The "Quarrentined" RPG

'Wow'...........she thought. She never knew that about him. "Is that why?.......why you like him so much?...." she asked.

Bobby walked into the room at that moment. "There you are" he said to both of them. "Where have you guys been?" he asked.
Evlyne looked at Evangeline and knew she had answered her question. Bobby glanced at her and wandered why she had all of a sudden turned away when he had walked in. 'Maybe she's angry with me' he thought. "Oh really?..........Just please next time you decided to go for a walk letone of us know so if we decided to move on from her or if something happens to you we can come and help." he said.
"Sure, you're right. Sorry we didnt tell you" Austin replied calmly, although they had been lieing all along.

Evangeline took a deep breath.....but without saying anything.
"hmph.." Evangeline half smiled at the thought of telling him.
"If things were easier, i really admire how you two keep your relationship up with all there struggle and problems..." She smiled looking at them...."He's too busy for love"
Evlyne glanced at Austin and smiled. She didnt say anything and knew exactly what Evangeline meant. She sighed and smiled sympathetically at her. "Maybe when everything is back to normal".
"Me too" Evlyne said. "Lets go find th others and see what we should do next" she suggested opening the door. She thought she felt someone walk pass her but there was no ne else in the room.

Meanwhile Bobby had heard the whole thing. He had never actually left the room. He had just created the illusion that he had. He had recently discovered that power. He looked at Evangeline and sighed. She was right. He was on a mission to find his little sister not a girlfriend. He walked out as Evlyne opened the door.
"Me too" Evlyne said. "Lets go find th others and see what we should do next" she suggested opening the door. She thought she felt someone walk pass her but there was no ne else in the room.

Meanwhile Bobby had heard the whole thing. He had never actually left the room. He had just created the illusion that he had. He had recently discovered that power. He looked at Evangeline and sighed. She was right. He was on a mission to find his little sister not a girlfriend. He walked out as Evlyne opened the door.

Both Austin and Evangeline followed... She sighed crossing her arms as she walked behind. She smiled at the thought of everything better and everyone safe.... specially If Bobby had found his little sister. She would confess her feelings once all was set back to normal, if they could call normal the life they would live after all this.
"What the heck is going on?" Evlyne asked holding Austins hand.
Bobby and Alexis came down from the roof. "Where is everyone?" she asked as Bobby began to look through the rooms to see if he could find them all.
Evangeline closed her eyes and focused...."I..." she began..."its way to far away..." She mumbled, trying harder...."They've been taken away....i can hear it just a bit..." She said.
Austin clenched Evelynne's hand a bit....
"Taken where?" Bobby asked. "Try harder Evangeline......please" he said stepping closer to her trying to feel what she was feeling.
Evelyne looked at Austin and felt his grip get tighter.

ooc:Btw if it is easier for you you can spell Evelynne as Evelyne. :)
Evangeline focused harder, clenching her hands as she did.
"We...west from here.....each second they get farder away..." she said.

"Is it wise to follow?.." Austin asked
He grabbed her hand "Dont strain yourself.........thank you" he turned to the others "I have to follow" he said "but you dont. They must have discovered us yet again" he said angrily letting go of her hand.
"I'll come with you" Alexis said but he said no. James was still with them and they decided that him and Alexis would leave for another place. they would go find another shelter.
"You'll need someone to help you if you get trapped. I'll come" Evlyne said.