The "Quarrentined" RPG

"No!" Austin grabbed her hand....Then he realized something..."Gosh, I'd would if..."
"If you werent....on this condition, you cant push yourself about your powers because you can die know that" Evangeline told him.

"I'll go.." she finally said.
He looked at her and nodded "if you're sure" he said.

Evlyne turned and looked at Austin. "Don't worry........I'll be back before you know it" she whisphered as she leaned in and kissed him.

"He'll take care of her.....both of them" Alexis told Austin reassuringly
Austin felt hugely frustrated but had no choice other to agree. He let go of her hand slowly after kissing her back.
" carefull.." he said.

Evangeline smiled at Austin before turning to Bobby and nooding once.
"Lets go" Bobby said as he grabbed both of their hands. Evlyne gave Austin a small smile before they all vanished.

ooc:Any ideas of what to happen next?
occ. hum....a final showdown?...


As they landed in a place not much diferent of where the forest they were in before....she listened and frowned a bit..."I can definetly hear them better now, more west...they're still a long way to go.." she said
ooc:I like that idea!!

ic: Bobby nodded and teleported them again. This time they could all hear them, very loudly actually as if they were right next to them but they couldnt see anything or anyone.
occ: ^___^

Evangeline glanced around...the noises surrounded them so she couldnt really tell in which direction....
"Cover us with something or they might see us.." she told him. A strong force field could make them almost invisible.
He nodded and quikcly did so. Just as well for at that precise time they realised that they were surrounded and not by armys but by the people they had been looking for. But they looked different. Their eyes were white and their skins were darker, much darker. Evlyne held on tightly to Bobby.
"What the hell?!" Bobby said.
"Oh! no!" Evangeline began to shake her hand and covered her mouth.
She tried to control herself so she could speak..."They've....They've...." she tried to tell them.
"They're not any longer who they used to"

occ: i dont want to mess up your idea about them ^^
ooc:Hahaha I actually havent got a clue of what they have become lol

ic: Bobby looked at them and he noticed something. They now had a scar on their left side of their necks. 'What does it mean?' he thought. "I've got to get closer" he said stepping out of the shield. He went invisible and wandered over to one of them. Evelne and Evangeline were still protected though.
'I have a bad feeling about this' Evelyne thought looking around her as the group enclosed on them. They were acting like zombies.
occ: xD lol

Evangeline still covered her was so horrible to look how they were now....
"Their powers were taken from them....and....their life, life energy and so....I dont know how can they still walk on.."
but thats what she thought for as Bobby got close enough one of them grabbed him.
"What?!" he said alarmed at how he could have seen him. He tried to break free but his grip on him was tight and powerful and as he touched him Bobby could feel his power draining. As if he was sucking ther life out of him.
"Evangeline!!" Evelyne said seeing what was happening. She didnt know how she could see Bobby but she knew he needed their help. "We have to help him. Or else he'll become one of them" she said breaking out of the shield. Big mistake.
"NO!.." Evangeline called after Evelyne.....
Then she grabbed her hand and made an explosion all around of her wasnt strong, since it was the one she used to heal, but it let them all around them dizzy and kinda weak. The one grabbing Bobby let him go..Evangeline grabbed him...
"We need to leave now!.." she yelled.
"NO!.." She yelled..."Evelyne do something!!.." she yelled. "Take us outta here!!.."
she holded Bobby and began giving him her life energy, thing she could do although not quickly as James....."Please hold on!!.." She called at Bobby.
He tried to fight it but it was so powerful. It was overwhelming him no matter what Evangeline did he was still turning. "I can't stop GO!" he said telepoting them both back. Something he didnt realise he could do.
"What the?!" Evelyne said alarmed as she realised they were back at the library.
Evangeline started to cry kneeling on the floor, and soon enough, falling until she was laying there...
She cryed loudly not controlling herself...she was very weak, and hated herself for not saving him.
Alexis looked at them "where is Bobby?! Where is he?!!" she asked loudly.
Evelyne looked at Evangeline then at Alexis but couldnt say anything. "He........I'm sorry but........"
Alexis knew what had happened. "I have to go and find him" she said before James grabbed her. "No if anything happened to you.....he'd never forgive me" he said with a tight grip on her arm.
"LET GO!!" she screamed. "He's my brother" he held her tightly.
Evelyne looked at Austin and grabbed Evangelines hand. She tried to teleport them but Bobby must be blocking her powers for she couldnt.
"He must have done something to me" she said. "I cant teleport us back". She couldnt teleport but Austin still colud.........
Austin took Evelyne's hand and Evangeline's....
"'re still too weak..." Evangeline began, sitting up slowly.
"I dont care!!....We need to save him!! I know i can do it trust me!.." He began...soon enough, they appeared on the same place all had happened, but, there was no one there.