The Order of the Can III

*encases Olórin in plastic*

And this exhibit, children, is of the homo misinterpreter. An irritating species, which is thankfully now extinct. Note the long pink beard--this is an attribute it gains from its victims, who know how much the homo misinterpreter resents the colour. The smashed nose is also a result of it's irritating habits. The smashed toy trumpet at its feet is the remains of its last exploit.
:D:D:D this made my day!

i was already happy beyond words when i saw derny had written me a pm in the purest shakespearean, but being dubbed knight... what an honour! oh. are you waiting for me to do a speech? *clears throat*
throat: if you think something is wrong with me, just tell me. this psychological implicational terror pressure mobbing is un!bear!a!ble!

dear followers of the can, worthy knights, dear members of the brotherhood, dear members of the can clan, most revered, shiniest of trash cans,

lo! how pleased are we about this day which has dawned on us, for we have been dubbed knight of the order of the can, to humbly serve the can and worshyp it even untill the end of this mortal life in which we are bound. with the highest and sincerest gratitude do we accept our new title. we will do our utmost not to disappoint our worthy fellow worshyppers and our revered queen, and pledge our life and sword to drown into nothingness those who dare oppose the can and refuse to bow their knees before it.

with the highest respect,
miss freckles
may i point out that i was dubbed by dernhelm (i have proof), and that knights are always dubbed by royalty (queen, in this case)? also, the queen can only knight her own people, and i am a duffer. do the math. :D
Very clever, MF, very clever. :mad:

However, this is a special circumstance. The CAN is your king, whom you honor--I am only its emissary, its messenger. Trash Cans have a lot of trouble with the knighting thing, which is why they handed that job over to people like me, long ago.

Hence, DINAD. :D
Psst... Olorin, I think she was showing "proof" that DINAD (Dernie Is Now a Duffer) is old news.:D:D:D:Dsorry Dernie, Lava is not nice during Finals week. It is against her nature. She generally blows up at people or breaks down and cries when she is stressed. Today you bore the brunt of her stress. Man, Lava really likes talking in Third Person.
Exactly. :rolleyes: Don't worry about it--I was kidding about being mad. Though that doesn't mean I agree to anything! :-D
Very clever, MF, very clever. :mad:

However, this is a special circumstance. The CAN is your king, whom you honor--I am only its emissary, its messenger. Trash Cans have a lot of trouble with the knighting thing, which is why they handed that job over to people like me, long ago.

Hence, DINAD. :D

...and you're suggesting that such a wise and benevolent ruler as the Can would have handed over such awesome power to an outsider? I hardly think so. :rolleyes:
That's right! And don't you forget it!

(whips out simulated ban button and begins exercising his thumb...)

so the thumb does it? or does it vary from mod to mod? at least it has some dignity, then. if you just casually extended your pinkie towards the ban button while typing cookie recipes... that would make me feel bad. *sad sniffing*