The Lord of the Rings: The Fourth Age

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The Dark Magic feeling Entrance into Lorian

It was Sunset Late afternoon when they arrived in Lorian. Twilight was just about upon them. Skyla shuddered "Legolas i sense Dark magic. A great evil is near We should make for Lorian at once" I think this New Power or this creature above is will be great harm It feels like the witch king but not quite. More Menacing and brooding.

Skyla "Our path is this We Go across the Anduin River, into Rohan then from Rohan follow the Entwash flows into the Rauros River and it becomes one Big river to Cair Andros then from Cair Andros go south around the mountains to Minas Tirith. Then we are in the area we need to be."

Legolas looked at Skyla "I think that is the best way and a short way Skyla but we should at least rest in Lorian. I don't like that dark feeling you said you felt cause i did to. I am sure you felt it more strongly then i did cause of your magic background and your powers. It was almost like a shadow in the brightness of the sky. I also think its some sort of being of Darkness almost like the Witch king that Eowyn Fell."

"Once we get into the woods of Lorian we will be safe i hope."

Sklyla felt peace as soon as she crossed into Lorian.

She dismounted and walked by her horse laying a hand on her horses neck

Legolas leaped off "its just as beautiful as I remember he released his hands off his horses Mane Skyla dropped her hand to her side The horses started grazing The trees that seem to light from the inside the woods seeming to glow silver and the steps in the trees. The light that seems to come from everywhere and no where at once. They heart of Elevendom on Earth.

"No one could be here but it almost has to be its so well maintained"

The horses grazed munching on some grass

"Legolas lets rest here for the night" Skyla leaned up against a tree thinking about her Warrior lover Rune. If he is even still alive. She went back in her mind she shut her eyes

I remembered the last night saw him. It was the night I became queen when mom died. I saw him come riding in on a black stallion dressed in Red Armor he had on a grayish green tunic and leggings He rode into the gate the stable boy came and took his horse.

I ran up to meet him and ran my fingers thru his tousled red Hair he pulled me to him kissing me stroking my long hair. He removed his belt and Armor off of him so his sword hilt and his belt won't stick and rip my gowns Any of his chain mail or metal armor He removed when he entered the castle.

"Promise me this my queen and lover that you will never forget me
and the powers you have that you don't misuse them Don't waste your life waiting on me Skyla I will always be here and love you whether your a Elf queen or a human.

"I will Rune its not to often my best friend and the man i love are the same."

"Your Heart and your purity my darling is what your best qualites are not your powers. Your
wisdom is far beyond any elf i met. You to are also my best friend and the girl I love. "

He ran his hands down my bare back pulling me closer to him he kissed me urgently and passionately. Then he pulled away i sensed he wanted to lose control but we both Kept and mad a promise to ourselves To be pure until the night of our wedding which looked like now it might be impossible for our marriage to occur.

"I also have something i need to tell you I to have power I am a Rune The White I have magical abilities as well we are forbidden to love Elves or mortals. Lets go have dinner in your private dining area i bought your favorite Dinner.

Him and I ate we set down by the fire in my dining area both watching each other.

"When did you learn of this are our species part elf?"

"That we are but i am not of the Dunedin like King Aragorn was. I learned this just recently. Right before i got my call out to battle."

He set down beside me draping his arms around my waist as we moved close on the couch.

I am also going off to war soon my dear so this will be the last time i see you for awhile. But your time has come to be Queen of your people Skyla my beloved.

"You will be way to busy to think of me I think of you every night before i sleep and before i wake i don't want to wake up cause i dream of you.

I to think of you often my love but alas it will never work i am a pure elf i can't mix with human blood."

"But you can make the choice to do that its before you when your Queenship is up you can make that choice to come to stay with me for as long as we both shall live Beloved."

"I should go my darling. I will come back for you" He drew himself up to his full height and pulled me to him and ran his hand down my dress and down my arm. He gripped my hands.

I leaned against him "Do not Go my dear stay with me as long as you can"

I leaned into Rune running my hands down his tunic stroking his chest and shoulders I pulled to him and kissed him urgently like there was not time left in us.

"I will give up my life for you Rune but it isn't my life to take i a m mother to my people Rune i Can't abandon them"

"Your Choice is still before you." He whistled for his horse and leaped up on it and rode away.He dressed in his armor and saluted me and Rode off on his horse Out of my life for a short time or Forever i don't know which.

Skyla wiped tears from her eyes and opened her eyes looking up at Legolas.

He looked at her "You really love him don't' you"

LEgolas got some water and poured it for both of them as they watched the woods.

"Yes i do Legolas I get flashbacks every so often. I don't usually let myself indulge in them. Cause it will never work unless i give up my heritage and my powers"

Legolas nodded he knew how it was for Arwen and Aragorn. But Arwan didn't have a big of a price to pay.

Legolas grabbed his bow and strung it and held it between his legs Arrow on the string. Skyla's hand rested on one of her twin swords.

"SKyla We should do this even though we are in friendly territory. Keep our weapons ready"

"I agree Legolas."
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The Three Elves:

Deep within Lothlorien Haldir walked amongst the Malron trees. He stepped upon the soft soil by a stream and bent dowanward to take sip of water. The wind blew through the wood causing golden leafs to whistle into the air. Haldir watching the leafs come towards him like gales gliding on wind, held out his hand. He caught one of golden leafs in his hand and looked upon it. The sun glinted on it, making it sparkle and dance like fire. Haldir held it close to his face. Then as the wind krept up again he lute it go liek butterfly. It soared into the air joinng the other wandering leafs. Haldir then went up stream. His footsteps were silent and he carried himself with such confidence and strength.

Haldir headed west through Lorien, conducting his noraml patrols of forest boarders. Suddenly he heard vocies from distance. Haldir froze and quickly hid behiend a tree. There he listened intently. He heard the vocies more clearly. It was one in paticular and it sounded fair. But Haldir not trusting his ears alone, took his bow from his quiver and stung the sting upon it. Then he gripped an arrow and set it to the sting. The voice was still in the distance and too diffcult to see it's orgin. Thus Haldir looked up at the tall hieghts of trees and saw turrent nearby. Swiftly he bolted foward to wide and firm Malorn tree. Quickly he climbed it, grabbing holding it with his soft and firm hands. Using his arms and legs in singularm otion he clibmed the tree to the top. There he stood up on platform, were he peered down upon the white forest. He could see glade not far away, were he saw a figure leaning near the stream.

The figure was fair. The figure had golden hair like leafs of the Malorn trees, pointed ears, and was clad in brown and white. Next to the figure was another, more beautiful and fairer. For a moment Haldir though his eyes cheated him, for he thought for a moment that it was Lady Galadriel returned from the Undying Lands. But as he gazed upon a while longer, he noticed distinct differences not only in her appearance but her countance. She seemed clouded, like fog was caste over her but unseen to those who lacked keen sight. He saw both shadow and light in her. He saw at once the power to protect or destroy. Haldir finally after observing the two Elf kin decided to make his way back down the Malorn Tree. This time he threw down the rope ladder that had been coiled up at the base of the platform were the tree passed through.

Haldir climbed down with great haste and then went at a solemn and slow pace towards the glade. There he saw the two standing side by side weapons drawn. He finally recongnized one of the two Elves as Legolas of Mirkwood and the other as a Elf Witch. Haldir approached them subtle and said "Greetings.. fair ones from the realm of Mirkwood." "What brings you into the domain of Lothlorien?"
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Legolas Addressing Haldir

Skyla pulled out her swords in a flash and aws ready for battle Legolas strung his bow as he saw the figure get closer. As the tall elf approached Legolas recognized him as Haldir who they met on there first journey thru right after Gandalf died.
Skyla put her swords back in her quiver and stood by Legolas studying this elf that LEgolas knew
Legolas bowed "Skyla stay your weapon he is a mellon "Haldir we come with grave news Queen Skyla's scouts and her foresight warned us of two things. I am requestiong your help with us. We need to reach Gondor rin a timely fashion we know that Aragorn's Heir is a ranger around with the Dundin and if his father is dying. A Odd power Queen SKyla and I Saw it pass over our heads right when we got here We Both felt Darkness and Shadow from it. We also heard Nazgul are on the way as well. There are three teams of them out there and orcs attacked us at her fortress in Mirkwood. We request some time to rest here before we continue our journey on."
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Haldir's Charge and Choice:

The request for Haldir's aid and the tidings that Legolas shared was a great deal to ponder. Haldir lowered his gaze and stepped towards the stream. The wind blew his golden silver hair. After a long pause he finally turned back to face Legolas and said "My charge is to protect the Woods of Lorien.." "I am not conserned by the affairs of Men.." "However the threat of the Nazgul.. that I have seen for myself.." "Black Riders came into these lands.. looking I suspect for an Orc horde I slayed nearly two days ago." "Indeed a shadow is spreading over the lands and even Lothlorien is not untouched.." "I feel the wood beginning to fade.. in parts." "Long have my people protected it, safe from within.." "But now I fear those days are over.."

"The passing of the elves has affected the balence in these lands." "Things that stood at bay once, now no longer fear to come into these woods." Haldir paused for a moment then began again. "But to your request for my help, that I must think upon a while longer.." Haldir then turned back to the wood were he departed from their sight. He spent time walking amongst the Malorn trees. He stopped starring at the wood, suddenly s flash back came to him

He was standing upon the harbors of the Grey Havens overlooking the white shores. Near him a boat clad with white sails was bobbing up and down. Suddenly a flash of bright light was about him, Haldir turned and saw the White Lady. The Lady Galadriel. She was clothed in beautiful white garments and upon her soft and sparkling face was a head dress of diamonds and silver. Here eyes shined blue like the bright clear sky. She smiled as she approached Haldir. Haldir bowed and felt as he waso n one kneew her graceful hand touch his shoulder. He rose and looked into her sparklnig eyes. She then began to speak is lush and meldoious tone. "Haldir.. faithful servant of Galadhon and protector of Lorien" "You have served faithfully and have come to white shores to bare hence to Undying lands with the rest of your kin.."

The White Lady paused a moment and then said "Doth thy wish to come with me upon the barge?" Haldir nodded his head and said "Yes I do my lady.." Galadriel's face became a tad grim as she said "You speak half heartly.." shel ooked upon him with look of great wisdom. "Apart of you wishs to sail with me to the Undying lands.. but another part of you still holds back.." "It remains in the land you have forsaken.. in Lorien." Haldir lowered his head and sighed. The words she spoke were truth. Still apart of him was left in the White wood. Long had he dwealt there content and now suddenly he must bid it fair well forever. Galadriel smiled and raised his gaze to hers by grasping his chin. Then staring him in the eyes she said "If you wish it you may stay Haldir of Lorien.." Haldir's ears perked and his face seemed to become a little cheerful. "But my lady.. I could not forsake my duty to you.. I go hence where thoust go."

Galadriel smiled and replied "That is just it.. if you stay I shall give you a charge.." "Then once you've finished it you may sail and come to Undylnig lands to join me and your kin.." Haldir seemed very pleased by this notion and replied "If I did stay behiend.. what would you have me do.. my lady?" Galadriel replied "I would have continue your duty of protecting the Woods of Lorien.." "But in addition I would have observe the Realm of Men.." "And if they call for aid. .that you would go to them..:" "For the Dominion of Men is nigh.. but it is fragile." "They shall need the counsels of Elves still.. for though Peace riengs.. it shall not always last.." "In the distance of the future a darkness may yet again rise.." "You shall be there if it does.." Haldir bowed and said "I accept your charge and shall stay faithful to carry it out.." Galadriel smiled and laid her hand upon his face.

The touch warmed his skin and new life seemed to be breathed into him. She then spoke on the Elven tounge "Emyn Lamenda umel domin." It was a blessing for Haldir and Haldir alone. Only he knew it's meaning.
Haldiir came to and flash back ended. The Elven words rang in his ears. Haldir then returned to Legolas and Elf Witch. "I have pondered long enough.. I shal lcome with you to Gondor.."
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Skyla introduces herself to Haldir

"I know you have assumptions and odd things about me I sense that Halidir. Yes i am a elf witch but I am also the Queen of what is left of Mirkwood. I to have seen the magic of our people fade away and I myself have other business why i stayed.

MY Name is Queen Skyla of the Eastern realm of Mirkwood. I am the cousin of Legolas Son of King Thranduil My father was married to his sister and Hence i came about after that. My powers can be used to help us.

The conflict you feel in me is that i am in love with someone he has my heart but it will not work cause of forbidden codes of both our people. I also am torn between whose side to take. I will fight alongside men and what is left of our people But my alliance is unknown. There is another reason for my staying here is to help the King bring his right to the throne of Gondor. To be sure Gondor stays in the hands of Aragorn Elesser's Line.

We Appreciate you coming to Gondor with us Even though My heart is heavy from where i left Mirkwood and my fortress. But This new power Affects all of us and the only way we could defeat this is if we stand together and fight with men and dwarves. But if your charge is to protect Lorian I wish not to take you from your duty.

Legolas looked at Skyla "He has made his decision we can't terry here much longer we need to get to Gondor and keep a sharp eye for the Nazgul and this shadow that we saw pass over us my lady."

Skyla gaze looked towards the Sky the Shadow seemed to be spreading. Even through the Light of Lorian.

In her magic she also sensed what Haldir said the woods and the magic of them is dying and hard on the lands. She cast another protection charm over the woods and around them.

"We will Terry here this Knight Legolas and Haldir first light this next morning we will continue on our road."

"LEgolas I am well with that"

Skyla set down and started to dream again she hummed a soft tune that always made her think of herself and Rune. This flashback was when he promised to Marry her This was before she was made queen in her younger years. When she was just a elf growing up.

Rune looked at me and took both of his hands in mine as he pulled me close as we hiked thru some of the back country of Mirkwood. For some reason my Elven Grace fails me when i am around him. I stumbled over tree roots and Rocks.

He caught me around my waist " Is this a habit of yours Sky tripping yourself up like that and falling"

"Only when you catch me Rune"

"Skyla will you Marry me i mean when its both the right time for us"

"Are you proposing to me now? I Am still quite young."

" Yes cause i want to Marry you Sky" He stroked my hair and face and kissed me on the lips then on the cheek.

"We need to be sure we are together Cause i might be going off to war and when your mom dies the kingdom is yours."

" I am not ready to be Queen Rune. I am only in my younger years. I saw a vision that mom died and was ill and the kingdom falling to darkness and i can't pull it out"

"Shh Skyla its only a dream your foresight is not developed yet. You can't know for sure You can't know if Mirkwood and Lorian fall"

Rune leaned up against the tree that i tripped over i leaned into him between his legs up against his chest. He pulled his arms around my waist and wipes the tears away. HE sings a soothing song to me.

"Whenever you hear this tune Skyla remember us remember this time we had when you were young. Remember our love it will never die" Rune whispered in my ear as he pushed a lock of Golden Hair behind my ear.

I won't let it Rune i promise you that I will marry you some day"

"I will marry you too Sky That is a promise i intend to keep"

Skyla pulled herself away from the Flashback to the present she realized that it was time for her watch She set up and kept watch around the wood.

She wished she could just turn off her feelings for Rune but that promise that he made to her under that Silver maple tree in Mirkwood still haunts her till this day. When she knows it can never happen unless she gives up her immortality.
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Haldir Says Fair Well to Lorien:

Haldir was dazzled by the Witch's words. IT was as if she was reading his thoughts and had learned of his conserns. Haldir's expression stayed unchanged after she had sauid her peace. He only bowed and said "It is honor to meet the Queen of Mirkwood realm.." Haldir remained still uneasy around her. Her knowledge of magic spells was both facinating to Haldir but also a great consern. Apart of him wanted to trust her words, but a feeling inside warned him to keep his gaurd up. The next morning Haldir gathered his things. He didn't have mcuh to take with him. Just a few loaves of Lembas bread, a vhail of cool water from the stream, and token from The Lady Galadrel that he put on his finger. It was white ring, with perfectly cut diamond in the middle.

Haldir then turned to the white malorn trees. Placing his hand on their trunks he bid them fair well . Apart of Haldir was greatly grieved, he feared that he would not see the woodland again. That his journey would take him far and not bare him hernce return. As Haldir fallowed Legolas and Queen Sklya out of the wood, he felt his heart sank. The White trees began to fade to dark grey and the golden leaves turned copper. a Shaodw fell over Lorien as the Three Elves moved on there path to Gondor. When they were a distance away Hladir took one look back at Lorien. It looked dark and dead. As if the last bit of life in it had passed away. Haldir's face became pale and his heart ached. His fears had been birthed. The wood now looked like any ordinary wood.

Haldir haulted for only moment said in his elven tounge "Emel Mithean Duwenda Lorien Van numin ia." "-Fair well light of Lorien, no wood shall ever compare to you.. not even beyond the White seas"
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On To Gondor

Legolas took the lead he knew they needed to strike the Anduin River. His elf steps quietly on the ground Skyla took the horses Reins as they walked.

"Skyla we might have to ford the river or find a low place to cross"

"Yes we might Legolas"

She sidled up beside him

"I appreciate you trying to keep on focus and on Target Legolas but i fear that I might have to give up hope that he is still there waiting for us in battle at rohan."

Legolas Watched Skyla out of the corner of his eye keeping his focus forward in case the shadow comes over them.

Skyla used her powers to erase the footsteps as they walked and ther path thru Lorian and Mirkwood She can't give the Nazgul a Path to follow.

"Hope remains when company is true I remember Galdreial saying that to the rest of the fellowshp when we left Skyla and its true, You have the hope that you will see Rune again. Haldir is a friend of mine and my father King Thranduiel"

""He doesn't trust me Legolas i can sense it"

"Legolas Somtimes Skyla i am not sure about you myself"

They trudged thru the woods Skyla sensed yellow eyes watching them and orcs around but no Uruk's thankfully They kept the river on there right side Legolas was serching for a way to Ford it or a low place they can all cross.

Skyla rested her hand on her bow as she carried it over her shoulder. She felt a cold chill as a orc came behind her. She used a strong gust of wind to push some orcs back. She fired her bow at the orcs that were in there path she saw a low place to Cross

"Legolas there we can cross safely there"

Legolas strung his bow and fired At the orcs around them Cleaing a path to the river.

Skyla tested the water and separted it so they had enough room to get the Horses across the River.

The continued on Legolas and Skyla Crossed the River. Skyla directed the Horses slighlty towards the direction of Gondor.
The Ancient Power:

The Shadow passed over the east and then turned west again. below he saw all the lands pale and bleak. His shadow casted upon the earth and seas. As he flew back towards Mordor he could see gathering like tiny ants men in great numbers near Osgiliath. THe Shadow took ahold of his flying steed's riens and directed it towards the black mountians. There he came upon the pale and ivy looking shape of Minas Morgul. He directed his beast to perch upon the top of tower. From there he sat peering upon Minas Tirith in the distance. The white city gistened and sparkled. Alas the Shadow dismounted and returned to his chamber. Within he was approached by orc who was quivering.

"My lord.." said the Orc. "It has been found.." "The artifact has been found.." The Shadow shrieked causing the Orc to cover his ears. The Shadow grabbed ahold of the Orc with his sharp grauntlets and asked "Where is it?" The Orc shaking replied "It is here.." The Shadow pulled him closer and hissed. Suddenly emerging from the stairs was one of the Eight Black Riders. He held in his hand a small wrapped cloth. The Shadow tossed the orc aside and stood awaiting his comrade to approach further. When at last he was in arm length, the Shadow looked at his Captain and asked "Is it true then?" "You have found it?" The other Nazgul nodded and said in whisper "Yes.. it was found far east beyond the eastern shores.." The Shadow out stretched his hand and grasped the cloth. He felt metal beneath it and began at once unwraping the cloth.

When he had finished it revealed a ring, a black ring. Along the outer edge of it was runes of a ancient language. The Shadow read them. He could only make out just of it. The words he uttered were "I am Mathdra born by Morgoth.. to him do I belong and serve." The Shadow uttered in his whisperious tone "At last the Ancient Power shall be awoken!" He began putting the ring on his right hand index finger. Then he began chanting words in foul tounge that caused even his own kin to quiver and shriek in fear. The Runes on the ring falmed red and suddenly the roof of the tower shatteried and was lifted into funnel in the air. Above a white light shined down on them. The Orc turned to ash and the other wraith began to burn and fled down the steps of the tower. The Shadow remaiend in the eye of light, suddenly he heard a voice that shook the tower and the entire land.

A shockwave rolled through the plain and through the moutains touching every fathom of Middle earth. Then suddenly a beam of light stuck the Shadow causing him to fall to his knees. The ring burned on like a red flame. Then just as the light had appeared it faded away. The Shadow stayed on his knes for a moment. Then with a slow movement he rose to his feet. He suddenly began gazing at his grauntlets and arms as if he didn't reconginze his own form. The other Nazgul returned up the steps slowly with some orcs behiend him. The Shadow then began to laugh in a horrid tone. It was not the tone of Nazgul at all, but of something sinister and full of malice. The shadow turned moving his fingers and gazing at his ring. He then bellowed in a harsh and powerful tone "At last i am free.." "Free from my prison.." He turned to the Nazgul and Orcs and pointed his index finger. "Bow before your master!" he bellowed causing them to shake and obey.

"He then turned to looked upon the view. "Alas I have returned to this land to bring greater grief to the Valar.." He then shouted with commanding tone "Behold land of old.. Morgoth hath returned!" When he uttered those words the ladn shook again and great bolts of lightning flicked in the sky. Morgoth turned again to his servants. He looked at the Chief Nazgul and asked "Were is my servant Sauron?" The Wraith with his hood stil lbowed replied with even fainter voice "He hath fallen.. my lord.." Morgoth paused for a moment and then said "Then you shall have to take his place.." "Come thee is much work to do.." Morgoth then desended the stairs, his servant and minons fallowed half bent over. They didn't know weither to be in awe of thier new lord or to be grieved.
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Arrrivel at Rohan

They crossed the River Skyla and Legolas leaped on there horses and road into Rohan.

"I wonder if anyone is still here the place looks deserted Legolas. Skyla braced herself and almost got dizzy There is a strong influence of evil around. Evil is stronger as we head towards Morder Legolas I get the feeling we are dealing with a stronger power."

Legolas braced himself on the Horse as the Ground shook and lighting struck near them

" I think the ancient power has been found. We will be no match for it if it comes this way."

"I think so to Legolas I sense the evil powers starting to call out to mine.

Legolas "dont give it Skyla you need to resist it. The ancient power is not for any magic user to wield. You could turn into somting not so pretty and fair."

" I think its worse then the one Ring Legolas if it can do all this"

A strom cropped up they ran into a cave and took shelter there.

"Skyla Somthing tells me this is not just a atypical strom Legolas i think tis related to the Ancient Power. "

"I agree Skyla and i don't know but i am getting chills i don't think anyone is here in this place. I think this ancient power might be beyeond us. Maybe not beyond you Skyla cause your powerful."

"We remain here tonight cousin."
Haldir's Resolve:

As they crossed the plains into the wood Haldir found himself in a daze. He was thinking of Lorien and times long past. He rembered when he had host of Elves under him to gaurd Lorien and when The Fellowship passed through during periolius times. He began to think those time were coming again, when shadow would engulf the lands. As they traveled through the land, haldir noticed the wood. It was not fair, just a ordinary groove of willows. Haldir didn't even seem to look at them, for his midn had wodnered again. Suddenly they were attacked and he came to. A band of orcs was ccharging and loosing arrows into the air. Haldir quickly drew his bow from it's quiver and strung it. Then he set and arrow to it and pulled the string. IT teanged and arrow nailed a orc between the eyes.

Haldir unleashed another volley covering Legolas and Skyla. They too had borken out thier bows and were vollying. As Haldir hwed a orc with his drawn blade he saw Skyla use her magic power to thrust the Orc horde back. It was successful, the orcs howled and shriekd as they retreated. Haldir sheathed his blade after he was sure they were gone and fallowed Legolas and Skyla. They then after long toiling came to easter Emnet, into the Land of Rohan. Haldir looked upon the golden fields. They looekd lifeless, almsot burnt. But then he saw liek sea or stream a wide patch of green grss pierce through the golden brush. Haldir had seldom ever crossed into Rohan, it was indeed far from Lorien and not place he desired to see often. But he made the most of it as he fallwoed his companions.

Suddenly the earth quaked and Haldir lost his footing. He watched as the others were almost thrown off their feet. Boltso f lightning flciked and struck the ground causing some of brush to catch fire. Haldir gaining footing again, stood bewildered. He saw a bright light fliver in the west, like blinding light. He fixed his eyes upon the peaks of the Black Mountains. Suddenly he felt his body begin to trremble and suddnely another quake came. This time stronger. Legolas seeming to gain a foothold headed towards nearby stretch of mountains in the south, there they entered a cave. Haldir wasn't very pelased with spending the night in cave. He flet it sufficating and rather bleak. But he did not mention his feelings to the others, he kept his comments to himself.

Whne he sat down the ruff rocky floor he began to think about the qaukes. He overhead Skyla and Legolas talking it over. As Haldir pondered he thought 'What new delviry has been unleashed in black lands'. Finally he drifted off into thought, forgetting his surroudnings and going inot whati s known as elven sleep.
A storm in Mirkwood (Flashback)

Skyla let her mind wander as she watched the storm she watched her companions Legolas at ease with the situation Haldir still a little odd with the situation she knows he didn't like the cave.

She leaned against the cold rock of the cave and shut her eyes thinking of a happier time this time when she was a teen growing up and her And Rune have been dating for a short time it was right after Rune's promise of marriage.

Myself and Rune were sparring with swords.

Sky loosen your grip on the blade Let it be extension of your abilities.Skyla move your feet a little feel the blade. Move into a attack posture and Parry back with me like this. Rune took my hand and guided me thru the moves. He kissed me on the cheek.

I felt his rough hands as he held mine rough and ready and strong like a warriors should be I looked at mine so long and frail wondering if I could ever be a fighter.

"Sky you can do this your a warrior as well as lover and a witch. You can do this your powers might fail you at any time and you can't trust when there is evil about that it won't call out to you."

"Rune i am a archer not a sword fighter"

"Arrows won't work in close combat Skyla swords is what that is for you can't rely on your powers all the time. If you become Queen your going to have to fight with swords."

"Rune I will never be a Gallant Swords women. Its not in my abilities."

"You might think that Sky but i can train you on it and you will strike fear in your enemies with your fighting abilities. Now I want you to try without me guiding and prompting your hand.

Rune moved to attack i parried his blows He spun and blocked me HE attacked I parried and blocked them and moved to strike. I struck hard and my blade hit the mark and torn part of his tunic. He was striking back. I blocked him and moved my feet to hit stronger.

Just as a thunder clap boomed and startled both of us. There is rarely any storms in Mirkwood Forest.

There was a second clash of thunder and bolt of lighting struck near us

"This storm is close Rune we need to get back or get to shelter I disarmed Rune quickly and Rune tripped me down and was on top of me he Kissed me .

"Sky we need to find some shelter and you cheated". WE slip and fell again covered in mud and Rainwater.

"Rune i did not cheat. "

We were Running in the woods both soaked with rain. We were no where near the castle we went to old cottage in the woods

I used my powers to start a fire in the fire place we laid down there drying out.

I found some old clothes in some trunks. I walked into the other room undressing out of my soiled green dress. Into a old Blue one that smelled of mothballs.

Rune changed into a Brown Tunic and green pants that actually made him look quite like Elven Warrior. We laid our dirty wet clothes on a few chairs in front of the fireplace.

The storm raged around us Rune and I drifted off to sleep on the couch Rune pulled me to him his arms around my waist. As we shared body heat to keep warm and waiting for the storm to pass.

The Storm Finally passed I smoothed out my dress and stood up. The fire was almost burnt out. I re ignited it. Rune and looked at each other not eager to go back to the castle.

Rune looked out "Its finished for now Skyla but if we are going to get back to the Castle in time for your dad's feast. We better get back is our clothes Dry yet."

"They are almost dry and thanks for training me on my swords."

"Anytime Sky your doing quite well i was just messing with you when you said you cheated. Your a quick study."

"Thank you Rune"

He gathers his black pants and Tunic and walked towards the door. I gathered my dress and pulled up my skirts as we started back towards the Castle.
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An Audiance with the King:

Arathorn rode up the levels of Minas Tirith. He came to pinnicale were long over shot ledge pointed out like tirangle. Before was large circle with a withered White Tree. Standing gaurd all around it were men in heavy armor that shined brightly like silver under the sun. There faces were even covered to conseal their indentity. In their hands they held great tall spears and at their side hung royal swords of Gondor. Arathorn passed them with ease, for they seemed to recognize him even though he was clad in rags and ranger clothing. Arathorn slowly directed his horse to the gates to the great hall. There two gaurs were posted in similar fashion only they worn eleborate helms that looked almost like silver crowns with blue gems in the center.

They stopped Arathorn briefly, but when they saw his face and the hood had been removed to show his ears they withdrew their spears and returned to their posts. Arathorn dismounted and krept up to the great doors. His heart pounded and his face grew even more bright. Then one of the gaurs came to the doors and opened them. A flash of light blinded Arathorn for a moment as he drew isnide. All around him was white marble, and on each side he saw the figures and stautes of anicent kings of Westnesse. He looked upon them with joy, his heart had long to seem them again. Then a distance before him was the white throne, the Throne of Gondor. It dazzled before Arathorn like pearls. He approached it in reverance with his head bowed. Upon it were ancient runes that fotold the line of great kings. He placed his hand upon the right arm and felt the smooth stone.

A part of him felt the desire to sit upon it, but he resisted as if some swift warning or alarm had warned him not to. Then turning he saw chamber beyond with half lite light streaming from beneath a door. He walked over to it and opened the door gently. Inside was simlar room laden with whitre marble walls, wooden tables were set by a long and wide been laden with white sheets and a black comforter with white tree symbol upon it. Undernath the covers was sickly looking elderly man. His hair was greyish silver and his face was pale. Upon his brow lade a silver crown with distinct gems of ruby, shapphire and emerald. Arathorn drew closer to his bed side and looked upon him with sadness. Suddenly the Elderly man stirred and looked up at gruff young man clad in green lodings. He uttered "Arathorn? Arathorn is that you?" Arathorn took the elderly man's hand and said "Yes.. father it is me"

The Elderly man began to try sit up too look better upon him. At last he stretch out his hand and tocuhed Arathorn's face. Then with smile he said "It does my heart great joy to see you.. my son" "I have heard news of you crossing into the Eregion and over the Misty Moutains.." "I have also heard recent news of you travelnig west.. to were I wasn't told.." Arathorn bowed his head a little and said "I was traveling to Mordor.. tracking a group of Easternlings.." At the mention of black lands the Elderion suddered and pain sank deep within his chest. After a cough Eldarion asked "And what did you find in the black lands,, my son?" Arathorn's face became overshadowed as he spoke "Dark tidings.." With a pause Arathorn continued. "I have learnt that the Nazgul have returned and are now preparing the remenants of Sauron's armis for war.." "They are lead by the Chief Nazgul whom they call the Shadow.." "He promises to turn the lands over Middle earth into darkness and to bring forth an Ancient Power.."

Arathorn paused again and then said "I heard ntohing more.. save that they were seeking an artifact to summon this power.." Arathorn's words greived the King. Hsi face grew even more paler. Wrinkles plauged his brow. Eldarion laid silent for a while taking in all that his son had told him. Then finally he spoke. "These tidings are indeed grave.." "Long have I forseen the Shadow rising in the west.. beyond the black mountains.." "I fear that the House of Gondor cannot stand against this threat alone.. we msut summon aid from all are allies.." "THe beacons must be lite.. Rohan must be warned.." Arathorn nodded. The King coughed again and then said "Adn the dwarves.. they must be called.." "We shall need their numbers and brute strength to beat back the shadow.." Arathorn objected to this. "But my King.. the dwarves have been out of contact for years.." "They been busy in their moutains digging and seeking treausres.." Part of Arathorn's reaction to mention of Dwarf aid was his elven blood, thought he knew the tales of Gimli a noble dwarf thatm ade peace with elves and even was the cloest friend of Legolas, he still distrusted dwarves.

The King coaughed some more and said "Don't be too hasty my son.." "I realize you have mistrust of dwarves.. that only comes natural through your blood.." "But you must see past your own predgious and think of tactics.." "Are numbers are not enough even combined with Rohan to hold an afront from the remenants of Orcs and the soldiers of Mordor.." "And with the return of Nazgul I'm afraid we will need more than just soldiers.. we shall need magic.." "That which we lack.. for most of the wise skilled in the arts of such things have passed over the White Shores.." "But don't fret my son.. for their still is hope.. my father saw such times.. and now I dare say we shall too.. and when I mean we I mean you.." Arathorn looked at Eldarion oddly. "It is time my son.. to put aside the ranger and become whom you were born to be.." "It is time you took up the blade of Elessar and lead the people of Gondor.." Eldarion with all his strength sat up. Arathorn tried to help him, but Edlarion ressisted and walked over to cubbered.

Anduril Flame of the West

Opening the cubered he grasped ahold of something wrapped and long in length. He drew it into the light unwrapping it and presented it before Arathorn. It was a sword. From the pummel to the hilt and beyond it shined like silver. The handle was ebony and as Eldarion drew the blade out of it's sheath it revealed a steel that shimmered in the light. Along the blade was etched runes in the Quenya language. At the bottom of the blade was the sun and at the tip was the moon which symbolized Elendil. the runes read "Nanye Anduril i ne Narsil i macil Elendilo. Lerucvanten i mali Mordereo. In the common tounge it reads "I am Anduril, who was Narsil, the sword of Elendil. Let the thralls of Mordor flee me." Eldarion holding with both hands trembled. He then offered it to Arathorn who looekd upon it in awe. He had seen his father carry it at his side many time and even ride out with it in hand. But now his father offered it to him. His brith right, the sword of Elendil reforged. Arathorn too trembled as he took ahold of it.

It's weight was surprisingly light as he held it erect and looked at the runes upon the blade. Arathorn's coutance changed once again. For he did not look like ranger holding hierloom, but a Prince who was beeing offered a kingdom. Arathorn's heart beat ever loudly. His breath was stolen away as he held Anduril. But alas his insecurity overcame him and he said "but father.. you can't give me this.. you are still king and might need it yet.." Eldarion laughed and then coughed. "You know I am too old and frale to wield it now.. it is better that you now carry it son.." "And besides my days are numbered as king.." "Soon you shall have the crown beset upon your brow.." "Soon you will govern the fate of Gondor.." Arathorn sighed and placed the blade back in it's sheath. Arathorn was conflicted inside. Apart of him felt ready to take his brith right and become King of Gondor,, but another part of him longed to remain free able to make his own decisions without affecting a kingdom.."

"But as he glacned between Anduril and his father.. finally the zeal cam over him.. He felt something stir in him. Arathorn then on oen knee took his father's frale hand and said "Father.. I shall do whatever you wish.." "If you desire I take my place upon the throne.. I shall do it" Eldarion lowered himself to his son's level and embraced him in a hug, "All I ask Arathorn.. is that you fallow your heart and become what you were born to be.." "I know there is greatness in you my son.. and I am saddened that Is hall onyl see glimpse of it.." Arathorn tighten his embrace with his father and said with tears rollnig down his face "I shall take Anduril.. and when the time is right.. the throne of Gondor.." "I shall amke you proud father.." "I shall make the House of Elendil proud.." With these words Arathorn felt release in inside. A weight seemed to lift as he finally embraced his destiny..
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Roherrim Riders

Legolas watched Skyla he can always tell when she goes into flashback her countenance changes and she lets her hair down her care lines go away from her face lights up. She seems to look more beautiful when she is in flashbacks more then anything.

Skyla and Legolas Heard hoof beats Skyla bought herself back to the present and heard swords draw She pulled out her swords and crossed them.

Legolas stands up hits he head on the cave mouth and traces his hands over it. He leaps up. His elven eyes see the riders loyal to Rohan surround them. Rune of the riders addresses him Rune drew his sword.

"What do three elves have in Rohan What is your business. Are you friend or foe."

"Riders of Rohan We are freinds Loyal to The King of Rohan and of Middle Earth My name is Skyla and this is my cousin Legolas and this is Haldir of Lorian. We come to bring news of new threat to middle Earth and to find allies. We are also to help put The rightful king in his place after the current king dies he is old and ill with age."

Legolas Sir we mean no harm we are just trying to find our way to Gondor to alert the King and to be sure the Heir of Aragorn Elesser is on his throne. We intend to help bring him there his grandfather is a Old and Dear friend of mine Aragorn"

"How do we know your on our Side Elf Queen?"

"You will just have to take my word for it" Skylas eyes filled with fire how could he think that. Skyla wondered but she never takes sides.

The lead rider that was addressing them his eyes met Skyla's He knew a lovely elf queen from a long time ago. It can't be her he touched his heart war Changes a Man.

The Darkness of the last 20 years Hardened his heart and the Shadow has changed him and War has took away any of his childhood and teen memories of the lovely maiden.

Skyla shook her head "IT can't be him can it she sensed the same power and love in his eyes that Rune had. But she didn't believe it was him.

Legolas saw it in his cousins eyes He looked at her "Is that him the one you have flashbacks and dream of Skyla"

Skyla looked at Legolas I can't be sure Legolas but he certainly seems familiar enough. Her eyes lingered on him for awhile.

Rune: Gentleman i trust her lets take them to Edoras give them a nice meal and a bed for the night then we will decide what to do with them.

How much he wanted to find out if this maiden Elf Witch Skyla Queen of the East is his former love? His eyes lingered on her taking in her eyes and slender build. How much he wanted to run his fingers thru her dark blond locks again.

Sir shall we ride on one of his lieutenant's said

Legolas we have our horses Sir

Legolas and Skyla mounted them.

Rune: Yes Lieutenant Sir Rune of the Roherrim Prince Legolas
Ride on Riders of the Roherrim.

Skyla followed Rune at a far distance why is he cold to her why is he hiding at her like that. He must be spellbound Skyla thought.

Legolas Come Skyla you will get behind. Skyla whispered some words in elvish in her horses ear and picked up speed.
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The Halls of Rohan:

Meanwhile Arathorn talked a while longer with his father. Afterwards Arathorn finally made the decision to ride for Rohan. "I will make for Rohan at once and speak with the King.." he said. Eldarion was now laying back on his bed and nodding. "Yes go teel the King of Rohan the tidings you have shared with me.." "Don't be timid.. you are the future king.. carry yourself like one.." Arathorn nodded and said "I will father.." Eldarion then called Arathorn to his side. He placed his hands on his shoulders and said "Now go my son.. leave me.. and fallow the road of destiny.." Arathorn embraced his father once more and said fair well. As he left the chamber he turnedo ncem ore to look upon his father. He knew that this may indeed be the last time he would see him alive. Arathorn pressed past his sorrowful feelings and entered the hall.

As he marched foward he turned to look upon the throne. It seemed for moment that time froze as he gazed upon it. He saw a vision of himself clad in royal robes of black and silver with crown upon his brow. He saw the vision of mighty man whom sat upon the throne with dignity and honor. He was clad with both wisdom and strength. The Vision passed and Arathorn bursted out of the large doors. A Gaurd brought his horse to him at his bidding. Arathorn mounted and took the riens. Then like thunder he and his steed galloped off down the levels of Minas Tirith. People gzed in wonder as by his side hung and jozzled the Sword of the King. For before their eyes they saw their new king. He was not crowned yet, but in heart he had already taken the role. He rode out of the main gates and then turned eastward taking the route of Cair Andros which he had taken before.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now back to Rohan. Haldir was stirred by the noise of the hooves and fallowed Legolas out of the cave. There he and his companions were surrounded by men on horses pointing silver tipped spears at them. Haldir held his hand near the hilt of his sword. He looked upon the Men of Rohan with distaste, yet he said nothing. When the Captain addressed them and in turn heard what Legolas and Skyla had to say Haldir felt that this encounter was going to hinder them greatly. He coudl feel the emotions of Skyla run wild as she looked upon the Captian. She seemed to recongnize him. At last Haldir's fears were conferimed the Captian ordered that they bee taken to Edoras before the King. The ride was rather short and when they came upon Edoras none spoke.

It sparkled golden in the sunlight. It sat on the peak of hill, a multitude of wooden houses and at the peak was a massive structure that towered over the rest on a mound. It was the King's hall. Haldir and his company along with the Rohirrim rode through the front gates. They were eyed by rag tag men and wemon who looked like mostly farmers. Haldir sighed as they grew closer to the peak. He didn't like the feeling of being captive to anyone, especially horse tamers. When they finally reached the Halls of the King, they were met by the Gaurd of Gate. He was clad in full armor with helm that cover the upper half of his face which was copperish brown with a the hint of gold in places. In his hand he bore a long pike with a golden hew. He addressed the Company. "What brings three elves to the Halls of Eorlingas?"
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Skyla Addresses the Guard

Skyla shut her eyes as they arrived in Edoroas the halls were lovely She tried to gather herself

Rune Stepped forward "Guard these are elves they come in peace when ran them down near a old cave. They were shelertin from a strom in the Dark moutians."

His eyes lingered on Skyla wondering if this was in fact her. The women he thought he lost. He felt the spell that the Shadow put on him was breaking. But he gathered himself and addressed the guard again " Put away your weapons Let Them Pass Guard of the gate. They come to bring no harm to the Golden hall . Take them and give them a nice meal."

Skyla Your Captain speaks the truth Guard we come with no harm we come to request help. I am Queen Skyla of Mirkwood we come from the world of the elves. We are noble and fair beings. There is threat out there that we are going to need your help with. This is my cousin Legolas son of thranduil of the woodland realm and Haldir of Lorian."

THe Guard "Captain Rune we will let them Pass"

Skyla and Legolas passed first

Legolas looked at Skyla "A moment please."

Skyla and Legolas walked off to the side

"What is on your mind cousin?"

Legolas looked at Skyla with piercing eyes " You need to clear your feelings for Rune Skyla he is not the same one you see in those flashbacks you might think he is but he is spellbound. Remember his king and himself hold our fate in his hands. You don't know how strong the spell is even if you can break it. We cant afford a delay we must get to Gondor."

Rune walked up and ran his fingers thru Skyla's hair "Care to join me for some refreshment my lady your cousin can come to. He offered Skyla his arm

Skyla Took it as he lead her to the table. He pulled out a chair and when she set down Rune ran his hand down her bare neck and felt tension in her neck he started massaging it. He moved her hair out of the way.

Skyla relaxed and let him do it. She remember how his touch felt but he felt wrong now his hands were callus and a workers and warrior's hands which was the same. But his touch felt like something was holding him back.

"Your quite lovely Queen Skyla i am surprised no one has snatched you up"

"I am bound to a vow from my first lover but sadly we can't be any more. then freinds"

Legolas watched How him and Skyla reacted together seem to like its forced at least from Rune's side. He reached for his bow but he realizes the guards when they arrived took there weapons away.

He doesn't trust Rune one bit even if this was Skyla's Lover. He can't afford the Queen to be distracted by him He doesn't want this to delay them from there mission.

He walked up and set by Skyla seeing him massage her neck and shoulders.
he watched Rune out of the corner of his eye.

Rune: don't you trust me Prince Legolas i assure you no harm will Come to Lady Skyla i will see to that myself. Now Enjoy the meal the King and his daughter will be in shortly." Rune set down across from Skyla never taking his eyes off the lovely Queen.
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The King of the Great Hall:

As the rest of his company spent their time relaxing and enjoying a bountiful feast Haldir slipped away. He headed down the hall were he saw two gaurds talking to each other. He stopped for a moment and pulled pouch out of his cloak which revealed three pieces of bread wrapped in leaves. He unwrapped one and bti into the bread. Imediatly he felt refreshed. One of the gaurds approached him and asked "Exuse me.. but what is that?" Haldir turned and offered some to the gaurd replying "It's lembas.. elven bread.. would you like to try some?" The Gaurd replied "No.. no thank you.. I was merely curious." Haldir stopped the Gaurd and asked "May I ask how long we must wait tell we may have audiance with the king?" The Gaurd replied "The King is very busy at present.. he will be able to see you and your kin shortly.."

Suddenly as the gaurd returned to his psot the doors opened. Several stout men clad in fantastic amror exited. Most of them had similar patterns, liek horses and horsmen baring lances on their bresplates and buckles. One of them as he walekd past Haldir eyed him in queer fashion. Haldir didn't care for the look he gave and felt even threated by it. Haldir then saw beyond the wung door a Man standing alone. He looked middle aged. His hair was golden and made into locks. Hsi eyes were brown like cedar wood of the halls and his face was ruff like the rockly hills. Upon his brow was golden crown with carved runes and horse at the front peak. He turned and saw Haldir watching him. Suddenly he ushed him foward. Haldir took the invite and walked past the two guards.

When he was face to face with the King, Haldir's expression became surpised. He looked at the King in wonder and like someone he had known in ages past. Haldir with rolled eye brow inquired "Theodred.. is that you?" The King smiled and held out his hand in gesture and replied "Aye.." He looked at the elf keenly and then said "I thought I recongnized you standing in the hall.." "Haldir.. my old friend.." Haldir now did something unlike his nature, he embraced the King in hug and said "Long has it been since you visited Lorien.. I hath missed your company greatly.." King Theodred nodded and said "Aye.. I hath missed both you and the White wood.." "How fares the Realm of Lorien?" Haldir with grave expression replied "Not well.." "It has grown grey and gloomy since the Elves have parted over the White Shores.." Theodred sighed and replied "That is unhappy news indeed."

Hladir interjected "That I'm afraid is only the half of what tidings I wish to share with you.." "But they must wait tell later.." Theodred smiled and said "Very well.. but answer me this.. why hath you come so far south from your land?" Haldir with still gravel ook replied "I have come with two other of my kin to go to Gondor.." "To seek the Heir of Elessar" Theodred mumbled a bit and then said "That leaves me with only more questions.. but I am glad of your coming even if it is to bare ill tidings.." Haldir smiled another wonder in itself "I am glad now to be here.. my friend."
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Rune 's Discontent

Rune set there watching Skyla Sipping the wine and being ever watchful not for him but everywhere.

Eating Daintily like elves eat. She picked a piece of Bread and slightly broke it from her pouch. Lembas Rune thought.

He worried about this Legolas Charecter that was always by her side protecting her. The Skyla he remember which was just fading right now if this was even the same girl. Didnt have a bodyguard or was related to anyone that he knew of. Legolas acted like her bodyguard and adviser. He felt a twinge of jealously towards this Elf. That he is so close to her. Why does he feel this way.

Legolas looked at him "Rune there is nothing to fear from me I am not in love with Skyla I am merely her adviser and friend and companion on this journey she is my cousin there is nothing between us. So your jealousies are unfounded.

Legolas looked at Rune "What bought you to Rohan and into Roherrim Captain Rune?

Rune It was after i met this lovely girl i promised i would marry her then i got called off to war and i didn't see her again. I was fighting and the rest of my knights broke off and retreated i kept fighting. Then i was hit on the head and I was kidnapped in battle and carried to a dark place I remember vaguely muttered voices that sounded more like growling and a smell of sulpher and fire."

Skyla looked at him "this girl where did you meet her?"

" I Met her in a elven village near Mirkwood. I promised i would marry her someday. I told her some things about myself i don't regularly share in ever day life. She was young and beautiful she said she was in line to be queen I really felt she was the one Skyla and it haunts me till this day.

Legolas : you said you were kidnapped by who Orcs Uruks?"

Why are you so curious about this Legolas? It was monsters bearing a white Hand

Skyla It was Uruk's

Rune I remember a white wizard with a long beard and he carried a staff with somthing like a flame in it or a ball with four prongs.

He held it up and pointed at me and he placed his hand to my eyes and said some jibberish then all my memories of being what i was faded. My memories Was gone about the girl and anything up to here.

I escaped and arrived here. The king asked me to command his horseman. That is how i got here. I couldn't refuse to help someone i am a person that likes to help and i know i can handle a blade."

Skyla It sounds like a memory charm Captain Rune Which is easy to break. It might be tricky and some adjustment to be done Rune but i could break it and you could be normal again and maybe find this girl that is haunting your heart and mind.

"You know how to break it Queen Skyla I Beg with you to set this lose from me Then you can see me in my right mind." I will be indebted to you all the rest of my life. If you break this enchantment." Rune walked off to get us all some more drinks.

Legolas looked at Skyla you really think you can break him of it ?

"Skyla i don't know if i don't try Legolas but I want to be prepared before i cast it"
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The Craft of Morgoth:

Deep within Mordor The Shadow or Morgoth did not toil. He began at once assembling and ordering his servants to and fro. He called the Nazgul together and ordered them to take their horses and spy out the eastern country. He wanted to know every move the Men of Gondor and Rohan made. Then Morgoth fled Minas Morgul on his foul flying beast. He headed toards Mount Doom. The fires of the moutains hurrled int othe air like comets in the sky. Smoke bellwoed and covered the sky around it with ring. Morgoth flew and landed on the Mount. He then left he flying beast on ledge of sharp rock and headed further up the mount. Above he saw a crack in the rock that looked distinctly like a door.

He krept up to it and entered. Inside he walked across a bridge of dark stone. Bellow it he saw lake of lava that hissed and crackled. He peered upon it and clutching his grauntlet he bellowed something in foul tounge that none now alive could translate. The magma boiled and churned. He began speaking more in the foul tounge. The magma rose higher and began to churn and twirl like a cyclone. Then with a foul tone he uttered "Embrak nagth Belrog!" The funnel of magma rose high agove him like spray of the ocean. It began to take form. A Shadow was caste around it with flames scorching the outer parts of it's form. It had large horns firey nostrels and wings like the shadow of twilight. It was massive, nearly twenty feet. It's mouth when it open spat forth coals. Smoke bellowed from it's nostrils and it's eyes burned red like the runes of Morgoth's ring.

The firey creature leaned in closer to look at him and then hissed cuasing coals to rain down on him. Morgoth stretched forth his hand and put it upon the creature's head. The Creatured burned and flung back in agony. Morgoth shouted with terrible tone "Belrog of my bosom.. serve me!" Suddenly firey chains rose and wrapped around the creature. The Firey Demon moaned and growled in anger. The end of chain fell before Morgoth's feet, he leaned over and grasped it. Then he pulled on it cuasing the chain to tighten around the beast's neck. It groaned and thne submitted. Then bridle on a horse he dragged the beast out of the deep bowls of Mount Doom. The creature form changed into a wave of fire and then passed through the rock with it's master.

Once on the outside it took it's orginal form again and growled loudly. Morgoth then ordered it to stay put. He then returned within the boughs of Mount Doom. Again the foul tounge echoed from within. Morgoth then created a second Belrog and bid it join the other. This did not comfort the other Firey Demon for it loved nothing.. infact it knew nothing of love.. only hate. Morgoth created a third which was far fouler and more wicked than the other two. It's spirit was like that of it's maker and it appearance was different from the rest. It's shadow as more vivid and it's flames were of darker red. It approached the others with haughtyness if you could call it that. The other two seemed to quiver in it's presence. Morgoth returned from the Boughs of the Firey mountain and then joined his new creations.

He returned to his flying beast and took to flight again. The tree titian firey beasts fallwoed him like vangaurd. The two of simlar fashion stayed behiend the third, which walked unchained.. unleashed upon the Black Lands...
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The Kings court

Legolas watched Rune go and wiped his face "Skyla it sounds like Saruman was behind his Charm. But i thought Wormtougue killed him In the shire.

SKyla stood up and Gathered Her cape around her. Wiping her hands and face off as well. "The memory charm might be disconnecting it from him the details. But what if this ancient power had something to do with it This new evil beget him back for that. As well as everything else that is taken shape. But we don't know how long he could have been under Saurman's charm. The last time i saw him Legolas was almost 19 years ago. He was in his right mind then.

The servants starting cleaning up the dishes. Rune came to them

"The King wishes you to come to his court now Your Majesty come I will show you the way to the throne room. Here is your weapons back as well."

HE handed me my quiver and twin swords and Legolas his arrows and Bow and Knives. When he handed me my bow our hands brushed again and I felt warm. I put the bow and quiver over my shoulder and adjusted my green cape around me.

WE followed him He lead us to the throne Room we bowed before the King.

"Your majesty i am Queen Skyla of the Elves this is my adviser and friend and Kin Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm."

Legolas bowed before him as well.
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Arathorn's Arrival:

Beyond the plains of Edoras a rider appeared on the horizon. He was clad in green and rode on black stallion. The look upon him was oddly kingly as he aprpoached West Emnet. Gaurds at Edoras saw him approaching, they scurreyed to and fro sounding horns. Suddenly the gates opened and several riders rode out to meet him. Arathorn kept his hands on the riens. The Rohirrim surrounded him, onyl a small group they kept tight nit together. One of them spoke "What brings a Ranger to Riddlemark alone and why so close to the King's halls?" Arathorn smiled with his hands in surrender. "I have come to speak with the king.." "I am Arathorn Son of Eldarion Heir to Elessar." The Rohhiirm stayed unflentched. The Litenute bellow "How do we know you speak the truth?"

Arathorn suddenly with oen swift move unsheathed anduril and displayed it before them. They Rohirrim thrusted their spears clsoer to Arathorn. "Behold.. Anduril Flame of the West.. forged from the shardes of Narsil and born by Knig Elessar and my father Eldarion." Arathorn then with stern look said "This should be proof enough that I speak the truth.." The Litenute ordered his men stand down. "Many apologies.. you must forgive my questioning" "There have been strange folk abroad and not many rangers can be trusted.." Arathorn smiled and replied as he sheathed the legendary blade "You have my forgiveness.. now please take me hence to the king.." The Litenunte ordered his men into formation as he lead Arathorn to Edoras. Once within the wooden walsl they climbed many banks litered with houses and people on all sides.

When they reached the top Arathorn dismounted and flalwoed Litenute inside. As he walked into the mighty halls he glanced at figure walking towards him. She was fair maiden. Her hair shone golden like the sun during the dawn, her eyes were hazel like the autumns and her face was fair even by elven standards. She was clad in a beautiful dress of white and ebony. The white sprakrled like diamonds and the black bore the design of stallion running free. Her name was Eowa Daughter of the King. She looked upon Arathorn with a passing glance. Her lips rustled to a smile and her face became colored like if to blush. Arathorn still wlakig turned to give her another glance. Arathorn then mustered all his will to turn back his gaze. He then fallowed the Litenute to the clsoed doors in the hall. The Litenute spoke with the gaurds and they seemd to argue for a while.

The Litenute then with a grave look said "You may enter. .though the King is already in session with other guests.." "Howver you must leave you weapon.. for it has nto been approved by the grace of the King.." Arathron's eyes flicked with discontent. Arathorn said "I will not hand my sword over.. instead I shall wait and have private audiance with the King.." "when my sword is allowed to be by my side.." The Litenute nodded and replied "Very well.. you may wait here i nthe hall or in the kitchien." Arathorn nodded and said "I woudl prefer to wait outside.." The Litenute nodded and said "Very well.. I shall come and summon you when the King has finished with his other quests.."

Arathorn then turned around and headed back down the hall. He stepped outside were he too ka wiff of fresh air. As he peered around the the hillside he looked at the thatched houses and people going to and fro. IT was busy place, yet it felt solemnly peaceful. Suddenly Arathorn felt his peace interupted when he turned and saw the Maiden he had seen in the hall. She had sweet expression on her face. She turned and eyed Arathorn with beauitful smile. She approached Arathorn without temdiity and inquired. "Your a ranger.. arn't you?" Arathorn nodded and said "Yes.. I am" Eowa smiled brightly and said "I haven't met many rangers.." "Most are too busy to talk.." Arathorn nodded and said "Yes.. most rangers are busy with pressing errands.." Eowa said "So what brings you to the Halls of Edoras?"

Arathorn turned to look her in eye and smiled "An errand.." Eowa chuckled "Shocking.. trully shocking" she said in sarcastic tone. Arathorn nearly broke into chuckle himself. Eowa with her sweetness then asked "S odo you have land you call your own or are you wanderer like most rangers.." Arathorn paused for a moment and then replied "Actually I come from the Land of Gondor.." Eowa face perked as she said "Facinating!" "So your Gondorian Ranger?" Arathorn smiled slyly and replied "Something like that.." Eowa looked deeper int ohis eyes and could tell he was hiding somting. Suddnely a wind crept up and his hair flocked up revealing the points of his ears. Eowa gasped and said "Your an elf?!" "A Elven Ranger?" "Goodness me you are intresting fellow.." Arathorn with kidn tone corrcted her "I'm only a half elf.." Eowa still in wonder said "A Half Elf.. I don't believe I've ever heard of one nor met one"

Arathorn smiled and said "Well now you have.." Eowa smiled and as she surveyed Arathorn she ntoiced that besides his elven qaulities there was certain countance or presence with him. It did not feel like that of ranger.. rather like that of royality. For Eowa knew the feeling well. Arathorn had captured her interest and in turn Arathorn felt the same. Suddenly the Litneute came and interupted their little friendly chat. Arathorn with bow bid Eowa fairwell.. but before he left he asked "Wait.. my lady I didn't catch your name.." Eowa smiled and said "My name is Eowa.." Arathorn felt his ears buzz like if a beautiful melody had been uttered in his ear. Then he replied "It was pleasure to meet you my lady.. my name is Arathorn.." Then he turned and fallowed the Litenute inside. Eowa blushed and thought 'What an intiguing man.. Arathorn that name is familair..'
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