The Order

ooc: hmm..not like Tonks....what's wrong with her? gonna have to find out.....:p

ic: Bill sat at the table, by his brother, Charlie, and his dad, Arthur. Though, everytime his mum walked by, shewould fiddle with his long hair.
ooc: yeps. It takes place a tad after the 5th book. I wonder what happened. It has to do with Sirius and Remus

ic: Tonks glanced up and down the table. The whole order was here ecpet for snape, Dumbledore, and the other hogwarts teachers.
Lupin looked at his plate. He did not speak. He was so upset and angry at the death of Sirius. He was one of his best friends after all. And then there was Harry , he felt so bad right now he could barely think. And then that traitor , Bellatrix.
Tonks got up and walked to the sitting room. She sat on the couch in there hugging her knees to her chest. She started to cry silently

ooc: i found this song` that whenever I here I think of Tonks and Siriurs.
Lupin went upstairs and found Kreacher by Ms.Balck's portrait. " Master Sirius is dead , serves him right in a way " bellowed Kreacher. Lupin wipped out his wand and pointed it at Kreacher. " He did not deserve it " he said , gritting through his teeth. Kreacher looked at him and walked away , carrying a small sack. Lupin put his wand back in his pocket and continued on up to the room to get some sleep.