The Lost Princess of Cair Paravel :Playing Thread

This is the playing thread for The Lost Princess of Cair Paravel, where we play with our characters and form the story as we journey through the magical world of Narnia. If you have any questions,please post in the casting thread and keep occ's to a mininum. Remember to follow the rules and have fun.


~Elizabeth Pevensie aka Angela

Elizabeth Pevensie looked up at the towering Kirke Mansion in the English countryside. Her great grandfather owned the mansion and had given it to Elizabeth. It was an old little mansion in the English countryside but, Elizabeth had loved coming up during the summer time and see the Pevensie children. She was close friends to all of them but, closer to Peter . She and Peter had been friends a long time and go to school together. She smiled breathing in the fresh air as she walked along the cobble stoned path to hte enterance of the house.

"Here we are, home sweet home."
"Elizabeth!" shouted Peter from the doorway of the mansion. "Susan! Ed! Lu! Elizabeth's here!" shouted Peter into the mansion. Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie ran to the door to great Elizabeth. "Welcome to our humble home," said Peter, bowing in a teasing manner to Elizabeth.
"After you madam," he retorted jokingly. They ran inside and up the stairs to the bedroom where Elizabeth was to be staying. "Your royal chambers await madam!" Peter said, opening the door.
Deep in the relam of Narnia, the world has repeated its self by living under a strick ruler and waiting for their beloved heros to come again and save them all from the Snow Queen

" No your lying! You can't say that Charlie! Why are you telling me this! Its not true. How can she be my worst enemie but at the same time, the person i want to love!" Ara gripped at the tree trunk. The air was quite and not a thing moved. Everything, everyone was shocked and felt confused.
In a house down the road from that of the Kirke family was a small cottage that was home to the unusual Plunkett family. A young boy was plowing the garden in the strange house's front yard, using a hand-held hoe. The house was small, made of brick and wood with a shackle roof and very small. Only about three bedrooms and one bathroom, it was tiny. A stone walkway led up to the house's oak door. But to the point...

The lad working in the garden was named Daniel Plunkett. He was one of the last few mortals with faerie's blood, but was something he never told anyone. But even if he did, it wouldn't matter. Daniel figured no one would've believed him anyhow. He sat in the soil in a pair of overalls, plowing rows for his mum so she could plant her accursed marigolds. A sigh escaped his lips as he broke into a sweat. "I hate working the garden." "Why couldn't Mum come do this herself?"

A few hours and he was finally finished. Daniel stood up and wiped the sweat from his brow, before putting his hoe in a bucket and going inside the house. His Mum was standing at the sink, washing dishes and just looking out the window like she had no sense of what was going on. Daniel knocked on the doorframe to get his mother's attention. "Mum? Mum!" he said, getting louder and louder in his Soprano-pitched voice. Josephine Plunkett was snapped out of her daydream and turned to her son with a smile on her face. "Yes, dear?" she said.

"I'm finished with the garden work, Mum." the boy told her. Josephine nodded and turned to the sink. "Daniel dear, I'd like you to go to the Kirke's manor down the road and give them this basket of goodies I made." "We need to get more accquainted with our neighbours." "But Mum, do I have to?..." "Yes, Daniel." He sighed and walked next to his mother, who gave him a basket. Peering inside, Daniel saw that there was some tea sandwiches, some tea packets, and some small cakes.

With that, the lad kissed Mum goodbye and left his small house to go to the Kirke house. He stopped on the way to look at himself. He'd luckily managed to change out of his work clothes and was dressed in a collared shirt and khaki shorts with his knee-high socks and brown shoes. Daniel's 'journey' ended at the door of the Kirke house. Clearing his throat, he knocked on the door, awaiting an answer.
Peter rushed down to the door, hoping it was Susan and Lu, just playing a pratical joke. Heswung the door open and there stood an odd looking boy that Peter had recognized as the Kirke's nextdoor neighbor, Daniel Plunkett. "Are you looking for Elizabeth?" Peter asked the boy.
Daniel had been standing at the door, awaiting an answer from whoever lived in the house when the door had opened and a tall boy with sandy-brown hair standing there, and then asking him if he was searching for Elizabeth. "Who?" he asked. "Oh, my family just moved into the area from Manhattan and Mum wanted me to bring you all this basket." He was about to hand the boy at the door the basket filled with the tea and the cakes and the sandwiches when a smaller boy with black hair followed next to his brother (as Daniel assumed they were).

"My name's Daniel Plunkett-we moved next door just earlier this week from the States, and (repeating himself), Mum wanted me to give you this basket." With that, he handed it to Peter and stood, wondering whether he should go on home or stay to see what was with these strange people.
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"Oh! Well then welcome to the area," Peter said and set the basket down on a table next to him. "Oh! I'm sorry! Please! Do come in!" Peter said, gesturing into the house. "Elizabeth!" Peter called, "Your new nextdoor neighbor has arrived to say hello! Won't you come down and join us!" Peter looked at Edmund. "Ed, can you go and see if Lucy and Susan went in the spare room by any chance?" asked Peter.