The Lord of the Rings: The Fourth Age

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Skyla to the rescue

Rune and Legolas stepped forward watching Skyla Arathorn and Haldir with the Belrog. The belrog seem to suddenly grow stonger and bigger as Skyla worked her magic the shape almost took over Arathron it was taller then him like tree.

Skyla was shadowed the only thing the saw of her was the light around her. Over her long Hair. It stretched out its flame whip to grab Skyla. by the legs. The whipped pulled Skyla down Skyla leaped away from it. Skyla called some rain down and used One of her swords to slash against it blocking the whip again. She froze the Belrog whip Heleg Nen (Ice water) She sliced it off.

Rune: Legolas should we help her ? Her Magic might not hold out long. What if she weakens?

Legolas and Rune moved closer he held his hand out to push Rune Back. "This foe is beyond us Captain Rune only Skyla and Arathorn can take it now. I think our sorceress can hold her own.

Skyla fussed at them "Sah fahrn pah-lahn "
This is far enough get back

Skyla shoved the Balrog back with a strong gust of wind and she blinded it with a flash of bright light.

" NU Nen" Under water into Gloss (Snow) ANd Heleg (ice)

A cold wind encircled the Belrog and skyla struck it with her twin swords breaking the ice.
to imlad and Amarth (The Valley of doom)

Ninnich As the rain and ice cleared the vision a Rainbow appeared showing skyla's spell was over

"Arathorn are you okay What about Haldir will he make it." Skyla placed her hands on Arathron's shoulders .

She leaned aginst a Rock shutting her eyes to regain her strength she has not used that much magic in a long time. Rune placed his hand on her shoulder

"Sky you going to make it."

That Belrog is powerful Rune he has some strong power of Darkness"
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The Death of the Belrog:

Arathorn shook his head to Skyla's question. "No.. he is terribly wounded.." Arathorn then turned his eyes back to the Shadow. It had failed for the present moment, retreating into the crator and smoke. Arathorn held himself up with Anduril. His eyes peered into the darkness. Then he said turning to Skyla "We must stop this evil here.." "We cnanot allow it to pass.." Arathorn looked at Skyla with solmn look in his eyes. He looked as someone who knew his last days were before him, and yet embraced them. Clutching Andurl hem oved foward into the smoky haze. Hsi lungs filled with ash and his eyes blured, but thel ight of Anduril shiend on like bright star. Arathorn thought he could feel Skyla walking beside him in the sh ridden haze. Suddenly within the cloudy fog a flame burst forth. The Belrog rose from it's crator. It looked upon Arathorn with unflitching eyes.

Arathorn raised Anduril higher and looked the Demon straight in the eye. He shouted as he bolted towards it "Elindel!" Aratohrn felt each step slow and his heart beated like a drum. Hsi wearniess faded and he charged the Belrog with clsoed eyes. The Demon weilded a flaming sword that he swung at him. Arathorn did not roll or dodge. Instead he took the brunt of the blow and mvoe on shouting "Elindel!" His voice resounded louder as he came to feet of Belrog. There he stodo below the Belrog. He gripped Andurl and swung his blade. It passed through the Demon's hind leg causing it to stumble slightly. Suddenly a bright white bolt stuck the Belrog i nthe chest. The Blerog howled and groped. A voice echoed "Misda emuil Valar megul!" The Voice was powerful and thunderious. It was not the voice of Scoreccerios, but of third party.

Antoher white bolt struck the Demon and it fell on it's side. Emrging fro mthe cloud of smoke was figure clad in white. He held a staff in one hand and a sword in another. Arathorn looked upon him in wonder. The Figure's hair was white and fair. His face was pale and almsot tranluceant. Hsi eyes sprakled blue like shappires. He raised his staff and suddenly a bright lgiht surrounded him. Arathorn saw Skyla in the corner of his eye. He turned to look back at White figure, but it was gone. Arathorn turned back to the Belrog who alive, but faint. It moaned and groaned. Then with grumnble it rosel ike peak and stood one more. The fire was dim, but it's roar was still loud and thunderious. Arathorn hewed into it once more. The Belrog bellowed and kicked Arathorn back. It stumbled a little, but then regained it footing. It's flame began to rise again, like the Moutain of Fire. Arathorn looked up now on his back, the chest was grey and looked scared. Arathorn then rose to his feet.

He grabbed Anduril with renewed strength and leapt into the Demon's hands. He thne crawled up the Belrog like a latter, gripping on it's dark scales. Once he reached the top bakc hald of the Blerog's neck, he swung around and hung from it's chin. It roared and began clawing at him. Suddenly the Demon was stuck with a bright bolt. Arathorn hanging saw Skyla weidling her magic. He shouted "Malis Thi! Malis thi!" Which in the common tounge means "Attack! attack!" Suddenly the Belrog qauked as if hit by some large hammer. It nearly toppled over. Arathorn hung on and fell with the beast. IT fell on it's side one more. Arathorn gripped anduril and thrusted it into the scaring on it's chest. The Belrog bellowed louder than ever before and great shimmer of fire and ash puffed from it's chest as he stuck it again in the scared chest.

THe Belrog grabbed Arathorn with a clawing motion and tossed him aside. Anduril remained in it's chest burning like a white light. THe Blerog's coal like eyes began to dim. It's fire around it puffed out and a stream of smoke bellowed into the air. Arathorn laided upo nthe ground, his body was worn and torn. He wanted to rest, but he yearned for Anduril. He stood up half stumbling and walked over to the Belrog. He saw Andurl still sunk deep into it's chest. Arathorn grabbed the handle and pulled it free. He fell back upon the ash ridden ground. He closed his eyes and nearly fell asleep with wearniess. But he remembered Haldir and wonder what had become of Skyla. So he rose himself once more and looked through the cloudy smoke. He tried to cry out for his friends, but his mouth was full of ash and he coughed with each attempt.

At last he came out of the smokey fog and found some of his companions. He saw Legolas tending to Haldir. Rune looked up at Arathorn and then approached him. "Where is the Lady Skyla?" Arathorn half in daze replied "I..I don't know..." Arathorn then collapsed near Haldir on his knees. He looked at his friend and then fell weary upon the soft soil.
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The final blow and Being Healed

Skyla Stepped forward from her resting place. She nodded at Arathorn. Then she glanced at the figure in white robes and shook her head all the Maeir she thought were gone from Middle-Earth. It can't be Gandelf Mithrindir the White Rider he sailed with Frodo to Valinor.

She Turned and saw Arathorn pull his sword out of the Balrog. She called "the ende. Nei" (This End's now)

She held up her hands and Shouted. "omega flmbe" and a flash of light finished off the Balrog. She walked over to the others.

Rune looked at her relieved and went over to Bandage some of Haldir's wounds with Skyla's paste and herbs.

She walked over to Haldir She held her hand over her friend a warm soft breeze Blew her and Legolas's Hair around them A silver light shown from Skyla's hand as she helped Legolas tend to the wounds. "Ahon Helan This injury can be healed My mellon"

She walked over to Arathorn "Hello Sire Ie si terribe" You look terrible How is your injury from the Black Knight fairing and nice work with that Belrog."

Skyla ran her hand over Arathorn's Wounds. The silver light shone around her and a warm comforting breeze came around them. MY Lord it is done."

Rune walked over to them "MY Lord Arathorn What is the move now"

He walked over and stood by Skyla where she was knelt by Arathorn. She stood up she felt her right Leg gave way She fell against Rune and held her Stomach where a slash from the whip hit her.

Rune grabbed Skyla around the waist and leaned her against him.

"That monster must have nicked your leg with its whip."

He pulled off her boots and rolled up her pants Legs HE applied some of the Paste to her legs. HE muttered some incoherent words in elvish "Ahi Hael"

A reddish light shined from his hands mending Skyla's wounds on Both Legs. Skyla lifted up her tunic Legolas placed the paste on her stomach. She held her own hand over her stomach as she felt the wounds heal faster. Being a elf her wounds are not as fatal as they could be. She rested against Rune's chest and Stomach.
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A Calm Before The Storm:

Arathorn mended rose to sitting postion and responded to Rune. "For now I think it best we rest.." Arathorn then turned to see Haldir in good health. Arathorn rose to his feet and approached his elf friend. Haldir with smile looked at Arathorn and said "Shall I now have to call you Belrog's bane too Son Eldarion?" Arathorn chuckled and shook his head. "No.. it was the combined effort of my own skills, Skyla's and somone else.." Arathorn paused for a moment went into slight daze. Haldir inquired "Somone else?" Arathorn nodded slightly and replied "Yes.. a Figure clad in white.. baring staff.." Haldir looking little perplexed said "How queer.." Arathorn nodded and came back out of the daze. King THeodred and his men approached the Company. With the clearing of the smoke he saw the slain Belrog.

He looked at the Company in wonder and said "Behold before my eyes I witness wonders.." "That four companions held firm together and slayed the Shadow in Flame.." THeodred bowed his head in reverance, his men fallowed suite. Arathorn approached King Theodred and put his arm on his shoulder. "Do not only honor us great king.. for you and your men deserve such accomdiation.." "You fought bravely though the night against many foes.." "You deserve as much honor as any of us.." Arathorn then bowed his head. Haldir did the same as he looked at King solmnly. Theodred smile and said "Shall we hold a feast in honor of this victory?" The Men cheered in a resounding yes. Arathorn with smile and looking around at men said "And prehapes little bit after.. some rest?" Theodred nodded and replied "Yes of course.."

The Company and The King returned to the Camp. Most of it was unharmed by the battle. Only a few tents here and there were collapsed or damaged. There were only some mild fires that still burned from the flaming arrows and the Blerog's Malice. Theodred had his great tent pitched and held inside a delightful banquet. Though the food was prehapes a little too hardy for Elves, it was still refreshing after long night of battle. Arathorn sat opposite of the King with Haldir by his side. He doze off a few times after eating his fill. Finally Haldir nudged him and said "Go.. sleep Son of Eldarion.. you have earned your rest.." Arathorn grinned and stood up. He bid the King and the Company good evening and exited the King's Tent. He head through the camp to free tent were he entered and fell upon sleeping cot. Arathorn swiftly drifted off to sleep.
The elves take a break

Rune held skyla to him. As she collapsed against him her full body weight on him.

"Sky you okay you seems fine earlier."

Its my stomach Rune when the Balrog Slashed me. It was healed but it really has been hurting sense the battle action waned. It has weakened me considerably. And my spells were powerful ones and i have not used them in awhile. That was the first time i used my powers that strongly and it makes me feel weary."

Legolas touched her shoulder and unwrapped a leaf of Lembas. "Here take some Lembas bread" He broke off a piece of it.

Skyla took it from his hand and ate it.

Rune grabbed some berries and nuts out of his pouch and handed them to her "Maybe a spot of a bit of something to Eat Skyla might quicken your healing Your majesty."

" I will take some nuts and berries Rune thank you. Skyla leaned against him weaker.

Rune "Skyla ,Legolas lets go over with the rest of them to the table. Will you be okay Sky you worrying me."

Skyla Held up her hand Rune I will be fine Just a bit of rest after my stomach settles.

They walked over with the others at the table. The Rune helped himself to some of the food and set down by Haldir and Arathorn. Legolas and Skyla set back munching on there nuts and berries.

Skyla nodded at Rune & Legolas i think i am going to retire and take some rest. If you will both excuse me"

"Rune surely my lady" He watched her walk to her tent and pull the flap shut.

"Legolas take some rest my lady I will keep watch."

After Rune ate his fill and set and had some drink with the rest of the Roherrim. He excused himself to his tent. Worrying about Skyla how could she be so strong Then suddenly fall weak.

Legolas met him in his tent he walked over and refilled the water skins by the Spring near where camp was. As Rune walked out beside him. Carrying his own water Skin.

Legolas Rune worry yourself not about her she just need some rest like us. She is not invincible and unstoppable. She is a Queen but she also has her weak points. She was trying to be strong for all of us."

Rune looked at Legolas " She is our leader she has made the choice. She does not need to appear Strong. You know the scope of her powers, But I don't. Its almost like she is acting like a mother or parent figure for us. "

Legolas looked at Rune he was concerned as well but he didn't show it.

"Its just the way she is Rune very protective and Very motherly whoever Marries her and has children with her will be lucky to have her. Now go get some Rest Captain Rune you will need it. When the morning comes. I will keep watch for all of us and maybe take a small rest myself."

Legolas set down keeping his keen eyes out for anything. Cleaning and shaping his arrows from some fallen tree branches. He unstrung his bow and cleaned in and checked the string.
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Morgoth's Malice:

Some of the Uruks that were in the battle fled when the Belrog fell. They scattered like ants heading back up the hiil side. Many of the Rohirrim hunted them down and hewed them. But a small regment escaped and headed back to Mordor. Under the gaze of the White City they made their way to Minas Morgul, passing through the crivas of the Black Mountains. They hurried across the bridge as if still being prused. When the great gates of Minas Morgul opened the Uruks were greated by one of the Nazgul. He ushed them in and took them to lower chamber were he interogated them. When at last he had learned of the Blerog's fate he shrieked in agony. Then with heavy breath he climbed back up the steps. Some of the Uruks fallowed him. The Nazgul then began the long climb up the winding stairs to the pinnicale of the tower.

He entered the chamber with his hooded head hunched. Morgoth turned his gaze to to his servant and stepped foward. He held his sharp jaggid grauntlets crossed agaisnt his black clad chest. The Nazgul breathed heavily, not seeing to want to share his tidings. "Speak.." said Morgoth. THe Wraith keepnig his head low said "My lord.. I bring tidings of the battle.." Morgoth turned his head a little and said "Well.. what was the outcome?" "Were is my servant?" The Wraith with breif pause said in gasp "THe battle grew ill my lord.. your servant was slain.." Morgoth un corssed his arms and clutched his claw-like fingers. He then with thudneriosu bellow said "Impossible!" "How is it that my greatest servants should fail?!" He grabbed the Nazgul who chreiekd. He then slammed him agaisnt the balcony. He held him as if to push him over. "Tell me.. how?" "How did band of mortals slay my servant?" "How?" THe Wraith quivering in fear said "I know not myl ord.. I was not present.."

Morgoth releasing his grip dropped the choaknig Nazgul. He then slowly turned to the Uruks sinster way. He pointed and said "You.. you were there.. tell me.. how was my servant slain?" The Uruk Captian bowed and said in quivering tone "I know not my lord.. I was occupied by the Battle.." Morgoth in furious rage lugned towards the Captian and gripepd him by the neck. He then squizzed tightlly causing the the Uruk Captian to sufficate. He then with oen motion tossed the Uruk Captian off the balcony. The Uruk splattered upon the dark rocks below. The other Uruks looked mortified. Morgoth turned to them and ssiad "Maybe one of you know.." Many of them shook their heads. Morgoth aggiated took the scrimatar from his servant and trodded towards them. They quiver and began to run, but Mrogth rose his hand. The ring burned like red flame and the Uruks haulted in their tracks.

He turned them around with motion of his hand. He then began to interogat them and torture them. With his scrimatar he hewed many of them severing their arms, legs and even heads. Finally he came ot the last who shook uncontrolably. Morgoth held his Scrimatar at his neck and asked once more "If you know anything.. speak now or suffer the fate of the others.." THe Uruk got on his knees and pleaded with Morgoth. But Morgoth disquised lopted his head off. With great thunderiosu bellow he stabbed the blade deep into the stone of floor and turned back to the Nazgul. With forceful point of his hand he said "You.. interogate all the survivors.." "Find out what they know by any means.." The Nazgul Captian bowed his head and said in whisperious tone "It shall be done.. my lord.."

Morgoth returned to the blacony and clutched his sharp grauntlets on the stone. Belwo he heard the bellow and fire of his remaining two servants. Morgoth scatching the stoen with his claws turned fro mthe blacony and headed down the widning stairs. Once at the bottom he headed deep within the chambers of Morgul. There a great cloud of smoke filled the chamber. He called to the Shadow.. "Awake my great and faithful servant.." Two red coal like eyes peered from the shadow and smoke. It's head emerged out of the fog revealing two great horns that stood erect liek crown rather than curled. Its' skin was black and on it's forehead was written something in the Morgul tounge. It spoke. The tounge was that of Mordor 'Aska Mistka Morgul mith" Morgoth held out his hand and replied "Soon.. my servant.. soon" "You shall be released when the timing is right.." The Chief Belrog uttered more words in the tounge of Mordor.

Morgoth replied "Your power is now my power.." "You are bound.. my old firend.. forever to my will.." The Belrog groaned. "You were a fool to put all your power in a ring.." "Did not learn anything under my stewardship?!" The Blerog groaned again. "I must say that part of me is gladdened by your failure.." "Had you not been defeated.. your servant would not have freed me.." Morgoth looked intenly into the Belrog's eyes. "I know you well .. you would never have freed me.." "You would have desired to rule on your own.. by your own power.. and for that reason you failed.." "Now I shall unleash my power upon this forsaken land.." "I shall smite and crush this world.. I shall cover it in fires and darkness.. until it is reformed.." "I'm afraid your role will be small.. my old servant.." "You shall given the least honor.. for your treachery!" Morgoth stood in shadow of Belrog as it bellowed as if in great agony.

Thus the identity of the Chief Belrog was revealed. Returned had the dark one of old, who threatened to cover all in darkness. Returned has the forger of the Ring of Power. Returned has the former Great Eye known as Sauron. Now a servant bound by the control of his former master. Inslaved he is to his will. But a pawn has he now become...
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Moral down and a Fight

Legolas finished cleaning his bow and shaping and making the arrows smooth and attaching feathers to them. He was trying to keep his hands busy Skyla's injuries were worrying him.

Will the Queen make it to finish her mandate for the King? Will she be able and strong enough to rescue Rune from his enchantment? Well they all finish this journey? He placed his newly made arrows in his quiver that was setting beside him. He took off his knives and sharpened them on some smooth rocks.

Even thought to Legolas it seems it was starting to break slightly on its own. Rune was having memoirs surface and he hardly ever calls her queen skyla anymore or Skyla its always Sky.

Rune tossed and turned trying to sleep his dreams were haunted by darkness and memories that were disjointed. He felt the Enchantment start to taking over again. For awhile in that battle he felt like he was in his right mind.

Skyla holding her against him was very intoxicating HE is falling for her and he knows it. He pushed it out of his mind it will never work. He captured a picture of Skyla surrounded by her Power and Glory and Purity in that battle and how strong this Young Queen was Both as a warrior and as a Healer. A warrior and a healer one odd combination. He pulled his blanket and cape over him as he dozed off on his cot his dreams filled with her.

Skyla dozed off Slightly but she was up and down all night with the pain that was bothering her. She clutched her stomach in pain
as she fell over.

Legolas came over to her "M lady what is wrong." He grabbed Skyla and lifted her nightshirt he placed some more paste over her injury. and bandaged it. "This wound would need magic to heal."

Legolas walked over to Rune's tent. he opened the flap "Captain Rune
I need your help Do you remember Skyla's magic healing words her stomach is injured badly and tis getting worse."

"Get away from me Elf Prince i will not help the Queen let her injures clame her. I want no parts of it i don't remember her healing magic." What if its not even the same girl that i fell for before Prince leave me alone you pointy eared ...."

"Rune Snap out of it this is not you" Legolas said grabbing his shoulder "your control is breaking."

Rune shoved Legolas down on the floor "You have eyes for her i know it I see you watching her. You say your protecting and caring for her but i see it you love her."

"Rune i have nothing but respect for her nothing less or more I love her yes as a freind she is also my kin " Legolas bought his twin knives up to block a strike from Rune's sword.

" You will not lose her to me you only will lose her to yourself. if you let this enchantment go any further. You will also lose yourself in it. Fight it"

Rune met Legolas's block and struck at him Legolas rolled to avoid him. He stood back up. Legolas stretched his legs out to trip Rune up.

Rune tried to catch himself but fell on the floor hitting his head on his cot. His sword was tossed out of his hand. he tried to reach it.

Legolas stopped and looked at Rune. " You know your better then this Rune I know your better then this Skyla knows your better.

Rune wrestled legolas down to the ground. Legolas being lighter footed and quicker slipped out of his grip. and held one of his knives at his throat.

Rune: eyes softened and lightened Legolas stop it i didn't mean to attack I don't know what came over me."

Legoloas sheathed his knives in hsi quiver. "Its the enchantment Rune and the moral is low in the camp its a combination of all these ill feelings.
There is more darkness on the horizon i fear. Now will you come and help clean up Skyla's infection i saw you use elvish healing on her before and you knew right what to do with the herbs when she handed them to you."

Rune looked at Legolas " Legolas it circumstantial I just remembered how to do it Legolas I don't think i could remember how to do it again

Legolas "At least try we can't let this kick her Rune She has to finish this quest out. Maybe Arathron can help us."

Rune I don't want to disturb him he needs his rest . His wounds are worse then Sky's"

"Rune then at least try lets go"

Rune and Legolas walked over to Skyla's tent Skyla was resting.

Rune: I remember now hand me her bag of herbs Please.

Legolas handed him skylas' herbs from her shelf Rune mixed up the herbs and plastered them on Skyla stomach his hands glowed red as he warmed the wound then he said some elvish words "Infe dissapa abe Healien"

Rune bandaged the wound again and pulled her nightshirt down "Be a Peas" he stroked her hair gently. Rune placed the herbs back on her shelf and slowly walked out.

"She will be fine in the morning I am sorry i faught you Legolas Forgive ME"

" TEAs SEe no forgave Rune" There is nothing to forgive Rune
Eru Illuvatar and Aulin:

In the distant realm, beyond Middle earth. Deep beyond thought and cloud is realm clad in white and light. They that dwell there are the elect, the govenring powers. But above them is another Power, one that crafted the Ada or earth. In his dwelling place is peace and tranquility. In his heart is love and compassion. His lgiht shines on all whom serve him willingly. Not because of fear, but because of their love for him. There hearts are glad to serve him. His apperance is unkown to the minds of the world and his name is almost forgotten except by the few. All that is known is his voice which makes the heavens shake and the earth tremble. But his voice is not stern and hateful. It is gentle and kind, loving. His voice echoes in the hearts of the upright, his countnace is on the just.

A Figure clad in white stands before the clouds. He stands in space wide and vast, full of lush color and brightness. This figure held it's head lower as in reverance. The gender of figure was hard to make, for it's skin was so fair. In it's hand was a white staff. It was not any ordinary staff. The top of it was like withered tree. Upon it's top was golden piece that shined like nothing found on the earth. Suddenly a voice uttered. It was soft, strong and clear. From the cloud it came. "Aulin.. Aulin.." The White figure rose his head and replied "Yes.. I am here Father.." The Voice moved like the wind through the cloud and resounded. "I have called you.. for a purpose.." Aulin lowered himself to his knees and replied "And what purpose doth thou have for me?" The voice responded "I have called you to do my work.. my will on Arda"

Aulen bowed and asked "What is thy will Father?" The Voice became still and even quiter. "My will is to deliever the Peoples of Arda,, from the Shadow.." "Melkor has been released from his prision.." Aulin's face became colored with what could be described as purple and red. Lowering his head he said "The Fallen one has been unleashed?" "Only the Power of the Valar can hold him.." The voice said even softer "Yes.. that is why I am sending you.." "You must confront him.. you must take his power from him.." "Take the keys back.. my son.." Aulen nodded and replied "If it be your Will Father.. It shall be done.." The Voice spoke again "Now you must go in the form of their world.." "What shall you take shape?" "Of Elf or Dwarve?" "or shall you take the humblest form of all.. man.." "Precious man.. whom struggles so much.." "If only he knew my love.." "But he shall, shaln't he?" "For you wil lbe my representive.." "You will be my medator.."

Aulin nodded his head said "I shall take the form of man.. for he is precious to me.. just as the rest are precious to me.." Aulin then began to take the form of man. His translucant skin became filled in and tan. Hair grew from his head and his chin. His garments which had been white faded to a grey. He then felt his clear figure become clad like a man. He was the likness of man, yet still the Glory of the Illuvatar. Aulin then passed from his Father's realm into the realm of Arda or earth. There he found himself alone in wilderness. He looked at the world with new sight. Things felt different. He walked around a bit, feeling the soil under his boots. He held the white staff in his hand. It was not a spectacular as it had once looked. It was now dull and grey, almost just like any ordinary staff. Aulin then mvoed with haste. For he would now journey to deliever the free races of Arda or Middle earth as it is now called. He sought to face the Shadow and defeat him once and for all.
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Skyla and Rune Rune revelas the truth

Skyla woke up and stretched out her body. Being a warrior she tries to keep herself in shape. So she moved to do her morning stretch and Exercise with her swords She bent over and realized the pain in her stomach was gone.
when she went to pick up her swords and quiver.

She stood up and walked down to the stream and pealed off her dirty tunic and pants and washed them off. She washed herself off and hummed a song to herself as she washed. She took her hair down and re braided it after she washed off. She got dressed and res strapped her quiver around her back and her swords to her hips. She pinned her silver elven cape back over her shoulders.

Rune woke up and heard skyla's voice coming from the stream. He walked down to the stream and spalashed his face and arms off and his chest.

"Good morning Sky you seem cheery this morning."

" I woke up feeliing refreshed and healed i hesaitaed to do my morning exercise this morning cause of my stomach. It was hurting last night.

"But somhow it was healed during the night."

Rune smiled to himself "It must have been Legolas"

Legolas : "Good morning my lady"

" Hello Legolas thanks for healing me"

Legolas exchanged a glace with Rune then looked at Skyla "it was not me my Queen. I will take leave and get our horses"

"Rune you did this" She lifted up her Tunic and looked at her stomach. There was still a scar there but it didn't cause her pain like it did the night before.

Rune "yes i did my lady and somthing else happened as well. That shames me to tell you my lady but i can't"
He turned away from her his long red hair hidng his face

Skyla placed her hand on Rune's shoulders. "Rune Your not beign honest with me are you really jealous of losing me even though your not sure if i am the Elf maiden you fell for in Mirkwood?"

"Before i healed you Legolas and i got in a fight i was afried of losing you to LEgolas and the Enchanment took over and Legolas and i faught over you Yes SKy i don't want to lose you i am falling for you Skyla"

"Rune it will never work between us i am a full blooded elf i will have to give up all I hold dear and fight for if I... " Skyla hung her head down her long blond hair hiding her face.

"Rune its your warrior boyfriend isn't it your still waiting on him HE might not be coming back Sky us is all we have. How do you know he is not one of us of the Men of Rohan?"

"Skyla Rune it can't be you can it"

"We might never know Sky unless we give it a chance."

Skyla "I guess it will all be revealed in time won't it Rune Lets go meet up with the others."

Legolas watched them two in the Garden near the falls as he was stting at the camp watching for anything else. That might reveal itsself.

Skyla and Rune walked up and stood beside Legolas and together they walked back to the camp.
Akward Meeting:

Arathorn woke at the dawn, his wounds gave him little trouble thanks to the elve blood in his viens. He left his tent and went down to the stream to wash off his dirty face and arms. When he reached the stream he heard the soft humming of a sweet voice. Arathorn stood peering around the streaming. Not far off he saw a figure in the stream. It was fair and slender, but he could onyl see it's shadow for some nettles covered her. Arathorn turned his gaze away, he recongnized the voice. It was Eowa and she had gone to bath after long night of fighting. Arathorn blushed when he realized what situation he was in. It was not proper to see a Lady unclothed unless she was one's bride. Arathorn quickly began to flee the stream when he heard his name cried out.

He stopped in his tracks and turned lowering his eyes. Eowa approached clad in white garments. Her hair was freshly washed and gave off the scent of flowers. Eowa smiled and said "You may raise your gaze.. Arathorn.." Arathorn raised his head and looked at her. Shel ooked radiant in thel ight. Her cloths almost glowed under the sun. He hazle eyes sparkled as the fixed upon his. Arathorn studdred for a moment and then said "Forgive me.. my lady.. for I did not know you were bathing in the stream.." "I assure you I saw nothing.." Eowa smiled and said with chuckled "I know you didn't.. I was merely finishing washig my hair.." Arathorn face was rather blushed when he said "Well that is a relief.. I am glad.. that I did not distub. .eh.. you" Eowa smiled and tried to keep herself from laughing.

Arathorn took a deep breath and said "Please know.. that as gentleman I would never pry or look upon a lady in such manner when she is bathing.." Eowa blushed a little and replied "I am thankful for your honesty.. but I know that you are not the kind of man who would do such a thing as peak on a lady bathing.." Eowa gave Arathorn a bright smile and look that was entracing. Arathorn cleared his throat and began to change the subject. "It's a fine morning.. the journey shall be pleasent today.." Eowa nodded and said "Yes.. it is lvoely day.." "But last night I find more interesting.." "I saw you face the Fire Demon.. fearless and brave.." Arathorn lowered his head and said "I was not fearless.. I was infact trembling.." "And others would argue I was foolish.." Eowa still smiling said "There you go again.. avoiding a compliment.."

Arathorn nodded as he looked upon Eowa's fair face. "It's a habit.." aaid Arathorn. Eowa with wide smile replied "Well It's time you broke it.." Arathorn raising his eyebrow and giving a mixzed look said "prehapes.." There conversaton was interupted by a Soldier who said "The King and the others are ready.. they are asking for Lord Arathorn and you my lady.." Arathorn nodded and turned back to Eowa "I suppose we better continue this conversation later.." Eowa nodded with her unending smile. Arathorn then offered his arm to Eowa. She was taken off gaurd for moment and looked at him perplexed. Arathorn looked into her deep and lush eyes. Eowa took his arm and they walked back to the camp. Her heart fluttered and beated irregularly.

She felt the warmth of his arm against hers. The touch made her senses run wild. She felt overwhelemd with so many feelings. Feelings she thought she had under control. She felt herself wanting to lean against him as they walked, but she held herself sternly. She was thankful for just the feeling of his arm, the feeling of his touch. Arathorn's feelings were similar, he had offered his arm in a fashion that is the custom of gentlemen. But he did it also because he longed to feel the touch of Eowa. Ever since their meeting he knew she was a rare maiden, like a beautiful mare that you find once in lifetime. But Arathorn felt trapped, he wanted to express his feelings for her, but was unable because of his duty. He must first be crowned King before he could do anything. So Arathorn allowed this breif moment, were he could feel at least a part of her. That feeling resinated inside him and he would carry it with him for the rest of his days.

* * * * * * * * *

To Minas Tirith

They reached the camp were they found numerious men taking down tents and putting out fires. At the end of the camp was King Theodred and his Rohirrim. They were mounting their steeds. Arathorn and Eowa broke from their joint arms and approached the King. THeodred look at thme both with great big smile. "It is time we continued are journey.." said the King. He looked at Eowa. Her face was painted with somber and sad look. Arathorn nodded and replied "We make for the White City then.." "Minas Tirith is a great fortress.. their we can hold against the afront of the Enemy.. but we cannot gain victory without more arms.." Arathorn summoned his horse and Sodlier brought it to him. He mounted and rode to the King's side. "We must seek aid.." Theodred looked at him with stern look and asked "What aid would you suggest Lord Arathorn?" Arathorn paused and then replied "I would call for assemblyt of the Dwarves.." Theodred looked at Arathorn with rather dissatfied and grim expression. "THe dwraves.. the dwarves.." he said. "They are busy digging beneath their moutains unconserned with the fate of men.." "They care nothing for others.. they are greedy and obesseded with treasure.."

Arathron nodded and said "I agree.. but we need them.." Theodred gripping the reins of his horse said "I will go with you to Minas Tirith.. but I will not beg the dwarves for help they will not offer.." Theodred was very stern in his tone. Arathorn took point with THeodred at the front of the Company. Eowa mouted her mare and joined them. The Company then began their journey through the hieghlands of Gondor. In the distance they could see a faint sparkling city pointing out of the moutains. It looked so far away...
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The road to the white city

Skyla and Rune and Legolas maneuvered there horses up to see the city from a distance. It looked far away but the tower of Minis Tirtith was shining in the light of the Early Dawn The city of stone and the city of kings. From a distance the damage didn't look as bad as it could have been.

"Legolas looked back at Arathorn "the dwarves might help us if we find a decendent of Gimli's clan Arathron But dwarves are stubborn They only think for themselves.

Rune started struggling against his control. with the Enchantment again. But he didn't attack anyone when his eyes met Skyla's. Skyla touched his hand and whispered soothing thoughts to him "Bea peace Enchanteri be sill"

Legolas looked at Skyla Milady The enchantment is taking him again as it gets closer to the city. Would it be affecting him this far from it Skyla?"

Rune : You pointy eared fiendish warrior. You think your so brave your just a pretty boy. How dare you speak of me in that manner? I am in full control of my self I Am Rune Captain of the Roherrim You will not take her form me She is mine. If you touch her you will meet my sword."

Skyla "Legolas it very well might just get worse as we get closer The spell of words I put on him will keep him calm for the most of the journey. Tis hard to say Legolas but we must ride on. Rune quit your ravings you have nothing to worry about Legolas is only protecting me. You will not lose me to him. " She hit Rune with a jolt of her magic to snap him out of it.

Rune shook his head as if clearing it from a fog or a dreary night of sleep where you wake up dreadfully early.

"Maybe we should put him between us Skyla so you will be protected."

SKyla Legolas do not it might just agitate him more at least when i am beside him my magic can keep the enchantment from getting any worse.

Legolas something is troubling me my lady " If he can heal you with his elven magic that he remembers from you. Why can't the spell be gone from him on his own?"

"This enchantment has been on him for awhile a deeper dark magic has him possessed. Sometimes even elven magic can't break it. I know a lot of spells But none that might release him any quicker. At least we will get closer and know who we are dealing with. I can maybe delay and subdue his effect with my magic. He is somewhat breaking it on his own. We just have to trust our Rune and my magic to keep it at bay."

"Do you think he can fight it Skyla ?" Legolas inquired.

" I think he can with our help if he lets us."
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The White City:

Alas the Company drew closer to the White City. Minas Tirith sparkled like white gem in the sunlight. IT was like bright white light in distance growing closer with each passing moment. Yet at the same time it seem so far as if unreachable. Arathorn listened to Legolas's comment and nodded. "I hope you are right my friend.." The Company troded with few rests. At last they came to final stretch of hills before the wide plain that lead to White City's gates. Arathorn now lead them. His eyes brightend and his countence once again changed as he drew nearer to his home. King Theodred fallowed humbly, looking at the White City in awe. Eowa had never seen anything like it. So bright, so pure, and yet so ancient. THe White stone was smooth and well crafted. The great black banners swayed in the wind baring the symbol of the White tree.

At last the Company came to the great black gates. Gaurds clad in heavy armor and wielding spears made way. The gate was opened without a word. Arathorn went through first with Theodred and Eowa behiend him. Haldir and rest of the Company passed through last. Haldir too was cpatiavted by the beauitfy of the city. It had reminded him oddly of Lorien. THe white stones and pillars reminded him of the once white malorn trees of Lorien. When he thought about it more his face became grave. He was far fro mthe woodland realm now. Far from Lorien. Haldir drifted off as if into a dream, were he saw once more the towering white trees and beautiful clear streams. Arathorn at the front lead the Company up the many the spiraling levles of the City. Great masses of people flocked to see them. Many stopped what they were doing and looked at the new guests.

Many had wide eyes when they saw the Company of Elves. Soem had only heard of such creatures in legends or in song. Now to see them was soemthing of great wonder. Many of the wemon walked up to see Skyla. They looked at her in awe. Her beauty was unmatched and her figure slender and fair. Her garments were unusal yet very appealing. Some young children flocked to see them, one boy looked up at Haldir who seemed to still be in trance. Haldir noticed him watching and turned to look at him. THe boy shuddred but then looked into the elf's eyes. He saw tenderness and kindness that settled him. When at last The Company reached the base of the great White tower, they were met by several of the Royal Gaurds. The Captain of the Gaurd addresed Arathorn. "What brings this Company to the White Tower?" Arathorn answered "We have come to speak with the King.. my father.." The Captain spoke abruptly "None shall see the King.. save his Advisor.."

Arathorn looked at Captian sternly and said "I am Arathorn Hier of Elessar.. you will allow me to see the King at once!" THe Captian pointed his spear and called the Gaurds to his side. Arathorn prepared to draw his sword. Suddenly a soft yet powerful voice uttered from behiend the gaurds."That is no way to treat the son of the King.." "Lay down your arms and lute him be.." Emerging from the shadows was figure clad in White. He held staff that shined brightly like diamond in his right hand. He had long beard that was trickled with white and grey. Hsi eyes were like shadows, like the night sky yet they pierced deep into your heart. Arathorn looking at him oddly asked "Who are you?" The White Figure said "I am Curunir.. the King's trusted Advisor.." Arathorn still looking at him with mistrust inquired "I've never met you before.." "Your face is not familar.." Curunir laughed heartly and said "That is because I was only appointed recently.. young Prince.."

"But come.. time for more questions can wait tell later.." said Curunir. "I am sure you and your Company are famished and weary.." "Please come and dine with me and rest.." Arathorn fallowed the White Figure recluctantly. There was queer air about him. Something about him didn't feel right. King Theodred and Eowa fallowed Arathorn and White figure. Haldir stayed behiend for a moment, he heard loud cry and turned. He saw Skyla and Legolas holding Rune. Something was indeed not right.
Mines Tirith

Rune shuddered a little bit but he felt Skyla's hand on him keeping him calm the city was lovely by any standard. He looked around his eyes fell on the white Adviser but Rune immediately didn't trust him. Rune looked at SKyla "Sky i don't like him at all he just has a heir about him i don't like at all he whispered to her."

SKyla found Mines Tirith lovey she heard about it but never set foot in it. The white tree flowering and the walls clean and washed. She judged the faces of the others in the town. How they were in awe of her clothes and her companions. The great fortress of men that her kin fighting for at Helm's deep and Pellonor fields. For the Return of the King and the War of the Ring.

Skyla followed Rune's gaze. She got a uneasy dark feeling about the man as well. Kings adviser indeed She thought that was a boldface lie.

"Rune i don't like him either but i think in good diplomatic sense we should join him for his refreshment. after i get changed a site i would be before the king in my traveling gear." Skyla said

Legolas nodded he didn't like him either. " Milady i will take the horses to the stable and be sure they are fed and watered."

"Yes Legolas Amun ya"

"Your welcome milady" Legolas nodded

Skyla dismounted along with Rune she pulled a bag off her horse before Legolas took it. She walked into a empty room and changed into a more presentable dress. A long silver and Green dress with a white cape around her shoulders. She placed her other clothes in the saddlebag. and patted her horse on the rump to go down with Legolas.

Legolas fed and watered the horses and pet them. and walked back towards the Great hall.

Rune took off his armor and changed into a clean jerkin and pants. and offered Skyla his arm. They walked into the Dining hall looking for the others. Skyla saw them and went to set with them.

Legolas walked into the hallway and tracked where Rune and Skyla were. He found there weapons and kept them in safe place in case the would be needed. He walked in and took a seat across from Skyla. He kept a keen eye on Rune watching for any sign of something might be happening.

SKyla was studying the expression of the others at the feast. She sipped her drink.

Rune sipped his wondering who this adviser was and if Arathron would get a chance to talk to his father.

"Everything depends on how the next phase goes my freinds." Skyla set her drink down and met all her companions eyes.

Rune thought Skyla seems to be changing herself. Since they arrived in Mines Tirith. Legolas agreed she seems to be more sure of herself and more willing to embrace her role as Queen at the moment.
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Curunir's Plote:

As Curunir assured his guests in, he assigned several gaurds at the door. He walked to the head of the table and sat in rather pacular chair. IT was obsidion and made of a very rare stone. THe top of it was crafted into large spikes, liek spears and the arms were crafted intogreat claws, like that of a wargs. Curunir had Arathorn seated next to him and King Theodred seated at the other end of the table. There he had Skyla, Rune, and Legolas seated also. He seemed to not be found of the Elven Witch. He peered around the room looking at all their faces. Hsi gaze was strong and almost overwhelming. As if some power gleamed behiend his eyes. He eyed Rune for sometime, speaking under his breath. Finally he addressed everyone "I welcome you all.. in the name of the King.." "I'm afraid as you know.. he is too sick to join us.. so I must take his place for the present.." Food was brought in by servants.

Upon the table was laid assortments of fruit, meat (inlcuding Pork), bread and some ale. Wine was also provided. Arathorn eyed Curunir with uneasyness. He felt in his gut that something about him was off. But he ignored this feeling for the present and enjoyed the banquet. Haldir scarcly ate anything, he even refused to drink. He kep his eyes always on Curunir. Hsi distrust of him grew with each passing second. He could see beneath the white garments he wore, a black shroud. Eowa didn't take much notice of Curunir. Thought she had felt a tad off in his presence, he now laid her conserns aside and focused on Arathorn. She looked at him as if in a daze. King Theodred after taking another sip of his ale said "I thank you Curunir.. for you hospitality." "But I must declare.. that I was unaware that the King had appointed a new Advisor.." "I thought such news would have reach me in Edoras.."

Curunir smiled "Well.. it was only decided recently.." "The King had to appoint someone that could take over.. until his heir returned.." "Now that you have.." Said Curunir looking at Arathorn. "I shall be able to resume my previous work.." "And what work pray tell would that be?" asked Theodred. Curunir smiled slyly and replied "I have been working on the defenses of Gondor.." "As you know the Enemy has awoken in the west.. and we mustin be unprepared.." When Curunir said this there was glint in his eye. THe look that makes somone look as if they charming you with lies. Arathorn finally spoke up. "I wish to see my father.." Curunir nodded and replied "And so you shall.. soon" "But first may you stay and indulge in some dessert and prehaps a song?" Arathorn nodded reluctanly. Several fine dishs were brought out. They looked like pieces of cake, only they were green. A bottle of wine was brought and poured into each glass.

As the servant poured the wine into Rune's glass Curunir seemed grin a little. At last after everyone had eating the srmptious cakes and drank the wine Curunir stood up and said "I hope this banquet has been satisfactory.." "I must however retire.. the night grows late.." "I Bid you all good night" Curunir taking ahold of white staff began walking toward the door. Arathorn stood up in respect, as did King Theodred, Eowa and many of the others. Arathorn then fallowed Curunir outside. Curunir turned around and looked plainly at Arathorn "I think it would be better.. if you waited tell morning to speak with your father.." "He is frail and weak.. and needs his rest.." Arathorn nodded, however in his heart he was in disagreement. In his gut he felt it was important he sought his father imediatly. Curunir bid Arathorn good night, but as he walked away toward the other side of the courtyard he approached one of the Gaurds. Quietly he said "Don't lute him anywhere near the King.." "That is an order.." The Gaurd nodded and replied "Yes.. my lord"

Arathorn walked back towards the banquet room, but as he approached it he turned and went another direction. Two of the gaurds saw him and looking at each breifly the began to fallwo him. Arathorn made his way to the Throne Room. Behiend he heard the clattering of steel armor. He hid behiend the pillars and waited as the gaurds rushed into the room. Arathorn unsheathed Anduril. He then emerged fro mthe shadow eidling the blade. The gaurds haulted. One spoke up and said "You are not premited in this area.." Arathorn barked back "I am the Heir of Elessar.. the future King.. no place is off limits to me!" The Gaurd replied "It matters not who you are.. the White One has spoken.." Arathorn looked at them oddly and said "Who is the King? Is it this White Charmer you serve or the man who lays ill baring the Crown of Gondor?" The Gaurds ignored him and rushed. Arathorn blocked both their blows. He swung around and hit one of them with flate part of the blade. The force of his blow nocked the Gaurd of his feet and sent him crashing into stone floor.

The other Gaurd rushed him swining wildy, Arathorn counter and with the pommel of his sword he struck the gaurd in the neck causing him to fall back and bang his head on the pillar. Instantly he fell to the floor unconcious. Hearing the vocies of gaurds shouting, Arathorn quickly made his way into the door by the Throne side. Upon entering he drew a knife and bared the door shut. Arathorn then headed into a very dim lite room. Upon a bed he saw what looked like a corpse. It was whithered looking and pale. Arathorn approached the bed side and said "Father?"
The banquet

Rune shook his head suddenly his brain felt muddled From the wizard looking at him.He looked at the feast before him fried chicken roast beef all the vegetables and fruits and bread you could eat. The wine flowed and was fresh and sweet. Chicken turkey pig roast.

SKyla and Legolas noticed the change in his expression. Legolas looked at Skyla.

"My Lady something is not right Funny how the king couldn't present himself but sent this wizard to entertain us. i think he has the king spell bound as well What if the food is spellbound as well"

" It would be just something he would do Legolas"

Legolas rested his hands on the arms of his chair. Skyla looked at the decorating on the chairs and table the whit tree of Gondor. White stone and flowers and marble around them As well as a Royal blue. But she noticed The chair of the wizard was dark and stood out briskly aginst the white. Dark steel Claws and Dark emty red eyes looking out. Dark stone looking like works or orc heads. Skyla knew he was up to no good but the time for justice will be coming.

Skyla pushed her hand away As servants laid down food in front of her and Legolas. "I don't care for anything" She said to the servant

" I think its just a fluke all this is ploy Legolas i know it. i don't like this white wizard and don' trust him."

"Legolas m'lady he is not a white wizard look under his robes as he walks and sways away its a dark garment. Not thank you i don't care for anything either. Legolas dismissed the servant with a wave of his hand.

"Slithering away like a snake he disguised himself. Now i know this is all a trick." Skyla said as she gripped her hand around the glass and the other gripped the Arm of the Chair.

Legolas looked at Skyla

"Easy skyla this is no place for a power explosion." He touched her hand gently staying her power.

Skyla looked at Rune hoping his expression or presence would calm her but it seems to make her worse.

Skyla shut her eyes calming herself muttering a calming spell to herself to relax her. Legolas touched her arm and said in a calming tone rela an be at peae

"Sky don't do anything yet its not worth it or not time yet. You need to conserve your strength. You might need it later." Rune said in a eerily calm voice.
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The Death of the King:

Arathorn gripped the withered pale hand and said once again "Father.." The Figure moaned and turned creaking in the bed. It's face was like death itself, pale and withered. His eyes gleamed white like the stars. Hsi hair was grey and looked like the limbs of trees. He looked at Arathorn and graoned. Arathorn was horrified, his father looked like wraith, like lving corpse. Arathorn grabbed his father by the shoulders and shook him. He bellwoed "Father!" The Withered old man gasped and groaned some more. He fell back upon the bed as Arathorn lute go. Tears trickled down Arathorn's face as he stood over his father. He turned to exit, but thne stopped. He abruptly threw the sheets of the King's bed and grabbed his father. He then spoke in the Elven tounge "Earlin medi emu masta Eldarion ari!"

Arathorn looked into the pale eyes, they gleamed a little bit and then a voice echoed from the King's lips. "Ha ha ha ha..." "Fool.. your too late.. he is gone!" Arathorn with rightious anger looked into the eyes and said "You come out of there.. you have no right!" The Voice laughed and replied "I have every right!" "The Throne of Gondor will be mine.. as well all the thrones of Middle earth!" The Voice grew stronger and more terrifying. "You.. like your father.. shall soon.. be mine.." Arathorn felt his mind become heavy. The Voice began to speak i the Morgul tounge. Arathorn felt a great pressure and fell to the floor. He tried to reach for Anduril, but he couldn't move. He was paralized. Suddenly their was flash of light and door open. A white figure appeared before him. Arathorn felt the pressure release. The white figure held up a staff and pointed it the King. A soft voice came from the White Figure "Amar mu demsha Morgoth begon!"

The Dark Voice responded "No! He is mine!" The White One bellowed "Begon Morgoth.. yema tora do mishka dar!" The voice shrieked and echoed throughout the room shaking the very walls. The King fell upon the bed, his face was imediatly less pale and his eyes returned to faint blue. Arathorn looked at the White Figure in wonder. He rembered seeing him during the battle with Belrog. THe White Figure turned to Arathron and spoke "Get up.. Arathorn Son of Eldarion.. Hier to the Throne of Gondor.." "You father has been set free.. but at a price.. the Darkness that held him was great and he may not have much time left.." Arathorn rose to his feet and fell before his father bed. On his knees he looked at his father, who looked more alive then before. Hsi cheeks were red again and his moaning stopped. "Father?" Eldarion turned his head and looked at Arathorn. He blinked a little and replied "Son.. I.. I could see you before.. but there was black haze.. and I could not speak.."

Arathorn grabbed his father's hand and said "It is alright father.. you are free.." Eldarion rose his wrinkled hand and put it on Arathorn's head. "I'm glad to see you.. my son.. I'm afraid you shall have to take my place.. sooner than you had expected.." Arathorn shook his head and said "No.. father.. you're going to be alright.." Eldarion nodded and said "I know.. soon I go to be with forefathers.. and in who's company.. I do not feel worthy.." Eldarion eyes began to glaze. Arathorn held his father's hand tightly, his eyes fileld with tears. "Father.. wait.. you can't die.." Eldarion replied "Yes.. I can.. son" "It is my time..." Then as he drew his last breath he said "Be a good king.. my son.. and fight.. never give in.. no matter what the cost.. make your forefathers proud.." Arathorn nodded and said "I will father.. I promise it.." Then with his last breath the King faded away. His pupils widened to blackness and his face became pale. Arathorn barried his head in the pellow next to his father's head and swooned.

The White Figure drew near to the bed side and spoke in soothing words "Beru ata pe'ca na Eldarion.." Arathorn moarned his father for sometime. When he had finished he kissed his Father's brow and said "Fair well father.. be at peace in the house of are forefathers.." He then turned to the White Figure and asked "Who are you?" "I've seen you before..." The White Figure replied "I am Aulin.. sent to aid you and your kindred against the threat of Mordor.." Arathorn looked at him again, he saw a great gleam in his eyes. Like that of Curunir but more vivid. Arathorn was overwhelmed as he looked further into his eyes. He imedaitly felt feelings genuine care and love in them. He knew by this that the Wihte Figure spoke the truth. Arathorn then asked "Who sent you?" Aulin smiled and replied "My father..." Arathorn smiled and replied "That's a little vague.. who is your father? Aulin replied "He shall be revealed to you in time.. but first there is much that must be done" "You have a traitor in your midst.. the Lord Curunir is a servant of the Enemy.."

Arathorn nodded and said "I knew there wasn't something right about him.." "Come.. we must act quickly. .before he inflicts greater harm.." Arathorn fallowed Aulin out the two doors and into the Throne Room. They then made their way into the courtyard. Arathorn stopped there and told Aulin "I must inform my friends of the danger.." Aulin nodded and said "Very well.. I shall go on ahead and make sure he does not escape.." Arathorn headed through the courtyard into a hallway, from there he went to his Companion's chambers. He opened the wooden door and found Haldir sitting awake. Legolas was with him. Arathorn spoke to them. "Come.. we must gather the others.. there is a traitor that must be delt with" Haldir fallowed Arathorn without a word. Arathorn and his two companions then went to King Theodred's chambers and informed him. Arathorn then summoned most of Rohirrim. The Company then went in search of Queen Skyla and Rune whom seemed to be missing from their qaurters.
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Queen Skyla and Rune

Rune and Skyla left the dining Hall and took a walk out in the courtyard watching the stars in the and the moon rise and the sun set.

Skyla forgot how beautiful a Sunset looked in the woods. she set up in trees and watched them almost every day when she was younger. Rune and her walked up the high steps to the rooftop Just as the bight red and orange sunset faded to purplish blue Grey sky. Then stars started to come out.

"Isn't this lovely. Relax with me i want my good food to settle before i lay down. "

Skyla set down beside him as they watched the stars.

Skyla Rune we can't we need to go back down i want to find out more about this Curunir What he is capable of?
He seemed to have a connection with you he came to us when we came into the city and addressed you and today at the dining room table he looked directly at you. "

"He is powerful Sky i don't know if you could even match him. Your not meant to face him. The elves are gone Sky your time is done. The age of men has dawned. I don't know why of his interest in me unless its this enchantment i have been under for a few months."

"I made my choice Rune i gave my mom and Legolas a promise to help Arathron get to Gondor and back to the throne. I was led her by dream and a vision. If it means facing a dark mage in battle it will happen. I am with Arathorn until death take me."

Rune: Sky your a fighter but you can't direct magic with sword and bows"

Rune rubbed his forehead. and took her l long elvish fingers in his hand.
His hands felt rough ageist her small smooth ones. Calloused from sword fighting and holding on to spear and reigns but Skyla squeezed them anyway. Looking into his eyes. His dark Blue Grey eyes. Which were filled with concern and love and caring passion and worry but also Anger and strange Presence.

Rune looked deeply into Skyla's blue eyes. "Promise me you won't fight him unless force of magic is necessary. If you face him he might take you down in the first duel. You can't beat him Sky you wont win. I don't want to lose you. Your one of my closest freinds Skyla that take time for me and care the roherrim are great but i feel alone.

SKyla touched his forehead and said some elvish words

" paine be flee raz hee"

Rune loved how melodious her voiced sounded when she spoke in her native tongue. He touched his forehead the pain was subsiding. Without warning he placed his arms around Skyla' s waist and hugged her.

Skyla pushed him away "Rune stop."

"Rune Sorry Sky i should not have done that."

Skyla narrowed her eyes as if she was telling him not to do it again.

" Rune come on we should get to our Chambers. Arathorn and the others might be looking for us."

Very well Skyla see you soon" Rune walked Skyla to her chambers then went into his taking off his tunic and pants and falling asleep.

Skyla undressed and changed into a one piece sleeping garment but Skyla knew she would not sleep Curunir has her worried. And what of this other white figure that they saw at the balrog fight.
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The White Wizard:

Arathorn then suggested that King Theodted and most of Company head back to courtyard and wait there, while he and Haldir continued the search for Skyla and Rune. Arathorn and Haldir climbed up the numerious steps to last chamber were they found Skyla and Rune alone. Arathorn approached them both and said "Finally.. I'm glad I've found you both.." "I need both of your assitance.. there is an act of treason that must be delt with.." Arathorn then turned back towards the door and exited. Hastly he lead the company down the numeriosu stairs and back to courtyard.

Meanwhile Curunir dwelt in citdel, sitting upon his carven black stone chair he surveyed through some papers. A marbel stone table was before him littered with transcripts and other important papers. As he looked at one of golden pages he felt sudden wind blow through the room. The papers on the table took flightl ike leafs and scattered around the room. Curunir lowered the page and peered around the room. His busy eybrows squinted as he looked into the shadows. Suddenly a blind light forced him to cover his eyes. The light was bright, like that of star and from it came a voice. "Curunir.. so you have returned.." Curunir stood up al lclad in his white garments. He grasped his staff and said quivering "Who is it? What do you want?" The voice replied "I want the will of my father.. I want you to pay the price for your treason.."

"I have watched you.. trade one dark master for another.." "And now you have gotten yourself so deep.. that you shall never be able to be free.." "You are bond by his chains now.. your soul is in his hands.." Curunir began to shake more as he backed away from the light. "Oh Curunir.. you disspoint my father.. you were suppose to do good and show the peoples of Arda the ways of rightiousness" "But instead you decided to taint your garments with ash and foul ways.." "You have gone beyond the grace of my Father.. he can no longer spare you from judgement.." "You have joined Him in his folly and now you shall be punished with Him.." Curunir shouted as one does who is afraid "I'm not afriad.. I shall be repaid for my services with reward and honor... you cannot touch me!" "I am Saruman of many Colors! I see all and I know everything!" Suddenly white bolt stuck Curunir and he fell backwards unto stone floor.

His staff now laided by hm and he felt the power of Voice fall upon him. "You are a fool to challenge the Illuvatar.. you rain more judgement down on your head.." "You have one last chance for redmeption.. if you will seize it now.." "Lay down your pride.. lay down your staff.. and renouce your loyality to the Dark Lord.." "Choose once more to aid the free peoples of Arda.." Curunir crawled upon the floor and gripped his staff, using it he stood up. He looked once again at the blinding light and with vile look he shouted "No! I shall not lay down my staff.. nor my pride.. I am Curunir! Wisest of White Council!" The Voice was silent for moment. Then with sorrowful tone is said "Very well.. you shall drink the cup of judgment.." Suddenly the light began to fade and elderly man clade in white stood with staff in hand. Behiend him emerged Arathorn and the rest of the Company.

Aulin stared long at Curunir.. and as he did Curunir felt the wieght of his gaze. There was power seepnig through, a rightious power that felt as if it could pour our and consume him. Yet Aulin made no threat nor did he attempt to show hostility. Isntead he turned from Curunir and stepped aside. He then looked at Arathorn and then at Skyla and said "This battle is not mine.. but yours.." "My Father shall judge him soon after you have finished.." Arathorn looked at Aulin for moment and then turned his gaze to the frightened Curunir. Arathorn unsheathed Anduril and began to approach Curunir. Arathorn gave Curunir a cold stare and as he drew near he said "On this night.. mercy shall not be in my viens.." "For you have not only betrayed Gondor.. but you have taken my father from me.. for that you shall reap the blade!"

Arathorn gripped Anduril tightly and prepared to attack. He waited for Skyla to join his side before he made his move. He knew that he must work along side her to defeat this villan. For once Arathorn was able to hold hismelf back from lunging in. But the fire that simmered in him would not be held back for long. Vengence is swift and it does not hault for anything, it is like an arrow soaring towards it's target. Sooner or later is strikes...
The Vengence starts

Skyla stood up tearing her gaze from the stars at the chamber window seat she knew that soon Arathron would come looking for them. She heard boots walking up the steps to the chamber and sensed Arathorn was near.

Rune was standing with her talking He stopped as he noticed Skyla was in a gown that clung to her lithe body it showed how slender she was. Rune could barely take his eyes off her he wanted to wrap his arms around her slender waist and pull her to him and kiss her as they watched the stars. He shook his head and he reminded himself that he has a elf maid waiting on him somewhere. But how her hair glowed in the moonlight and the stars reflecting in her eyes. More and more he knew he was falling for her. He never recalls anything more lovely. He blinked as Arathron walked into the room

Rune turned his gaze to Arathron blushing slightly. He didn't want Arathron to know he was falling for Skyla fast. "Lord Arathorn your majesty he bowed we will be glad to be of service."

Arathorn looked at Rune "A pleasure to have you helping me Lord Rune"

Skyla turned around and met Arathorn's Gaze. "Arathron A traitor and a vengeance that must be dealt with Arathorn Where are we going. To Deal with the white well shall we say black wizard."

"Arathron looked at Skyla "Yes Lady Skyla it is Curunir We need to face him that is where we are heading"

Legolas ran up to them gracefully "Skyla Rune i found our weapons"

He came from behind Arathorn. He handed Skyla her bow and arrows and her swords. He tossed Rune his sword Rune caught it with his hand around the scabbard.

Skyla looked at Legolas. "I want you to stay with Haldir and Theodred in the main area. This is battle that only Arathorn and Rune and Myself can fight. Legolas wait on us and thanks for the weapons even though I don't think we need them"

Legolas nodded and stood with the others keep a eye out around the Castle and the other areas for anything else that might Attack he rested his bow against his shoulder. "Yes My Queen"

Skyla put the quiver on over her shoulder and unstrung her bow clipping in her quiver and putting her swords on her belt around her Dress.

Skyla And Rune followed Arathron to Curunir's down the steps thru the Castle to where he was.

She saw Arathorn move forward into the chamber. He looked back and nodded at her Drawing Anduril. Skyla saw truth and tactfulness in his eyes even a more kingly look As he gripped Anduril Skyla walked to his side.

Skyla called the powers to herself letting it fill her. "Brinser Red " She fired bolt of magic fire to him surrounding him and singing his robe. and hit Curunir in a flash of a strong wind Dun Sul goth. A breeze of wind flew around her lifting her hair and skirts and she let go of her powers at him.
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Magic Duel:

Curunir held up his staff and laughed as the red bolt and wind brushed agaisnt him. His laughed grew louder as he stod unmoved by Skyla's spells. Chuckilng he said "Your magic tricks are child's play at best.. I shall give you a lesson in the art of true sorecory!" A bright flash of white light came from his staff as he pointed it at Skyla. At first the light seemed to have no effect, but then suddenly Skyla was throw backward agaisnt the doors. Suraman began speaking foul words "Morgla mish gondule va!" Skyla seemed held in place, unable to move. Curunir then turned to Rune and said "Mardee van Rune das mishka!" Curunir held out his hand as he spoke the foul tounge of Mordor. Arathorn now unable to keep himself out of the battle, rushed Curunir and attempted to lay a blow. Before he could however, Curunir stopped him with but a word. Then pointing his staff he struck Arathorn in the chest sending him hurrling into the air and into the wall.

Arathorn after a brief respite rose and began to attack anew. This time he reach Curunir and began laying several blows with Anduril. Anduril bounced off the cold dark staff clanging loudly. Curunir with his hand ushered another spell that threw Arathorn back with greater force than before. Arathorn collided with the stone wall. Falling to floor Arathorn dropped Anduril. The sword clanged against the stony floor as Arathorn breathed heavy breaths. He felt like his body was paralized. As he looked up in corner of his eye, he could see Skyla had broke free form the spell and that Rune was acting mad and wild. Curunir now turned his focus to Skyla, paying no attention to Arathorn. Taking this opportunity Arathorn rested briefly. Then once he recovered his strength, Arathorn took ahold of Anduril and rose once again.

Arathorn did not attempt to rush Curunir again, this time he drew his attention to Rune whom seemed to be acting up again. Arathorn slowly began to draw near to Skyla's side. He kept his focus on Rune, for at present he was worried more about him than Curunir.
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