The "Quarrentined" RPG

All were very confused about this, but...did her father have something to do with all this?....they should find a way to get to him.
"What would your father want from her?..." Evangeline asked.
"I dont know" she replied "but what ever it is he's not going to like to see you guys interfering. You should leave now" she said.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Bobby asked.
"I'm not going anywhere" Kaitlyn said taking a step back from all of them.
Evangeline got the gloves off, placing both hands on Kaithlyn's shoulders, if she used her healing power over her, she could make her sleep. As she fell, Evangeline cough her.
"Now...I should take her to somewhere safe" She said.
Austin glanced at Bobby, and back at Evangeline...."We have to do something about her father!"
But it was too late. It just so happened that the facitlity they were in enable them to teleport in but not out. "I cant" bobby replied trying his best.
"Quick this way" Kirstin said touching a picece on the wall as the wall parted ways. Evelyne didnt want to follow her but what choice did they have.
"I'll take her" Bobby said all protective as he took Kaitlyn from Evangeline.
Kristin took them down some stairs. "Where are we going?" Bobby asked following behind her.
"To a safe place" she told them somewhat creepily.
"I dont trust her" Evlyne told Austin holding onto his hand.
They entered another room and Bobby suddenly felt someone tug at his shoulder and before he knew it Kaitlyn was being carried away as if she was floating in mid air for no one was seen. "Hey!" bobby shouted but he was blocked by something or someone. Evelyne watched as Kaitlyns body began to move away from them. She let go of Austins hand and followed as if something was drawing her in.
But it was too late Kaitlyn and Evelyne were both taken away leaving the others in the room including Evangeline. All of a sudden figures began to appear. "I'm sorry............but he's my father. I can;t betray him" Kirstin said sincerely as the figures closed in.
"You're gonna wish you hadnt done that" Bobby said flaring up as sparks began to appear in his eyes and hands.
occ: ohh i misunderstood i thought 'was taken away from the room including Evangeline' xD


But it was too late Kaitlyn and Evelyne were both taken away leaving the others in the room including Evangeline. All of a sudden figures began to appear. "I'm sorry............but he's my father. I can;t betray him" Kirstin said sincerely as the figures closed in.
"You're gonna wish you hadnt done that" Bobby said flaring up as sparks began to appear in his eyes and hands.

Evangeline fell to the ground, kneeling down, it seemed like that 'strong' force had just been holding her back so she couldnt do anything.
Austin tried to run but he fell back as if he had crashed agaisnt an invisible wall.
ooc:LOL I thought so.

ic: The men flared up too. It was like they were immitating Bobby but he was too angry to notice. He shot at them all but they just shielded themselves eactly like how Bobby would. He tried again with more energy and force this time but the same happened. He was getting tired.
"Its useless" he shouted angrily falling to his knees as they began to fight back. The lightening bolts hit him several times. There was blood streking from his arm where he had cut himself earlier.
Alexis stood infront of her brother trying to protect him. She had sensed something was wrong from the moment the others had left her and James so she had insisted that she come and find him. She absorbed all the shots they were aiming at Bobby.
Evangeline stood up, trying to help Austin. But then it was like two people grabbed her from the back, hitting her in the back on her neck slightly, making her unconcious.
ooc:I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this lol.

ic: Bobby tried to stand but he felt so weak and drained of energy. James caught Alexis as she fell from the blows she had encountered.
Kirstin watched it all happening and she knew she had to do something. "Stop it. Stop it now" she told them. They listened to her and regained their initial positions. "That will be all" she said to them as they filed out through a hidden door not too far from Austin. She went to help Bobby up but he hit her off, with such a great blow she flew across the room smacking into the wall. He all of a sudden found the energy to stand and walked towards her. He grabbed her by the throat lifting her from the floor. "Where did they take them?" he asked.
She gasped for air but his grip tightened. "Answer the question!"
"Bobby..........stooppp" Alexis mumbled. He cast Kirstin onto the floor. His expression suddenly changed.
occ: .............

Austin sat up...his head hurting terribly...he glanced around, despered about Evelyne...He then saw bobby and Kirstin..."where are they?!:.." he yelled.
ooc: I was kinda hoping that Austing would follow the other guys out.........

ic: "I dont know" Bobby replied angrily. He went overt to Evangeline picking her up. "But we've got to get out of here" he told them before Kirstin regained concouisness.
occ: ohhh xD and Evangeline isnt theeereee xD she was kidnapped xD

Austin glanced around.."but...we need to know where both are!!! Evangeline's missing too .."