The Lost Princess of Cair Paravel :Playing Thread

No one wanted to know her anymore. Ara quickly sentenced herself top the air and sailed across into a deep part of the forest. She rushed, transparently, through the trees. The passed slowly through her. The familair feeling was wonderfull. The sensation stopped and a soft object brushed past her. She gasped and fadded out of the air and back into mortal form. A large black coat hung from a tree. It was made out of a bear! How appalling! She looked around and saw other coats hanging from the trees. A large group stood ahead of her. She walked slowly towards them until the surrondid her. Her hand came across a wooden door and she slowly pushed it open...and entered the spare room.
Daniel Plunkett was quite surprised when the boy called 'Peter' invited him into the house. He hesitated for a moment, and then spoke up. "Umm...sure. Thank you." he said humbly as he walked past Peter into the main fowyer. "Wow! What a large house!" Daniel said, his mouth agape with wonder.

He figured that whoever this 'Elizabeth' was, she must've either a ) lived in the house with her parent(s) or b ) was an old lady who owned the property. Daniel decided to be proper and removed his coat, wrapping it around his arms as he awaited the arrival of said 'Elizabeth Kirke'.
Elziabeth rushed down the stairs, dresses in a lovely baby blue sun dress. Her dirty blonde hair tied up in a french chingnon.She looked at the boy at the door and smiled politely .

"Oh hello there, I'm Elizabeth Kirke, and you are?"
Daniel had been waiting for whoever Peter was talking about when a tall girl in a blue dress had scurried down the stairs and introduced herself. "So this must be the 'Elizabeth' the boy spoke about." "Oh well, better be polite and speak back." "She is a girl, after all." he thought to himself.

Daniel bowed quickly and replied. "A pleasure to make your accquaintance, Miss Kirke." "I'm Daniel Plunkett-from down the road." "Me family and I just moved into the area from the United States (Manhattan to be more specific) and Mum wanted me to say hello." he finished. Perhaps Mum, Dad, and Grandmum would come over later and not leave Daniel alone at the neighbour's house.
Elizabeth giggled and curtsied at Daniel Plunkett. Boy he is quite an odd one yet, he is nice...oh well, boys will be boys. She smiled politely at Daniel .

"Do come in and please call me Elizabeth."
Daniel gave a faint smile and nodded. "Thanks you...err...'Elizabeth'." he said. Then he cleared his throat and spoke up. "Sorry about that." "I have a tendency to be rather jittery when it comes to meeting new people." "My mum and dad are the same way-I suppose I get it from them." He shrugged and wandered away from Peter and the doorway and into the great fowyer of the house.

"You have quite a large house!" Daniel said, gazing at the height of the ceiling from him to the floor and the stained glass windows and spiraling staircase. "Are you wealthy or something of the sort?" he asked. He couldn't say much, considering his father's crappy job as a milkman and what not.
Ara burst into the a large room and smacked against the floor. She heardvoices outside the door.She looked around to see large bay windows. She stood up and turned around staring at the object she had flown out of. It was somesort of box were people put clothes. She quickly rushed for the door and quietly opened it. She pushed the oak door open and there was a large clatter. She gasped ass the Knight in Armour came crashing to the floor. Silence filled the building and she heard footsteps rush up the stairs!
Peter heard a large crush that came from upstairs. He thought maybe it was Lucy and Susan, so he decided to hurry upstairs, see if it was them, and then come back down. Peter ran up the stairs and into the spare room. There lie a girl, wo obviously had fallen out of the Wardrobe. He also saw little muddy footprints going into the Wardrobe. The Wardrobe door was already open, so he decided to go in after them. He walked smoothly and calmly into the Wardrobe, fully prepared for what he was going to see beyond the fur coats.
Ara rushed back into the room and tripped falling onto the floor. The door swung open and a tall boy rushed in. He glanced down at Ara. She gasped. "The son of Adam, high king Peter!" she whispered. He walked right passed her and into the wardrobe. She picked herself up and walked back into Narnia. She bumped into him and he turned to look at her.
Elizabeth looked at Dan and gave him a friendly smile.He shouldn't be ashamed of being poor if he is.

"My great grandfather owns this manor, I just recently inheirted and so did the Pevensie's, their my friends, there are four of them. Would you like to meet them?"
OOC- I know I'm a bit late ^^'


~Lantern Waste~

Charlie plunged ahead through the forest, wiping the blood of a recently killed enemy from her blade and slowly sheathed it. That was the second time she'd been attacked crossing through the Wastes. Strange. A wolf it seemed like. The blood would be impossible to get off.

I hear there's a passage to another world from here.... the high king....?

Curious, and forgetting for a moment she was in narnian attire, Charlie plunged through the thicket of trees, until branches gave way to fur coats and earth trodden land to hard wood floors.
OoC: Sorry I haven't been posting, I have after all been busy with my own RPG.

Edmund excused himself with Elizabeth and went upstairs to the room where Peter had gone. He opened the door and found Peter and what looked to be a Wind Spirit. Edmund went near Peter. "Hello there, However did you get here?" said Edmund to the Wind Spirit.
"Interesting." Daniel nodded. Twas' a strange looking house, though nothing short of the Tudor style that he'd seen in the area. "Excuse me for a moment." he said as he turned and strode to the door, picking up Mum's basket. The lad swung it onto his arm and re-walked back to the stairwell. "This I think was intended for you." "A welcoming present from the Plunkett family...I guess." said he as he gave it to her.

"The 'Pevensies'? You mean those two boys that I met at the door?" Ummm....sure." "No problem with that." Daniel replied with a warm grin. He found them to be a bit on the...well...'odd' side, but meh. Meeting new people was a good thing, right?
Elizabeth smiled and looked at the basket of goodies. She moved her blonde hair out of the way as she walked to the kitchen and placed the basket down on the counter and came back.

"Peter and Ed, their good friends, please come inside."
Daniel watched as Elizabeth had taken the basket from his hand and headed off some where. His gaze could only wander around the rather large foyer. What other sort of mysteries did this house hold? Maybe secret passages or rooms? It most certainly could've had some, as, judging by the house's interior/exterior, must've of been built pre-19th century. It could very well have been a mediaeval house at one time. Whatever the case, he saw Elizabeth come back and tell him the names of the two boys.

"A pleasure to meet them." Daniel nodded. "And thank you!" he finished for the invitation. He took off his coat and hung it on a coat rack, the proceeded further into the foyer.
Elizabeth smiled at Daniel as she followed Daniel. She moved her hair out of her face and heard a noise coming from upstairs. She turned to Daniel.

"Come on, lets go investigate that noise coming from the spare room."
Ara gasped as a new boy stepped into the closet. "Hello there, However did you get here?"
It was King Edmund!
" Threw the door." She said and pointed towards the back of the wardrobe. " You don't know how much you are all needed."
Liz went into the spare room and saw Peter and Edmund, with someone she didn't recognize. She looked at them.

"Whats going on, I heard a bangging noise in here."
Charlie poked and prodded through the fur coats that were snowy trees moments ago. Her sword was dragging her down, she she slipped itfrom her belt and used it to part the offending objects in her path.

"bloody all, by Aslan's mane.. where am I? Ow!"

Charlie's sword reached open air and then she herself stepped out of the wardrobe with an utterly dazed and confused look on her face.

"I- I don't think I'm in by Latern Waste or Cair Paravel... anymore.... oh boy....."

Slowly, Charlie began resheathing her sword and looked around at the room and the wardrobe.

"Ummm..... yikes.... oh boy...."

She never felt more alone or out of place in her entire life. With her thin breeches, and Dwarf woven shirt and chainmail, and dwarfish sword hanging at her side.