The OFFICIAL Paperb'nites Thread

How am I know fun? I can't swoon over my boys in kilts?

Of course you can.But Keith rocks.
I prefer to swoon over one in particular. ;) I <3 Keithy...
OMG I'm really mad at some Damian fans right now though... Nothing against Damian but some of his fans can be so annoying.
I KNOW!!Mcginty fans are crazy people.
*shrugs* I <3 them all. To choose a favorite wold be too hard.

All my guys are retro.:p

^Robert Conrad was HANDSOME!


^And young Clint Eastwood is absolute love.
Can fictional characters count as Paperboys? Because I sort of have a thing for Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon and Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. LOL

(the Hiccup thing is partly b/c I like the actor who does his voice, Jay Baruchel, who also happens to be the apprentice in The Sorcerer's Apprentice movie. :rolleyes: :p)