The Order of the Can (Do not delete!)

SHRED THEM!!!! (I mean, oops...shred their tin foil, anyhow...) And Heaven save us FROM THE TINSEL!!!!

*runs and hides* *courage prevails, comes out of hiding to defend The Can from the tinselers* I hate this time of year - at least as a member of the Brotherhood of The Can! :eek:
AAUUGGGHH!!! What do they infect people with? Oh right, laughing... RUN! No wait, the duffers like laughing....but it's OUR job to make people laugh, not some beetles'...

(did that make any sense at all?)
You will never defeat the Mods. Among their number are some of the most loyal the the Can! Therefore the Can will protect them. :D

I told them that the Great Can would not be happy with an uprising against the mods, the Can himself told me that he loves you Dernhelm. Besides without our mods, the site would not run as smoothly, and we could not get bad things deleted.
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I am torn...errr...ripped down the middle.......... But I think my Canly loyalty must come will leave the rebellion.... But there'd better be some good compensation!

OUCH!!! Never mind, no compensation necessary!
I am part of the Brotherhood of the Can now, YAH!!!!!!
aah, they gave us Spell Check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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THEY DID WHAT???? Actually, I think that's a good thing, but don't tell THEM that!

Anyhow, congratulations BT! Excellent achievement, bravo, bravo....;) Now thou shalt be an even MORE dedicated headache-giver..... (headache-giver...synonimous with hammer...thou shalt be an even more dedicated hammer...)
aah, they gave us Spell Check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Wow! there's a lot more things here. I like it. There are either teaching us or they are giving in the season of giving.