The "Quarrentined" RPG

When Evelynne got onto the ground she realised that there was something in her back but just thought that the pain was from the strain she had under gone having fallen.
"Wheres Alexis?" James asked.
"Bobby and her are still up there" she replied. James quickly ran back into the building to find them both.
Evelynne moved slowly towards Austin and Evangeline. "Is he okay?" she asked worriedly.
"he'll be alright....if i heal him now, and he doesnt lose more blood" Evangeline stated, as she began to heal Austim, he breathed slowly, as he eyelids felt heavy.
"If he keeps using his powers is there a possiblity that he might...die?" Evelynne asked Evangeline. Austin was looking really pale and drained of energy.
Evelynne didnt say anything but she had heard Evangeline. She looked at Austin one last time. "I'm going to go and see if everyone else is okay and if I can do anything to help" she said walking back into the building.

James ran up the stairs. The fire had been put out by another guy. He got half way when he saw Bobby and Alexis. "Are you alright?" he aske dthem both but it ws mainly to Alexis.
They both coughed but nodded. Bobbys clothes were burnt to the crisp but apart from that he was unharmed.
"I better get changed" he said walking down the stairs. Alexis didnt sya anything but had somewhat of an angry/frustrated expresion on her face.
"Is something the matter?" James asked her.
"No" she replied but it was obvious she was lieing.
Bobby walked passed Evelynne on his way to find some new clothes. She along with everyone else in the roomwatched him as he walked passed in amusement. He ignored them all knowing what he must have looked like.
Evelynne didnt say anything but she had heard Evangeline. She looked at Austin one last time. "I'm going to go and see if everyone else is okay and if I can do anything to help" she said walking back into the building.

James ran up the stairs. The fire had been put out by another guy. He got half way when he saw Bobby and Alexis. "Are you alright?" he aske dthem both but it ws mainly to Alexis.
They both coughed but nodded. Bobbys clothes were burnt to the crisp but apart from that he was unharmed.
"I better get changed" he said walking down the stairs. Alexis didnt sya anything but had somewhat of an angry/frustrated expresion on her face.
"Is something the matter?" James asked her.
"No" she replied but it was obvious she was lieing.
Bobby walked passed Evelynne on his way to find some new clothes. She along with everyone else in the roomwatched him as he walked passed in amusement. He ignored them all knowing what he must have looked like.

Evangeline didnt notice....being too focuzed in healing Austin...although she felt the huge amusement coming from the others around, too strong for her not to notice it. Even though, she didnt turn around to look at whatever what the cause.
Bobby got changed and they all gathered in the courtyard of the library. Everyone was talking, mutterig, asking each other questions. James had to silence them all so that Bobby could speak.

Evelynne went back to Evangeline. "You should have seen Bobby a few minutes ago" she said laughing a little. She noticed Austin was looking better and she sat down next to him.
" that was it.." Evangeline replied with a little smile..."Everyone was like...'whoa'" She laughed.
Austin indeed was getting better, he would recover conciousness in any moment.
ooc:Cant be bothered to type out a speech so lets just say Bobby said something about staying here for the night and then in the morning loking for somewhere safer.

ic: Evelynne waited for Austin to wake up as everyone started going back into the lobrary again. Bobby walked over to them. "Is he going to be alright?" he asked
"Yes." Evangeline smiled weakly.
In a while, Austin growled and woke up, rubbing his eyes slightly...."Evelynne!!.." He sat up in motion, his last memory was falling down from that building.

icc: yaaaay :D you're on
ooc:Haha I was on before but you logged out :p

ic: Evelynne grabbed his hand gently "I'm here............its okay. We're still alive" she said smiling a little.
"Good" Bobby said "we should probably head back in now" he said standing over them all.
Evelynne smiled but pushed him away looking at him seriuosly. "I'm the one that should be glad. You could have gotten yourself killed Austin." she said with a frown "If you died..............I wouldn't............I couldn't......." she began to mumble.
ooc: Welcome Office................
Very advanced ;) Oh sorry didnt see your post.

ic: She smiled and kissed him. "I don't want you to die for me..........I just want you to be my boyfriend" she said.
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he pulled away..."Evelynne..." He smiled...."You know I love you, and I would even marry you"

Evangeline sighed, standing up..."whoa you guys are amazing, speaking about relationships at the middle of all this" She smiled, shacking her head.