Olórin the Wise
New member
Nope. All brown today...
TPBM has a pet rhino?
TPBM has a pet rhino?
They're okay.
TPBM likes to do things in the afternoon.
Yeah! Sure! It's better than sitting at home doing nothing...
TPBM is a complete night owl... They even tire the owls out...
Haha, not really... I like night, but I can't stay up all the time...
TPBM likes daytime better?
Aye, unless you count the early morning as daytime... That part I don't like as much...
TPBM has something in a frame hanging on their wall....
Yes, a picture of a lighthouse overlooking the sea. My grandmother gave it to me when I went to Greece.
TPBM has a calendar in his/her room?
Aye! Just not on the wall...
TPBM is looking forward to tomorrow?
TPBM just ate an orange?
TPBM just ate an orange?
Nay, A chocolate chip cookie...
TPBM thinks it'd be fun to row a boat all the way across the ocean...
haha, I think it'd be fun to ride in a boat all the way across the ocean while someone is rowing me...
TPBM hates math. Seriously. Despises math.
That's almost and exact quote from me, I'm telling you... Haha, aye! Despise "With a burning passion" you forgot....
TPBM isn't too fond of Science either...
Nay, I'm not... My two least favorite subjects..
TPBM has glasses/contacts?
Aye, glasses... I went 18 years without them and now here they are....
TPBM has graduated from high-school...