You mean like:
Alien: *appears*
Olorinsesss: Hello, strange-yet-not-as-strange-as-i-am creature, i'm Olorinsesss, what do you do for a living?
Alien: *zapps Olorinsesss* *turns around, sign becomes viseble*
Sign: *says: 'the official zapp Olorinsesss' alien*
Or more like:
Alien: *appears*
Olorinsesss: Hello, i...
Alien: *eats Olorinsesss*
Or like:
Alien: *appears*
Olorinsesss: Hello, i am... WAIT A SECOND!
Alien: *turns out to be Lieke in alien suit* *pushes Olorinsesss off a cliff*
Olorinsesss: there's no gravity here...
Lieke: *pushes Olorinsesss so hard he get into the atmosphere*
Or did you mean:
Alien: *doesn't appear at all*
Olorinsesss: Haha, got you, didn't i?
Or perhaps:
Alien: *is a whale*
Olorinsesss: Hey, are you a whale?
Alien: I don't know, am i? *falls on Olorinsesss*
Olorinsesss: *is crushed...
Or actually more like:
Alien: *appears*
Olorinsesss: So, what are you going to do, kill me, eat me...?
Alien: *bows* Oh, great came-out-of-nowhere, you are our master!!!
Group of aliens: *appears and bows*
Olorinsesss: Well, i kinda like this...
Alien: We will worship you forever
Olorinsesss: well, okay...
Alien: and therefore we will kill that stupid thing on your chin
Olorinsesss: WHAAA, IS IT A BUG?
Alien: No, it's the beard *kills it*
Olorinsesss: now i have nothing to live for anymore *dies*
Aliens: *cries*
Whale: *appears*
Aliens: You are our master
Whale: *crushes them*