The "Quarrentined" RPG

ooc: Oh okay. I thought so too. Hehe yeah.

ic: She glanced back into the room. It was practically empty with only a few people in sight. 'I dont know how much more I can take of this' she thought slouching in her chair.
After he got dressed he decided he would take his dog out for a walk...Scott, A cocker spaniel. As he opened the door of his house, he spotted only too people, a girl on a convertible, and another one running. He sighed..."Im not the only one in this, unnecesary situation.." he looked around.
ooc: Oh okay :p hehe my bad.

ic: 'I've got to get out of here' she told herself egtting up from her desk. She grabbed her ipod and walked out of the door.
ooc-Aah! This aint Smallville, peoples!!! And yes, you can join this late, later even whoever wants to.

ic-Damon watched a girl run by. This was going to be a loooooooooooooooooooong day..........
Austin had his ipod on, as he walked just taking his dog out...."Scott.." he called, the dog looked back at him shaking his tail, he knelt and started playing with him.
She smiled at him and looked down at the dog. "Aww what a cutie" she said crouching a little to stroke the dog. "Whats he called?" she asked looking up at him while stroking the dog.
She stood up and shook it. "Amanda" she replied. "Thats a nice name..." she said running her hand through her hair and smiling innocently.
"Yeah" she said sighing. "And the worst part of it is that I feel great and not at all affected by 'it' yet I'm still under house arrest" she replied.
"So am I!.." he replied..."I feel greater than ever, its just that i think this is, unnecessary..". he told her..."What do u do.?.." he asked her.."u go to college?.."