The Order of the Can II

*giant hole with spikes at the bottom opens in front of MR* *MR falls in* *hole closes*
*is a ghost*
*floats away and haunts olorin*
you don't belong where The Can is??? then what is the purpose of your life??? has The Can banned you??? how uncomparably tragic... i am sorry indeed.

*lets can illuminate her eyes*
the can has not banned me. do you really think i would let that stop me? no, my heart belongs to Duct Tape, and Duct Tape only. i care nothing for those poor many that have devoted thier lives to a trash can. i feel sorry for them, but there is nothing i can(pun not intended. well...maybe a little bit:p) do for ghem. they are he/she/it's rightful property, and they are decieved to believe that they may leave the order of the can when they want. sad but true:(:p
*is a ghost*
*floats away and haunts olorin*

the can has not banned me. do you really think i would let that stop me? no, my heart belongs to Duct Tape, and Duct Tape only. i care nothing for those poor many that have devoted thier lives to a trash can. i feel sorry for them, but there is nothing i can(pun not intended. well...maybe a little bit:p) do for ghem. they are he/she/it's rightful property, and they are decieved to believe that they may leave the order of the can when they want. sad but true:(:p


i like duct tape, yoou can do lots of wicked stuff with it... but... no, the can is superior! because it contains duct tape, i'm sure of it!
SEE! SEE I TOLD YOU! if the canwill devour Duct Tape, God's greatest gift to humanity, and pie(mplf) one of the best thing in the wiorld, think of what it will do to you!!!!!
you angered The Can. and me, too. prepare for... oh, wait, it's dinnertime, i better get off the pc.

bye all! remember to :rolleyes: and worship The Can! and annoy derny cos she's a duffer! dinner at all...:( and i'm so hungry... just like the can... *sigh*

embrace the :rolleyes:


see, it makes me happy!
This Vile practice MUST stop, I will not rest until every :rolleyes: is GONE from this forum, I will bribe specter if I have to, I will go to the ends of the earth & back, I will fight the Devil in Hand-to-Hand combat, IT WILL STOP!!! I will swim through Mt. Doom to stop it!!!
:rolleyes: ridiculous... us? we? driving you insane? :rolleyes: really...

(yeah, while you're swimming thorugh mt doom, i lost a jewellery item there recently, do you think you could...?)