The Lost Princess of Cair Paravel :Playing Thread

Daniel was about to speak when he heard strange noises from upstairs. "What could all that bloody fuss and racket be about?" he asked himself. Were there house guests making a rucus? Or intruders into the mansion? These questions pricked his mind as Elizabeth instructed they go investigate for themselves. The boy nodded as he followed her up the stairs and down the main hall to the entrance of what she referred to as 'the spare room'.

Daniel followed her into the room as she'd questioned what the situation was. Then his face went white. There was those two boys-Peter and Edmund Pevensie-and two girls-one already there and the other just emerging from the ornate wardrobe that sat against the southern wall. "Oh my word. What the bloody heck is going on?" he said in a voice only above a whisper. Daniel backed away a few steps and looked like he was about to sprint out the room, out the door, and straight home.
ooc: im a tad bit late arent i? im really sorry !!

Susan came running into the spare room.

"Where in the world are-?" she cut off her sentence and saw that everyone was in the spare room.

"What are we all doing here? Peter? Mind giving me an explanation?" she said a little annoyed and confused.
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The young polar bear Coulum walks in front of the crowd.

"I come from the north, in the land of Ettinsmoor at the northern marsh near the breaking of the river Shribble. I am son of the great bear Hahkim. I wish to join you on your travels."
And then Will Moseley and Skandar Keynes (with his red Convers shoes that everyone is freaking out about) came into the Spare Room and everyone started drooling in their midst and started shouting "YOUR SO HOT!!!"

(Okay, sorry, pretend like I never posted this! :D )
Arasten, ran. Snow flying out behind him, legs never seeming to touch the ground. He was hungry, and the rabbit he was after looked like a good meal.
Suddenly he no longer felt the pine branches, but instead the soft brush of fur. But he didn't think about it, he wanted that rabbit, and then, with a quick flash of his teeth he caught it. And banged hard into a boy. He knocked the boy over and released the rabbit in surprize.
He didn't think about the boy, or that he was no longer on snow, he wanted the rabbit, he needed it. He dashed toward the spare room's door knocked over another boy and snapped the rabbit in his jaws.
Then he looked up. And saw to his horror that he had knocked over the High King! His jaw went slack in surprize, and the dead rabbit dropped to the floor.
" I am Ara, wind spirt, and we are all not sure why we are here, but here can only be one reason, to bring you back to Narnia and restore justice!"

The room was now crowded with people she had never seen before. She had to get out of this place!
Susan had her mouth opened as Peter came crashing down the floor being knocked over by a wolf who just placed a dead rabbit on the floor.

"Peter are you alright?" she said helping him up. "you should be more attentive never can know when some animal can show up and pounce on you..." she added on teasingly.

"So, Why are all of you here again? is there something we can help you with?" she asked.
Elizabeth ruened to Peter and Edmund as she looked at them,she was looking at a wolf and various other things from out of the wardrobe. She blinked trying to make the halllicinations go away. She opened her eyes and still saw them. Shocked, she fell to the floor with a swoon, as she became unconcious.
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So there was all these animals in the room, not to mention two girls, all coming from the wardrobe. Plus another girl with black hair, the Pevensie brothers, Elizabeth, and...Daniel. The part-fae stood in a blank gaze at the scene before him. A strange girl that was pale-oh so pale-mentioned that she and the other creatures were there to take them to some place called 'Narnia'.

Daniel spoke out in his Soprano voice very sternly. "What's this...'Narnia' you speak of?" "I've never heard of such a place in my entire life." "Is it a place of fantasy?" "What?" He was about to speak further when Elizabeth collapsed to the wooden floor. "Elizabeth?" "Elizabeth?!"
Susan told everyone to back away and give Elizabeth some breathing room.

"You'll be're just got a little overwhelmed by all this..ermm gathering.." she said calmly kneeling down beside her.

"So is anyone going to explain why theyre here?" she asked again. "Were not going to be able to do anything unless we know some information..."
"What? Sorry?" said Peter, shaking his head, locks flying every which way. He looked at all the creatures in the room. "What are you all doing here? Were you in a hunting party and all fell in here or something? And what is a Tree Spirit doing out of it's tree?" he said to the Tree Spirit. He looked up and Susan, Edmund, and Elizabeth. "Where's Lu?" he asked. He scrambled to his feet and looked around the room, still in amazement.

((Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I have been doing tons of other RPG's! So many! Ah!))
"Oh Lu!! I almost forgot about her.. I was looking around for her until i came into the room and found all of them in here..." she said standing up and walking into the hallway.

"Lu! Come out where ever you are.. I give up looking for you! You win! So please come over here in the spare room. We need you!" she yelled out.
Charlie merely looked at Susan, Edmund, Peter, and the rest in shock. The rulers from the Golden Age! She'd only dreamed of meeting them! Then her attention was turend to Elizabeth.

"She's fainted... poor dear." but then she made her introduction, especially to Peter, High King.

"I am Charlie Conner, your lordship, and fellow majesties. Faithful servent of Aslan, and junior swordswoman of Cair Paravel. I came from Narnia, to say there's darkness afoot. Shant be taken lightly I'm afraid."

To show peace, she immediaely sheathed her sword and made another sweeping bow.

"I- I just... never.. expected to see you all in person" she was positively in awe
"Well, it's nice to meet you Charlie..Maybe you can tell us why everyone decided to gether here today?" Susan asked with a 'this is the last time im going to ask' tone.
" Its not certain why we are all here at the same time your ladyship. We all just tumbled in! But it since we've met you now, we need you back in Narnia. It has become corrupt once again by the" she took a small breath and whispered "Snow Queen" " She is the sister of the White Witch and she has turned Narnia back to what it was before the Golden Age. You are all needed again to help us destroy her"

She turned to the high King Peter " Begin your pardon I am a Wind Spirt not a Tree Spirt" She flicked her fierey red hair past her shoulder and in burned over her tatoo of the secret weapon. She looked down at it and flinched in pain and gripped her shoulder. SHe looked around the room waiting.

" Well," she asked " Are you going to help us? We've got no time to lose, She is already on the move."

"The Snow Queen huh?" Susan replied. "Would you happen to know if Aslan's back?" she asked.

While waiting for a reply Susan asked Edmund to search for Lucy one last time around the house. "We can't leave without her..."

ooc: where is the person playing lucy ???
"I should like to think, that Queen Lucy can get here on her own accord.. Narnia's in a proper bad shape, and I fear it'll only get worse your majesties."

Charlie begged, her hand almost going to her sword in an effort to express how badly she wanted to help. "I've travled past Cair Paravel, Archeland, and the like. I'm a right proper tracker and not to shabby with the sword, my lords and ladies."

She gestured to the wardrobe and then to Peter, Edmund, and Susan and all the rest.

"I can't say if Aslan's returned or not. I've yet to have the honor of meeting him, but I would like to help as soon as possible."
Occ: Come on out Lucy! Do we have a Lucy????

" I don't mean to rush but who knows what Narnia is like now! We must hurry!"

Her shoulder began to burn and she gasped painfully and tumbled to the floor. Everyone looked at her in shock. She had to show them. She pulled the cords to the back of her dress and the fabric slipped from her shoulder. Some gasped "What in the holy name...."