The "Quarrentined" RPG

Bobby had gone out to see if he could find anywhere for them to stay permanently. He hadnt slept at all last night and his eyes felt heavy and he felt weak but he knew what he did was for the best.
Bobby walke dinto the library but had accidentally cut his arm with the glass from the broken window. It was bleeding pretty badly but he couldnt feel a thing and he wouldnt have known if it hadnt been for one of the guys pointing it out.

Evelynne finally woke up. It was crazy to think that just a few weeks ago she had woken up in her own bed and would be in lectures right now.
Evlyne laughed and hugged him tightly "good morning to you too" except she wasnt quite sure what they had entailed for them.

Bobby walked up the stairs looking for the bathroom so he could wash the blood off his arm.
He tried to sit up...."You slept almost 40 minutes more.." He said.

Opening the door, she bumped him..."Whoa sorry" Evangeline said..."I didnt...see" She stopped just when she noticed his arm..."What happened to you?!.." she inmediatly used her powers.
"Oh......erm its nothing. I just cut myself on some glass" he said watching her as she healed him. She did it to such prosition wihtout getting tired or exhausting herself. He was highly amused.

"Hey!" she said nudging him slightly. "If it wasnt for you moving all night and bumping into me maybe I would have been up earlier" she said looking up at him.
"Oh......erm its nothing. I just cut myself on some glass" he said watching her as she healed him. She did it to such prosition wihtout getting tired or exhausting herself. He was highly amused.

"Hey!" she said nudging him slightly. "If it wasnt for you moving all night and bumping into me maybe I would have been up earlier" she said looking up at him.

"why are you feeling like that?.." she asked, frowning she healed him, she ignored his tiredness, and all, but the amusement made her curious.
"Its remind me of someone I used to know..............thats all" he said puling his shirt sleeve back down after she had finished. "Anyway did you sleep well?" he asked. "It can't have been the comfiest floor" he added.
"Errrm.........just out and about" he said beginning to walk away slowly. "No where special. Glad to here you slept well" he added as he made his way down the hall. He didnt want to let on that he had not only gone back to their original hiding place but he had also payed a little visit to some of the people that came for them yesterday.
Evlyne got up and dragged Austin with her. "I need a shower" she said realising that hey had nowhere to freshen up. "We could sneak back to my house. I can try and telelport us there. I mean Bobby would never know" she suggested.
She kinda liked the idea of it been dangerous. "We've been here for ages besides they wont know we are back. Its not like we're going to walk throgu hthe front door or anything" she began "but if you really dont want to go I'm sure I can make do with some wipes. You're probably right anyway" she said stretching.