nindalf a wine of the river Rauros. There they sent a few men into the water to test it's depth. Several were instantly swept away by the river as it roared. The Easterlings now had come to impass. They either could go way out of there way by backtracking into Rohan and crossing another stream or they could take the more dangerious road. After a long argument it was decided to march by the pass of Cair Andros. That pass would bring them to the edge of Minas Tirith. Arathorn laid in wait behiend some brush while the Easterlnigs marched southwest. Arathorn now not only had to make sure he wasn't spotted by the Easternlings, but that he wasn't also spotted by his kindsmen.

Arathorn hot in pursuit of the Easterlings saw now on the horizion the dark rock and peering over it on one side was a white tower. Arathorn gazed at in wonder. It sparkled like gem under the sun. Arathorn longed to return to his birth place one day, to see his elderly father, but he was to wild at heart yet to do so. He longed to remain with Dunedan and fight the enemies of Gondor. The Easternlings quickly turned northeast coming into the sight of the White City. I sparkled dazzling in the sunlight, like pearls and diamonds. The outlaying rock was like steel holding it in place and on the lower and uper levels blue banners with a white tree of blew in the wind. It was the Tree of Elendil, and when Arathorn looked upon it with his keen sight he bowed his head and said under his breath Umul min wen cel Elindel 'Bless be the White City and the House of Elendil"

To Arathorn's relief no Dunedan or Gondorians rode out after them. However he did ponder why the defences were left so open and un guarded. The route they nwo took was northward into the prehapes the foulest place in Middle earth.. The Dead Marshes. The Easternlings slowly made there on to the slimy and rather grotesque trails. All around were pools and falming lanterns. several Easternlnigs looked into the pools and saw the figures of dead elves, men, and orcs. But before they coudl stare long therie Chieftan said "Do not stare long into the marshs nor fallow the lights or you shall join the dead!" Arathorn fallowed quietly behiend carefully stepping on sliny trail. He looekd for brief moment at the dead corpses in the pools and with whisper he uttered 'Alar Menska Umul Tedor H'ral otul Elindel' Which is known is the common tounge "I do not come to disturb your rest, please lute me pass for I am the Heir of Elindel"

A deep groaning and loud moan came from the pools. Afterwards there was complete silence and Arathorn moved on. He fallowed the smell of Easterlings through the marshes which ofr ordinary man would have been impossible. It was tedious work for the Easterlings to march through the marshes. May tripped and even fell nearly into the pools. Some that splashed the water became overcome with fear. Some saw a figure in the water of an acient being that first appeared fair but then turned ill and terrible. One of the Easterlnigs was drawn int othe water and taken under. Several Easterlnigs tried to rescue him in vain. Underneath his body joined the countless others from ages long past. The Easterlings began flying with great speed through the marshes. Arathorn came to the distrubed water and stood their a while.

Suddenly a being arose from the water. It's body was clad in rag like cloths that had worn and tone. It's head was crowned and it's face and body were without skin. All that remained was bone and pearly eyes that looked upon Arathorn. Arathorn stared the terrfying being in the eyes. He then removed his hood revealing his pointed ears. The Being eyed him motionless. Arathorn then uttered "Umal Emen Du Vangor Elessar Mashta' "Return to the depths death.. for I am the Heir of Elessar and my years are still many.." The terffying being then resided and began sinking back into the waters. Arathorn then swiftly caught up to Easterlnigs in Dagorlad. They now far ahead turned and marched through Udun the entry point into Mordor. Arathorn stopped at the black rock and looked far ahead with his keen sight. He saw above the blacken land great storms and black clouds. He could see a dsitance off Mount Doom the famous forging place of the Ring of Power during the Third Age.

He said some words in an ancient tounge that read in common tounge "I pass now into darkness eternal.. the Light of Valar now must guide me.. for in these lands all other lights go out.. to shadow.." He then passed through Udun and into the black lands. His heart became heavy and the air became stail with ash and smoke. He covered his head once again to hide his face and using his keen tracking skills he fallowed the Easterlnig's tracks.
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Skyla's Castle Meeting of Family

Skyla reached out she sensed someone would be coming her way she grabbed her bow and strung it over her dress. As well as her quiver.

She stood out on the balcony watching the approach she nodded to two of her honer Guards Halin and Kalin. Two servants of her mother that guarded her well she stood to thet side flanked by her handmaidens Neitha and Halisser

She held up her hands to toss some winds and lighting about to deter the intruder. The fair elf looked at the honer guards He held up his hands in a surrender gesture.

"I am Legolas son of King Thranduil I come in peace to seek a audience with the Queen and News that could be useful"

Skyla looked down "Halin let him pass"

"Neiatha My lady stay your magic he means no harm to you for he is your cousin my lady. He is also quite handsome"

Skyla looked at Neitha "I know my friend that is why i Withdrew my magic.
Halin let him go bring him into my throne room"

Skyla set down in the throne room

"Prince LEgolas of Mirkwood Son of Thranduil welcome to my dominion i thought I was the only elf left that didn't go to the Grey havens"

"My Lady Cousin Skyla I decided to stay cause i fell for the sea. It called to me and the news i bring Elesser's Heir is moving towards mordar and there are two new shadows that is there we need to get all our available warriors to go."

"Absolutly not Legolas I won't set foot into Morder or Gondor unless they send for help that fate is not ours to decide for Elessars heir Arathorn"

"But we need to support him his grandfather united middle Earth under one banner Skyla I gave Aragorn my word i would watch over him The code for the prince and the king my lady."

" I know Legolas and i am not abandon your mandate either Legolas but I am not taking sides in this."

"How can you say that Skyla this new threat affects all of us unless you choose the darkness Your powers could be used to help bring him to the throne and restore Middle Earth"

Skyla looked at Legolas with fire in her Blue eyes "I told you Legolas im not taking sides in this matter we are reaming neutral. The wraiths probably think that the elves are gone."

Legolas looked at Skyla " Don't expect me to stay here and wait for Gondor either your going with me or not Skyla we could get ahead of the wraiths and keep him safe. You can't stay in your castle forever. Elves are warriors you have to understand that Skyla haven't you faught in awhile."

Neitha Looked at Skyla "He is right Sky you should go with him Rune won't wait forver and you can't stay her mooning him either he would want you to go out and fight."

"Ready My horse Halin and get one for my cousin here"

"Yes My lady"

The horses were saddled and bridled.
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Haldir of Lorien:

Near the Silverlod, just past the stretchs of Lorien a figure was seen moving to and fro in the mist. It glided acrossed the plains like dove. It's footsteps were silent. Nearby a loud clammer of srugle vocies could be heard. The voices traveled through the mists and along the stretch of the Silverlod. Along with these voices were the climmer and clammer of steel. The rustle of armor could be heard beating in the fog and heavy footsteps shook the soft earth. Emrging through the thickness of the fog was groud of Orcs. There apperacnes were all different, but each had thes in common; distored faces, large fangs, slimy skin, and palness of green that reminded you of poisen. There armor was black like the shadows and each carried either a poorly made scrimtar or pike. They were making groans and complaints as they passed by the Silverlod and headed south towards Lorien.

They marched single file across the plains towards the dazzling and sparkling white wood of the south. The Company nearly reached the edge of wood when suddenly they came to a hault. The lead Orc stepped out infront of theo thers and gazed upon the wood. The white trees sparkled like pearls and there branchs bared leaves that shone gold under the sunlight. The Lead ORc sniffed and little and peered into the wood. He saw for faint moment something stirr and then disspear. After some hesitating the Lead ORc shouted to march foward into the wood. Again the Orcs marched single file. They passed into the woods and imeditaly began to feel there hearts qauke with fear. Many shook a little, as they tresspassed into the old Haven of Lady Galadriel known as the White Sorecceros to her enemies.

The Orcs made it through the first fathoms of the forest, when suddenly the fog deepened and thickened. They could now not see the directio nthey marched. In terror they haulted murmuring despairing woods. The Cheiftan beckon them hush and bid them stay put. Suddenly there was whistlnig noie in the air. The Orcs peered around franticly looking for the origin of the noise. Then taking notice of their Chieftan they gaped and broke formation screaming in terror. There chieftan had fallen with an arrow in his neck. Suddenly many more fell to the ground with white tipped arrows sticking out of their lifless corpses. The remaining group of Orcs gathred togther in a final effort to make last stand when suddenly several more arrows came ot of mist nailing many of the lines on the outerside.

Finally the arrows ceased and then a rustling noise of blade echoed throughout the wood. Suddenly emerging from the msit was tall figure with pointed ears. His hair was silver and golden. His eyes burned like bright blue stars as he approached the orcs with swiftness. He hewed the second line with such grace and yet such fury. His curved blade passed through them like water, and left many corpses at his feet. The Orcs fought with great resolved, but were quickly slain. Soon only two remained. The Elf stood holding his blade erect and staring darkly on the survivors. With swift motion he uttered "Mes van Galadhon!" He hewed the two rocs with a swift motion, cutting the first across the brest and the second beneath the waist. He then stood triumphly above the bodies with his sword dripping with blood and the sun shining behiend him. The mist began to depart lighting up the wood like diamonds.

The Elf holding his sword at his side lowered his head causing the back plate of his armor to glow golden under the sun. Then swiftly but with complete silence he sheathed his sword and began walking deeper into the wood. Alas the elf was none other than Haldir Last Protector of the Woods of Lorien. He forsook sailing to the undying lands and had remained behiend to protect the old Realm of the Lady. Though he was a friend ot World of Men, he seldom now visited their lands. He spent most of his time gaurding the rim of Lorien and along the Silverlode River. His only companions were the Tress of Lorien, the fair white trees that had been marveled by and loved by all elven kin. Alone Haldir was in the world, but not for long. Soon he would be faced with the choice of helping the World of Men or forsaking them for the solitude of the Wood.
Orc Attack

Legolas saddled the horses why he waited on Skyla to change He closed his eyes. He sensed dnager coming there way.

He leaped upon a rock gracefully and looked out and Saw orcs coming the way towards them. Legolas felt the magic of Skyla. Protecting the Castle and the lands surronding it.

Skyla got dressed in her combat garb leggins and a Tunic she slipped her cape around her she picked up her bow and de strug it slipping it in her quiver. and she clipped the swords to her belt.

Legolas leaped down and knocked on Skyla's dressign room door.

Skyla was pinning her brooch on and brading her hair Legolas helped her with the Back. and turned her around

"Skyla my lady sorry to intrude"

"Your not intruding cousin what is on your mind? I see in your eyes there is somthing you want to say."

"There are three leagues of orcs coming this way they havn't broke your protection charm yet but they are on the outskirts of the wood.

" WE can't ride to meet 3000 orcs in battle Cousin not just both of us
my magic will hold out some but not for long."

"Dont' you have soliders Skyla Your a Queen?"

"Very limited Legolas Not enough to bring down orcs"

"How long will your magic hold?"

" For awhile Legolas the weakest part is in the back."

Halin walked up "My Lady we have soliders around the parimeter"

Skyla looked at him Very effient of you Halin"

The orcs came from behind Skyla stepped up an re enforced the shield with some more magic

She sent a strong hurrcaine wind to deter the orcs and some fire ring around the rest. the fire didn't burn them but they couldn't pass thru the fire.

Legolas starting shooting arrows to deter the orcs Skyla conjured up a storm and the storm pushed them away and made the orcs fall back.
"Skyla WE can't go anywhere until the orcs fall back"

The storm spoked the horses and they ran back to the stable. Skyla called off the storm and the fire and Rain.

Legolas looked up form the rock he stood on before "They fell back a few paces Cousin. But we still can't go" Legolas de strung his bow and put in his quiver and leaped down.
The Shadow of Mordor:

Arathorn fallowed the Easterlings along a blackened trail riddled with sharp rocks. All around he could the dark mountains towering above. They touched the sky which was like grey fog. The only light that could be seen was fires of Mount doom that bellowed and shot up like an ocean's spray. Arathorn came to the base of the volcano were he gazed upon it in wonder. Something about it was so enchanting. The flames hissed and crept down the mountain side, while smoke puffed out of the peak. As Arathorn gazed upon it he begun to thinking of great burden that was carried and caste in the boughs of the volacano. He remebered the stories his father told him about Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee and their adventures through Mordor and there journey to mount's peak.

Arathorn shook himself from his daze and turned back to the trail tracking the Easterlnigs south. The trails were well lad and the tracks remained fresh in the ash-like soil. It wasn't long until Easternlings reached Minas Morgul. Arathorn kept well hidden in the shadows observing the path they took. The went around a winding road that took them to the front of the old fotress. It was an ancient place, with stone that look lime green like ivy and weather worn. But still a clear black like silver shined through. Arathorn gazed long at the tower above. It looked like a mencing giant peering down upon you. He had inclination that something was watching from it's peak. And so he further retreated into the shadows until at last, the feeling passed. Then with great resolve he fallowed the Easternlings. They had made their way to the front were they crossed a narrow bridge to the front gates.

At beginning of the bridge was two horrid statues. They looked like foul beasts from the underworld of old, like Orcs but fouler. They had wings and long tounges that stretched out from there fangs. Arathorn appoached them hesitantly. As he examined them, he saw that the eyes moved with each motion. They were Watchers, fallowing him with each glance. Arathorn uneasy decided to retreat back around the corner. There he waited a while. Far across the bridge the Easterlings had passed through massive black wooden doors. Arathorn with his keen ears could her the door creaking and beginning to close. Arathorn then with a swift movment sped across the bridge. The eyes fallowed him as he passed by in a haze. He crossed the bridge and watched as the opening between the doors got narrower and narrower. He made it through barely in time. The door clanged shut and he found himself in hall lite with green burning torchs.

Quietly and slowly he mvoed foward looking at massive halls with wonder. The stone within was black, black like the sky at twilight. He made his way into another large hall were he heard voices and a clattering of footsteps. Arathorn moved from shadow to shadow, hiding behiend pillars and other objects. At last he made it to a long winding stair were he heard a echo of voices. Arathorn climbed the stairs quietly and at a slow pace. At last after about two hundred steps or more he made it the top of the tower. There he stayed at the stairs base listening keenly. Beyond the stairway was a small room with a throne made of black marble. Sitting there was a black figure who's face was overshadowed by a hood. Standing before him was the Easterling Chieftan and some of his men. Arathorn now heard a long discussion between the Black Figure and the Chieftan.

The Chieftan bowed and greeted the Shadow. "We have come at your bidding.. my lord.." "But now we seek to know why you have summoned us and to be ensured your promise will be kept.." The Shadow rose from his throne and hissed. "I have called you forth.. to do the bidding of Mordor.." "An Ancient power shall be awaken.. it's shall conquer all the lands in darkness.." "It shall crush those who oppose it.." The Shadow moved closer to the Chieftan. "But first the alliances must be reforged." "The allies of Mordor must come forth.." The chieftan interjected a question. "May I ask.. what this power you speak of is?" The Shadow lute out a bellowing cry. "It is a power far greater then even my former master.." "I am merely it's servant.. a instument that shall twang and breing forth the melody that shall rule all.." "But first I must acquire an artifact.. a great treasure that shall unleash this power into the world.." "Once I have it.. Minas Tirith and all the kingdoms of Middle earth shall be shaken.." "Are enemies shall fall and crumble beneath It's might!" "And those who serve it faithfully.. shall be rewarded.." The Chieftan lowered his gaze and said "What would have me and my men do?"

The Shadow hissed again and replied "Gather the faithful.. seek out the Haradrim.." The Chieftan raised his gaze and said "The Haradrim?" "We have not been spoken with them since the Fall of the Great Eye.." The Shadow turned to the Chieftan and with frightful shirek said "They are of your kin are they not?" "Go and presuade them with promises I have given you, tell them if they will serve the Shadow they shall reap great reward and gain the favor of the coming Conquerer of Middle earth.." The Chieftan lowered his head and uttered "It shall be done.." "But.. what of the orcs?" "Who shall rally them?" The Shadow stepped back towards the throne and said as he sat "Leave them to us.." Suddenly several dark figures emerged from the shadows. They were all clad in the same fashion as the Shadow. At their waist hung a long blackened swords in scabbards. Arathorn with his keen sight looked upon them in terror. "The Nazgul!" He thought as his eyes became overshadowed and his heart beated like a drum.

Arathorn was forzen as looked upon them, he felt his breath grow cold and his limbs grow numb. He had been told the tales of Nine by his Grand father. He remebered the tales of The Flight of the Ford, when Frodo rode with the Nine on his heels. He rembered the tales of how men became frozen with fear by the very sound of their screech. Arathorn finally came to his sense and was able to move his limbs again. He quickly headed back down the stairs. There he snuck past several gaurds whom were busy talking. At last he reached the main doors. They were sealed shut, like stone. Arathorn felt the desire to panic, but the elven blood in him kept him calm. He quickly retreated to the shadows and waited. He remebered the orders the Shadow had given and that the Easterlings would have to pass through the gate eventually.

So he waited hour after hour in the darkenss, listening for the faint sound foot steps. A few tiems he got his hopes up and waited for the chieftan and regment to pass through. But no one ever came to two doors. Finally while layed against the cool and harsh stone he heard voices. At last the Chieftan and many of his men came thundering through the hall. There they reached the doors which had now begun to open. After all had passed through Arathorn slipped out and began slowly crossing the long narrow bridge. The Eyes of the Statues peered upon him. Arathorn took no notice of them and moved quickly back to the winding trail he and Easterlings had crossed. As Arathorn fled, he began to think of his next destination. The obvious choice was to go to Minas Tirith and warn King Eldarion. It was this choice he made. He decided to take the shortcut and head through open pass that lead to Osgilath.

Arathorn would return home, with grave tidings. He would once again see the White City he called home and the White Tree of Elendil. He would also see his father..

Meanwhile the doors of Minas Morgul opened wildy with dark figures upon dark steeds. They rode across the bridge and haulted at it's base. There the Chief Wraith sniffed and turned its' head to and fro. It made a high pitched shriek and suddenly the group of six seperated into groups of two. Two went north to Udun, two went south to Nurn and the last two fallwoed the trail of Arathorn. They had picked up his sent and were in hot prusuit. Little did Arathorn know the peril that fallowed him, for he was now being hunted by the Nazgul.
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Skyla and Legolas History of the Fortress

Legolas I have to say Skyla you picked a odd choice Dol Gulder the sorcerers mountain why did you choose this. You remodeled it well its very homey and reminds me of My dad's kingdom in Mirkwood you used the same color scheme Green and white and Silver and the throne room and the stables are even more lovely.

"There is a strong power sense here Legolas. I choose to use it for good Mirkwood always has a bad reputation with the Water and becoming spell bound If you drink it.

With Saurwan holing up here during the war of the ring ironically a elf sorceress takes and and re models it for good. Legolas we still need to ride to mines tirith and warn the king of this new power. There is also Arathorn we need to find if he is in Morder it will be sheer luck if he gets out"

"He is a Ranger Skyla he has his ways I never underestimated his grandfather when I Met him even thoguh i knew his destiny Skyla. I am sure Arathorn is wood wise like his Grandfather was. I will go check the high top of the Castle and see if the Orcs are gone then we can move out. Maybe we can find allies along the way does your foresight tell you anything my lady?"

Skyla shut her eyes visions were shown in her mind.
They have safe passage thru the wood they meet up with someone along the way. The trees are Different colors now cause it fall The trail thru Lorien to Mines Tirith the white tree still stands for now.

But here was Nazgul scattered around the six were separated 2 after Arathron and the other four around different areas

She also sensed Orcs in the surrounding wood but none of them attacked.

Legolas climbed up to the top of the tower running gracefully up the white and green steps and the jewels Skyla forged with her fire on the handrails.

The clean brick and how it was built in a part of the wood that was fairly secluded long from the darkness that was on it when Sauraon was here He reached the top of the tower and looked around as long as his sight could see the Orcs were cleared away. One of Skyla's handmaids followed him up

"Prince Legolas care for some refreshment The queen ordered it she needed some time to herself she had a vision when you came this way."

"No Thanks Lady Niathnial I am fine but i will have some drink."

Nithahial handed Legolas a drink Legolas drank it and handed it back to her

Legolas descended the stairwell and saw Skyla on her throne shuddering and cold he ran over to her.

"The Nazgul are out Legolas they are after Arathorn and are spread around Middle Earth.

"The one ring was destroyed Skyla what are they after now. Do you have any idea?,Legolas helped her up, "The Orcs are clear M'lady we can ride out when your ready."

"I have a theory Legolas but i am not sure if its even true."

"What is your theory?"

"A new Power has been found and the Nazgul want it for themselves and they will eliminate anyone who stands in there way."

"Theories have there Place Skyla But are you really sure about it?"

" I am not Legolas my cousin. Like I said just a theory. I can't know for sure."

Skyla turned her attention to sharpening her swords and cleaned her bow string she strung her bow and fired it a sharp twang and balance was perfect. Her bow was Green and Silver and her swords were white hilts with shiny silver blades very sharp made just for her. Legolas strung his bow and checked the string and sharpened his knives and cleaned them. He clipped them to his quiver.

"MY guess Legolas is whatever The Shadow is after the Nazgul are tracking any opposes of there influence. There Shrieks can freeze a grown man in there tracks and they are not vulnerable."

"Its all the more reason my Queen we need to find allies and rally any elves that might be still left in Middle Earth how few there might be Try to rally the men of Gondor and Rohan Any dwarves that might be still alive."

Indeed Legolas it affects us all But its up to us to fight this new evil and be sure we have a way of allies to go against the Nazgul and Morder.

"We can't hold them both off can we Skyla?"

"Not without help Legolas"
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The Road to Osgiliath and Minas Tirith:

Arathorn made his way out of Mordor back into the realm of light. THe sun fell upon his face and at once he felt life awake in him again. The black Shadow of Mordor was behiend him. He looked back only once to see the blackened mountains and the gastly grey clouds circling above. Then turning back he began his long march across the barren plains. He came to a southern end of Anduin River were the bridges of Osgiliath once crossed. On the other side he could see the runious pillars and archs of grey stone. The foundations and partial walls are all that remained of Osgiliath. A dense fog sat in as Arathorn continued to gaze upon the old defenses of Gondor. Suddenly a chill ran down his spine and his ears began to flicker as if honing in on a sound. It was the sound of hooves. They were comig from behiend him, from Mordor!

Arathorn then heard the high pitch neigh of horses as he turned to see comnig out of the mist two horsemen clad in black. Arathorn became patrfied with a aweing sense of fear, yet at the same time he was held by wonder. He now saw only furlnog away the dreaded and feared Nazgul. Creatures who were once livng kings of old, now only wraiths. Arathorn stood at the edge of the river backing tell his feet almost slipped plungging him into the river. The Two black riders directed their steeds at firm trot, closing in on their prey. Arathorn kept his eyes on them, and began to reach for his blade. But what chance did he have? He thought. 'Two Nazgul against me, a mere mortal' Arathorn now had two choices before him, fight valiantly or flee across the River Anduin. Arathorn desperatly wanted to cross blades with the Black Riders, but his wit won him over. He knew he must deleiver the message of Enemy's plan to the King.

As the Two Black Riders drew closer, Arathorn held his arms up in a surrender fashion. The two Nazgul slowed their steeds until they came to a full stop only a few feet away. Then they dismounted and appraoched him. Arathorn looked at them with solemn expression. The Two Wraiths hissed and breathed heavily. They came to an arm length distance, when Aratohrn suddenly plunged into the river. The Two Wraiths shrieked in dismay. A splash of water leapt up and soaked the two Wraiths. They continued to bellow out loud shrieks. Arathorn allowed the river to pull him further down the bank, then once he was a safe disance he swimmed against the current towards Osgiliath. The swim seemed long and tiring. The current beat him like stones upon the wall of a castle. Yet he persavered and kept wading tell he reached the other bank. There came upon the dry land and layed. His body was soaked and his hair a mess.

He layed there for a while recovering. At last he gathered his strength and began his journey into Osgiliath. At this time a group of Dunedan was on watch in Osgiliath. Arathorn was spotted by one of the scouts who scurryed back to warn the rest of Dunedan. Suddenly a group of men clad in green lodgings and hoods emerged hodling strung bows. One of the Rangers approached Arathorn. His hood was down and his dark alburn was dangling down in curles to his neck. His eyes were a pale grey and his face was very plain and worn. He looked at Arathorn who was clothed in the same lodgings. With a smile he greeted Arathorn. "At last.. the Heir of Elessar has returned to his homestead.." Arathorn smiled and said embracing him "It is good to see you again Alin my old friend.." Alin then with a smile said "Last news I heard you were near the Eregion.. what are you doing here in Osgiliath?"

Arathorn took a deep breath and said "I have come from Mordor.. baring ill tidings" Alin and other Dunedan shuddered at the mention of the black land. "What were you doing in Mordor?" asked Alin. Arathorn replied "I fallowed a group of Easterlings to Minas Morgul.." Alin nodded his head and said "Yes.. now that you mention it my scouts tracked a group of Easternlings heading to the north, they came by the pass of Cair Andros nearly two days ago.." Arathorn looked releived and said "Yes.. they crossed the Nindalf and headed north to the Dead Marshes were I fallowed them.." "From there they went through the northen path of Udun into Mordor." Alin looked grieved and conserned. "But I mustn't toil any longer here.. I must make for Minas Tirith with haste.." "I must deliver my message to the King.." Alin looked Arathorn in the eye and with gleaning look he said "You go to speak with your father.." Arathorn nodded. "Good. .because he is not well."

A look of consern came over Arathorn. "Is he ill?" Alin nodded and replied "Yes.. he has been stricken with ailment." "He has become very weak and fragile." Arathorn's face became grim and heavy. He used all his will to hold back the sorrow of such news. Alin then with pat on Arathorn's back said "Cheer up.. for he will be glad of your coming." "But first will you not stay a while?" "You look tired and that you could use some refreshment." Arathorn nodded and said "Yes I could use some refreshment and maybe just short rest" Alin then clapped his hands and the Dunedan fallowed him and Arathorn further into Osgilath. There they saw more of runios stone and several roaring fires with Dunedan surronding them. Arathorn and Alin joined a small band of Rangers who were feasting. Once Arathorn had had his fill, he retreated to green tent were he rested for many hours. When he had awoke from his slumber he exited the tent. There standing otuside he saw Alin staring fair in the south towards Mordor. Arathorn approached Alin and asked "What are you staring at?" Alin was quiet for moment fixating his eyes on the river side.

THen he spoke. "There is shadow that castes itself on the River Anduin." "It moves to and fro like mist." Arathorn took a deep breath and said "I fear the darkness shall not only cover the river.. but also all of Osgiliath.. maybe even Minas Tirith.." Alin turned to Arathorn and asked with conserned look "Why do you speak such shadow?" Arathorn lowered his eyes and said "I didn't want to mentio nthis, but It's only fair you know" "THat oyur men know." Alin looked at Arathorn oddly "Know what? Speak Son of Eldarion!" Arathorn raised his gaze and with a pale look said "The Nazgul have returned and they are abroad.." Alin's face grew cold and filled with terror. Arathorn spoke again "Now you know why I must make haste to my father.. I must warn the sons of Gondor" "For war is coming and battle in on the brink.." "I must fly quickly.. before it is too late.."

"This news is troubling and causes my heart much grief.." said Alin.
"Take my horse.." Alin called for one of the Dunedan to bring a beautiful black stallion. "His name is Shafel.. he will bare you well." Arathorn thanked Alin and mounted the fair steed. Saying fair well to Alin and the Dunedan he spoke soft words to horse's ears and suddenly the steed bolted. Arathorn and his steed passed through the ruins of Osgiliath. He then came to plains wee in distance he saw the White City sparklnig like a pearl. Arathorn felt hsi heart pitter patter as he drew nearer to his home. The fresh cool wind bruhed againsr his face as he drew closer to the walls. Above towered white turrents and towers of stone. The levels of the city climbed like a spiral stair case above.

Arathorn came to the gates, were two guards above looked down on him in silver mail and armor. "Open the gates!" shouted Arathorn. One of the guards shouted back "State your name and business" Arathorn bellowed back "I am Arathorn Heir of Elessar and my business is with the king!" The Gaurd's eyes suddenly became wide and he commanded the gates be opened at once. Arathorn passed into the gates of Minas Tirith.. his home. A familar feelnig came over him, the rustle and bustle of city brought back many memories. But Arathorn did not toil he quickly rode up the levels of Minas Tirith, passing many folk and houses. All stared in wonder as they saw the Heir of Elessar ride forth. Though he was lodged in raggid clothing his countance had changed. His face was somehow different. It had the look of authority and wisdom. It had the look of a King in the making.
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Leaving the Palace

Niahathal Looked at Skyla tears showing concern in her eyes. "MY Lady are you sure you don't want your guards to go with you?"

"Two will be less tracked the four or five Niahthal But The honer guards and my soldiers could ride 15 or 16 paces behind us and not draw attention" She smiled reassurningly at her freind Take care of the palace my freind."

Niahthal nodded " We will my lady you and Prince Legolas be careful"

Legolas brushed there horses and saddled them He watched his cousin with watchfulness in his blue eyes. Could she really be on the side of Morder or is she truly what she says she is Elven Warrior that fights not for them but with them as a allie. There is so many mysteries Legolas wonders about her. She knows she will not stab him in the back but what side will she be on when the wars come.

"Somthing on your mind cousin" Skyla leaped upon her White Mare gracefully and whisperd to her ears and screatched her behind her ears The mare whinnied.

"I was just wondering Skyla where are we heading and why won't you choose sides Skyla obviouly with being a Queen of the people your on the side of good and allied with us aren't you"

"Legolas you will see in time. In this time we need to be careful and watchful about who is who. We can't trust anyone but each other Legolas. We will make for Lothlorian first"

"Are you sure you want to try that way we have no idea where the other nazgul are Skyla"

"We are safe as long as we are in mirkwood and in elven country the Nazgul can't set foot on Elven ground. Legolas you know that the magic of our people keep it that way"

"Still i don't like the thought those wraiths are out there even though we can have a arrow in there skulls beofore they even get this way.

"It will detar them but fire is the only way to be rid of them"

Legolas and Skyla stayed the path out of mirkwood riding side my side.
The Shadow's Passes over the East:

Meanwhile within the dark turrent of Minas Morgul The Shadow stood overlooking the lands of Gondor. He clutched his jaggid steel grauntlets and hissed as he looked upon the White City. Suddenly he was interupted by foul looking orc. His face was long and laden with cuts and scars. His eyes were burning yellow with lizard like slit through them. Hsi fangs were curved that like scrimitars. Wtih a bow he said in sneering voice "My lord.. it has been found.." The Shadow stepped from the window of the tower and appraoched the Orc. "Where.. is it?" asked the Shadow in whiseprious voice. The Orc shaking responded "Here.. I have asked several strong armed Orcs to bring forth to your chamber.." The shadow hissed and as he turned to sit upon the throne he said "Very well.. have it brought to me with haste."

The Orc bowed and hurried down the stairs. Several other Orcs of a simlar sort stood holding heavy pieces that were coevered in raggid cloth. At once they marched the many flights of stairs. At last when they reached the Chamber in the point of the tower, they laid the pieces before the Shadow. Then one of the Orcs grabbed one of smaller clothed pieces and took it to their master. The Shadow took ahold of the wrapped token. Then slowly he unrapped it to reveal a masked helm. It was made of corse steel, and it rose at the top like crown. Along were they eyes would be, there was strip of steel that had two holes in it. The Shadow beheld it with silence. The Orcs stood by waiting to show him the rest of pieces. They pulled cloth off the rest the pieces which revealed a iron brestplate, very sinster grauntlets and other forgings. The Shadow rose to his feet and handed the mask to the nearest orc.

Then standing there he ordered them to put the armor on. The Orcs one by one took the pieces of armor and placed it on him. They started with the brestplate, then the grauntlets, and finally they bestowed upon him the mask helm. The Shadow's iamge had been terffying before but now it was sinister and powerful. He looked like an ancient king, clothed in battle armor with blackened garments. And yet still the wraith part remained, infact the armor seemed to enhance the fear in the hearts of his servants. The Orcs backed away and many bowed. The Shadow clutched his right hand grauntlet and looked upon his servants. A whisperious laugh came from him, that id not at all sound pleasent. It infact was so eary that the orcs themselves stayed frozen in fear. Finally the Shadow spoke. "Alas my former captain's armor passes to me.." "I shall bare it well and use it during my conquest with The Ancient Power!" "May all who see me remember the White King of Angmar and fear!"

Hsi last words caused the chamber to rattle and a stong wind to pass through. Many of the orcs lost balence and fell to the ground. The Shadow then grabbed the closest orc by the neck and said "Fetch my.. steed" "I have a longing to ride.." The Orc obeyed as he quickly bolted down the stairs. The Shadow stepped out unto the balcony of the tower. Suddenly a flying beast glided to the top. In it many rows of sharp teeth was an orc. The Flying beast looked like a dragon only smaller. IT had lnog blakc wings, liek a bat. It's neck was elongated and it had sharp spike near top of it's head. It's eye was redish yellow and it gazed upon the Shadow. Suddenly as if by knowing his though it crept down to balcony offered the Shadow to seat himself upon a space at the base of his neck. There was riens like for a horse that the Shadow grabbed ahold of as he seated.

Suddenly the Fell flying beast soared into the sky. A loud animal like cry came from the beast. The Shadow directed the beast towards Osgiliath. Below the Shadow saw many men of the Dunedan scattering like ants on ant hill. He Pulled on the reins and swooped in closer. The loud cries of men in terror reached the Shadow's ears. He circled a couple of times and then headed eastward. He passed over Minas Tirith rather unnoticed, for he was now flying at a great speed. To any who had a good eye, they could see a black figure creeping along the sky like a dark cloud. It was heading always eastward towards the lands of Rohan.
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