They'll probably make one for every film...

...However, Parker Brothers chose to wait until all three LotR films were made before they marketed a "Lord of the Rings 'Risk'" game, so I don't know.

not true, they made one after The two towers, (no mordor or gondor)and another after return of the king, with everything, and all the people who had the TTT one, if they asked, they would send a thing to add Gondor and mordor
not true, they made one after The two towers, (no mordor or gondor)and another after return of the king, with everything, and all the people who had the TTT one, if they asked, they would send a thing to add Gondor and mordor
Oh. Didn't know that; I thought it was just the one. Nevermind then.
That would be so fun to play :) I love Monopoly, even though it takes so long to finish. I've never seen the Narnia one though, I don't think.
Interestingly enough, the only place I ever saw it was at a video store, but they were asking something like $35 for it. It looks fun in all honesty, but I just don't think I'd pay that much for it.
Here is an image I found of a Narnia monopoly. It's from originally.


Also, I found a board game for The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe but it's not monopoly.


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I've seen the PC Monopoly at Hollywood Video and Barnes and Noble. Even though I love Monopoly, I've never had the urge to buy this version. Now if they made LOTR version, I would buy that in heartbeat or maybe a Narnia book themed version (One that includes all the books, rather than just PC). :D
They did make an LotR version of Monopoly; you'll find it on Amazon (I own it. :D)

...But apparently it's out of print, since both versions cost around $100-150 now. :(

...However! :rolleyes: The more popular Monopoly version (including all three movies instead of just the first) are sold Used/New for great prices off Amazon from merchants. :)
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They did make an LotR version of Monopoly; you'll find it on Amazon (I own it. :D)

...But apparently it's out of print, since both versions cost around $100-150 now.

...However! :rolleyes: The more popular Monopoly version (including all three movies instead of just the first) are sold Used/New for great prices off Amazon from merchants. :)

I'll have to check those out on Amazon, thank you for sharing. :)
I wish they'd make a Narnia Risk like they made a LotR Risk!

Narnia might be a bit harder to adapt unless you use a pan-book type of game, in which you have the White Witch, the Calormens, The Telmarines, the LoGK, and the Narnian and maybe even Archenland armies. That would actually be really cool now that I think about it lol :)
They did make an LotR version of Monopoly...
...But apparently it's out of print, since both versions cost around $100-150 now. :(

Seriously? I just saw one at Good Will - didn't get it because I already have it.

I like the look of the Narnia game - quite intriguing.