The "Quarrentined" RPG

Evangeline was still unsettled but she tried to listen...."North....but...." She began...."They're faster than i seems like they're not walking anymore.."
"What? They're flying" she said looking overhead and to the north. She could just about see them all but they looked more like birds than humans. "Oh my goodness.............where are they going?".
"I think I know where they are going" she said surprised at herself. It was the strangest feeling. As if she was moving with them. Maybe it was when she had been attacked by one of them. That must be it. "I think I can teleport us there" she said grabbing both of their hands.
She closed her eyes and when she opened them again they were there. It was like a huge underground lab. People in white coats were walking everywhere and in some rooms they had injections, needles, computers, chairs with straps etc. In other rooms they had men in full length protective suits handling some dangerous liquid.
"Thsi must be there testing lab" she said.
"Shouldnt...we...hide?.." Austin began....
"Right." Evangeline snapped....
Quietly the moved along trying to not be spotted by anyone. "Now...where to?.." she asked.
"It ends here. I dont know where they are but they are deifnately in this building" she said "problem is where........" she added as they entered a room. "Look" she said grabbing some suits that would cover them fully and their faces. She put it on and gave the others theirs.
Evelyne saw Bobby. "There they are" she whisphered but he looked normal again.
He looked directly at them as he stood with the crowd of the other zombie like people.
Evangeline motion a silence at him quickly, as she moved on around the place....
The seemed to be in columns and other people dressed like them were picking them up ramdomly.
"now what?..should we try to get bobby first?."
"No" Evelyne replied. "He's seen us. If he wanted to be rescued he would have given us a signal or sign. He's here for something else" she said 'but what?' she asked herself but her question was soon answered when she saw a girl, about her age and height with smae hair colour, actually same everything, it was like looking into a mirror, walk pass them.
Evangeline stood almost freezed trying to figure what had just that been, she was exactly like Evelyne.
Austin, instead, overeacted, glancing at the girl and to the true Evelynne he almost couldnt see under those suits they were wearing..."What the?-"
Evelyne was too stunned to say anything. Bobby now changed his gaze from Evelyne to the Evelyne lookalike. "Oh my gosh......" he said stepping out of the crowd. He had found what he had come for. He began to walk towards them slowly

She stopped walking and looked directly at Evelyne. It was like she could see directly through the suit. Evelyne felt her looking through her with her ice blue eyes.
Evangeline shook Evelyne's shoulder slightly, trying to make her look at Bobby instead..."Dont...look at her...just...DONT" Evangeline snapped.
Austin wanted to do something about it...but he didnt know what, and he also didnt want to mess it all up, they had made it here, and probably all would end now.
"Kaitlyn..." Bobby said in a hushsed tone as he got close enough to his little sister. She turned around buut the expression on her face told him that she didnt recognise or know him. "Its Bobby" he said. He didnt even seem to be alarmed at the resemblance that she had with Evelyne.

"Who is she?" Evelyne asked Bobby but he ignored her. "Kaitlyn you must remeber" he said his voice getting louder. "Its me.........big brother Bobby!"
"I have no brother" she replied coldly.
"What?! Dont be ridiculous. You have a brother and a sister" he replied.
What?...She didnt remember, did her memories Evangeline began to feel hugely comfused about all that, ideas of what could be going on kept coming, and she was losing control over her power, noises from everywhere began to disturb her too.
She turned around to face Bobby. She stared at him for a while as if she was treying to remember but then said coldly "this area is strictly forbidden to outsiders. You must leave now...." she said in a threatening tone.
"Or what?" Bobby said getting defensive. He couldnt believe she ouldnt remember him. He could remember her.
"Or I'll have to kill you all" she said in a very serious tone that let them all know she meant business.
Evelyne gasped causing Kaitlyn to tun around "and you. Why do this some kind of trick?" she asked confused herself.
"No........its real" came a voice from behind them all. It was Kirstin, the girl that had battled Evelyne and Austin.
Austin's eyes went wide as his eyes met Kristi' it would be the true showdown.
"You..." He mumbled....if they hadnt enough problems, now they sure did, bumping into her again.

occ: hehe I thought so xD :D i was like..'she wont get on cause probably she thinks i wont reply in a week' xD ^^
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"Look I dont want to cause any trouble" she said sincerely as she saw Bobby move slightly ready to attack. "She doesnt remember you because her memory has been wiped out" she began.
"Who.............why?" Bobby asked.
"She's very special.................he didnt want her to think she had anayone else" she continued looking at Kaitlyn who was still looking at Evelyne.
"Who didn't??" bobby asked.
"My father......" she replied solemnly.