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TPBM likes hot chocolate with marshmallows
TPBM likes hot chocolate with marshmallows
TPBM likes hot chocolate with marshmallows
a little bit of it. about 90 more clothespins to make before saturday
tpbm is not a procrastinator
I'll answer that later...
TPBM needs a haircut...
This excellent question somehow got ignored!![]()
Haha, thanks, yeah they totally ignored it. . . oh well!
Yupp, I'm more of a tea person.
TPBM likes paper clips?
Nay, but I do love clothespins!
TPBM is the top poster in this thread?:angel:
TPBM keeps trying to use smilies this forum doesn't have....![]()
Aye! And they are quite lovely..
TPBM is excited about the Talent Show on Sunday?
hmm, well right now I'm just trying to survive Saturday, so anything on Sunday is good stuff!!
TPBM knows something to do for said talent show?
Aye!!! But should I tell you? Actually, I think you probably heard when I was upstairs with your sisters... And nay, I'm not referring to the song we did for sunrise service...
Haha, nay.... Perhaps a one person Human video?
TPBM saves things like music or documents in unusual places on the computer, or under weird names just because they feel like it...![]()
Nay, though I have started naming my documents by the day they happened...
TPBM likes to reread oddly named documents to find out what they contain?
Aye, it's like a surprise in the bottom of a cereal box!!Haha, actually my documents have started to have more sensible names lately...
I thought TPBM was going to bed? JK!!![]()
Aye, I was, until I continued to see you replying, and I thought I might as well stay up to reply to your reply, but then you replied to my reply!
Who, me? Nay, I'm Archimedes, a highly educated owl, who doesn't need sleep...
Haha, actually I am getting off now...
TPBM is actually leaving now...![]()
Aye, I really am... good night!
TPBM is just waking up?![]()