The "Quarrentined" RPG

She nodded and in a blink of an eye they were back at her house. She looked around and wanted to cry. She had missed her house so much. She felt like they were fugatives. She longed for her bed and a good shower. "Seeing as its my house I'll go first" she joked squeezing his hand as she crept up the stairs to the bathroom.
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He waited, after her, then he got a shower himself... He saw the kitchen, it was still full of food and intact.
"I have an idea, you should wait for lunch.." He mumbled..."I still have my cooking skills.."
"What? You're going to cook us something?" she asked in somewhat of a whispher just incase there was someone outside. "But what if Bobby notices we're gone?" she asked but the idea of food did sound awefully nice.
"Okay" she said smiling. "So what will it be then Master Chef?" she asked handing him an apron and other stuff he might need. She sat on the chair not too far from where he would be cooking.
"Okay" she said smiling. "So what will it be then Master Chef?" she asked handing him an apron and other stuff he might need. She sat on the chair not too far from where he would be cooking.
She laughed slightly. Her stomach rumbled silently "but for now I'll just snack on some........" she looked through the cupboard "oreos!" she said grabbing the packet and eating one.
She put the oroes down. She had hardly eaten any of them when she had smet the sweet aroma that was coming from what Austin was cooking. She got up from her chair and went to the table. It reminded her of their first and only date.

Meanwhile Bobby walked around and realised that he hadnt seen Austin and Evlyne at all. 'Maybe they went for a walk' he thought to himself.
ooc:I think thats right lol

ic: She ate it all rather quickly. "That was so delicious........thank you" she said taking a sip from her drink. But I think we should get back now" she added getting up.