The "Quarrentined" RPG

'You look great too' she thought to herself. "Yeah I do and I do some part time work in the hospital. I should actually be working today as well" she added. "You?" she asked.
She looked at him intently. "Yeah I think I actually remember running into you once on the A & E ward unit" she said laughing a little. "Small world, well small town anyways" she said crosing her arms and smiling.
"u're right.." he grinned...And u dropped some papers u were carrying...and helped i u, but we were in such a run i almost said sorry.." he laughed as well.
ooc: Nothing really Elvess.

ic: She smiled. "So what kind of........random stuff do you want to talk about?" she asked as they began to walk together.
She laughed glancing at him as they walked. "Well thats a great way to start" she teased. "I'm 24 too. We already have things in common" she said placing her hair behind her ears.
She let her hatr flow down her shoulders. She smiled as she looked at him. "So....what are you studying at college?" she asked trying to keep the conversation going.
occ. SHANE WEST !!! *drools*

ic: Austin grinned..."Medicine.." he then looked away..."I guess thats why im getting used to work at the hospital already..." He glanced back at her..."and u?.."
"Me too" she said surprised. "And then maybe I'll go into GP after a few years or something" she added as they got to the egde of a pond. She stopped and rested her elbows on the barrier around the pond.
He layed agaisnt the barret as well, leaning to let go Scott for a walk around that place by himself...."Im having the feeling that this week is going to be the longest in my life.."