The Order of the Can III

Not needs or wants, DEMANDS, it has always been thus when the Evil silverware from Oneida come. The Great and Blindingly Shiny TRASH CAN requires his followers and Knights to protect His Lands from these threats. And Nay, not Infidel, Old School. Attacks silverware with acid whip.
What color flames? It's not that I have a sentimental attachment to the high and noble Can, I just like burning things. And blue fire is cool. :cool:
According to Robert's Rules of Order, (or at least, this is how we did it in church business meetings. I never did find out who Robert was. Or why he was the definitive order-rule-maker-guy. Hmm.) we can now call for discussion and then vote on the proposed measure. Any discussion?
The green mist is non-canonical. It has no origin story, no explanation, no rules governing its existence. It's a cheap way of creating a villain without actually creating a villain. Therefore, it should never have been put into the VDT movie.

Any further discussion?

(Also, Robert's Rules of Order is a real thing, I've got a book about it literally right behind me.)
Any members of the Order still out there or am I the only remaining one? Worships the Great and Blindingly Shiny Trash Can and feels less alone in his presence.