The "Quarrentined" RPG


New member
This is the rpg about a deadly virus that hits the town of DeCapprio, North Dakota (none-exsistent college town. Nice college called Ronald DeCapprio's College-don't ask about the name...)

Anyway, the deadly virus quarrentines(sp?) one fourth of DeCapprio, which happens to house a lot of the college people, and the college is not in that part of town. So now we have a bunch of bored college kids that are quarrentined for this deadly virus that they might not have, but it's a long :D The doctors say it will take a week for the blood tests to come back, during that time, many people are out of jobs and are wandering around town looking for things to do...oh the possibilities!


-DeCapprio has a college called Ronald DeCapprio's College, hense the name of the town

-DeCapprio also has a lot of out of work and out of school college students who are forbidden to go to college for a week

-the quarrentined section of DeCapprio has two streets: Wayne, and Judson (also made up off the top of my head...sounded like street names :D )

My Character: (pics are appreciated, but please don't make them huge)

Name: Damon Mekeida
Age: 27
Status/background: never went to college, just works at a hospital in town as an EMT's assistant
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Um, I guess I'll start:

Damon Mekeida had mowed the lawn, re-organized his apartment, weed-wacked the lawn, and re-painted the door. Now what? He had $2,000 he had been saving for a flight to visit his cousin in three days, now that the flight was obviously cancelled, he had absolutely nothing to do. The swimming pool was off-limits, his tv wasn't working right, and he very possibly might be infected with a deadly virus. What else could go wrong?
Damon's tiny cat rubbed against his leg meowing.

"What do you want, Bucky?" Damon asked, scratching him under the chin. Bucky glared at him and stalked away. "Whatever. I can never understand you." He took a sip of his Mountain Dew and watched the day go by from his front stoop sighing. He only knew three people in all of DeCapprio and none of them lived in his quarter. An EMT, the mailman, and his banker.
Amanda was on her way back from the hospital. She had promised a patient that she would bring her fesh flowers now and again it was an elderly woman whom Amanda was very fond of. not having any relatives who lived by she was the closet thing she had to family. She smiled happily after having yet another good day and looked up to the sky as she listened to her ipod.
Mac looked out her window, and finished tieing her sneakers. She opend the door and walked out, se got out he ipod, turned it on, and started off. She had to change her usall route, after "it" happened. She kept going, she was getting bored, and she had finished reading all her books. Maybe I'll go volentur at the hospital, she thought as she ran
ic: Jada sat in her lime green convertible, even though the engine was off. She was listening to loud music, as she ran her fingers through her hair and put on her sunglasses.
ooc: Omgh its like destony :p Clark and Lana :p So if they are quarrentined do they still work at the hospital?

ic: Amanda opened her eyes. She sighed when she realised it had all been a dream. She closed the book she had been reading and looked outside. She saw a girl sitting in her convertible with music beaming out and another girl walking towards the hospital as she sat in the library.
occ: :D yeah, destiny. And, i dont know, i think he mentioned that the quarrentined people are forbidden to go to work and college for a week. So I guess they're not working at the hospital now.

ic: Austin got out of his shower, after taking a very refreshing bath. He sighed as he pressed his towel agaisnt his face. This was pathetic..."Me?...Really?.." He asked himself, he actually felt pretty well, and, not even a sign of fright of death or something else. he went to his room to dress up, and do, something.